MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 59 Rubbish

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Shi Yuan once told Lu Tinghan that he cried once, and this time Lu Tinghan was seriously injured, it was twice.

He never mentioned why he cried the first time.

— because of garbage.

It happened in the second year that Lu Tinghan became a monitor.

At that time, Shi Yuan rejoiced every day, waiting for his human beings to appear on the edge of the abyss.

It's a pity that Lu Tinghan didn't appear for long each time.

The pollution value of Abyss 0 is terrible, but it has never been infected with creatures, and the value has been stable, so the last time someone monitored Abyss 0 was 49 years ago.

Those monitors stayed by Abyss 0 for weeks, months, and then left.

No one stays for several years like Lu Tinghan.

The No. 0 abyss is stable, and Lu Tinghan only needs to regularly inspect the abyss and record the values. The work is simple and easy. The rest of the time, he spent on wearing the optical brain and directing the battle. This is why during those 10 years, he was still promoted and defended the city.

The league has repeatedly made exceptions for him. To put it simply and crudely, he is a part-time monitor, but he is still a commander in essence.

But Shi Yuan didn't know this.

He didn't know that there was something called "Abyssal Pollutants Treatment Law".

If the polluted biological tissue is left unattended, it will easily deform into a monster, and even burning or burying it cannot guarantee safety. And dumping them outside the city is more likely to generate new infectious organisms. Therefore, the alliance promulgated the "Abyss Pollutant Treatment Law", collecting the most polluted biological tissues, transporting them back to the abyss, and throwing them back.

The abyss is bottomless, and no one knows where it ends.

In a sense, this is self-produced and self-marketed, the original soup turns into the original food, the industrial chain is closed, healthy, safe and economical, without any environmental pollution, it can be said that everyone is happy. ".

This treatment method was very successful, and the pollutants thrown back never reappeared.

And Lu Tinghan made a point: Abyss No. 0 is far away from the city, but it is very stable, and there are very few monsters nearby, so it is actually very suitable for garbage disposal.

This is a very reasonable opinion.

As a result, the transport spacecraft carried countless garbage and came to the edge of the No. 0 abyss.

On that day, Shi Yuan happily waited for his humans.

Lu Tinghan did appear, standing by the edge of the abyss, his military uniform was straight, his expressionless profile was handsome and deep.

He waved his hand—

Tons of garbage falling from the sky!

Shi Yuan:?

Shi Yuan:? ? ? ! ? !

Rotten fish and rotten shrimp, melon rind and core, sour cabbage, stinky cucumber, crushed tomato and rotten durian.

Severed hands and feet, broken flesh and bones, dead rabbits, mummified birds, rotten potted plants and human lungs.

Everything that one expects to find, never repeating the same. The dirtiest and most chaotic garbage in the entire human world is here.

Two full transport ships dumped an unknown number of tons of garbage. When the Rimu transport ship returned to the city, Lu Tinghan also returned to the surveillance tower.

Everyone is very satisfied, except Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan didn't understand why he liked Lu Tinghan so much, but Lu Tinghan wanted to throw **** on him and at his house.

And it's all that stinky, nasty stuff.

Lu Tinghan must hate him very much.

Shi Yuan was heartbroken and wept loudly.

——That night, the No. 0 Abyss, which had been in peace for more than seventy years, roared fiercely, and the number of infections soared, scaring the Alliance half to death. No one knew that Shi Yuan was just crying, and he cried for a whole night.

Su Enqi gave an order to Lu Tinghan to evacuate immediately.

But Lu Tinghan refused. He looked at the No. 0 abyss filled with black mist, and said out of nowhere: "I think... it is very unhappy."

Su Enqi was silent for half a second: "It can't be because we threw away trash."

He was joking, but Lu Tinghan replied, "I think so."

Therefore, Su Enqi firmly believed that Lu Tinghan's thoughts were really eroded by the abyss, otherwise how could he come up with such a fantasy?

The next day, he arranged two psychological evaluations for Lu Tinghan.

The result of the assessment was all right, so Lu Tinghan continued to be the monitor.

It took Shi Yuan five whole days to accept the reality.

He thought, although Lu Tinghan hated him, he still liked Lu Tinghan very much, so much that he was willing to bury garbage for him.

Shi Yuan found several shovels from the trash. In the middle of the night, he let the mist spread to the edge of the abyss, and the thick mist turned into a solid existence, holding a shovel, struggling to dig a hole.

Dig a hole, put garbage, and bury it with soil.

Dig a hole, put garbage, and bury it with soil.

There was just too much rubbish, and he had been working for days with no hope in sight.

And the small **** he piled up was discovered by Lu Tinghan who was patrolling the abyss.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

He stood in front of the **** for a long time.

If you look carefully, his often expressionless face is full of doubts - he is so confused that even seeing Su Enqi pole dancing in front of him will not make him any more confused.

That night, Lu Tinghan and Su Enqi had a phone call.

He said, "Ms. Su, I think I'm going to have a psychological evaluation."

Su Enqi asked: "What's wrong with you, are you mentally unstable?"

Lu Tinghan said: "...It can be said that I really saw something very strange."

Lu Tinghan went through several rounds of psychological evaluations, but he was still fine.

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But the mounds of **** are getting a little more every day. Lu Tinghan tried to deploy drones and cameras to monitor, but once the black fog spread, he couldn't see anything.

When the black mist dissipates, it will be the buried garbage, neat and tidy.

Lu Tinghan went for a few more rounds of psychological evaluations, and there was no problem.

And Shi Yuan worked diligently and buried the garbage with tears in his eyes. After half a month, the garbage in the abyss finally became a little less.

The only consolation is that in a pile of stinking garbage, there are some interesting things mixed in, such as early childhood education books, fairy tale books, textbooks, and various newspaper news.

Shi Yuan collected them and studied them hard.

He also found a book that he could click and read to teach children how to read. Hei Wu clicked on the writing, and the literacy book said: [Hello! 】

"Ni, n, you... how are you?" Shi Yuan learned stiffly.

Literacy book: [Hello! 】

Shi Yuan: "Hello!"

Shi Yuan: "Hello, hello, hello, hello!"

He had a good time and put the sad things behind him for a while.

As luck would have it, the transport ship came again.

This time there was less garbage, but it was the most harmful kind. The transport ship stops near the abyss, the hatch opens, and the garbage pours out—

Black mist billows in the abyss!

Shi Yuan was so angry that he went crazy.

If he had a tail then, all the scales must have been blown off. The infection rate soared, and the black mist threw harmful garbage into the sky. The scene was extremely spectacular.

The transport ship was scared away before it finished emptying the garbage.

"You don't believe me," the transport ship driver said with lingering fear after returning to the city, "We were attacked by a pile of garbage..."

Lu Tinghan was left alone beside the No. 0 abyss.

He continued to stare.

Three days later, the professors of the research center gave an explanation: "We believe that abyss 0 is special. It may be that the garbage has residual wavelengths from other abysses, and it has mutual repulsion with it, so there is a strong countercurrent. Let all the harmful garbage fly back..."

Lu Tinghan asked

: "Then why is there buried garbage beside the abyss?"

The professor couldn't answer.

Lu Tinghan said, "Don't you think it looks like someone buried it?"

The professors looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone hesitated and said, "It's really quite similar."

"I feel so too!"

"I didn't dare to say it just now. It's too unprofessional. I'm afraid you think I bought my degree."

"Ah, didn't you buy your degree..."

" does it look like someone did it? What's going on, are we all crazy?"

The next day, Lu Tinghan went to the psychological evaluation with a group of professors.

There was no conclusion to this matter.

Later, the alliance tried to throw garbage into Abyss 0, and the garbage was thrown back angrily. Every time the infection value flew around, it tried its best to express its dissatisfaction.

Nobody wants to mess with the dreaded Abyss 0.

As a result, no transport ships came again.

And Shi Yuan continued to work hard to deal with the first round of garbage.

Lu Tinghan was still his watcher, appearing regularly, staring into the abyss.

After the initial heartbreak, Shi Yuan calmed down.

He felt that Lu Tinghan didn't hate him for throwing trash.

—Lu Tinghan is simply lacking quality.

As long as Lu Tinghan doesn't hate him, Shi Yuan will feel much better.

He really likes his human beings so much that he can accept Lu Tinghan who is so unqualified.

I don't know how long it took, maybe three or four years, maybe five or six years, Shi Yuan buried the garbage every day, and buried the garbage every day, and finally it was almost done.

He has learned a lot, including human writing and pronunciation, including newspapers and magazines, all kinds of strange pictures record human life... The garbage dump is his first teacher.

Shi Yuan still likes his watcher.

But it doesn't mean that he forgives such unqualified and rude behavior. After all, he has never been so sad, and he has never cried so badly.

He brooded.

The evening goes and the morning comes, and in the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed.

In the ward in Fengyang City, Shi Yuan looked at the candy wrapper in Lu Tinghan's hand, and said solemnly and resentfully: "Lu Tinghan, you can't litter."

This simple sentence bore countless grievances.

Lu Tinghan was confused, "I didn't throw it away, I want to put it on the bedside table."

"No," Shi Yuan said, "You just want to throw it away, I know it, I know it very clearly."

Lu Tinghan: "Why?"

Shi Yuan said: "Because you have no quality." After finishing speaking, he took Lu Tinghan's candy wrapper, threw it in the trash can in the corridor, and came back and said, "It's okay, I will supervise you."

It was the first time in Lu Tinghan's life that someone said he had no quality, and it was from Shi Yuan's mouth. He was so shocked that he even forgot to listen to the military broadcast that day, and remembered it until he was discharged from the hospital.

— Discharged from the hospital.

Leaving the corridor full of disinfectant smell and the cold-colored single ward, the two went home and turned on the lights.

The light is warm, illuminating everything in the old house. Coffee table sofa, bookshelf fish tank, exquisite sailboat decoration, old books with yellowed paper, old Sudoku games and rocket models, white birds fell asleep with their beaks inserted into their feathers, and wretched fish all hid in the rockery. The peace of memory.

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Obviously only been away for nearly two months, but it feels like a lifetime away.

At the door, Shi Yuan hugged Lu Tinghan and said, "Lu Tinghan, welcome home."

Lu Tinghan lowered his head and kissed his hair.

Lu Tinghan's wound needed to be changed, and before going to bed at night, Shi Yuan helped him change it and rewrapped the bandage.

The wound on his abdomen was particularly ferocious, and he didn't know when it would heal.

turn off the lights

, they lie together.

In the dark, Shi Yuan asked: "I heard from them that there are still a few hours before the 'heavy hammer' falls. Why didn't you send me a message? Didn't you call me or make a video call? You didn't try at all. Contact me now—”

This is after the fall.

Lu Tinghan said: "Because saying goodbye will soften people's hearts. I need the courage to die."

Shi Yuan asked: "If you talk to me, don't you want to die?"

"I don't know." Lu Tinghan said.

Now that there is no answer to this question, the only thing that is sure is that Shi Yuan will shake him.

Shi Yuan was silent for a long time.

So long that Lu Tinghan thought he was asleep, Shi Yuan said again: "Well, if there is a next time, I, I still hope that you can talk to me, even if it is a sentence or two." He hugged Tail wagging, voice aggrieved, "I'm not saying I want another time, but I really don't like leaving without saying goodbye."

He had already gone through without saying goodbye once.

That day, Lu Tinghan left the abyss under the morning glow. Shi Yuan thought it was an ordinary farewell, but unexpectedly, Lu Tinghan never came back.

He is afraid of being alone, of hopeless hope, of hopeless waiting.

Lu Tinghan agreed, "Okay."

He agreed very simply, Shi Yuan turned to look at him: "Really?"

"Really." Lu Tinghan said, "It's really unfair to you to say goodbye without saying goodbye. I keep my word. If there is a next time, it must be a decent farewell."

Shi Yuan quickly said: "Don't have a next time!"

"Yeah." Lu Tinghan laughed sullenly, causing the wound to hurt slightly.

For the next month, Lu Tinghan concentrated on recuperating at home.

The spirit of the Lu family's refusal to admit defeat is reflected in all aspects. Even his wounds seem to heal faster than ordinary people - of course, according to Lu Tinghan, this also has the therapeutic effect of listening to Shi Yuan's snoring every day and making him feel happy .

Level I warning is also over.

As Lu Tinghan said, the pollution values ​​of each abyss dropped, and the monsters calmed down their offensive temporarily. Like him, the city has gained a short but precious respite.

The data center is working overtime, studying the abyss while specializing in "Overview". With the data from Iron City, Alice's calculations are much faster, and people began to pin their new hopes on "Overview".

The spacecraft in the "Overlook" program can only take away seeds, fertilized eggs, and very few people.

Most people will never leave the ground, born in the city, die in the city, looking at the sea of ​​stars.

However, it is still a comforting thing to know that there is still a future for one's own race, and that the bloodline can continue on the alien planet.

As for why Tiecheng's data was sent back, there are different opinions, and there are all kinds of guesses.

Some people say that it may be that lightning struck the communication tower, the circuit was opened, and the undamaged data continued to be uploaded; some people said that it might be that a monster accidentally touched a switch. Guessing, it is said that the heroic spirit of the communication tower is still there, never forgetting, and his pride will eventually echo.

Those are good guesses.

No one knows that the protagonist of the story is a brave little monster and a crazy deserter.

They had a brief but wonderful adventure.

In this relaxed atmosphere, Lu Tinghan worked for a few hours every day to understand the battle situation and give simple instructions.

He also went out.

Shi Yuan saw through the window that the people who met Lu Tinghan were the senior military officers he had met before. They whispered under the iron-blue sky, everything was dark, only the gray-blue eyes of Lu Tinghan were particularly eye-catching.

Then, when they got into the car, Shi Yuan couldn't see them anymore.

Shi Yuan didn't ask Lu Tinghan who they were.

He doesn't understand military affairs, and he doesn't understand the twists and turns of the alliance's power struggle. Even if Lu Tinghan explained it to him, he might not understand it.

Can't understand. Besides, why would he question Lu Tinghan's actions?

Lu Tinghan had time to accompany him every day, nothing could be better than this.

And the pile of **** was not exposed by this.

Lu Tinghan's candy wrapper incident made Shi Yuan very vigilant. He felt that Lu Tinghan was about to lose his quality again.

When Lu Tinghan was holding any **** in his hands, he would see Shi Yuan popping up behind the sofa, opposite the table, and at the corner of the wall, casting a condemning look at him.

Lu Tinghan said: "Shi Yuan, I really don't litter."

"I don't believe you." Shi Yuan said, "Your quality is too low."

As an abyss who Lu Tinghan threw several tons of garbage at home, Lu Tinghan's light words were not convincing at all. He must watch Lu Tinghan throw the **** into the trash can to feel at ease.

After just a few rounds, one night, Shi Yuan supervised Lu Tinghan to throw a piece of waste paper into the trash can.

Then, he helped Lu Tinghan change his dressing by the bed.

The other minor injuries are basically healed, but the abdominal wound is still grim, and there must be scars.

Shi Yuan stared at the wound intently, stretched out his hand, and stroked the scar little by little with his white fingers.

After touching it for a while, he felt that the scar was too dazzling, and he didn't know how to get rid of it, so he stretched out his hand and stroked it from top to bottom—

This time he just touched halfway, and his wrist was grabbed.

Shi Yuan:?

He raised his head, Lu Tinghan grabbed his wrist and got very close, his gray-blue eyes seemed to be churning with clouds.

"Shi Yuan," he said, "Actually, my quality can be even lower."

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