MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 47 definition of love

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Shi Yuan said: "I like a lot of people!" He counted carefully, "Xie Qianming, Wang Yu, Lu Bafang, Cheng Youwen, Qin Luoluo...well, I don't like Xia Fang very much now."

"It's not this." Lu Tinghan said, "It's not this kind of liking, it's liking out of love."

Shi Yuan bent his tail in confusion.

He saw the eyes of Cheng Youwen who fell in love with Qin Luoluo secretly, he saw the pursuit of him by all kinds of people, and he saw Duan Mu's regret when he was rejected by him. Many people also asked him about his relationship with Lu Tinghan, and he always explained that Lu Tinghan was not his boyfriend—although so far, no one believed him.

He also read a lot of stage play scripts, most of which have love scenes. He tried hard to understand, but couldn't tell the difference between that kind of liking.

Shiyeon said, "I don't understand. But I like you very, very much!" He added, "How much? If you send me a mating invitation, I will definitely agree!"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Words can't describe his delicate expression at this moment, he rubbed his brow bone: "Shi Yuan, that's not the case."

Shi Yuan asked, "Don't you want to invite me?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Shi Yuan asked again: "Is it because I can't lay eggs? I can learn it, although I may not be able to learn it well."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan looked at Shi Yuan, Shi Yuan still bent his tail in confusion, his eyes were as black as the abyss.

The eyes are pure and fiery, rare in the world, and the most exciting.

— This is simply a foul, otherwise Lu Tinghan would not make an exception again and again, allowing Shi Yuan to occupy his bed.

Lu Tinghan said: "Shi Yuan, I want to know what you think of me? To you, I have never been an 'admiral', so what kind of existence am I?"

He added: "If you answer 'roommate' or 'card friend', you will never touch your head again tonight."

Shi Yuan became more and more confused.

He didn't know the meaning of Lu Tinghan's question. Lu Tinghan was Lu Tinghan, his human being, and he hoped to stay with him forever.

Isn't that enough? If the status quo is good enough, why change it? This is already the life he wants most, and it is the whole meaning of his coming to the city.

But Lu Tinghan was very serious, and even threatened him with the matter of touching his head.

Shi Yuan asked Lu Tinghan: "Are you... dissatisfied with our current relationship?"

He guessed whether Lu Tinghan wanted to charge him rent or utility bills.

"Satisfied." Lu Tinghan said, "But I want more than that." He looked at Shi Yuan with a blank face, and suddenly smiled, "You can think about it slowly, and you don't have to give me the answer tonight. I You know, it's a tough question for you."

He leaned over and pressed Shi Yuan to his forehead, his gray-blue eyes were filled with emotion, and he whispered, "Good night, Shi Yuan."

When Lu Tinghan asked such a question, Shi Yuan was confused.

He was thinking about this the next day when he went to work, he was absent-minded, and stepped on Lin Yelian when he got out of the elevator.

Lin Yeran: "Ah! Shiyuan, you have to look at the road when you walk! What's going on with you recently? After winning the Outstanding Employee Award, you locked me in the office and stepped on my feet. You are so good? That's it. Respond to the organization's expectations of you? Don't you want this month's performance bonus?!"

Shi Yuan said: "I'm sorry. If you want, you can also step on me."

Lin Yeli has been in an irritable mood recently, and would whisper a few words to the bucket mopping the floor as it was too ugly when passing by. Everyone also knows that every year when the day of the fall of Tiecheng is approaching, which is also the anniversary of the death of Captain Yan Xin, Lin Yeran is like an angry hedgehog with thorns all over his body. close.

According to Daisy, in the worst case, he will evolve from a hedgehog to a porcupine, shooting out flying spines, hitting the target at a super long distance, making it impossible to defend against.

Fortunately, Lin Yeli has been in charge of this place for many years, and he is usually a good person, so everyone can bear it.

Now Shi Yuan hit the muzzle of the gun.

His apology was very sincere and sincere, but soon, his thoughts were completely occupied by Lu Tinghan's love problem.

Just as Lin Yeran was about to curse, he saw Shi Yuan's eyes were empty, looking straight ahead without blinking.

"...Shi Yuan?" Lin Yeran called him.

Shi Yuan didn't respond.

Lin Yeran shook his hand in front of him: "Shi Yuan!"

Shi Yuan's expression was blank, as if he was meditating on the true meaning of the universe. If in the next second, Shi Yuan popped out a sentence saying that the world is flooded, all things return to dust, and others are all ants, Lin Yelian would not be surprised at all.

—Although, Shi Yuan was just thinking about the inevitability between love and mating.

And Lin Yelian stared at Shi Yuan for a few seconds, and began to doubt himself.

Am I really that scary? he thinks.

Isn't it just that my voice is a little louder, as for being scared like this? Why can't he even speak, and dare not look at me.

He shouted again: "Shi Yuan?"

Shi Yuan stared straight ahead, casually: "Well, well, I'm here, you say."

Lin Yeran panicked.

He felt that he had shut out the good employees who were happy every day.

He grabbed Shi Yuan's shoulder and said, "You just think I didn't speak just now, just be more careful in the future, right? There's no need to take it to heart."

Shi Yuan: "Yes."

He made his way slowly to the office to start his day's work.

In the afternoon, Daisy said to him mysteriously: "Did you know that Mr. Lin stopped swearing today! Just now, an intern poured tea for him and spilled it, and he endured it until the veins on his forehead popped out without swearing." ! You say it’s miraculous, isn’t it miraculous!”

Shi Yuan said, "Why?"

"Who knows." Daisy held her chin and looked into the empty office. "Maybe, he finally realized how much he looks like a hedgehog."

This sentence reminded Shi Yuan of Yan Xin, and he asked Daisy: "Do you know those jellyfish outside the city, or the deer outside Gaolin? Could Captain Yan be one of them?"

"I don't know about that." Daisy said, "Do you know that there is a very tall communication tower in Iron City? Look, after Colonel Lu led the team, he probably killed himself by swallowing a gun. Captain Yan went to the top of the communication tower, transmitted the last battle data to Fengyang City, and then... jumped down." She considered her words, " I don't know much about the abyss. But generally speaking, Captain Yan's death is difficult to be infected again, and death is death."

"Okay, I got it." Shi Yuan said, "How do you know this?"

Daisy smiled: "Everyone in Fengyang City knows it. After all, it's our relatives and friends there."

The phone rang, and she picked it up in a hurry: "Hello, this is the counseling hotline, may I ask..."

In the afternoon, Shi Yuan went directly to the 21st floor of the tower after get off work.

He made an appointment with the welfare center to see Wu Zhengqing.

Pushing open the door, there are still all kinds of mutants with strange behaviors.

Wang Yu led him through the corridor, passing a man covered in feathers and a woman with compound eyes. Among the staff, there are also some mutants.

She said as she walked, "Most of the staff here were former abyss watchers."

Shi Yuan asked, "Why?"

"You know the incident of the New Moon Newspaper?" Wang Yu said, "The incident of the death of the editor-in-chief."

Of course Shi Yuan remembered.

Shi Yi, who used to be a monitor, collapsed and was spiritually infected by the abyss, killing the editor-in-chief Liu Hongzheng. This incident caused everyone to protest against the monitors, and a demonstration against Lu Tinghan broke out.

Wang Yu went on to say: "Since that incident, no one is willing to hire them, and no one wants to be killed by their friends one day... No one is willing to come to the welfare center. There are vacancies, so they can only come here."

She fiddled with her hair, and the staff who rushed over smiled and told Shi Yuan: "But they work very well, better than everyone else. It may be that they have been in contact with the abyss and have been criticized, so they can understand better The pain of the mutant."

Those who can serve as watchers of the abyss are people with a strong will. No one can endure loneliness and subtle spiritual infection better than them.

Under the propaganda of the alliance, people respect them and respect their perseverance and dedication.

But this does not mean that they can accept the presence of monitors around them. Everyone cherishes their lives, Lu Tinghan has gained trust because of his outstanding ability, other watchers are not like him, and will never be him.

Shi Yuan saw that the two were cleaning up the graffiti on the ground, which was full of monsters. Behind the transparent glass, several staff members distributed dinner to the children, all of which were dry compressed food, and the children surrounded them happily.

Wang Yu led him to the end room and went back to work.

Shi Yuan knocked on the door, and the thin old man sat by the bed, smiling: "You're here."

Wu Zhengqing's spirit was much better than yesterday, he got off the bed neatly, and rummaged through his desk.

"Look," he took out a bunch of star models, "this is a star. A star is a spherical luminous plasma, held together by gravity. The sunlight you see every day is the light of a star. These are planets, themselves It doesn’t emit light and revolves around stars. So far, the alliance has observed a total of 1.8 billion stars, and roughly estimated that the number of stars in our galaxy alone is on the order of hundreds of billions.”

Shi Yuan saw that star models of different colors and sizes were put together, with different colors and shapes, red, blue, white and yellow complement each other. There were also rare neutron stars and pulsars formed after they were highly magnetized, and their magnetic poles emitted beams of electromagnetic radiation.

"Wow!" He exclaimed a little.

Wu Zhengqing dug out the heavy drawings again, covering the entire desktop.

The map is full of blueprints for spaceships and rockets.

"This is the only remaining original manuscript." Wu Zhengqing said, "I participated in the design of the honeycomb-class scientific research ship, and Tan Yingguang, the chief engineer of the space center, was in charge of the design of the frigate. We failed many times, and each spaceship in the universe exploded."

He spoke too fast, turned his head and coughed a few times, and continued: "Many people say that they will never see the alliance step into space in their lifetime. Lao Tan and I insisted on research, and after 46 years, we proved them wrong—the first A frigate has set off. It is far from superluminal speed, but it represents that we will soon be able to travel freely in the universe."

Wu Zhengqing became more and more excited, and took more drawings on the desktop: "Can you imagine? After frigates, we will have cruisers, battleships, Titan motherships, and even colonization ships and private colonization ships after that! This planet—this entire planet is not If it is our only home, we will live on other planets, open up remote areas, transform the landscape, and they will all be our territories."

Shi Yuan looked at the blueprints.

This is much more difficult than Sudoku, he doesn't understand anything, but this doesn't prevent him from feeling amazing.

Wu Zhengqing took out photos and videos and showed him how huge the space center was and how shocking the rocket was when it lifted off.

In the video, the astronauts greeted while floating on the space station; during the first test of space-based weapons, the "heavy hammer" fell, the earth fell apart, and the space center was full of cheers; there was also the test flight of the frigate, the small ship loaded with Depleted of its high-kinetic weapons, thrusters, sensors, and power core, it plunges into the void.

He also showed Shi Yuan Xinghai.

With astronomical telescopes, the Alliance continued to map what the galaxy looked like. The unknown is always exciting, and an unopened journey is the most anticipated.

"It's amazing." Shi Yuan said, "Although I don't quite understand it, it's really amazing."

"Of course." Wu Zhengqing narrowed his eyes with a smile, "This is the most cutting-edge design and the most romantic technology. If you are still interested, come to me anytime, and next time I will show you the astronomical telescope."

He pointed to the attic and said, "Others don't know, I secretly hid a lot of treasures there, and I will show them to you next time."

It's getting late, it's time for Shi Yuan to go home.

These years, Wu Zhengqing has been clamoring to go back to Tiecheng, to return to the temporary space base. He tremblingly took several actions, and the farthest escape distance was 20 meters downstairs. The people in the welfare center are always watching him, for fear that he will disappear if he doesn't pay attention.

Wu Zhengqing sent Shi Yuan to the door, but the others stopped him from sending him.

Shi Yuan said goodbye to him, turned and walked towards the elevator, and heard the thin old man say behind him: "Actually, I have always had a guess about space."

Shi Yuan looked back at him.

Wu Zhengqing said: "No one believes my guess, except Tan Yingguang." He paused, "Others believe that the abyss is a distortion of this planet. Only we think that the abyss is inseparable from space."

Shi Yuan returned home.

On this day, the infection group in Abyss No. 7 came from the north fiercely. The residents closed their doors and windows tightly, and Lu Tinghan did not return all night.

He also heard that some people said that there was something wrong with General Su Enqi's command and he made a wrong decision. Some people said that perhaps Lu Tinghan should have more command power. Such gossip quietly filled the air of Fengyang City, fleeting.

Shi Yuan had a strange dream for a long time.

Gleaner City has fallen, and the Garcia Grand Theater is flooded by a sea of ​​flowers. In the dream, he was still standing on the stage, and the audience was full of monsters.

This time, it is no longer the spotlight projected by the stage, but the dazzling starlight.

Monsters and stars, they wear the whole universe.

The next day, Shi Yuan continued to struggle with the definition of love while working.

He felt that he must not be able to figure it out, so he could only ask others for help.

He asked Daisy: "What do you think love is?"

Daisy shouted: "My heart is pounding!" She was very energetic when talking about this topic. Same, very attractive! So, today’s canned beans buy 10 get 1 free, I have to hurry down and buy.”

Shi Yuan asked Lin Yeran again: "What do you think love is?"

Lin Yeran said, "I want to deduct your salary."

Shi Yuan said, "Wow, your definition of love is so special."

Lin Yeran: "...No, I really want to deduct your salary. Do you know that there is a saying that which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted?"

Shi Yuan approached Wang Yu: "What do you think love is?"

Wang Yu was very nervous: "What, did you quarrel with General Lu? Did you break up?"

"No, it's just that I want to find the answer to this question."

Wang Yu didn't understand what was going on, she curled a lock of hair, and replied: "Physiologically speaking, love is the effect of hormones, and creatures are only motivated to reproduce. As for emotions... I have never thought about this issue. My mother and child are single, but for Lu Bafang, love is probably like nude/female sisters in small magazines."

Shi Yuan finally approached Wu Zhengqing: "What do you think love is?"

Wu Zhengqing said: "Do you know why some stars collapse and become black holes, and some become white dwarfs and black dwarfs?"

Shi Yuan: "I don't know."

Wu Zhengqing explained: "It is related to mass. Low-mass stars will become white dwarfs, and the inward gravity and electron degeneracy pressure are balanced; large-mass stars have insufficient degeneracy pressure and eventually become black holes. This is a very great discovery. We finally figured out where stars go."

Shi Yuan was dazed: "What does this have to do with love?"

"It doesn't matter." Wu Zhengqing said, "I just want to tell you about the collapse of stars, don't you think it's cool?"

After a day like this, Shi Yuan went home and met Lu Tinghan.

He and Lu Tinghan said: "Today I asked a few people what love is."

Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows: "What is it?"

Shi Yuan said: "It's a special dish, naked/female sister, and 'I'm going to deduct your salary'." He thought for a while, "Maybe it's also related to the collapse of a star?"

Lu Tinghan fell silent.

Shi Yuan admitted: "Well, actually, I don't understand at all."

Lu Tinghan looked at Shi Yuan.

"What I asked before was what do you think of me." Lu Tinghan said, "Why don't we change the way." He stood up, picked up the coat on the hanger, and put his arm around Shi Yuan's shoulders, "Follow me A place, let me tell you what I really think."

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