MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 8 persuade

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Wang Yu and Lu Bafang stood side by side outside the tent, the cold wind was blowing, and the world was desolate.

Wang Yu looked up at the sky. She had deep eyes, her white robe was billowing in the wind, and she was holding a bottle of soapy water in her hand, and said, "So Shi Yuan left with the general just like that?"

"Yes." Lu Bafang also looked into the distance, "They boarded the aircraft and left together."

"What did he do, just go up and hug the general?"

"Yes." Lu Bafang still looked into the distance, "That's it, simple and effective."

Wang Yu sighed, "The coins don't lie to me!"

Lu Bafang's expression was calm and peaceful. Looking carefully, he had a sense of detachment after being overly shocked, as if he had realized it, and said: "I was wrong, I was really wrong. We have been measuring by the standards of ordinary people, To speculate on things, but Shi Yuan is not an ordinary person, he doesn't care about rules, he is good-looking enough to really do whatever he wants, the land general is also human, and the land general is also sad about the beauty pass..."

Wang Yu was silent for a moment: "Is there a possibility that the two of them know each other?"

"How is it possible." Lu Bafang said, "Take a step back and say, the general has been a watcher of the abyss for ten years, and it is impossible for Shi Yuan to know him."

"Then who knows," Wang Yu said, "then who knows, this world is very wonderful."

The two looked at the distance again in unison, which was the direction where the aircraft disappeared.

Lu Bafang: "Sister Wang, do you think that if I do this on land, I will be allowed to board the aircraft?"

Wang Yu: "The ashes should be available."

Lu Bafang: "Yes, yes."

There were many mutants on the aircraft, Shi Yuan was too scared, he stuck to Lu Tinghan's side and dared not leave, Lu Tinghan could only take him into his office cubicle.

He untied Shi Yuan's tail.

Shi Yuan flicked his tail tentatively, the tail swayed in the air, and the movement finally became smooth.

His eyes lit up: "You are really amazing."

Lu Tinghan said, "Is there anything else you can do for me?"

Shi Yuan: "No." He was already very happy.

Lu Tinghan looked at him and asked, "Have I met you?"

Not only has he seen it, but he has been staring at it for ten years, and he still feels the familiarity somehow. Shi Yuan was confused, he knew Lu Tinghan's position, if he told the truth, then he would not be able to stay with his human beings, maybe he would be torn apart by those terrifying mutants.

He didn't want to lie, and he wasn't good at it, but he was a petty liar from the beginning, and he was able to blend in with the crowd.

He thought, I won't do bad things, it's just a very small lie.

Shi Yuan whispered: "I don't know, maybe I have seen it..."

He was so guilty, he felt that his voice was dry, and he didn't dare to look at Lu Tinghan.

"Shi Yuan, look up at me." Lu Tinghan said.

Shi Yuan froze, slowly and carefully raised his head, and met Lu Tinghan's eyes.

Lu Tinghan has a pair of gray-blue eyes, Shi Yuan has seen many times, those eyes are cold blue under the moonlight, the color is unique, now the indoor light is not strong, Lu Tinghan stands against the light, Shi Yuan can only see lead A cloud of gray.

Lu Tinghan must have seen his guilt, but he didn't ask. He carefully looked at Shi Yuan's face, from the brows to the eyes to the jaw, taking every detail into his eyes.

Then he said, "I've seen you."

The tone is firm and beyond doubt.

He added: "I've seen it a long time ago." He stretched out his hand, stroked Shi Yuan's side face, and stopped on the back of his neck, feeling slightly cool.

Lu Tinghan's movements were actually very light and restrained, his expression was no different from stroking a gun. But this is the most vulnerable part of the human body, and this move somewhat brings deterrence and desire for control.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looking at Shi Yuan thoughtfully.

In Shi Yuan's body, apart from the sense of familiarity, he also intuitively sensed the potential threat.

——What Shiyuan didn't know was that people recognized Abyss 0 as the most dangerous abyss. It has been in a safe "dormant period" for a long time, but from the monitoring data, once it breaks out, it will cause the most intense pollution and mutation.

Lu Tinghan rubbed the back of Shi Yuan's neck, the skin under his hand was delicate and warm, but his eyes became darker and darker.

When Lu Tinghan rescued Shiyuan, he had seen his blood test results. After boarding the aircraft, Shi Yuan took blood again, but the result was still no infection.

According to the league standards, Shi Yuan is absolutely safe and healthy.

The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.

But he has seen too many monsters and witnessed too many infections, and with his intuition beyond ordinary people, he noticed that something was wrong with Shi Yuan. On the one hand, there are cold and sharp doubts in his heart, on the other hand, there is a warm and nostalgic familiarity, the two are mixed and turned into extremely complicated emotions.

Shi Yuan looked at Lu Tinghan for a while, but he wasn't nervous anymore.

He didn't have the consciousness that his vitals were being controlled at all, curled his tail, stretched out his arms to hug Lu Tinghan, looked up at him, and said, "Do you want to pet my head, that's fine."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Shi Yuan looked at him expectantly: "It's ok, I don't mind."

Lu Tinghan didn't respond.

After waiting for a while, Shi Yuan realized something, and looked at him with wide eyes: "...Ah, so you want to touch me, don't you?"

He was visibly upset, and his tail drooped.

A few seconds later, Lu Tinghan calmly withdrew his hand on the back of his neck.

Then he tentatively put his hand on top of Shi Yuan's head, but didn't fall down.

Shi Yuan looked at him, the tip of his tail wagging obviously fast.

He withdrew his hand.

The tail immediately slowed down, and after wagging two or three times, it stopped directly.

He reached out again, and his tail began to wag happily again, in anticipation.

So Lu Tinghan touched Shi Yuan's head, the silky black hair ran across his fingers, it was fluffy and soft, and it felt great.

Shi Yuan was so satisfied that he half-closed his eyes, rubbing against his hand, and occasionally he would touch the pair of curved devil horns.

Shi Yuan: "Purr, purr." It was very soft, like the intimate and happy voice of a feline.

Lu Tinghan didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"

Shi Yuan: "Huluhulu, I didn't speak."

Lu Tinghan said, "Try saying something."

Shi Yuan: "What do you want to talk about?"

It was only then that Lu Tinghan realized that this was probably Shi Yuan's voice when he was too happy.

People who have been infected will take on the characteristics of the infected. For example, people infected by wild beasts, some like to eat raw meat, some will howl in the middle of the night, and some are obsessed with grooming and catching mice. In contrast, people infected by plants are much more peaceful. Most of them just like to bask in the sun quietly, and occasionally complain about the bad water quality today.

Like Shi Yuan, even Lu Tinghan didn't see that he was infected by anything.

He heard his subordinates secretly calling Shi Yuan "little devil".

A weird little devil that purrs when it's happy.

Shi Yuan: "Huluhulu, Lu Tinghan, are you very good? I heard that you have defended many cities."

Lu Tinghan said, "Three seats."

Shi Yuan: "Huluhulu, they also said that you are the youngest general, and those mutants listen to you."

Lu Tinghan said: "It's just a fluke to get reused."

Shi Yuan: "Everyone knows your name."

Lu Tinghan asked: "Who told you all these?"

"My friend." Shi Yuan replied, and Lu Bafang's shocked face and trembling epileptic hands appeared in his mind when he saw him throwing himself into Lu Tinghan's arms.

He was very happy to be touched, and said: "You saved me and untied my tail, you are really amazing, Hululu."

"...But I can't remember where I met you." Lu Tinghan finally rubbed Shi Yuan's head and withdrew his hand, "Maybe one day you can tell me."

When Shi Yuan heard this topic, he felt guilty and buried his head in silence.

But he finally found his human, and after a few minutes he put the guilt behind him and was happy again.

At this time, the aircraft has passed tens of kilometers, and the city is within easy reach. There was freshly brewed hot tea on the table, and the teacups were as delicate as works of art. When Lu Tinghan said you could do whatever you wanted, Shi Yuan picked up a cup and sipped it.

After drinking a cup of tea, the aircraft trembled slightly, and they landed on the empty air force runway. The hatch opened slowly and stretched out, forming a **** leading to the ground. At the end of the runway, the Union's Snowy Flower flag was flying. A huge black building stands in front of you, in the shape of a regular cuboid, and the whole body is made of steel. Looking from bottom to top, it is so magnificent that it seems to support the entire sky.

When they went to the ground, Shi Yuan asked, "Where is this?"

"Gleaner City." Lu Tinghan replied.

Into the building, brightly lit. A man in a blue uniform came over to salute, then stood there without saying a word. Lu Tinghan and Shi Yuan said: "Follow him, he will register your identity and arrange a residence for you."

Shi Yuan said: "We just met, I want to be with you."

Lu Tinghan said, "You don't have to be afraid of them."

Shi Yuan: "But, I want to be with you."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Seeing this, Xing Yifeng felt that it was time for him to play. He showed a smile, wanted to repeat the old trick, and forcibly pulled Shi Yuan away, saying that the general was very busy, and just after taking half a step, he heard Lu Tinghan say: "Okay."

Xing Yifeng's pace stopped abruptly, his eyes were about to fall out.

Lu Tinghan said: "I have something to do. If you want me to take you to register your identity, you will have to wait for a long time."

"It's okay," Shi Yuan said, "I can play by myself."

Lu Tinghan: "What do you want to play? There's nothing interesting here."

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "I can play with myself." He likes to straighten his scales with his tail in his arms.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan: "Shi Yuan, I will do it as soon as possible, please try not to play with yourself."

Shi Yuan:?

He didn't understand why, but he still agreed: "Okay."

When Lu Tinghan left with Shi Yuan, Xing Yifeng murmured: "It's over."

"What's the matter?" Wolf Claw glanced at him, "Your expression looks like you've been ripped off."

Xing Yifeng said: "The survivor just now, Shi Yuan, you saw it."

"I'm not blind. Little devil, we all know."

Xing Yifeng: "He said that he hated me very much and would sue the general. I didn't take it to heart at all at the time, but now I think he is sued! Have you watched the harem drama? I was originally a noble concubine and offended The court lady who just entered the palace turned out to be a new love with thousands of favorites. It is said that the new love and the old love are the new love and the old love, but the new love is in front of the old love. If the wind blows by this pillow, I will be killed tomorrow. behead!"

Wolf Claw was silent for a few seconds: "I think you should watch less dramas." He looked at Xing Yifeng, "Imperial concubine? Old love? The **** Xuanzhi is about the same."

Xing Yifeng slapped him on the back, and they both laughed.

After laughing, Wolf Claw rubbed his chin again: "But you're right, it seems a little different this time..."

On the other side, Shi Yuan followed behind Lu Tinghan.

They took the elevator up to the 8th floor. The corridor on this floor is bright, and there are few people and few rooms. Lu Tinghan asked Shi Yuan to stay in the small room at the end of the corridor, and then entered the thick door diagonally opposite. For the next two hours, through the glass of the small room, Shi Yuan watched people in different clothes enter and exit the door while drinking hot tea.

After the seventh officer left the room, Lu Tinghan also came out.

He said to Shi Yuan, "Waiting for a long time." Then he took Shi Yuan to the registration hall on the first floor.

The hall was empty, and there were only six or seven survivors standing there, all of whom had just been rescued. They lined up, and the registrar behind the desk was typing without looking up: "Next—your ID number? Name and gender? Date of birth?"

Before Shi Yuan studied it carefully, a person hurried over and saluted Lu Tinghan: "Admiral, you are..."

"Register him." Yuan raised his chin when Lu Tinghan rushed.

"Yes." The man's gaze quickly swept over Shi Yuan, led them into the small room, and turned on the device, "Your name and date of birth?"

Shi Yuan sat on the chair, and Lu Tinghan stood behind him. He replied: "My name is Shiyuan, time is Shi, abyss of abyss. Date of birth...I don't remember."

The man typed a few lines and asked again: "You haven't registered your identity, not even an ID number. Where did you live before? Did you live in the city?"

"I, I..." Shi Yuan got stuck, and the tip of his tail began to curl up again, "I don't live in the city."

"That's outside the city? Who do you live with," the registrar pushed his glasses, his tone unhurried, "There has been no trace of human activities outside the city for a long time. If you come from another place of residence, please be sure to tell us."

Shi Yuan: "I, I live with my family."

"Is it only your family? Where do you live, how to resist the attack of infected organisms, and ensure the source of food? Have you tried to contact the city in these years? There are many requirements for registering new residents. I have to ask in detail and record it in the file. .”

Shi Yuan: "..."

Time Yuan: qaq

He was so nervous that he couldn't say a word for a long time, and his tail began to knot again.

Lu Tinghan spoke behind him: "Skip this part first."

"Yes." The registrar retracted his gaze, "There are some additional information that you need to provide, such as education level, blood test report..."

The stubble just now has been revealed.

It's just that when Shi Yuan was answering other questions, Lu Tinghan put his hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it lightly.

Half an hour later, Shi Yuan got an electronic alliance identity card.

Printed on the electronic ID badge:

【Name: Shi Yuan

Sex: Male

Address: None

Occupation: None

Educational Level: Doubtful (literacy)

Previous residence: no

ID number: s600245]

Shi Yuan looked at it for a while, feeling a little sad: "I don't seem to have anything."

Lu Tinghan said, "No." He paused, "At least you still have a name and gender."

Shi Yuan was even more sad.

Lu Tinghan added: "They will assign you a residence as soon as possible, and the result will be available within about 20 minutes. If there is a suitable job position, someone will notify you."

Shi Yuan said, "I still want to be with you."

"I can take you to your residence."

"It will be hard for me to see you in the future."

Lu Tinghan said: "Shi Yuan, I can't stay with you all the time. You will meet many new friends."

Shi Yuan asked: "Is it really not possible?"

Lu Tinghan: "Why do you want to be with me?"

Shi Yuan pursed his lips: "I just want to."

Lu Tinghan tapped the table with his fingertips, and his eyes fell on the spike pendant hanging on him.

The wolf tooth pendant belonged to Xie Qianming, he gave it to Shi Yuan, and Shi Yuan kept it with him. Lu Tinghan looked at it for a few seconds, then carefully looked at Shi Yuan's face, and suddenly smiled lightly: "Then try to convince me." He pulled out the chair and sat down, sitting very upright, with a serious expression, Like usual in a military meeting.

Shi Yuan didn't know what to say at all.

He felt that Lu Tinghan was very smart, unlike him who knew nothing. Even he understood that it would be difficult for an admiral to be persuaded by a stupid little monster.

But he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Opposite Lu Tinghan, Shi Yuan thought for a while and said, "I have a very serious fear of anthropophobia."

Lu Tinghan: "Anthropophobia?"

Shi Yuan said seriously: "Yes. I only tell you this secret—I'm really, really afraid of people."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

This "secret" can be seen by everyone.

Shi Yuan said, "When I see people, especially many people, I get scared."

Lu Tinghan: "Yes."

Shi Yuan said, "Whenever I'm afraid, my tail gets knotted."

Lu Tinghan: "Yes."

Shi Yuan: "I don't like a knotted tail. I can't untie that knot, and neither can anyone else. Only you can untie it at once."

Lu Tinghan: "Yes."

Shi Yuan: "You can touch my head and scratch my chin. So you can take me home, okay?"

Lu Tinghan: "Yes."

Shi Yuan: "I don't know how to do many things, but I can help you water the flowers, clean up, and throw away the garbage...ah!" He realized what Lu Tinghan said, unbelievable, "...Really?"

Lu Tinghan: "Really."

"Then what do we do now!"

Lu Tinghan said, "Come with me."

he got up. Surprised, Shi Yuan followed behind him, thinking, why would anyone find Lu Tinghan difficult to get close to?

It turns out that human beings are so easy to talk!

Under the warm light in the room, the gray blue in Lu Tinghan's eyes was not so cold and hard. He said, "Shi Yuan, I only have one request."

Shi Yuan was elated: "What?"

Lu Tinghan: "You can play by yourself, but don't play with yourself."

Shi Yuan:?

Shi Yuan didn't understand why Lu Tinghan was so obsessed with not letting him take care of his tail, he said, "Okay, then I'll play secretly from now on."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Lu Tinghan: "Alright."

Read The Duke's Passion