MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 54 Waltz and communication tower

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Shi Yuan had dinner with Edward's family.

There were only three chairs, and Edward brought a cube robot, kicked away a pile of debris under his feet, and put the robot on the table.

"Get on Edward's robot!" he said.

The robot is too short, only as high as a human's knee. When Shi Yuan sat on it, only one face was exposed on the table, and it took a lot of effort to pick up vegetables.

There was a mountain of cans piled up in the corner of the room, and I don't know where Edward collected them from. He rummaged through the debris pile for a long time, picking and picking, and found 4 canned corn. He used a can opener while humming, and put one of the cans in front of Shi Yuan: "Edward invites you to eat corn!"

"Thank you." Shi Yuan said.

Edward put two more cans in front of Joanna and Mike.

Shi Yuan asked, "Have you been giving them something to eat?"

Edward: "Well, they are family!"

Shi Yuan said: "You still don't give them too much, food is very precious. And I think they... don't have a good appetite."

"They're family, and families have to eat together!"

"All right."

Then, Shi Yuan watched Edward finish eating the can, waved his hand, brought the can of paper man, poured it into his mouth, and ate it all.

Shi Yuan:?

Shi Yuan said, "Didn't you give them this?"

"Family share food!" Edward said, belching.

Shi Yuan: "..."

Today is also a day when human beings cannot be understood.

He glances at the can, which bears the Union military logo and expired three years ago. But seeing that Edward ate so neatly and the corn didn't smell strange, he still ate it all.

Should not die. he thinks.

Otherwise, I would be the first abyss to eat expired corn and die.

After dinner, Edward enthusiastically showed him the house again.

The most are guns and knives, all kinds of sonic booms/bombs/fuel bombs lighting/bombs, and even rocket launchers, followed by a bunch of weird parts, robots with only half a face left, car engines and car tires, matchboxes, flashlights , toolbox, map, notebook, binoculars, nails, pencils and rulers... Shi Yuan even saw two wigs, and wondered if they were for Joanna to wear.

There are spikes and machine gun muzzles on the outside of the tower, and roadblocks are placed at the bottom of the tower. The windows are reinforced with layers of iron sheets, making them impervious to light. There are rainwater collectors outside the windows, pollution filtering devices are installed, and odor masking agents are applied to the window seams.

Like a hardworking ant, Edward moved all the things he could find back home, turning this small watchtower into an iron wall.

Shi Yuan also saw two old photos.

In the first photo, the young Edward was awarded the medal. Admiral Su Enqi shook hands with him, and there was a line of words beside it [208, Abyss Watcher Commendation Ceremony, Edward Walker was awarded the rank of sergeant]

The second photo is a family portrait. Edward in military uniform is hugging his wife and children. Behind him is a passing blue leather bus and the high wall of the Iron City.

The photo is crumpled in the frame, mixed with grease, and it has been folded countless times.

Shi Yuan asked, "You used to be a monitor?"

Edward: "Yes, Edward has gazed into the abyss, No. 3! No. 3!" He danced his hands and feet, "It represents 'Bones'! 'Bones'!"

Now, Shi Yuan understood why Edward could live in Iron City.

Monsters like to follow humans and have little interest in dead things. Large-scale cities are more attractive to them than individuals.

This is also why the watchers can live beside the abyss for a long time.

Watchers live in watchtowers, often in teams of less than 10 people, equipped with weapons and daily necessities, as well as aircraft for evacuation. They kept a low profile and kept their presence to a minimum, so the tide of monsters always ignored them and went straight to the city.

— These were all told by Lu Tinghan to Shi Yuan.

Shi-yeon had just returned from the theater, wearing a cypress jumper, and asked him, "Why do we still live in the city if it's safer to be apart?"

"Only cities can guarantee large-scale production." Lu Tinghan said, "From weapons to food, to the maintenance and repair of ordnance, to the research and analysis of the abyss, and power supply, urban buildings are needed. One of the abyss watchers So they exist because they have the support of urban resources. If we disperse, we will not have the power we have today, and the individual will be destroyed."

He touched Shi Yuan's devil horn very smoothly, and continued: "Only when we are united, we are the strongest."

Iron City had already fallen, leaving behind a lot of resources, and Edward's experience as a monitor allowed him to survive.

Edward was crazy, but he didn't forget what he should remember, including shooting skills, including setting up defenses, including living in a low voice all the time, he even suppressed his shouting.

Shi Yuan asked him: "Do you want to go to Fengyang City? When I finish my work, we can go back together, it will be safer."

"Wind and Sun City? No no no no—" Edward shook his head repeatedly, "That place is not good, it's full of wind and sun, it's not fun at all." He pointed to the street, "Iron City? It's great! Edward likes it here! Joe Ana and Mike love it here too, they won't be leaving!"

"Well then, you have to be careful." Shi Yuan no longer insisted, he thought for a while, "Thank you for the canned corn, but I have to go, I still have things to do."

"Edward likes friends!" Edward said, "Mike likes friends too!"

When Shi Yuan looked back, Mike's head was still on the table, and he gave them a crude smile.

Shi Yuan said tactfully: "Mike may be a little unwell, he needs to go to bed early."

Edward shouted: "We all like friends! Friends, stay!"

"No way," Shi Yuan said, "I don't have much time, and I have to find the communication tower. I really really have to go, let's meet again when we have a chance."

He was just about to walk towards the door when Edward grabbed his wrist tightly.

Edward stared at his bloodshot eyes, and said word by word: "...Where are you going? Say it again, where are you going?"

"Communication tower." Shi Yuan said, "I'm going to find something."

Edward still grabbed him: "Edward also wants to go to the communication tower, Edward, Joanna and Mike all want to go! But, only the three of them can't do it, your tail is very interesting and can help them!"

Shi Yuan was a little surprised: "Why are you going there, are you looking for something too?"

"Edward and the others want to watch the sunset!" Edward shouted, "The most famous view in Iron City—the sunset on the top of the communication tower! Edward is familiar with the communication tower, and Edward can help you find things!"

Shi Yuan had never heard of a sunset.

But Edward seemed to really want to go, so excited that he blushed and his neck was thick.

He said: "Then you go with me. I, I can't guarantee your safety, but I will try my best. It is definitely better than you going alone." He thought again, "Yes, I want to find' Looking at the data of the 'plan, do you know where it is?"

"Edward doesn't know, but Edward knows where they put the server!" Edward gestured, "Server-server-a black, big box."

"What a coincidence, I know what the server looks like." Shi Yuan couldn't help thinking of Alice. Until yesterday, she had been tirelessly passing resources to him, "That's great, let's go together."

Edward shook his head violently: "No, no, no, it's too dangerous at night, Edward said, we have to wait until tomorrow morning."

At this moment, the night was dark, and Shi Yuan heard the murmur of monsters on the street, as well as the flapping of the wings of unknown creatures. The special infected creature "Rock Snake" is active, and the snake dances wildly, making the surrounding monsters restless.

Of course Shi Yuan is not afraid, the wasteland is much more dangerous than here.

Bringing Edward is different. Shi Yuan didn't dare to kill the monsters, he could only intimidate them, and they were inspired by Ascension, and they instinctively wanted to get close to him while being afraid.

In case something goes wrong...

In order to protect Edward, he had to infect the monster, and he was in trouble.

Shi Yuan struggled for a while, and felt that the i-level warning would not end so quickly, and he could delay it overnight.

He said, "Okay, listen to you, then let's go out together tomorrow morning."

Edward clapped his hands and smiled: "Edward's family, very happy! Friends, very happy!"

So, Shi Yuan spent the night with the very happy Edward's family.

He sits cross-legged on the dwarf robot, tail tucked in, for a human observation program.

Edward sat in front of the workbench, chanted words that no one could understand, and wiped the guns. His hands are fast and steady, and he looks like a veteran at first glance. If he didn't giggle at the same time and play with screws from time to time, the scene would be quite professional.

Shi Yuan asked, "How do you usually take a shower?"

Edward: "It's raining!"

Shi Yuan: "Where did your canned food come from?"

Edward: "Edward went to the supermarket several times and brought back all the cans! There are a lot of corn, peas, tomatoes, and pineapples!"

"What about electricity?"

"Edward has solar panels and Edward found a lot of car batteries!"

"Where's the gun?"

Edward pushed the clip into the rifle with a "click": "The army is dead, Edward found their convoy! Edward can also do manual work, and can make that kind of bomb/bomb! Hu-bang-wow , all of them are blown up to the sky hehehehehehehehe!"

Shi Yuan felt that Edward's ingenuity was indeed worthy of praise.

Edward handed the things to Shi Yuan again: "Good friend, try it."

"What is this?" Shi Yuan asked.

"Headphones, listen to music, so that you won't be discovered by monsters." Edward gestured, "You put it on like this."

It's a headset, tattered and looking like it might fall apart at any moment, with bare/exposed wires, and a radio-like object attached to the end.

Shi Yuan had never seen this kind of thing before. Putting it on, Edward pressed the radio switch—

A piercing electrical sound exploded!

Shi Yuan's tail exploded instantly, and he took off the earphones: "Ah, what is this!"

"Shhhhh, keep listening." Edward said mysteriously, and he turned the **** slowly.

The sound of the current turned down, and music came out of the earphones.

Shi Yuan put on the earphones again.

There is still the sound of electric current and popping beans, squeak, squeak, slap... Others listen to music without damage, but he listens to music with war damage. Anyway, the melody is coming out, the music is in 3 beats, and the slow and easy Adagio has a sense of lightness.

Edward explained: "It's called a waltz, it's Joanna's favorite waltz, and it can be danced. Do you dance?"

Shi Yuan shook his head.

Lu Tinghan doesn't look like he can dance with people, although he really wants to try.

"What a pity, what a pity, friend." Edward muttered, "Edward and Joanna often dance."

Shi Yuan asked, "Where are you dancing?"

"Jump everywhere, at home, in the clock tower, in the square, on the side of the road...anywhere."

Shi Yuan: "Oh!"

When the broken clock on the table pointed to 9 o'clock, the fog in Iron City rose again, and the pale color covered the sky. The watchtower is considered high, but it is still submerged by it.

Edward only turned on a small light, which was dim and faint. After assembling the firearm, he lifted Joanna from the seat and let the iron frame and cardboard body limply fall into his arms—Edward obviously took away not only cans from the supermarket, but also brought back a lot of plastic Bags and gauze, now, the colorful plastic bags are the cuffs of my lover's clothes, and the layered gauze is her skirt, she is as elegant as before.

Edward put on his earphones, and the electric waltz came. He put his arms around Joanna's waist with one hand, and took the iron frame of her hand with the other, and began to spin around in dance steps.

Round and round, jumping and turning, shadows float freely in the narrow cabin. The woman leaned gently in his arms, her blond hair spread out, covered with a circle of soft light.

Shi Yuan sat beside him, watching them dance with his tail in his arms, and asked, "...Mr. Edward, I think you must know what love is, right?"

Edward didn't hear.

In this foggy night, in this dead city, we hug each other silently for the countless times.

They danced.

The next morning, Shi Yuan and Edward set off.

Edward had a supermarket cart, and he put both Joanna and Mike in it, and he piled up another six or seven guns and ammunition. Then, he put on his bulletproof vest and helmet, hung a flashlight and a pollution detector around his neck, and said with his head held high: "Edward is leaving!"

He pushed the shopping cart down the stairs, rattling.

When he got to the street, he held a cart in one hand and a rifle in the other. He opened his eyes wide and looked around.

On weekdays, the monsters would have already pounced on them.

This time, Ouyuan was by his side, and the monsters were afraid of him, and only watched silently from a distance. After Shi Yuan saw the ruins of the city, he poked out the heads of several bone wolves.

Shi Yuan raised his tail high, and the scales rubbed against each other, making noise all the way.

The architectural style of Tiecheng is much colder and harder. The houses that have not yet collapsed have straight lines. The monsters didn't dare to approach, and they swaggered across the street, and Edward couldn't help but whistled.

The effect of Rattlesnake Abyss was particularly good, and they walked safely through 7 blocks to the communication tower.

The communication tower is located in the center of Iron City, straight into the clouds, with countless floors.

When Shi Yuan looked up, the clouds were drifting, and the tower seemed to be falling towards him.

There is also a promotional poster under the tower, which says [Super high sunset on the 56th floor is waiting for you, the ticket is only 90 yuan, half price for children] The picture is a golden red burning sunset, as Edward said, this is a landscape of Iron City .

Shi Yuan asked, "Do we have to climb the stairs?"

"Of course!" Edward replied, pushing the shopping cart bang bang into it.

They climbed the stairs slowly.

Shi Yuan was fine, but Edward was panting with the shopping cart.

Shi Yuan said, "I'll help you."

He helped pull the shopping cart in front, and soon, the two of them were panting together.

There are still monsters in the communication tower. Hearing their voices, he stares at them. Some monsters followed them, some monsters hung on the roof to watch them silently, while some monsters couldn't get through the wall, roaring, and slapped the fire door until it deformed with sharp claws.

Fortunately, they're not really close.

The firearms and paper man are too heavy, and there are still breaks in the building. They can only find a way to detour, or take the risk of climbing up - moving up and down is another big project, and Edward's sniper gun and flamethrower are too heavy up.

At noon, they sat in the stairwell and ate compressed biscuits and canned tomato sauce.

As before, Edward shared the canned food with his wife and children, but he didn't have enough to eat, so he took theirs and continued to eat.

In the afternoon, the two continued to climb up, and after an unknown amount of time, the stairs reached the end.

This is the 54th floor. If you want to go up, you have to go to another stairwell.

Push open the fire door, and the floor full of holes appears in front of you.

The corridors are wide and high. Ordinary tourists watch the scenery here, overlook the city through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and enjoy the sunset.

Now the floor-to-ceiling windows are all broken, and the strong wind blows in, making people almost unable to stand still. The wall was full of bullet holes, and there were large patches of black blood that had dried up for 8 years. More than a dozen corpses were lying here and there, all wearing Union uniforms. In the sky not far away, there are several translucent jellyfish.

There was a fierce battle here.

The monsters pressed on layer upon layer, and the alliance army fought and retreated, constantly going to higher places. Judging from the communication records, starting from the 40th floor, every two floors, there will be a team that stays behind and continues to go up to protect their comrades-in-arms.

going up.

Go to the top of the city's towers, where the wind and clouds flow, and maybe you can touch the vitality in the blue sky.

It's a hopeless ascent.

The broken warrior died, and so did those who reached the top of the tower.

Fortunately, the last data took the radio waves and flew to the city full of wind and scorching sun.

"Edward wants to keep going up." Edward pushed the shopping cart, staring straight ahead, "Edward and Joanna want to dance, and Edward's family wants to watch the sunset."

He turned his head and said to Shi Yuan: "Mike is a good boy, you can dance with Mike."

"No." Shi Yuan said, "I have someone I want to dance with. He is waiting for me to go home."

Read The Duke's Passion