MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 145 137. The Phoenix and the Secret Order (

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"How can you join the Order of the Phoenix."

Everyone in the Order of the Phoenix eats, drinks, and lives comfortably in Black's ancestral home. It was definitely Sylvia's credit for letting Kreacher tidy up the big house without anyone having to worry about it. Solving the locket early will also make everyone happy sooner.

"Aren't you going to stay for dinner?" Sylvia was in charge of sending Norman away, "What did Dumbledore talk to you about for so long?"

"Don't say anything else, you won your own people in St. Mungo's." Norman pointed to himself proudly, "Go to Dumbledore and take credit."

"I didn't do anything." Sylvia laughed, "Isn't my appearance part of your plan? You are much more sinister than your cousin."

"Have you been in touch lately?" Norman asked.

"During the summer vacation, he wrote a letter telling me how beautiful the aurora in Norway are, but he didn't take pictures for me to see." Sylvia shrugged, "and hypocritically praised It's my Warrior Year."

"Hoddle likes you very much."

"How can I see it?"

"He's not a guy who writes letters and just gossip." Norman showed an impeccable smile. The moment he opened the door and stepped out of the house, he disappeared in Grimmauld with an explosion. on the streets of the square.

Why do they both look familiar and not familiar?

Sylvia was puzzled.

Norman's joining the Order of the Phoenix is ​​a welcome surprise, but it's a further reminder that it's time for her to face the status quo.

The last year of Hogwarts, Sirius—

Sylvia was still thinking, which caused her to be startled by a pile of flying objects when she went to the kitchen to prepare her meal.

"Fred! George! Don't do that, bring them up!" Before she heard Mrs. Molly scream, she had seen a large pot of stew, a large An iron jug of butterbeer, a heavy cutting breadboard, and a knife.


Sylvia watched as the bread-cutting knife fell off the board and plunged into the table with the tip down. The landing was exactly where Sirius' right hand had rested a few seconds earlier.

"For God's sake!" Mrs Molly was still shouting, "I've had enough! Even if you were allowed to use magic now, you wouldn't have to do every trifle. Wave your wand over the little things!"

"We're just trying to save a little time!" Fred said, hurried over and pulled the bread-cutting knife out of the table. "I'm sorry, Sirius, man, it wasn't intentional."

"Save time? I advise you all to pay attention to me." Sylvia has absolutely no idea how much she looks like Molly now, at least when the twins turn to see her Take a breath.

After a moment, "You be careful with me, you idiot."

"I know I'm wrong." Fred smiled ingratiatingly, giving him a submissive glance.

"It's all little things, Syr." Sirius smiled cheerfully, he liked watching Sylvia teach Fred a lesson, especially to protect himself.

"I'm glad Searle got you guys." Arthur brought the pot of stew that had slid over the table back to the center of the table and said, "Sons, your mother was right. , you have grown up now, you should show a little sense of responsibility."

"Your brothers have never had this kind of trouble!" Molly yelled at the twin sons, while placing another jug ​​of butterbeer heavily on the table, spilled There is almost as much beer as there is a jug. "Bill doesn't think it's necessary to Apparate a few steps! Charlie doesn't enchant everything! Percy…"

She stopped abruptly, looked at her husband in panic as if she had been greatly hurt, and Arthur's expression froze.

Percy, he takes good care of himself.

Percy, he will definitely be back with us.

Sylvia dare not say these words in her heart, she doesn't know whether this sentence will cause them comfort or more serious harm.

"Let's eat." Fortunately, Bill said hurriedly.

"Looks good, Molly." Lupin said, putting some stew for her on a plate and passing it across the table, "Obviously Kreacher can arrange dinner. , you are always so considerate."

"Sylvia, it's alright, you can sit down too." After Molly took the plate, she noticed Sylvia beside her and pulled her to sit beside her. She seemed to think her reaction had frightened the girl.

And Sylvia did not expect that Mrs. Molly would take care of herself in this matter. Molly knew that Sylvia was equally disappointed by Percy's departure, even more anxious than her other children.

And Sylvia obviously can't control all her emotions.

I still have a lot to learn.

Sylvia sat down and looked at the twins on the other side, who also looked at her with concern. In the aspect of emotional control, she has always been distressed. No one spoke for a while, only the clattering of plates and cutlery as everyone sat down to eat.

"You look worried about something." Fred asked in a low voice, "Did Percy tell you something?"

"No, he told me not to bother him." Sylvia lowered her voice too, watching her sister deform her nose while eating, amusing Hermione and Ginny , this is a little bit of a smile.

"Don't look at it, Searle." George also came over, "You didn't even move your fork."

"I can't eat it..." Sylvia looked at Remus, Bill and Arthur who were having a heated discussion.

Sylvia knows what this meal is like. She didn't want to see Molly and Sirius fighting each other, but she couldn't avoid this meal. When I think about the next dark topic, and the dark magic world, I feel even more anxious.

"What's the matter? You obviously have a good appetite at noon." Fred frowned.

"I have to say something." George made a thoughtful, "Searle often eats one more meal and one less meal this summer, which is not surprising."

"You have a bad appetite?" Molly suddenly looked at Sylvia when she heard this.

"No no no, Aunt Molly, I like your dinner very much, that's my problem." Sylvia smiled and brought a piece of bread to her mouth.

"Sylvia, tell me the truth." Molly suddenly pressed Sylvia's shoulder, "Will you suddenly have a good appetite and be more hungry than usual? Faster? Sometimes you have a bad appetite and feel nauseous? You don’t even like to eat the things you liked before?”

Sylvia was stunned for a while, and when she noticed everyone's gaze, she bounced off the seat.

"No! No! It's not like that!" Sylvia felt that her face must be flushed, "It's definitely not like that! It's not like you think!"

After a few meaningful or relieved "oh"s, Sylvia had buried her face in her hands.

"Help." Fred pulled La Sylvia's arm and let her sit down again, "The second Merlin testified, I really felt like I was going to die. And I guess One more life to prepare." He looked at Sirius and Dora terrified and trembling.

"Searle is like this when it's summer vacation. Sometimes he only eats one meal a day." Sirius said briskly, "It's all my bad habits."

What are you used to? Why didn't you just say it earlier!

Sylvia wanted to grin at Sirius, but she kept her head down and couldn't calm down.

She was in this state almost until the end of the dinner, or she quickly solved the dinner. It was hard for her not to notice that George was holding back a laugh the whole time.

"I think it's almost time for bed." Mrs. Molly yawned.

"Not yet, Molly." Sirius pushed aside the empty plate in front of him and turned to look at Harry, "I'm surprised. I thought the first thing you did here was Ask about Voldemort."


Sylvia even felt a little caught off guard, she really should have said that she was going upstairs before all this started. Hearing Voldemort's name, the atmosphere became anxious, and everyone became alert from a relaxed state.

"I asked!" Harry said angrily, "I asked Ron and Hermione, but they said we weren't approved for the Order of the Phoenix, so..."

"They're right, you are too young." Molly sat upright on the chair, and the sleepiness just now seemed to disappear without a trace.

"When did we have to join the Order of the Phoenix to ask questions?" Sirius asked, "Harry was stuck in that Muggle house for a whole month. He had a right to know what happened. ."

"Wait a minute!" George interrupted loudly.

"Why is Harry's question answered?" Fred asked angrily.

"We've been trying to ask you something for a month, but you won't tell us anything!" George also responded with dissatisfaction.

"You are too young to join the Order of the Phoenix." Fred imitated his mother's voice, "and Harry is not even an adult!"

"Also grown up, Searle has never had so many problems." Sirius just gave them a quick glance.

Mommy will never let you go."

I don't ask that because I know it?

"No one told you what the Order of the Phoenix was doing, and I can't blame it." Sirius said calmly, "That's your parents' decision. And Harry is different..."

"You don't need to decide what's good for Harry!" Mrs. Molly snapped. "I suppose you haven't forgotten what Dumbledore said?"

"Which part?" Sirius asked politely, but looked like a man ready to fight.

"Don't tell Harry what he doesn't need to know," said Mrs. Molly, emphasizing the last words.

This scene is really exciting. Sylvia watched the heads of Ron, Hermione, Fred and George swirl between Sirius and Molly, as if watching the back and forth on the tennis court. Ginny was just on the side, staring blankly at their conversation, her mouth slightly open. Remus stared unblinkingly at Sirius.

"I was only going to tell Harry what he needed to know, Molly," Sirius said, "but he was the one who watched Voldemort come back to life, and he had more power than most..."

"He's not a member of the Order of the Phoenix yet!" Molly clearly disagreed, "He's only fifteen years old, and..."

"But he has experienced no less than most of the Order of the Phoenix, and even more than some."

"No one denies what he did! But he still..."

"He's not a kid anymore!"

"But he's not an adult either!"

"Sirius!" Sylvia couldn't help stopping Sirius before he spoke again, "Calm down! You look like you're going to blow up the headquarters with your backhand!"

"Don't interrupt when your lord is talking, Syl." Sirius raised his finger and pointed at Sylvia.

"He's not James, Sirius!" Molly said that sentence anyway.

Sylvia's thoughts seemed to be dragged by a big hand to the mystery department on the screen many years ago, and Sirius finally said: Well done, James.

"Thanks, I know exactly who he is, Molly." Sirius said coldly.

"I don't think so!" Molly said sharply. "Sometimes you talk about him like you think your best friend is back!"

"What's wrong with that?" Harry said.

"The fault is that you're not your father, Harry, no matter how much you look like him!" Molly's eyes were still fixed on Sirius, "You're still in school, yes Your responsible adult shouldn't forget that!"

Yes, you are Harry, not James.

Sylvia just felt uncomfortable, and Fred suddenly took her hand and she was startled.

"Are you all right?" Fred asked softly. Sylvia just barely nodded.

"You mean I'm an irresponsible godfather?" Sirius's voice rose.


Sylvia stood up, her voice was not loud, but she was particularly noticeable in the dispute.

"I beg you, don't quarrel." Sylvia sat down slowly, she didn't expect her voice to tremble. Her mind was very confused. Without Kreacher's betrayal this year, the tragedy of Sirius should not have happened. But this scene was exactly the same as the picture in her mind, which made the girl shudder inexplicably.

And she really couldn't sit still, she couldn't stand watching her uncle fight with Fred's mother. It's all heart-wrenching words.

"Searle is right, let's all calm down first. Please listen to me." Arthur gestured to everyone, "Dumbledore agreed that the latest news must be told to a certain extent. To Harry, now that Harry lives at Command now."

"Personally," Remus finally looked away from Sirius, "I think it's best for Harry to get the facts from us—not all the facts, Mo Li, but a general picture - lest he get some muddled accounts from others."

That's it! Sylvia had to admire Remus' clear thinking. She stared at Sirius for fear that he would lose his temper again. And Sirius noticed her gaze and just sat quietly in the chair.

"Hey! Mom! I said let's sit down and talk." Fred spoke, and came to Molly and pulled out a chair for her to sit down.

"I think it's better to allow Harry to have an opinion on this," Remus continued. "He's old enough to decide for himself."

"I want to know what's going on," Harry said immediately.

"Very good." Molly was clearly hurt without anyone's support, "Ginny! Ron! Hermione! Fred! George! I want you to get out of this kitchen, right now. ."

Sylvia thought that she had suddenly Apparated to the battlefield, and the whole room seemed to explode.

"We're adults!"

"Harry can know, why can't I?"

"Mom, I want to hear too!"

Sylvia just sighed and pressed her temple. She noticed that Fred just sat down on the floor next to her chair, holding one of her hands.

"You think I'll tell you anyway?" Sylvia looked at Fred and asked softly.

"Isn't it?" Fred shook her hand with a smile.

"No!" Mrs. Molly roared and stood up, "I will never allow—"

"Molly, you can't stop Fred and George," Arthur said wearily. "They're grown up."

"They're still in school."

"But they're legal adults," said Mr. Weasley in his tired voice.

"And Searle will tell us too!" George said with his head held up. "The result is the same."

"Anyway, Harry will tell me and Hermione everything you said!" Ron also said indignantly, "You... will?" He met Harry's gaze, Unsure of a question.

"Of course I will." Harry said this, and Ron and Hermione were instantly delighted.

"Fine!" Molly exclaimed, "Fine! Ginny! Go to bed!"

Sylvia felt sorry for this little girl. Even though she yelled at Sylvia, she would definitely tell her that it didn't help. In general, not only because of her young age, but also because Molly has always spoiled this little daughter.

"Well, Harry, what do you want to know?" Sirius asked after watching the mother and daughter leave.

"Where is Voldemort?" Harry asked bluntly. "What is he doing? I've been trying to find a way to read the Muggle news, but I haven't found a single sign of him, and no one has died strangely. , nothing happened."

Where is Voldemort? Sylvia suddenly remembered that when Astoria had just been on vacation, Draco couldn't give her a promise. Was the reason for not being able to have Astoria by his side because their family had to bow down to the Dark Lord again?

And is the young master facing those at the moment?

"That's because no one has died mysteriously yet," Sirius said. "As far as we know, and we know a lot about it."

"At least he didn't expect us to know so much." Remus nodded.

“How could he stop killing people?” Harry asked.

Not at ease. She also doesn't know if she can remind everyone that she should be extra careful this year.

"Because he didn't want to draw attention to him," Sirius said, "that would be dangerous for him. You know, his return this time was not as smooth as he had hoped. . His arrangements were disrupted."

"Or, you disrupted his arrangements." Remus looked at Harry with a satisfied smile on his face.

"How come?"

"You should not have survived! No one but his Death Eaters should have known that he had returned. And you survived as a witness."

"The last person he wants to be wary of as soon as he comes back is Dumbledore, and you made sure Dumbledore knew about it right away."

Yeah yeah, so he's still recharging his batteries.

"What's the use then?" Harry asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Bill said in disbelief, "Dumbledore is the only person You-Know-Who has ever been afraid of!"

"Thanks to you, Dumbledore was able to reconvene the Order of the Phoenix less than an hour after Voldemort returned." Sirius nodded.

"So, what has the Order of the Phoenix been doing?" Harry asked, looking at everyone.

"Do our best to make sure Voldemort cannot carry out his plans," explained Sirius.

Sylvia also listened intently, she had forgotten many details, and this was the best tutoring opportunity.

"So what does Dumbledore think his plan is?" Harry asked the crucial question.

"It is so, first of all, he wants to regroup his men." Sirius explained, "In the past, he had a large number of people at his command: those who were forced by his obscenity or blinded by him. The sorcerers who followed him, the loyal Death Eaters, and all manner of monsters and monsters from the underworld. We also heard that he planned to bring the giants too. Actually, they were only part of the large crowd he wanted to gather. He obviously Not going to take on the Ministry of Magic with a dozen or so Death Eaters."

"So you want to prevent him from gaining more followers?"

"We're doing our best," Remus said.


"That's right, try to convince as many people that You-Know-Who is really back and keep them vigilant." Bill said, "But it's tricky to do."


"Because of the attitude of the Ministry of Magic." Dora said, "Harry, you met Cornelius Fudge when You-Know-Who came back. Well, he didn't change his position at all, he I can't believe it really happened."

"Fudge is afraid of what Dumbledore wants to do," Arthur said. "Fudge thinks Dumbledore is plotting to overthrow him, he thinks Dumbledore himself wants to be Minister of Magic."

"Die laugh." Sylvia couldn't help but tut.

"Sounds stupid." Fred also lowered his voice.

Sylvia knew how ridiculous it was, but as powerless as everyone else, she suddenly realized that she was ridiculous too.

"...the Ministry of Magic has been pressuring the Daily Prophet not to report anything about it, which they are now calling Dumbledore rumours, so the great wizarding world Some people are completely unaware of what's going on, making them easy targets for Death Eaters if they use the Imperius Curse."

"But you're telling people the truth, aren't you?" said Harry, taking turns looking at Arthur, Sirius, Bill, Mundungus, Remus, and Dora. Let people know he's back?"

Just like Dora and Arthur would lose their jobs at the Ministry of Magic if they were talking about it. And it's important that we have insiders in the Ministry, and Voldemort must have their own spies."

"But none of you announced the return of Voldemort?" Harry was interrupted by Sirius before he could finish speaking.

"Who said we didn't make the news?" Sirius said, "Why do you think Dumbledore got into such trouble?"

"What do you mean by that?" Harry asked.

"They are desperately trying to discredit him." Remus shook his head, "Last week's Daily Prophet said he had lost his position as president of the International Confederation of Magicians because He was old and powerless, but that wasn't true at all. He gave a speech announcing that Voldemort was back, and the wizards at the Ministry voted him out. They demoted him, he's no longer the top wizard Law's Chief Sorcerer. They're also discussing taking back his Merlin, First Class."

"But Dumbledore said he didn't care what they did as long as he didn't take him off the Chocolate Frog's card." Bill said with a grin.


Sylvia once again felt that her heart was stabbed hard.

If possible, can the two old people enjoy family happiness? This is the real big reunion!

"Speaking of this." Fred raised his hand, "Bunny has been secretly working on this!"

"When we were, she was writing articles all the time." George clapped his hands and said, "You know, writing a paper and rubbing a paper, not even a paper on the history of magic So hard."

"Because the fairy tale that Seale wrote before was written and published, and some people saw that it was written by Fudge!" Hermione also said excitedly.

"Although I'm not really a fan." Sylvia shrugged, "But I plan to let Professor Dumbledore read the article I wrote and send it to "The Quibbler" I'll find a way to get more people to see it and find a way to prove Dumbledore was right."

"Why do I have such a clever little niece like you?" Sirius looked at her with joy, "Why don't you say anything?"

"The Quibbler? That's a really good idea." Bill also said approvingly, "The more you joke about it, the more people think it's right."

And I just know this, and I know that Xenophilius will agree with us and take the opportunity to make a big fuss.

"I haven't written it yet." Sylvia shrugged.

"Okay, listen, Harry." Sirius looked a little excited, "Voldemort wants to gather the people, probably with magic, curses, coercion. He has secret activities. There's a lot. And he has other plans, plans that he can implement without knowing it, and all his attention is on that right now."

"What does he want other than followers?" Harry asked quickly.

Sirius and Remus exchanged a quick glance before Sirius answered. "Something you can only get by sneaking," whispered Sirius. "Like a weapon. Something he didn't have last time."

For example - should be trying to kill Harry?

Sylvia sighed.

"When he was in power?"


"For example, what kind of weapon? It's more powerful than the Avada Solitaire?"

"Enough!" said Molly, standing in the shadows by the door. No one noticed that she had returned from taking Ginny upstairs. "I want you to go to bed quickly. Everyone!" She folded her arms and looked angry. "You've told Harry enough. Go on, and you'll be able to admit him to the Order of the Phoenix right away."

"Why not?" Harry asked immediately. "I want to be in, I want to be in. I want to be in the fight."

"No." This time it was Remus.

"Members of the Order of the Phoenix can only be wizards of a certain age." He said and looked at Sylvia and the twins. "Wizards who have graduated from school. There's a lot of danger out there that you can't possibly know, none of you, and I think Molly is right, Sirius. We've said enough."

Sirius shrugged slightly, but said nothing.

"Sirius." Sylvia took Sirius's arm as she left, "Promise me, no matter what happens in the future, don't be impulsive."

"I scared you today?" Sirius asked reassuringly, "I'm sorry to you, I won't shout again in the future, that's Fred's mother, right? ? I don't want to embarrass you."

"Promise me." Sylvia shook her head.

"I promise you." Sirius rubbed her head and looked at Fred who was waiting, "Go."

The author has something to say:

This chapter has a lot of original plot, because this part is very important, including the part where my favorite old Deng said not to remove him from the chocolate frog! I'm trying to get Sear to fit in better haha

I don’t seem to know what to talk about hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I don’t seem to know what to talk about

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-1700:01:55~2021-11-2022:23:16

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Li Chengxi; 6 bottles of sneaking out of the Badger Yard; 5 bottles of a fish; 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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