MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 63 Dream

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72 years ago, before the beginning of the end of the world, the space center was brightly lit, and the frigate would be able to sail long distances and lead people to the sea of ​​stars in just over ten years.

This step is far away, but it can't be passed. "Overview" is a foregone conclusion, and the alliance will no longer be able to touch the starry sky.

The observation results of the detector gave the research center a new idea: the abyss is very likely to come from the universe and spread in an unimaginable way.

"It's really strange." Professor Guan said, "They exist in two worlds with us. Just like two-dimensional creatures can't understand us, they can't understand how we travel through the 'height', and we can't understand the abyss either. I can't imagine why they can travel in the universe—what is the abyss? Is it a phenomenon, is it a living thing, or is it a higher existence?"

"I'm afraid I can't define it." Lu Tinghan said, "We have never grasped their infection methods and the deformation laws of infected organisms."

"...That's right." Professor Guan took off his reading glasses and wiped them with his coat. "Throughout history, only the phrase 'survival of the fittest' is an eternal truth. We claim to be the best species, building cities ,Affecting the environment, many creatures are eliminated by nature, and many disappear because of us. Now, it is us who cannot adapt to the environment."

"I..." His hands hang down, leaning on the desk, "I have studied the infection for most of my life, and I think there will be no results."

"I don't understand the research," Lu Tinghan said, "but this is not the end of the story, at least we are all alive."

Professor Guan was silent.

He put on his reading glasses and suddenly asked, "How long will General Su remain in power?"

Lu Tinghan looked at him without saying anything.

Under the light of the meeting room, his golden epaulettes were dazzling, like the radiance of a sharp sword.

Professor Guan: "You don't understand research, I don't understand command, but I can see that you are far better than him. You two are known as the strong shield and sharp blade of the alliance, but now, the strong shield is too old and too meek Now, we only need a sharp blade, a sharp blade that can break the deadlock."

He took a deep breath: "In the past, I would never support the concentration of power in one person's hands. Now we have no choice. Both 'Echo' and 'Overlook' have failed, and there is no hope at all. Whether research or command , every step we take must be the optimal solution, and there is no way we can retreat. General Lu, can you tell me, what does Admiral Su... mean?"

Lu Tinghan replied: "No comment."

Professor Guan rubbed his eyebrows and sighed softly: "Then I will take my leave first. General Lu, you should rest earlier."

The lights in the conference room were turned off, and only sporadic lights were on in the research center.

Lu Tinghan walked out of the research center. He turned on his phone, and there were several unread private messages on it.

An hour ago.

Long-tailed grunting monster: [Why haven't you come back yet]

Long-tailed grunting monster: 【Are you going to command again】

Long-tailed grunting monster: [I'm going to sleep]

Half an hour later, another message came.

【I'm really going to sleep, I won't lie to you this time】

【Good night! 】

Lu Tinghan replied: [I won't be coming back tonight, good night]

He smiled unconsciously, and walked into the depths of the night accompanied by his adjutant and guards.

No one knows the results of Overlook except insiders.

Shi Yuan went to work as usual, and the people around him were normal. The phone calls kept coming, some people wished for death and some longed for redemption, the children were still happy to see him, and they threw themselves on him one by one.

17b is too far away, 15 light-years away, enough for them to continue dreaming.

Surprisingly, even insiders showed no difference.

Lin Yelian used to work in a data center and had frequent contacts with former colleagues, so he must know about "Overview". He sprayed people as usual, gave out 5 yuan coupons for house purchases as usual, and rated Shi Yuan as an "excellent employee" as usual.

And Wu Zhengqing didn't respond in particular.

He seemed to have forgotten about "overlooking", and Shi Yuan was still dragged by him to listen to the science popularization of the universe.

One day after get off work, Shi Yuan broke away from his little friend Haiyang and was stopped by Wang Yu.

Wang Yu asked, "By the way, how is Mr. Wu doing?"

"Very good." Shi Yuan replied, "He takes medicine on time every day, and then goes to the attic to watch the stars."

"That's great." Wang Yu smiled, "Since you came, he hasn't run around anymore. Didn't I tell you that he always wanted to find the space center, and wanted to go to Iron City?" Yue Lincheng, if we didn't pay attention, he ran out by himself and sent someone to guard him. Fortunately, he likes you very much."

Shi Yuan remembered that the first time he saw Wu Zhengqing was at the elevator entrance. The smiling old man talked to him, and was quickly dragged back by the staff.

Shi Yuan continued to look at the starry sky with a telescope in the attic and in front of the narrow skylight with Wu Zhengqing.

Wu Zhengqing wanted him to see a meteor once.

It's a pity that the meteor has been delayed.

One day in September, Wu Zhengqing stopped Shi Yuan.

"Shi Yuan," he said mysteriously, "I have a plan and need your help."

Shi Yuan: "What is it?"

"A great plan." Wu Zhengqing's eyes sparkled, "Can you keep it secret?"

Shi Yuan said, "Of course."

Wu Zhengqing brought him to the workbench.

The planetary model is still on the table, with planets orbiting massive stars.

The blueprints for rockets and spaceships were gone, and they were stuffed into the mountaineering bag, which was a big bag full. In addition, tool boxes, knives, maps, compasses and compressed food are also packed.

"Are you going on a trip?" Shi Yuan asked.

"Yes, I want to find a way to get out of the city and go to the space center." Wu Zhengqing pointed to the blueprint, "These babies are huddled in the attic with me, a half-dead old man all day, it's too shabby. They deserve to stay where they should be. .”

Shi Yuan said, "But the space center is gone."

"It's better than here." Wu Zhengqing said, "This skylight is too small, and I can't see what I like, so this city is too boring."

Shi Yuan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wu Zhengqing. Wu Zhengqing looked at him: "There are scanned copies of these drawings, but the originals are the most precious, and I must take them away. Shi Yuan, just ask if you want to help me, it's a matter of one word."

"What do you want me to do?" Shi Yuan asked.

"Help me leave the welfare center and take me under the city wall." Wu Zhengqing coughed twice, "Then, I will find my own way out of the city."

Shi Yuan hesitated: "Mr. Wu, I don't know if I should do this..."

"Have you ever wanted to get something very much?" Wu Zhengqing asked him back, "No matter what you pay, you must find it. To me, the space center is such an existence."

Shi Yuan suddenly thought of Lu Tinghan.

He was so afraid of humans that he came to the city because of Lu Tinghan. And Wu Zhengqing wanted to go to the wasteland, just like him.

Wu Zhengqing looked at him, his old eyes were already cloudy, and asked, "So can you help me? I'm leaving in five days."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, "I'll help you."

— Wu Zhengqing's plan is actually very simple.

In the first step, Shi Yuan helped him attract the attention of the staff at the door, and he took the opportunity to run out.

In the second step, the guard system of No. 4 tower registered his identity information. Once he secretly leaves the tower, he will notify the welfare center, which is why his previous escape failed. For this, he needs to get a wheelchair.

"Why a wheelchair?" Shi Yuan bent his tail in confusion.

"Because I'm old, I can't run with such a heavy thing on my back. I don't think you can do it considering your small body." Wu Zhengqing explained, "I think our wheelchair is good, it's big and spacious. I sit with luggage. Go up, and you can push me and escape—don’t worry I’m not a big shot, I won’t alert the patrol, we just need to avoid the tower guards. The whole thing won’t be too difficult.”

The wheelchair thing is fine.

Wu Zhengqing applied to the welfare center, saying that he had bad legs and feet. Two days later, Shi Yuan pushed back a wheelchair.

The wheelchair is really good, such a big hiking bag can be stuffed into the storage layer under the seat. According to Wu Zhengqing, the wheelchair is the most beneficial thing in the welfare center.

On September 7th, the day to implement the plan came.

Shi Yuan chatted with the staff at the entrance of the welfare center, asking them about their salary as an excuse—the two staff shook their heads repeatedly, saying that his hourly salary of 2 yuan was too little.

Taking advantage of this moment, Wu Zhengqing took a mountaineering bag, rolled the wheelchair out of the gate, and got off the elevator smoothly.

Shi Yuan went to look for him on the first floor again, pushed his wheelchair out the gate, and onto the street.

"Run, run!" Wu Zhengqing yelled in a low voice, "They must have notified the welfare center!"

Shi Yuan turned his head and saw the guards at the gate of the tower holding down the headset, and it was the staff on the 15th floor who were notifying them. The guard began to look left and right, his eyes fell on the two of them, and he froze for a moment.

"Run!" Wu Zhengqing shouted.

Shi Yuan pushed the wheelchair and ran!

There was no one on the street, and the wheelchair rattled across the uneven ground. The footsteps of several people followed closely behind, shouting "Stop!"

"Stop!" Wu Zhengqing yelled in a low voice, "Just stop here, don't make a sound."

Shi Yuan stopped at this corner, panting slightly.

There were a few footsteps running forward nearby, and one of them stopped, looking around suspiciously at a wall away from them.

Both of them refused to let out their breath.

Three long minutes passed, and the footsteps sounded again.

The man walked forward.

When the man left completely, Shi Yuan and Wu Zhengqing breathed a sigh of relief. Both of their temples were wet with sweat, one was running and the other was nervous, they looked at each other and both laughed.

"How about it!" Wu Zhengqing laughed, "I just said, they definitely didn't expect us to go like this!"

"You know a lot." Shi Yuan also smiled, "You escaped in no time."

"I can't do it without you." Wu Zhengqing said, "Did you see their expressions just now? It's so exciting!"

The two laughed again. In the breeze, Wu Zhengqing laughed louder and louder until his whole body trembled. In this small corner of the city, a simple but successful escape was staged. The old man who lived at the top of the tower escaped with a bag of cosmic dreams.

"Okay—" Wu Zhengqing wiped away the tears from laughing, "Let's hurry up, before it gets dark."

So Shi Yuan pushed his luggage to the city wall.

The journey was not far, and half an hour later, they were only one intersection away from the guard station on the city wall.

Wu Zhengqing supported the armrest of the wheelchair, stood up with difficulty, and carried the mountaineering bag on his back with the help of Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan asked, "How did you leave the city?"

"Don't worry, I still have a little contact." Wu Zhengqing patted him on the shoulder, "There is always a way. You should go back early. If someone asks about this matter, just say you don't know. Just kill this person." One point, no one can blame you."

Shi Yuan agreed.

Wu Zhengqing walked a few steps, then turned around suddenly, and took out a small notebook from the grid on the outside of the mountaineering bag: "This is for you, as a parting gift."

"Thank you." Shi Yuan took it, "Mr. Wu, goodbye."

Wu Zhengqing waved: "Goodbye. I hope that one day, you can see shooting stars with your loved one."

The backpack was too heavy, and he staggered down the wall.

Shi Yuan didn't know whether Wu Zhengqing had left the city or not.

But he never saw Wu Zhengqing again, he speculated that he had set foot on the wasteland as he wished.

The room at the end of the corridor in the welfare center was empty, and those exquisite posters and planetary models were finally given to Shi Yuan.

"You take it all away." Wang Yu said a little tiredly, "Anyway, Mr. Wu likes you the most."

Another mutant was about to get an injection, so she rushed there.

No one asked who helped Wu Zhengqing escape.

Everyone knows it well and tacitly.

Shi Yuan took a large cardboard box and packed away Wu Zhengqing's things, including the astronomical telescope he left in the attic.

On the tram home, he opened the little book Wu Zhengqing gave him.

There is a group photo of all the staff of the space center, as well as stick figures of rockets, space stations and meteors, which were drawn by 8-year-old Wu Zhengqing. Every subsequent page is his cropped photo of the universe, from planets in various poses to distorted and mysterious black holes, carefully selected, colorful, and extremely beautiful.

After arriving home, Shi Yuan put the binoculars in the living room, facing out the window.

He is not very good at adjusting the angle and focus, and can barely see the largest planets and moons.

He was looking for Meteor and Wu Zhengqing's spaceship. The night sky was vast, and he hadn't seen them yet.

Two days later, Lu Tinghan was free at night, and suddenly asked Shi Yuan if he wanted to dance again.

Since Shi Yuan came back from Tiecheng, he invited Lu Tinghan to dance. He thought Lu Tinghan was not interested, but he didn't expect Lu Tinghan to know a little ballroom dancing.

When the injury recovered a bit, Lu Tinghan began to teach him how to dance.

The teaching process can only be described as "terrible". The two were jumping around barefoot indoors, every step of Shi Yuan landed precisely on Lu Tinghan's instep.

Lu Tinghan said, "Shi Yuan, did you do it on purpose?"

"Really not, I swear by my tail." Shi Yuan promised, and then stepped on it again.

The two danced awkwardly for a few rounds, which could not be called elegant at all. Shi Yuan almost fell down, but was lifted up by Lu Tinghan and stabilized on the ground.

Later, when Lu Tinghan got busy, this matter was temporarily shelved. Shi Yuan didn't expect that Lu Tinghan would mention dancing again after two months.

The tip of his tail began to wag happily: "Of course."

Lu Tinghan reminded him: "Don't wear shoes, even slippers."

— Onshore will be very prescient.

With one arm around Shi Yuan and the other holding his hand, he danced to the music, every beat being stepped on by Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan said: "I tried my best! Do you think I have improved?"

Probably because Lu Tinghan had a soft waist under his hands, Lu Tinghan refused to comment out of face.

The third dance begins, a waltz.

"Shi Yuan," he leaned into Shi Yuan's ear in the slow string music, "I told you, I'm not that firm."

Shi Yuan said, "Yes, you dare not let me wear shoes."

Lu Tinghan: "...I'm not talking about this." There was another turn and sway, he looked at Shi Yuan and said, "You know, I didn't even dare to say goodbye to you before the 'hammer' fell."

Shi Yuan didn't understand why Lu Tinghan suddenly brought up this matter again.

He said: "It's okay, I'm not angry with you. You promised me that you won't be like this in the future."

"Yeah." Lu Tinghan said, "What I want to say is that sometimes people will live in illusions, as long as the knife has not fallen, they can continue to dream. It's like those who still believe in 'Overview' People who don’t know the outcome is settled, so there’s still hope.”

Shi Yuan's tail bent into a question mark.

He stepped on Lu Tinghan's feet again and again.

"I am like this too." Lu Tinghan looked down at him, "Shi Yuan, I am like this too."

Shi Yuan became more and more confused: "I don't quite understand what you want to say."

"It's okay, you don't need to understand."

At the end of a piece, they just stopped by the wall. With his back against the wall, Shi Yuan was wrapped in Lu Tinghan's arms, and then he was kissed in a daze.

He felt that Lu Tinghan was a little different, fiery, oppressive, and intense, and these complex emotions burned in his gray-blue eyes. Lu Tinghan leaned over again and kissed Shi Yuan's ear all the way to his neck.

Shi Yuan trembled unconsciously. When his neck was kissed again, he couldn't take it any longer. He reached out to touch Lu Tinghan's wrist, trying to break free, but Lu Tinghan held his hand tightly. Intertwined, inevitable to avoid.

"Lu, Lu Tinghan..." His voice was trembling.

Lu Tinghan looked at him, the two of them breathed together, and he said in a hoarse voice: "...Is it okay?"

Shi Yuan was still trembling slightly.

Lu Tinghan kissed the corner of his lips, and asked again: "Is it okay?"

"...Well, yes." Shi Yuan replied in a low voice, "You can do anything to me. I am—I'm here for you."

From the wilderness to the city, for the first time I understand what is courage and what is love. Lu Tinghan is his world.

He hooked Lu Tinghan's neck, kissed her deeply, and lingered all night long.

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