MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 79 come back

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There was a sound of electricity coming from the communicator.


The soldiers were stunned for a moment, all looking at the research center. I saw the lights of the control center on the roof flickering, weak but clear.

Someone is still in the research center, and the authority has been turned on!

Before he had time to think about who stayed there, the correspondent immediately called: "This is the 21st team, please answer if you receive it, please answer if you receive it!"


"Please answer if you receive it!"

"Shusha—received." The signal stabilized, and a steady male voice came, "This is the dispatch center, and I am researcher Lin Yeran. I restarted the dispatch tower at the console of the first dispatch room, but I did not More advanced permissions to improve coverage and enable more advanced channels. Please give instructions on the next step!"

"Received." The correspondent's nose was sweating, "Can you go to the main control room? Go there, you follow my instructions, and I can let you unlock the authority."

"Yes, the way to the main control room is safe for the time being, I will go there now." Lin Yeran replied.

"Okay, please be careful."

Lin Yeli is not from the dispatch center. Fortunately, he often runs between the data center and the dispatch center, and has some basic permissions. It was this authority that allowed him to go to the top floor and activate the scheduling system.

Currently only the most basic public channels are available.

The signal on the non-military channel was particularly unstable, but, through layers of electrical sound, the troops scattered in the city got in touch.

When Shi Yuan heard it, the communication channel was ringing non-stop.

The signal is poor, the channels are confusing, everyone is pulling their throats, repeating conversations, and it's a mess. They located another team—just 10 kilometers away, at the bottom of the northern city wall, a convoy transporting energy cores was trapped.

Lu Tinghan decided to support immediately.

Shi Yuan didn't follow him into the car.

He and Lu Tinghan said, "I want to go to the data center."

"To find Lin Yeran?" Lu Tinghan asked.

"Yeah." Shi Yuan said, "If I don't pick him up, he will die there."

Lu Tinghan: "The data center is 33 kilometers away from here. The other team is in an emergency situation. I'm afraid there is no way to send someone to take you there."

"Oh..." Shi Yuan lowered his tail in a daze.

Lu Tinghan looked at him: "Let's turn into a black mist and pass, it's too late."

"Eh?" Shi Yuan was stunned for a moment, "Won't my infection signal affect the battle? It just brings interference, chaos and so on."

"It's okay, I'm here." Lu Tinghan said, "Go and save Researcher Lin, and make sure he can reach the main control room and come back safely. When you return to the street, I will find a way to pick you up. He touched Shi Yuan's head, "Go, before the next rain comes."

Shi Yuan's tail swayed happily.

Lu Tinghan's convoy left.

Shi Yuan didn't dare to touch the monster in the form of mist. Fortunately, the butterflies on the street subsided temporarily, and he still had a little time before the huge storm cloud came.

Shi Yuan found a corner, and thick black mist gushed out from his body.

He flew over the long street of Fengyang City.

Twenty minutes later, Shi Yuan came to the bottom of the data center.

This time he finally didn't have to climb the stairs, and the black mist rushed directly to the roof. He thought, it would be great if he could go to work like this. The elevator in Tower 4 was always broken, and he was sweating all over when he climbed the stairs.

When we reached the top floor, the gate was already open. He changed back into human form and shouted in the corridor: "Mr. Lin—Mr. Lin—"

The hallway was empty, his voice echoing.

He saw that the screens in every dispatch room were flickering, where the circuit was broken, black smoke was rising, and the smell was pungent.

He continued to shout: "Mr. Lin—Mr. Lin—"

"Mr. Lin, where are you?"

"Mr. Lin—I'm going to be late and leave early!"

A voice came from the end of the corridor: "I'm here! Shi Yuan, come here!"

Shi Yuan trotted over, passed through two heavy gates, and found Lin Yeran in the main control room.

Lin Yeli was still wearing the researcher's white coat, and his hands were covered with dust and engine oil.

The buttons on the main console were densely packed. He glanced at Shiyuan quickly, and before he could explain, he followed the instructions in the communicator and continued to open the authority.

Communicator: [...the last step, enter the temporary operation password 2889sa42z93, bypassing the fingerprint unlocking system]

[I am authorizing you remotely, after obtaining the authorization, immediately open all military channels]

Lin Yelian did so with sweat all over his face, and finally pressed the start button.

Screens and signal lights lit up one by one, illuminating the control room.

The crackling electric current exploded, and the voice of conversation came from the earphones placed on the table: [This is team 23, please answer if you receive it! 】

[Our temporary outpost in District 6, requesting support! 】

[The teams listen to the order and approach the team that transports the energy core first! We must evacuate! 】

[Admiral Lu Tinghan ordered that the transport ship take off in 45 minutes, all units pay attention! 】

—Communications restored.

Lin Yeli let out a long breath, and sat down, leaning against the wall as if exhausted. Outside the window, the thunderclouds were overwhelming, the rain was pouring down majesticly, and the butterflies spread their wings.

Shi Yuan said: "Mr. Lin, let's go to the bottom of the tower first, a car will pick us up later."

Lin Yelian didn't speak, he clenched the metal plate hanging on his chest.

Shi Yuan: "Mr. Lin?"

Lin Yeran suddenly asked: "Shi Yuan, do you know why I stay here?"

Shi Yuan shook his head.

Lin Yeran said: "The signal was messed up during the thunderstorm, and there was a lot of noise on the channel, and there was everything. I just suddenly felt that something would come back this night, such as a message from an old friend."

"..." Shi Yuan opened his eyes slightly, realizing something, "Ah."

"Yes." Lin Yelian raised a black flash drive in his hand and smiled, that smile was real and bright, Shi Yuan had never seen him smile like this before.

He said, "I found Yan Xin's message."

Three hours ago, the researchers and dispatchers had all evacuated, and only Lin Yeran stayed behind.

He couldn't tell why.

Are you looking for death? I'm not desperate for that; do you want to protect the data? The data has been transferred and backed up, so there is no need for this.

He went up to the top floor and sat alone in the empty control room. Someone forgot to cut off the power, and the equipment was damaged too much. The screens were all snowflakes, and the channel was full of noise. Whenever lightning exploded, many images flashed across the screen, and human voices came from the channel.

[July 1, 229, the fifth record, here is the third team, preparing to execute the "Alpha Assault Operation", launching an attack on the No. 4 abyss infection cluster. 】

[Call the dispatch center, call the dispatch center, please answer if you hear it! We need support! The outpost can't stand it anymore! 】

[The "Bee Swarm" aircraft team requested an emergency landing, and the right engine of one aircraft was damaged...]

【I am Second Lieutenant Mo Yuan, the commander of this operation. Regarding the urban reconstruction plan in March 201, I have the following instructions...】

[Good evening, viewers, here is the weather forecast. On July 28, 191, there will be moderate to heavy rain in some parts of Fengyang City, and the temperature will be 21 to 26 degrees Celsius. Please prepare rain gear and prepare for strong winds to cool down]

【Good morning! Welcome to "The Sound of Music". Today's first song is the pure music "Sunset in the Iron City" ordered by Ms. Zou for Mr. Jiang. Please enjoy it—]

Voices from different periods and channels blended together and made a lot of noise.

If data is compared to the ocean, in the thunder of this night, the sea is churning, and the past of the city is surging in the turbulence. Every time there is lightning and thunder, they whistling and roaring, almost deafening.

Lin Yelian is in charge of audio and video processing, these are the things he is most familiar with.

He sat in his seat and listened silently, the flood of audio engulfed him. It was raining loudly outside, and he thought casually that it was a miracle he hadn't died yet.

So, why should I stay?

He didn't know, just as he didn't know why he couldn't say "I love you" to Yan Xin.

He's such an awkward and weird guy.

He has been sitting.

Until the bright blue lightning exploded, in the chaotic audio, he heard a man's voice: [Lin Yelian, I actually don't know what to say...]

At this moment, the electric current exploded on Lin Yeli's spine, as if the lightning struck him! He subconsciously rushed over and lay down in front of the screen.

Snowflakes flickered on the screen, and the audio continued to play: [...I've been thinking, what did I do to upset you? Is it because I always stay in Iron City and never come back? Did I yell at you earlier? still…】

Lin Yeran didn't have time to listen carefully.

He was afraid that the next lightning bolt would disrupt the data, so with trembling hands, he took out the flash drive from his coat pocket with the last ounce of reason, and switched on the machine.

[…Or am I always smoking, why can’t I quit? You always say that I will get lung cancer, and I will lie in bed, but no one will take care of me. 】

Lin Yeli clicked the screen and selected the audio signal source.

Select, copy, paste.

Faster, faster!

His palms were sweaty. Must succeed!

"Boom—" There was another thunderous sound, and the screen kept flickering. Every time the progress bar flashed, Lin Yeli felt that he was going to die.


The progress bar has reached the end, showing "Copy successful"!

At this moment, the screen flickered again, the audio changed, and the sweet voice said: [Today, the Welfare Center for Mutants in Fengyang City officially opened, located at the top of Tower No. 4. Welcome to sign up for volunteers! 】

Lin Yeli pulled out the flash drive, his back covered in cold sweat.

...succeeded. He thought, I made it.

Lin Yeli has dealt with too much data in his life. On a thunderstorm night, the message from the past appeared, like a ghostly and cunning fish, riding the wind and waves.

After crossing the turbulent flow of thousands of data, it finally returned to his side.

Before he had time to listen to the 2-minute audio, Lin Yeran was stunned for half a second, then suddenly realized something, jumped up from his seat, rushed to the first control room, opened the dispatch tower, and got in touch with the army.

After that, Shi Yuan found him in the main control room.

Lin Yeran held the flash drive, still smiling: "A miracle happened to me for the second time."

Shi Yuan was also very pleasantly surprised, and advised him: "Let's go downstairs first! When it's safe, you can listen to Colonel Yan's message!"

Lin Yeli no longer hesitated.

The two went down to the first floor safely and found a closed room to stay. Lin Yelian sprayed the smell masking agent on the wall, while Shi Yuan sent a message to Lu Tinghan to tell him the situation.

They came down in time, and within two minutes, the water butterfly flew into the research center and danced in the corridor.

Lin Yeli didn't care about the danger anymore.

He sat down and, with trembling hands, connected the flash drive to the personal terminal. Those 2 minutes of audio clearly appear in the folder.

He clicks on it.

Yan Xin's voice appeared: [Lin Yeran, I actually don't know what to say. I've been thinking, what on earth did I make you unhappy? Is it because I always stay in Iron City and never come back? Did I yell at you earlier? Or am I always smoking and I can't quit? You always say that I will get lung cancer, and no one will take care of me when I lie in bed. I have guessed so many possibilities, how can I know what you think if you don't always speak your mind? How do I still love me? 】

[This time when I came to Tiecheng to see the sunset, I suddenly realized that some things cannot be forced, and I get tired of them for a long time. Maybe we are just not suitable, and maybe we should go our separate ways. In this way, I continue to be frank, and you don't have to change yourself. 】

Lin Yeran: "..."

He tightened his grip on the terminal, rattling his knuckles.

Yan Xin: [But, I'm still not reconciled. 】

[Before I die, I should be more relaxed, learn from the tragic characters in those movies, let go of the cruel words against my heart, and make a clean break with you, so that you will no longer miss me in the future, and maybe you can find a handsome guy as a new love...]

【But I'm not reconciled, since I was a child, I have to hold firmly in my hands what I want. 】

His tone was with a smile: [You taught me to use holographic text messages, saying that I am a bumpkin; you scolded me not to buy roses, that thing is the reproduction/organs of plants, which is purely IQ tax; you said that I always rob you when I sleep Quilt, you put away all the socks I littered on the couch and sent me to sleep in the dump... It's weird how I feel like you still love me in these not-so-beautiful moments. 】

40 seconds of audio left.

[Do you still remember that before I left, I said I have been keeping a secret from you? Now, finally, I'm going to tell you. 】

Lin Yelian couldn't help but hold his breath.

【The secret is—I actually lied to you, I didn’t fall in love with you at first sight at all. Hahahahahaha I didn't expect that! Your charm is not that great, that's why I coaxed you to play hahaha! 】

Yan Xin laughed out loud.

Lin Yeran: "..."

Lin Yeran:? ?

His expression was blank for half a second.

Yan Xin burst into tears with laughter, her voice trembling: 【I fell in love with you only when we met for the second time. You were standing in the sunshine in the corridor wearing a white coat. I glanced over and wondered how could there be such a good-looking person? Only after that. 】

[Lin Yelian, I can already imagine your expression, you must want to kill me, right? After waiting for a long time to tell you this shit, I still hide it like a baby. 】

[But this is the only thing I keep from you, you see, how honest I am. I hope you will be like me in the future, say what you want to say and do what you want, people, always be frank, otherwise you will miss it. 】

Yan Xin paused for two seconds.

He said softly: 【Goodbye, Lin Yeran. 】

The audio is over.

Lin Yelian held the terminal and did not move for a long time.

Shi Yuan thought that he was mad at Yan Xin's childish secret - he had waited 16 years to find a message, and he said this kind of thing.

However, Shi Yuan soon noticed that Lin Yelian's shoulders were shaking.

It was a light tremor at first, then violent shaking.

Shi Yuan asked, "Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

He leaned over and found Lin Yelian smiling.

Lin Yeran laughed like Yan Xin, and smiled heartily: "Yan Xin, this **** is really **** in debt, how can there be such a shameless person in the world..."

He smiled and said, "I knew you couldn't say good things. You haven't changed in all these years."

It was the same Yan Xin who blew smoke at him and asked him at the top of his voice if he wanted to have sex.

Lin Yeran smiled with tears all over her face.

He grabbed Yan Xin's "dog tag" on the collar again, and asked Shi Yuan: "You gave it to me, right? You came to the tower to look for me that night, right?"

Shi Yuan didn't answer.

Lin Yelian cried and laughed: "I always thought I was drunk and dreaming. Then you came to me again."

Shi Yuan said, "Maybe, because I am an excellent employee."

Lin Yeran wiped his face and patted him on the shoulder: "It's really good. Thank you. He still came back to me."

The convoy came to pick them up and headed for the distant transport ship.

Shi Yuan found Lu Tinghan on the city wall next to the transport ship.

Butterfly thunderstorms swept across the city. Lu Tinghan was in the outpost on the city wall, looking at the street through the reinforced glass floor-to-ceiling windows, the gloomy skylight outlined the lines of his face, cold and oppressive.

He has given orders.

Soldiers are running around, but the situation is not optimistic. The transport ship had to pass through a large storm cloud to reach the open wasteland.

Shi Yuan gently took Lu Tinghan's hand.

Lu Tinghan intertwined his fingers. He remained silent, and there seemed to be a storm in his gray-blue eyes.


Until a faint light appeared in the sky.

That light was too small compared to the storm clouds, as if it would be swallowed up in seconds. But the magic is that despite the wind and rain, they are all there and never go out.

The sky was gloomy.

Like a layer of fluorescent waves suddenly appearing in the dark ocean, it gently rushed to the shore, lighting up the world.

That's swarms of jellyfish.

They floated lightly in mid-air, and returned to Fengyang City unsteadily, with umbrella covers covering billions of raindrops. There are more and more jellyfish, and the sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the mid-air is full of their flowing light bands.

In the wave of jellyfish, the white deer, which is bigger than the tower, slowly appeared.

It is surrounded by mist, paces slowly, and walks gracefully into the city and butterflies. Water butterflies are attracted by it, flying around its body, chasing its deer hooves, perching on its gorgeous antlers, and its colorful wings trembling in the wind, like a storm, like a strange picture.

Everyone stopped moving.

They looked to the sky, where the light came from.

It was a night full of reunions. The hero returned home, so the transport ship went safely to the wilderness.

The rain stopped, the jellyfish floated, and went to an unknown distance, and the deer outside the high forest chased them with butterflies all over the sky.

Lu Tinghan and Shi Yuan were on the transport ship, watching that wonderful monster team go away side by side.

Lu Tinghan's back was straight, overlooking the wasteland.

He salutes them.

Since then, no one has seen jellyfish and forest deer.

Read The Duke's Passion