MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 84 crisis

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Shi Yuan was still running on both sides of the food distribution place and the research center.

Every time he goes to the research center, he always sees a bunch of people tinkering with instruments, and they are all tossing the "echo". The Empire made a regular call every half a month, and the voice of correspondent 0293 was almost engraved into everyone's DNA, but the signal was still unstable, and the Empire couldn't hear their voices.

The spirits of ordinary residents began to sink.

Rumors abounded. Some people said that the Empire did not exist at all. This may be a data confusion. They heard the noise of the past. Some people said that all this is a lie woven by the Alliance, and they are a group of liars.

Professor Luo explained the former. He said that to be able to discover and join the channel, the empire needs to operate communication equipment, which can ensure that the communication is real-time;

And Lu Tinghan guaranteed the latter. When the rumors were at their worst, he gave a speech, saying that the alliance was strictly disciplined, and the human beings were united as one, so there was no need to lie to the brave survivors.

People trusted Lu Tinghan very much, and Professor Luo was also highly respected, so the rumors gradually disappeared.

They still have hope for the empire and for tomorrow.

And Shi Yuan met Alice several times.

Sometimes at the distributing place, he just finished a bucket of hot porridge, covered in thin sweat, turned his head and saw a deserted corner, a girl with black hair and white skirt sitting on the dining table, dangling her feet, greeting him; sometimes in the research center , Shi Yuan had just left the gate and was walking on the way to the station when a certain holographic projection on the corner of the street flickered, and Alice winked at him with the toy unicorn in her arms.

His secret friend is elusive, wandering in the city, and thousands of cables are her home.

One day Alice said to him, "Shi Yuan, can you do me a favor?"

"What?" Shi Yuan was a little surprised, this was the first time Alice asked him for help.

Alice supported her head with her hands, hesitated for half a second: "I—do you know Leonard Philippa?"

Shi Yuan shook his head.

Alice said: "My real name is Alice Philippa, and Leonard is my brother." She tilted her head, "You must have heard my story. Seventy-five years ago, Leonard and I Make an appointment to watch the fireworks."

Then Alice stumbles and falls down the path, dreaming of summer forever.

Alice went on to say: "To be precise, I am not the 'Alice Philippa'. She is dead, and her brain is used to assist the calculation of the optical brain. I am her personality simulated by the program. But recently, I, I can't tell if I'm a program or Alice Philippa."

Shi Yuan curled his tail in confusion.

Alice looked at him: "So, I want to see Leonard more and more."

Shi Yuan asked, "Is he still alive?"

"If he is still alive, this year is 85 years old." Alice said, "I didn't find his death record in the system, and I didn't find him. Maybe he changed his name. It's also possible that his part of the data is corrupted." It's — losing data is a common thing. If you check the surveillance and do a facial comparison, you might be able to find him, but I don't have authorization."

"Then what should I do? How can I help you?"

"I don't know either." Alice shook her white feet, "According to human beings, you can only 'find out' for me."

"Can I get authorization for you?" Shi Yuan asked. He knew that as long as he asked, Lu Tinghan would definitely help him, even if he didn't know the reason.

Alice said: "Facial comparison consumes a lot of computing power. Now that there is not enough energy, we can't put computing power on this kind of thing."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, "You really like humans."

Alice smiled: "Unlike you, in my opinion, I am a human being. Although others will not admit it."

"If you find Leonard, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know either." Alice stroked the unicorn's mane, "I've seen the fireworks, and this is the only thing I wish for." She sighed slightly, "It's a pity, there is not enough storage space , I deleted a lot of things, including my 'love profile'."

Shi Yuan promised to help her find someone.

But the main city is too big, and it is too difficult to find a child who was born more than 70 years ago and may have changed his name.

He didn't want to trouble Lu Tinghan, so he could only ask around, but after a long time, he had no clue.

He also made indirect remarks and asked Professor Guan.

Professor Guan checked the database for him, but found no results. He said, "The city was destroyed before, and a lot of data was lost. Besides, after so many years, the chance of Leonard still alive is really... very slim."

"I know." Shi Yuan said, "However, I will continue to look for it."

Professor Guan asked, "Why do you want to find him?"

Shi Yuan replied, "For a friend of mine."

A few days later, Professor Guan talked about "deep diving" with him again.

They went to the No. 2 military area and looked at the shiny and beautiful frigate. There are also several smaller ships parked nearby.

"What are these?" Shi Yuan asked.

"The auxiliary ships of the frigate play the role of protection and detection." Professor Guan said, "The technology is not yet mature, but we can only use it bravely. No matter how you say it, we must ensure that the frigate reaches the bottom of the abyss. He hesitated for a moment, "Shi Yuan, I want to tell you something."


Professor Guan leaned against the white wall and looked up at the frigate.

He said: "The black mist in the abyss is very dangerous. Not only are there infected turbulence, storms that can destroy ships, but also infected biota that inhabit. This is why the aircraft, drones, and various detectors we sent before All failed."

Lu Tinghan also talked about this matter, Shi Yuan listened silently.

Professor Guan: "Even with a frigate, 'deep diving' is very dangerous, and the communication between the ship and the ground cannot be guaranteed, but we still figure out the movements of the abyss and monsters." He took a deep breath, "That is to say , Lu Tinghan is the most suitable candidate."

Shi Yuan was also leaning against the wall, with a piece of metal ice behind him. He asked: "So you want Lu Tinghan to drive the frigate and go down to the abyss?"

"No, he wasn't the one driving it." Professor Guan said, "We have professional pilots, but we need a land general on the ship to take command. There is only one chance, and he is the only one... the most likely to make the plan successful must be him. "

Shi Yuan: "Oh, he's really amazing!"

His humans are really smart.

At this moment, Professor Guan's expression was a bit complicated.

He slowly said: "There are two problems. First, the city needs a general on land. He can't go to the 'deep dive', otherwise what will other people do? It takes quite a long time to collect data and establish communication with the ground. Secondly, other abysses are different from yours and are highly contagious. How long can humans live at the bottom of the abyss? A week, a month, or a year? Nobody knows. Anyway, it's a journey with no return."

Shi Yuan: "Oh..."

Professor Guan sighed: "We don't know what to do. The Empire...haven't been in touch yet." He wiped his reading glasses, and there were slight scratches on the lenses, "I have a hunch that if you give us enough If the land general is allowed to carry out the plan, the 'deep dive' can be successful."

He smiled wryly: "Without the land general, the alliance would have ceased to exist. He has done his best, but can the main city last until that day?"

No one can answer this question.

At night, Shi Yuan accidentally found two batteries in a drawer at home.

The tip of his tail was wagging, and before going to bed that day, Lu Tinghan listened to the little pony looking for his mother in the lantern.

In the end Lu Lu will turn off the bedside lamp, and also coldly cut off the lantern, saying: "Sleep."

In the dark, Shi Yuan hugged Lu Tinghan. He asked: "Lu Tinghan, will you perform the 'deep dive'?"

Lu Tinghan didn't answer.

He touched Shi Yuan's head.

In the days that followed, there were constant battles, occasional power outages, and the entire city fell into darkness. At this time, the stars were extraordinarily bright, and you could see the shining universe when you looked up. Unfortunately, another meteor shower did not come.

From time to time, people have to hide in the shelter, and the time of hiding is getting longer and longer.

Shi Yuan followed Lu Tinghan to the front line, and saw different infected creatures, such as a firebird that burned clouds, an anteater crawling on the ground with a whole body of metal, and a humanoid dryad with three heads and six arms. The rain of bullets, the roar of artillery fire, the roaring aircraft, the trembling ground, and the splashing of black blood... The battle intensified, and every day was full of blood and fire. Fortunately, they were still able to hold each other's hands tightly in the end.

Lu Tinghan still didn't talk about the battle with Shi Yuan.

He will only say that the weather is good and you can see many stars at night; he will only ask, what do you want to eat tonight, let's go together.

When Shi Yuan was with him, they would always be happy, just like when they first met.

The alliance has been unable to communicate with the empire for a long time, but "seeker one" is almost ready, and can head to the abyss at any time.

Alice hugged the unicorn, leaned against the window sill, dangling her feet, and hummed a ditty, but Shi Yuan couldn't find out about Leonard Philippa. Everyone he asked looked blank and said, are you sure? Is he still alive?

Shi Yuan didn't know either.

He just felt somewhere that he could find Leonard.

In this way, 8 months passed, and at the end of Alliance 244, a snow fell in the main city.

The snowflakes are pure white, fluttering down, and a flock of flying birds rides the wind and snow.

It looks like a combination of a bird and a human, with a strange shape and a human face, and the human face is covered with white soft feathers, revealing a quiet and gentle smile, as if immersed in a dream.

They hovered silently over the city, like a group of... eerie angels.

People hid in the refuge, and Shi Yuan received a message from Lu Tinghan, telling him to stay in the No. 2 military area.

The No. 2 military region has a large amount of energy storage equipment and the energy core of Fengyang City, and more importantly, "Seeker One" is here.

When there are few people around, Rattlesnake Deep can easily scare away monsters, and it is still very safe—in a sense, like a mascot. Sometimes Lu Tinghan would let him stay in some places to guard the resources.

This time is no exception.

But this battle lasted for a long time.

It was so long that Shiyuan didn't know how many days had passed. At first, Lu Tinghan still had time to reply to his messages every day, and chatted with him for 10 minutes. Later, Shi Yuan had to wait two or three days before seeing Lu Tinghan's simple reply.

When one day, a team came to the warehouse to continue guarding the supplies, Shi Yuan was ready to go to the front line to find Lu Tinghan.

He asked the captain of the team: "Where is the land general?"

The captain was so busy that he assigned an adjutant to check the supplies and rearranged the position of the team before he had time to tell Shi Yuan: "The general is in Xicheng District." He emphasized, "You must not go there! The situation there is very bad, they Ready to retreat."

The captain turned his head again, and Shi Yuan had disappeared.

team leader:? ?

Xicheng District is not far away, Shi Yuan hurried for nearly an hour, and finally arrived. There are explosions and gunfire along the way, and the battlefield has spread to the city.

The Xicheng District was devastated everywhere. Looking around, there was no sign of the army.

The buildings collapsed, the ruins were broken, and the white birds were flying in the blue sky. They sang in unison, holy and magnificent, as if they were singing poetry.

West City has fallen.

Shi Yuan's heart tightened, and he couldn't help thinking, is there really... are there any living people here?

Painful groans came from under half of the wall. Shi Yuan turned his head and saw a soldier under the rubble.

The soldier's face was covered with mud, dust and blood, and he mumbled: "..."

"What?" Shi Yuan ran over and stuck to his mouth to listen, "I can't hear what you're saying, I'll call the doctor right away!"

"..." The soldier shook his head weakly, "Go..."

Shi Yuan moved closer to his lips: "Where do you want me to go?"

"Underground, underground." The soldier's lips were pale, "... hurry to the underground station, the land general, the land general are still there."