MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 69 old debt

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Cai Deyuan helped, and Lu Tinghan carried four cardboard boxes downstairs.

"All these will be transported back to Fengyang City?" Cai Deyuan asked, "Do you plan to live there for a long time?"

Before packing, he glanced at the box, most of them were interesting gadgets, not worth much, and he didn't know why Lu Tinghan took them away.

"Yeah." Lu Tinghan said, "I mainly want to give these things to one person." He paused for a few seconds, "Maybe."

"Oh oh oh—" Cai Deyuan understood, "It's for your partner."

Only a very few people know that General Lu is in love. One is because of Lu Tinghan's character, it is impossible to publicize it, and the other is to protect Shi Yuan.

Cai Deyuan is one of the insiders.

It took more than ten minutes for the transport truck to arrive. They went upstairs and checked the things to be brought again.

After confirming, Cai Deyuan looked at Lu Tinghan with some embarrassment: "That...General..." He smiled dryly.

Lu Tinghan understood his temper, took out two packs of unopened cigarettes, handed them to Cai Deyuan, and said, "Uncle Cai has been **** this trip."

"Oh, thank you so much—it's not hard work, I just opened the door. It's a rare opportunity for us to meet and catch up, hahaha."

Cai Deyuan couldn't hold back his craving for cigarettes, went to the balcony to light a cigarette, and puffed.

Lu Tinghan stood beside him.

Cai Deyuan squinted his eyes with a smile: "It really suffocates me. I haven't smoked in almost two years. It's still the top product in your hand." He thought of something again, "But why do you bring cigarettes with you, don't you Don't smoke?"

"It's specially brought to you." Lu Tinghan said.

This time, Cai Deyuan laughed so hard that his eyes almost disappeared, and even said that you still understand me.

This is a good cigarette, although it is not as good as spirits, but the chatterbox is immediately opened.

The two haven't seen each other for a long time, standing on the balcony so leisurely, it seems that they have returned to more than 20 years ago.

Cai Deyuan asked: "I thought at the time that you would never find a partner in your life."

Lu Tinghan: "Why?"

Cai Deyuan took a deep breath of cigarettes: "The simulated combat optical brain is the first wife, the pistol/gun is the second wife, the military uniform and gloves are the third wife, and there are a bunch of concubines called military books."

"I didn't think so much at the time, I just thought about fighting."

"That's right, fortunately it's not too late." Cai Deyuan said with emotion, "It's rare to meet the right person. If I have the chance, I would like to meet that girl very much. Let's see who is the fairy who can fascinate our land generals. .”

Lu Tinghan: "It's a man."

Cai Deyuan: "..." A piece of cigarette ash fell off, he was dumbfounded, and murmured, "I never noticed it..."

Lu Tinghan smiled: "There is no difference."

"...Yes, yes." Cai Deyuan recovered from the shock, "There are no rules and regulations in front of true love. But - what kind of person is he?"

Lu Tinghan asked back, "What do you think?"

"I've guessed before that the person you're looking for should be very talented. He can discuss military and strategy with you, and give you advice. Such an outstanding talent can catch your eyes. Let me guess again, at least a master's degree Doctor, shall we start? Which officer or soldier?"

Lu Tinghan's smile deepened: "If he hears what you say, he won't even believe him."

"Really?" Cai Deyuan was taken aback, "I thought, I thought..." He paused for two seconds, then smiled, "Forget it, no matter what kind of person you are, I can tell by your smile, you guys It must be true love. I am an old man with a stupid mouth, and I don’t know what to say, so I wish you a long, long and happy relationship for a hundred years!"

Cai Deyuan continued to smoke.

Nicotine is pleasant, and when half of the cigarette was burned, he realized that Lu Tinghan didn't answer.

Turning his head, he saw Lu Tinghan holding a piece of sketch paper, lowering his eyes, thoughtful. The sky was bright at noon, but his deep facial features seemed to have an indelible shadow.


What a? Cai Deyuan asked subconsciously, "Do you want me to rush the car again?" "

"No need." Lu Tinghan said, "Uncle Cai, have you ever had a dream?"

"Dream? Who hasn't dreamed?"

"I'm talking about sweet dreams, the kind that you feel regretful when you wake up."

Cai Deyuan said hesitantly: "Yes, I dreamed that I became the richest man in the world, and hundreds of younger brothers rushed to help me carry my shoes."

Lu Tinghan: "I also had such a dream. I dreamed that the abyss disappeared, and we returned to the wilderness, the city we had been away for a long time. Children were running in the wheat fields, there were windmills and solar panels everywhere, and some people were performing plays Someone played music. We also saw the sea again, and sailed on a ship to the other side of the world."

Cai Deyuan said with emotion: "That is really a sweet dream."

"Yeah." Lu Tinghan said, "I slept for a while longer, thinking that maybe I could continue to dream. But no, once I wake up from the dream, it doesn't feel right to go back. Wake up is wake up, Dreams are dreams after all.”

Cai Deyuan was a little confused.

He felt that Lu Tinghan was referring to something, but he didn't know the cause and effect, and asked, "What happened? Is it... the military department?"

"No, not this time." Lu Tinghan still looked at the sketch, "I searched for so long, but I couldn't find any evidence to wake me up, so I had a dream for so long." On the sketch paper, the teenager And flowers in the twilight, bright and beautiful, "...waking up now."

Cai Deyuan was even more confused: "What's wrong with this painting?"

"It's nothing." Lu Tinghan folded the sketch and put it away, "You continue to smoke, I have something to do."

Lu Tinghan returned to the living room.

On the phone is a message from Shi Yuan.

Long-tailed grunting monster: [When are you coming back? The big white bird is scolding me again]

Long-tailed grunting monster: [I ate a can of creamy mushroom soup for the first time at noon, and it cost 32 yuan a can, but Wang Yu managed to get a special price, and I only paid 20 yuan]

Long-tailed grunting monster: [Come back and touch my head quickly]

Lu Tinghan watched expressionlessly.

The slender fingers typed a few lines, deleted them, typed a few more lines and deleted them. After going back and forth several times, the cursor flickered and the dialog box was empty.

He finally said: 【Shi Yuan, can you make a call now? 】

He waited for a few minutes, until the screen was about to go dark, and a new message popped up: [Okay! 】

The phone connects.

Shi Yuan said: "Why do you call me when you have time!"

It was hard to hide the joy in the tone.

Hearing this voice, Lu Tinghan's expression softened.

It's like this every time, as long as you see Shi Yuan and hear his voice, all your troubles will disappear. Just like the sweet dream he had, beside Shi Yuan, the flames of war were far away, the darkness subsided, and at the end of thousands of remorse, helplessness and despair, there was the sound of snoring and coquettishness.

Lu Tinghan said: "I'm packing my things, but the car hasn't arrived yet. I want to ask if you want anything. Do you want to read the entire "Alliance History"?"


"There are also a few science fiction magazines about spaceships and space stations."

"Okay, I like this."

Lu Tinghan looked at the bookshelf: "There is another Sudoku."

Shi Yuan woke up: "This is not allowed."

"It's the primary version, suitable for beginners."



"Well, really, I definitely won't do Sudoku anymore."

It seems that after the painful baptism of high-difficulty Sudoku, Shi Yuan never touches small puzzle games again.

Lu Tinghan sorted out the remaining items for Shi Yuan again, took some more books, and a small snow globe.

The transport truck was coming soon, Cai Deyuan finished smoking and started to move things downstairs.

Lu Tinghan finally said: "Shi Yuan..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Shi Yuan asked again: "What do you want to say?"

Lu Tinghan said: "...Actually, the day after tomorrow is my birthday."

Shi Yuan: "Wow!" He was very pleasantly surprised, "I never knew!"

"I don't celebrate my birthday, from childhood to adulthood." Lu Tinghan leaned on the sofa and continued, "This time I just finished dealing with the matter at hand, so I'll give it a try once."

"What gift do you want!"

Through the phone, Lu Tinghan could imagine that the tip of Shi Yuan's tail must be swaying happily.

"I don't know." Lu Tinghan said, "There is no need to prepare a gift for me, I just...want to chat with you."

Shi Yuan:?

Shi Yuan: "Okay. It just so happens that I have something to tell you—very, very important thing!"

"Yeah." Lu Tinghan rubbed his eyebrows, "Shi Yuan, and before I come back, don't go out, and try not to get in touch with others."

Shi Yuan was confused: "Why?"

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Shi Yuan asked: "Why?"

Lu Tinghan said slowly: "...I had a dream."


"I dreamed that when you went out for the past three days, all the scales on your tail fell off." Lu Tinghan said, "It's scary, isn't it?"

Shi Yuan was stunned: "This is simply the most terrifying thing in the world!"

"Right. I'm pretty accurate in my dreams, so there's no way I'm going to let that happen."

Shi Yuan immediately believed Lu Tinghan: "Then let me see how to ask for leave, my tail can't be bald."

He thought for a while, but became entangled again: "But, but, I have to get Mr. Wu's things the day after tomorrow. There was a little stuff left there before, and I didn't have time to get it all. Now the welfare center is going to empty his room , if I don’t go, his books and the spaceship model will be thrown away.” He asked Lu Tinghan, “If I only go out for this one trip, for three hours, nothing will happen, right?”

Lu Tinghan was silent for a while, and said, "Only go out for three hours?"

"Well, I'll be back soon. Will the scales still fall off?"

"Probably not." Lu Tinghan spoke a little slowly, "Then you go. You stay at home at other times and don't interact with other people. There is food and drink in the refrigerator. Can you do this? Can you Promise me?"

"Yes." Shi Yuan agreed, "I'll wait for you to come back."

The phone hangs up.

The cardboard boxes were all packed, and Cai Deyuan was waiting for him in the car.

Lu Tinghan let out a long breath, got up and walked downstairs. He put on his military cap, lowered the brim, and walked as firmly as ever.

He thought to himself, it's time to take a look at the world after waking up from the dream.

See if it is endless darkness, or flowers and light.

Wasteland outside the city.

"...That is to say, in this ghost place, someone set up a stone platform for him?" Bai Ye said.

In front of him was a scrapped military vehicle covered in vines.

This used to be a convoy supporting the south outpost of Gleaming City. It was attacked in the jungle, one car was wrecked and the driver died. After more than a year, another team led by Bai Ye found them.

According to the report, the soldier who died was named Yin Zhou.

Bai Ye and his group came here, not intending to do anything, but to spend three minutes to confirm the scene, and then continue on their way.

They saw a very strange scene: Yin Zhou's body was piled up with stones, and a simple grave was built.

Who would do such a thing?

Who would take the time to collect stones and patiently build a stone tomb in a monster-infested jungle? !

This is incredible, beyond understanding.

This abnormality, Bai Ye immediately ordered

Everyone investigates. The surroundings are dangerous, they have to hurry up, a team of people inspects the abandoned military vehicles, and a team of people clears away the stone ramp.

In the humid and warm environment, the corpse has already been skeletonized. They found Yin Zhou's dog tag.

And a strange thing happened: They also found a bullet hole and a brass-colored bullet on Yin Zhou's skull.

The bullet hole was just to the right of the center of the frontal bone, killing him with one blow.

"Grass..." Bai Ye said slowly, "What the hell, was he shot?"

One soldier said: "Did the comrades give him a good time seeing that he was hopeless?"

"No," Bai Ye said, "I just read their report. After the convoy was attacked, they didn't even know that Yin Zhou was still alive. After transferring the personnel, the convoy left the forest directly. If he was shot by his teammates, It will definitely be included in the report."

The soldier was shocked: "That is to say..."

"That is to say, Yin Zhou was still alive after the convoy left." Bai Ye stared at the skeleton, "Then, someone shot him dead and set up a stone ramp for him."

They also searched around, but did not see other corpses for the time being. It was not possible to confirm whether the shooter was dead or left.

Bai Ye's expression became more serious.

"Captain!" Another person hurried away with a sealed bag, "New discovery!"

Inside the sealed bag is a military pistol/gun, covered in dirt and slime.

Bai Ye said: "Take it back, and immediately do bullet trace identification and fingerprint extraction."

"Yes!" The soldier saluted.

The sky in the distance was turquoise, with a smear of azure covering the top, Bai Ye looked at Yin Zhou's empty eye sockets—Yin Zhou seemed to be still looking at the sky.

Bai Ye asked, "What exactly did you see?"

No answer.

That pistol/gun was packed into a sealed case. Bai Ye murmured: "Come on, let me see who you really are."

Two days later.

Fengyang City.

Shi Yuan asked for leave as agreed, and didn't go to work for the past two days.

But today he is going to the welfare center to get back Wu Zhengqing's last belongings.

He didn't sleep well yesterday.

Lu Tinghan didn't come back, he dreamed of the stage and monsters again, countless eyes fell on him, looking forward to, he was the only protagonist.

He never got rid of this dream.

But Shiyuan was about to confess to Lu Tinghan.

When he was in Gleaming City, he also had the idea of ​​confessing. He wanted to keep the city, so he went to the wilderness and fixed a blue butterfly in the crystal, preparing to prove his ability to Lu Tinghan.

As a result, the "Black Queen" appeared after the queen of purple lanterns and bees.

It has a terrible infection value and endless time, which is enough to become the disaster of the city. Fortunately, it was hit by a space-based weapon and was contained in the main city laboratory.

Lu Tinghan told him about this and asked him if he had seen the queen bee.

Shi Yuan lied.

His ability can't save the city, and even runs counter to it, so there is no need to confess.

At that time, Shi Yuan didn't know how to be honest.

I don't understand that in a close relationship, honesty is the most important cornerstone and the most fundamental respect—maybe he doesn't have to tell the truth for the sake of the city, but he should at least tell Lu Tinghan.

Lu Tinghan has the right to know everything.

Shi Yuan took the tram to the No. 4 tower, thinking, when Lu Tinghan's birthday is over, let him tell him about it. He needs to apologize well and explain everything well.

He hoped his candor wasn't too late.

He still believes the story has a happy ending.

When they arrived at the welfare center, Wang Yu was leaning against the front desk and eating canned food. Shi Yuan greeted her and went to Wu Zhengqing's room to tidy up.

Wang Yu continued to eat canned food.

Canned mushroom soup noodles, noodles slippery, each

The cuts are very short and tasteless.

She was frowning when she heard footsteps.

Dozens of armed fighters stepped into the welfare center.

Fengyang City Law Enforcement Team.

Wang Yu: "...?"

Her eyes widened.

The leader of the soldiers gestured to her to signal her to leave, and then merged his index and middle fingers, pointing to the end of the corridor.

That's where Shi Yuan was.

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