MTL - How To Say I Love You-Chapter 92 Our relationship is very good

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After the two groups of personnel were determined, the host pointed to a flagpole on the mountainside. "Every adventurer, have you seen the bunting? Who is the first? When you get to the location where the bunting is located, whoever gets the materials for the camp."

Everyone promised and then set off. At the beginning, they were fighting high spirits, but soon they understood that it was a difficult thing to trek in the wild mountains and mountains. The flying insects everywhere were still in the second place. The most dangerous thing was the rugged mountain road under the feet. Even if the radiant Huang Yingxue, after fifteen minutes, it has become awkward, crying and crying for the season to stop and rest. If it wasn’t for the younger generation Yu Baixiu who had been supporting her, she was estimated to be standing down.

Xiao Jiashu had a hard time practicing filming "Zerg 3". It was a bad thing to climb this mountain road, but unfortunately, in order to let Ji Ge see his most handsome side, he even wore a pair of Martin boots to the island. It looks like there is a model, but the upper is too narrow and it is too hard to squeeze.

He clenched his teeth for more than ten minutes, but his feet became more and more painful. He seemed to walk on the blade every step of the way, and Ji Ge was in front. He must not drag his hind legs. Although Huang Yingxue is also embarrassed, she cried and walked, did she not stop?

Thinking of this, he picked up a dead branch to support the weight of the body.

At this moment, Jiuyi, who was in the forefront, suddenly turned around and asked, "Are you a small tree?"

"I am good at Ji Ge!" Xiao Jiashu waved his hand and smiled.

Huang Yingxue, who was hooked up by the branches, complained, "Captain, I just cried so you didn't ask, you are eccentric!"

Ji Yan smiled and didn't talk. He walked slowly along the narrow mountain road to the end of the team. One hand plunged into Xiao Jiashu's armpit and slammed him into his arms. He said softly, "Let me go, it is steep. It’s not a good place to rest, we will stop in front of the ground."

Xiao Jiashu quickly put the weight of his body on him, but he couldn’t tell the truth, but he thought that walking this season would be very dangerous, and immediately stood up straight, whispered, "I am fine with Ji Ge, I can go by myself. ""

"The legs are all stunned and I said that I am fine." Ji Yan's arm is very strong, carrying him up and mentioning, Shen Sheng, "Go ahead!"

Xiao Jiashu’s most painful foot almost left the ground, and he was taken away by Qi Ge. He was sweating for the safety of Ji Ge, and he was moved by his thoughtfulness. If you walk at the end of the team, you can find the strangeness. Do you want to be so careful?

Seeing that Ji Geman was a sweaty side face, he thought about raising his hand without thinking about it, and wiped those sweat beads with his fingertips. Ji Ji’s footsteps were slightly, and this continued to move forward. Lin Leyang looked back at them from time to time, his eyes dark.

Finally came to a flat, Huang Yingxue sat down and complained, "I don't know if I know so tired." At this moment, she has no image at all, and fans will see that they will be surprised. But whoever his mother wants to think about the fans, she is almost exhausted, and there is no strength in concave modeling.

Ji Yan carefully helped Xiao Xiaojia to sit down, and then took off his boots and socks without looking at him, and checked the condition of his sole.

Xiao Jiashu took a while to go to the lame, but it was already late. Ji Yan stared at his feet full of blisters and twisted his eyebrows. "I didn't tell you to wear hiking shoes before the shooting? You are wearing this. What, do you think you are coming to the show?"

I am not here to see you in a splendid manner? Xiao Jiashu was a little wronged, his eyebrows were pulled weakly and looked like a puppy abandoned by his master. The toes were still writhing uncomfortably, and the season was not suffocating. He snorted, "Small tree, your feet are a bit stinky, don't wear these shoes in the future, sweaty feet."

A thunder was thrown from the sky, and Xiao Jiashu was stunned. what? My handsome and handsome image has collapsed. I still don’t count, God still let me have such a big embarrassment in front of Ji Ge? Ok, but there is no ground to sew! He didn't want to smell his left ankle under the nose, and then he was relieved. "No, Ji Ge, my feet are not stinky, my new shoes and socks."

Ji Yan held his right foot in one hand, and held his hand on his forehead and laughed low. "Make you play. You don't pay attention to the image in front of the camera?" There may not be an "idol" in the dictionary of this kid. The word "package".

Another thunder was straight and squatted, and Xiao Jiashu was completely covered. Lying in the trough, this is recording the program, I just smelled the foot in front of the camera? Is this a rougher move than a lame? His cheeks immediately floated on two blushes, and pleased. "Several camera brothers, have you deleted this lens during post-production? I thank you first."

Several pDs smiled and nodded, but they made a secret decision, and they must keep this classic shot. The legendary Xiao Er is actually like this, and it really is worthy of his ranking.

Huang Yingxue and Yu Baixiu laughed and couldn't breathe. Originally, they also had a little sense of distance to the background, and now they are very willing to get close to him. The master is really too grounded, and they are more open than they are. They originally thought that he was walking on Ji Yan's body to be sensational or pretend. He didn't expect his foot to be so badly hurt, but he didn't mention a word on the road.

Lin Leyang smiled very reluctantly, his eyes fixed on the hand that Ji Ji took the right foot of Xiao Jiashu.

Ji Yan laughed enough. "Our shoes, the code number is too different, or I will change it with you. Now there is no way to help you find a new pair of shoes, you can only handle the blisters first, you endure Forbearance. If you are wearing this kind of flashy boots, I will let you hit the barefoot on the road. Do you believe it or not?"

Although his tone is severe, but every word is full of deep concern, called Xiao Jiashu is extremely useful. He nodded and promised to twist his feet, feeling a little floating. Sure enough, it’s right to run this show. It’s fun to do anything with Ji Ge. It’s not awkward to suffer.

The action of the Jiuzhen sewing kit was slightly stunned, and there was a warmth in the eyes that came out uncontrollably.

"Yu Baixiu, is the medical box not there for you?" He coughed up and his tone was softer than before. "Trouble you to help me take out the gauze and complex iodine. I help the tree to blisters and wrap the feet." ”

"Good captain." Yu Baixiu prepared things, and Huang Yingxue looked at it with enthusiasm.

"Jie Ge, would you like me to take the handle?" Lin Leyang whispered.

Ji Jin has not answered, Xiao Jiashu has shaken his head again and again, "No need to use, my feet are dirty, where is the good intention to let you help me get this." Lin Leyang is an outsider, can he let an outsider touch his own feet? Certainly not!

The season that was subconsciously classified as "inner circle" could not help but smile. Lin Leyang also thought of a deeper meaning, but the face is not obvious, but my heart is very uncomfortable.

Both the gauze and the complex iodine were prepared, and the cockroaches carefully cleaned the sand stained on the feet of Xiao Jiashu. He didn't wear gloves, and he didn't show his disgusted expression, but his eyes filled his heart.

Huang Yingxue said with emotion, "Captain, you and Xiao Jiashu must have played very well?" Otherwise who would like to wipe the feet of another big man?

The season was awkward, and I didn’t know how to answer it at the moment. Xiao Jiashu said, "Of course, I am an iron buddy with Ji Ge."

Iron buddy? The season is chewing on the word, and the mood is slightly ups and downs. But he didn't have the time to think about it and quickly dealt with the blisters. About ten minutes later, he carefully inserted Xiao Jiashu's wrapped feet into his boots and asked his eyebrows. "Is it still hurting?"

"A bit, but much better than just now." Xiao Jiashu moved his toes.

Ji Yan helped him tie the laces, and he didn't feel relieved. "You can't stand it, you tell me, I am carrying you. When you take a break, try to take off your shoes and make your wounds open."

"Well, I can stick to it." Xiao Jiashu stood up and took two steps and waved. "Let's go, we can't lose to the blue team."

"Ah, let's go?" Huang Yingxue mourned for a long time, but was still dragged away by Yu Baixiu. Only Lin Leyang walked alone at the end, and there was very little communication with his teammates.

The group of people finally rushed to the place where the flag was inserted, and found that the blue team led by Shi Tingheng had not arrived yet, and suddenly cheered. The crew of the film crew interrupted them. “Congratulations to the adventurers who have won the first mission, we will provide you with the materials to build the camp.”

"Is there something to eat? I am so hungry!" Yu Baixiu asked with a stomachache.

The staff smiled mysteriously. "Do you see the cliff? The food provided by the film crew under the cliff is enough for you to eat for a day. Whether you climb down to get food or find it on the island, you can choose freely."

whAt? Several guests were shocked. The cliff was less than fifteen meters, and it was a straight cliff face. How to climb? The film crew is too embarrassing? They are hesitating, the blue team has come over, I heard that there is food below, and I will prepare if I don’t say anything. The film crew can provide them with a downhill tool, as well as a dedicated person to guide, to see if the guests have the guts.

With the blue team for comparison, the red team had to join the competition. The food is not very good, whoever gets the first thing can get the most share, otherwise it is very likely to get hungry for a day. Be aware that the program group completely collected their luggage, and the food they brought was a bit of a mouthful of plum, chocolate, candy, and how to fill the stomach.

Xiao Jiashu quickly glanced down at the cliff, and then it was a dizzy. This height is higher than any one of his hangs, and it will scare people! But he soon thought that Ji Ge also had a fear of heights. If everyone didn't dare to go on, he would definitely be the leader of the team...

When he thought of it, he raised his hand immediately. "I will go down to get food."

Huang Yingxue and Yu Baixiu, who were afraid of dying, secretly let out a sigh of relief.

The season was dark and vetoed. "What fun are you doing? The blisters on the soles of the feet are good? The director, help me tie the safety rope." As he said, he took off his jacket and showed his strong upper body.

"I am going to go to me, Ji Ge, you are a senior, you are sitting and waiting." Xiao Jiashu went around him and took off his jacket. Both of them have been trained, the muscle lines are very beautiful, but one skin is white, one skin is bronze, and standing side by side is very eye-catching.

pD quickly gave them a close-up of the upper body and made a roundabout.

The season squatted on Xiao Jiashu’s neck and said, “Small trees don’t make trouble, stand up and go.”

"You don't want to make trouble. You help me all the way, where there is still strength to catch the rope. The downhill needs arm strength, it doesn't matter if the leg hurts. Director, help me tie the safety rope." Xiao Jiashu tried to smash the arm of Ji Ge .

Ji Yan did not let go of his life, and said with a good gas and funny, "You give me honestly, otherwise I will switch you to the blue team."

Xiao Jiashu was quiet, his expression was aggrieved, and there were some concerns. Ji Ge is afraid of high, how can it go on? At this moment, he completely forgot that he was also a high-risk patient.

Lin Leyang sneered at the tricks of the two men vying for it. Xiao Jiashu can really show, not only gives Ji Ge the impression of bravery and respect for his predecessors, but also increases the appearance rate for himself. Look at the blue team over there, you push me and push you, then compare his positive, show After the broadcast, it will definitely attract a wave of popularity for him. He always hyped like this, obviously a rich and young master who is a good life, and he has to work hard to be a serious younger generation. Did Li Jiaer not deceive Ji Ge with this kind of trick?

But no matter what Lin Leyang thought in his heart, his face always had a shy smile, as if he was very afraid of the cliff. He is not afraid of high, but he will not deliberately grab the opportunity to show his brother. Ji Ge is the captain, and the captain is of course the most powerful and intelligent, and such people are only able to absorb powder. Didn't you see the blue team on the side of Shi Tingheng? The first time I met such a dangerous task, the two captains must be doing their part.

Xiao Jiashu can't even think about this, how low is EQ? If it weren't for a good family, could he mix it now? Lin Leyang, who was eroded by the cockroaches, thought of it without any malicious intention.

Just then, Ji Yan turned his head and looked at him, and the light was a little cold. He tied his seat belt and looked naturally to the edge of the cliff. No one knows that he is afraid, and no one knows that he is sweating nervously. When he was ready to go down, Xiao Jiashu once again shouted, "Jie Ge, let me come!" He was filled with the determination of the strong man to break his wrist, and this determination also infected Ji Ji, let him take the hardest step.

"All said that you give me honestly." Under the guidance of professionals, Ji Yan began to slowly decline, and fell three or four meters to the bottom of his feet and hit a rock, almost hit the wall.

Xiao Jiashu was afraid of dying. He didn't dare to look down. But Ji Ge was below. He couldn't help but look at it. He had to walk to the edge of the cliff and try to hold his eyelids. Seeing the scene of Ji Ge's sole slipping, his leg was almost soft and he rushed down. Fortunately, Yu Baixiu took his arm and took him inside.

He was all cold sweat, could not stand, and had to kneel down, staring red, afraid and reluctantly staring at Ji Ge. He must see with his own eyes that Ji Ge can safely slip down the ground.

Ji Yan is not not nervous, nor is he not afraid, but his nervous fear is nothing compared to the worry that Xiao Jiashu passed down and almost fell down.

"Small tree, you go a little farther." He looked up and ordered.

Why do Xiao Er leave less? The guests were full of doubts.

"I don't want to go." Xiao Jiashu completely forgot to ask the reason, his hands clinging to a stone on the edge of the cliff, shouting loudly, "Don't look at me, pay attention to your feet, find a good place to stop, don't hit! You must Be careful, go slowly, don't worry. Let's not compare with the speed of the cross brother. If the food is not enough, I can't eat less, ah?"

Ji Yan cried and looked at him for a while, and this continued to decline. I have to admit that his last sentence, "I can't eat too much," really motivates the season, as long as I think that this kid is going to go hungry, Ji Ji can't bear it.

Shi Tingheng is not a tough guy. He goes very fast. He takes most of the food and only leaves a bag of five-pack instant noodles and a few breads. Rock climbing is very difficult, not to mention the two have brought so many things, so the film crew directly pulled them up.

Seeing that Ji Ge was coming to the top of the cliff, Xiao Jiashu quickly climbed his limbs and climbed back to the ground to give him a place to stand. pD took his gecko-like action and laughed, not laughing.

After climbing to the top of the cliff, Ji Yan first went to search for Xiao Jiashu's figure. When he saw him lying on the ground in soft collapse, he suddenly laughed. "How do you look tired than me?"

Xiao Jiashu turned a blind eye and didn't want to talk to Ji Ge for the first time. I broke your heart for you, don't you know? I am not tired of the body, I am tired!

The season licked and pinched his gangster, and his eyes were filled with soft light. "Don't lie down, brothers are going down the mountain. Let's camp and eat."

Xiao Jiashu turned over and showed the gray back.

Ji Yan took his arm and lifted him up. He helped him to clean the dust under his body and smiled. "Go, cook noodles."

Although Huang Yingxue and Yu Baixiu are eyeing the fresh chicken and vegetables of the Blue Team, they don’t need to be too tired to cook the noodles, but they are relieved. Hungry is starving to death, who still has the mind to cook! The group of people rejoiced in the underground mountains and took a cool and dry place on the beach.

The program team provided them with three tents. Huang Yingxue naturally fell asleep by one person, and the other two top four men slept together. Xiao Jiashu’s eyes are bright and he is preparing to speak. Ji Yan has already opened his mouth. “Small tree sleeps with me at night.”

"Then I will sleep with Yu Baixiu." Lin Leyang barely smiled.

Huang Yingxue comes from the seaside city and knows which shellfish can eat. She ran to the beach to dig some shells, washed them and cooked them into the noodle soup. It’s also fun to start with everyone, but the poor blue team, both to build a house and cook for themselves, is almost exhausted.

After the rest of the family had finished eating instant noodles, Ji Yan went to a quiet corner to record the monologue. He looked at the camera and said, "Maybe everyone will wonder why Xiaoshu has to go down. Actually, I am not afraid to tell you that I have a fear of heights, Xiaoshu knows, so he wants to replace me."

The guide asked, "Mr. Ji, don't you say that you can't let everyone know your weaknesses?"

"Well, I was not prepared to say it. When I was filming, I would try to restrain myself, but when I was not filming, if you let me climb to a height, I wouldn’t touch it. The tree is very careful, we are both When he made a movie in the United States and then hanged it, he saw it, so I feel that if someone in the real world cares about you so much, is worried about you, and even wants to take it for granted, then even if you know the innermost part of your heart, The fear is not a bad thing. Some people share the feeling very well." When he said that he smiled unconsciously, the light was incredibly soft.

"It seems that you are very good friends." The director praised.

"Well, very good." Ji Yan admitted confessedly and added, "You probably don't know, Xiaoshu also has a fear of heights, so I can't let him go. He thought I didn't know, but actually I know, I I thought he didn't know, but after that, I realized that he also knew."

Speaking of the fact that the season 冕 seems to be fainted by himself, can not help but pat the head and laughed.

The guide stayed and stayed, completely did not expect that there is such a wonderful insider. I rely on it, both of them know that each other has a fear of heights, but they don’t say it, and then they are rushing to replace each other. Is this relationship not just a "good" word to describe?

Ji Yan took a smile and continued. "In my heart, Xiaoshu is like my younger brother. It is appropriate to take care of him." When he said that he ended his monologue and got up, he found that Lin Leyang was standing pale. Not far away.

He must have heard this monologue, but what about it? Ji Ji slightly nodded and crossed him. If you don't worry about the audience misunderstanding the small tree to rob, and love the limelight, and attack him in words, Ji Yan will not deliberately explain it.

Lin Leyang stared at his back for a long time and found that pD was shooting himself. He quickly laughed. "Zhang Ge, I am going to the woods for convenience. You will shoot later."

pD did not suspect him, went back to the camp to shoot several other guests.

Lin Leyang found a secluded corner and screamed silently. He didn't even know that Ji Ge was afraid of heights, and even maliciously speculated that Xiao Jiashu blocked his motives. However, people have always loved Xiu En from the beginning to the end, but they have regarded others as fools!

Lin Leyang hates them, but he hates himself more. Until then he realized that he was poorly concerned about Ji Ge. He didn't know what he loved, what he loved to wear, what he loved to see, and what he was afraid of. If he does not always remember the ridiculous, so-called "straight man's dignity", he and Ji Ge will never go this step.

Xiao Jiashu can do it for Ji Ge. He could have done it. He is not not loving, but just not enough.

Lin Leyang, you deserve it! You really deserve it! He grabbed the sand on the ground and made them lose faster.

At the same time, in order to increase the program's point of view, the director called Xiao Jiashu, who was full of food and wants to sleep, and asked, "Why did you insist on replacing Teacher Ji?"

Xiao Jiashu immediately woke up and looked like a big sigh. "Isn't I smelling my own stinky feet? In order to restore my image, I can't desperately show it?"

The pilot laughed and tried to test, "Would you not have a fear of high school teachers?"

"How is it possible, my brother is not afraid." Xiao Jiashu bite.

The guide said again, "Do you have a fear of heights?"

"There is no word "fear" in my dictionary." Xiao Jiashu raised his chin and his face was proud.

"Oh, we understand. You can go."

Xiao Jiashu came inexplicably and walked inexplicably. I don't know if the crew of the film group laughed after seeing this interview. They have never seen a person who is more stupid than Shaw II, or is it so cute! It is no wonder that Teacher Ji has a good relationship with him. He does not need to take a brain with him. He can have a relaxed and happy life every day.

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