MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 147 One thirty-nine, the student leader and the question

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"Sylvia feels she can do both the former and the latter."

"What's the matter with you?"

Sylvia leaned on Harry's shoulder, noticing the young boy standing at the corner of the stairs covering his scar.

"I'm fine." Harry shook his head.

"School starts tomorrow, rest early." Sylvia stared at his green eyes and nodded with a smile.

"Ciel—" Harry said as she sidled past him, "my scar, I don't know why it hurts so badly lately."

"Did you tell Sirius?"

"Of course!"

"..." Sylvia was silent, one of the reasons she didn't care that Harry didn't take the initiative to talk to her about it was that she couldn't do anything. "I don't know why. But I always feel..." She considered her words, "Harry, this must be a bad sign."

"I understand." Harry nodded slightly, rubbing the scar, "It feels weird."

"If you find anything wrong." Sylvia pointed to his scar, "You must not keep your mouth shut because you don't want people to take care of you as a child. You have Any concerns and concerns can be voiced and remember, you can trust the person standing by your side."

Under the reflection of the lens, Harry's expression changed. He slowly lowered his eyes and slowly looked at Sylvia.

"Then what do you think the prefect can say?" Sylvia said softly, motioning Harry to the empty room on the side.

"What do you say?" Harry seemed to relax a lot after taking the initiative to bring up the topic. He knew that only when Sylvia mentioned this annoyance in front of her would the words jealous of friends come to her mind.

"Representing talent? In fact, Angelina is more like a leader than me. Does it represent excellence? You know how serious I am, and I am definitely not a student who can set an example. What do you think? Emily's overall quality is higher. Does it represent popularity? You know that no one is more popular than Fred and George." Sylvia said with a smile, "So, I think it only represents Responsibility, it means you take care of everything at Hogwarts Castle. For me, it's also a form of exercise."

Harry just watched her quietly, waiting for her to continue.

"Think about it! Professor Dumbledore didn't give prefect status to claim that he was better than others!" Sylvia was very happy to say this, Harry eyed There is a different light.

"You're right." He laughed, as if laughing at the confusion in his own mind.

"You think, it sounds good and eloquent. But can the badges of prefects and student council presidents help us get jobs? No! There is no bonus for exam points!" Sylvia snorted in disapproval, "We're just a group of unpaid Hogwarts workers. It's all voluntary labor! It's all about generating electricity with love!"

She clearly remembered that when she was in the last time and space, she didn't want to do any cadres, and all the clubs only loved diving.

In the past, you could award bonus points to make your resume easier to use, but now it has no practical effect except for a good reputation.

"It's a pity that you have a bigger job." Harry made a very regretful look.

"Really? I have to go to a meeting for the new prefect tomorrow." Sylvia snorted softly, "But it's just right, the paragraph just now is really good, I'll go back and make up more ."

Harry seems to understand why Dumbledore chose Sylvia as the head of the girls' union. She just has a unique power and influence.

But she said something wrong, how could she not be a leader?

Sylvia also slowly realized how important it is to have a mature mind and a childish nature. This did indeed allow her to get along with ease when facing elders and juniors.

But the burden of the student council president is too heavy in such a special year.

"Help, how can I be the president of the student council?" Sylvia stood to the side blankly and said blankly.

"What's wrong with you?" Dora looked at her sister and could not help but laugh.

"I don't feel very nervous until the end of the matter." Sylvia covered her pounding heart and said with a frown, "What should I do? What if everyone is not convinced? ? I feel like I was chosen through the back door."

"You're still worried about this?" Dora snorted, "I mean you still have the energy to worry about this? You're preparing for the N.E.W.Ts exam this year, remember? Your potion! My dear sister!"

"What!" Sylvia suddenly woke up, "How did I get the busiest job before graduation!"

"Come on, Syl." Ginny hopped over to Sylvia with her suitcase in hand, "You don't have Woughlin to tutor you this year."

"You and him are quite in tune." Sylvia snorted, "Wavlin also wrote to inform me of this, he said he would find a cathedral in Italy Pray for me."

"Wofflin is still sending you letters? Does Fred know?" Ginny's eyes were definitely full of malicious smiles.

Suddenly, two large boxes flew down the stairs. Sylvia hurriedly pulled out her wand to stop them from hitting Ginny's head.

"Of course I know." Fred jumped down the stairs and came to Sylvia with a whirl, "It's a pity that Waughlin runs around all day. Go, or I'll want to be responsible for writing the letter back."

"Sorry - Ginny - didn't hit you?" George also ran down happily.

"Thank you for your concern, George. Hope I didn't misunderstand that Fred was trying to kill me." Ginny rolled her eyes at her two brothers.

"Don't worry, Ginny. Someone will help you get revenge back." Dora smiled and looked to the other side of the corridor.

"Fred! George!" Mrs. Molly was standing on her hips. "It's going to hurt her badly! You two idiots!"

"But fortunately she's all right!" Fred shouted loudly, laughing.

Dora poked Ginny with her arm, motioning her to look at Sylvia.

"You'll be thankful that she's all right!" Sylvia gritted her teeth and said, raising her fist and punching Fred's arm, "You'll be crippled when you're an adult. Is it? The boxes can't be moved by hand, can they?"

"You'll probably be really crippled again if you hit me hard." Fred muttered, but quickly laughed in a pleasing smile, "You know I'm not that reckless."

"I don't know." Sylvia snorted softly. Fred quickly put his arms around her shoulders from behind, leaning all over her.

"In that case, why don't you go out first. Remus is responsible for taking you there." Dora has transformed into a gray-haired old lady with curly hair, "I and I Sirius was in charge of escorting Harry."

"Can't the three of us adults guarantee Ni's safety?" Sylvia knew the strictness of the Order of the Phoenix, but she also knew that this section of the road was not dangerous at all.

"You keep Ni's safe as well as your own." Remus came to them, "If the battle does happen, you have a lot to learn, Syl. You took care of Ginny's safety, what about yours?"

"Bunny's safety of course has me." Fred said as a matter of course.

"With you?" Sirius heard the sound and walked right here, and with a casual wave of his wand, separated Fred and Sylvia, "Remember what you said. , boy, if there's anything wrong with Searle, I'll definitely be the first to ask you to settle the account."

Me, Remus and Dora sent Harry."

Sirius squinted at her for a while, and then suddenly pointed at her: "Is this the test that I care more about you or Harry?"

"Are you an idiot?" Sylvia sneered, she could clearly feel her sister cast a look called "Don't mind your own business," and I never I gave you this test."

"You might as well call Harry down when you have time to argue with her." Dora said, "The express will not be waiting for you."

"Then I'll change it with you, Bigfoot." Remus accepted happily, "You can send Seale and the others."

Sylvia just tilted her head and looked at her uncle with harmless eyes.

"You think too much." Sylvia rolled her eyes and followed.

Fred changed a little trick, he made the student head badge into a stuffed bunny and then back again, and reluctantly let Sylvia go to that stupid Prefect's carriage.

Sylvia motioned for Hermione and Ron to go in first before stepping into the carriage.

She was in a good mood when she saw Draco, and she was afraid that she would not have a chance to say a lot of sarcasm. But Draco snorted visibly when he saw the badge on her chest.

"Sylvia!" Rebecca appeared behind Sylvia, walked in and took her arm, and when her eyes slowly shifted to the badge of the student council president, those beautiful green eyes were pleasantly surprised He blinked, "You are the new female student president!"

"Cough cough, it's me." Sylvia tried her best to put on a majestic appearance, but the little angel who looked at her broke down in a second.

"That's great! You may not think that Hannah has also elected a prefect." Rebecca took her sister behind her and took a seat by the door of the carriage.

Sylvia nodded at Hannah and another new Hufflepuff prefect, Ernie McMillan.

How can you imagine? She even felt like she could recite exactly what happened this year.

"Speaking of which, who is the head of the male student?" Sylvia counted the number of people who were almost there, and glanced at her watch, "Where are the trains leaving? Who is there? How dare you come to the finale with such a big platoon, see if I don't—"

"How are you going to punish me?" Cedric opened the sliding door of the carriage and looked at her with a smile.

"Look at me, I'm stupid! I should be the finale too! Why didn't I think of it? I don't care if you steal the limelight, Seid!" Sylvie Ya smiled and patted his shoulder and lowered her voice, "Is it inseparable from Qiu for a moment? So it's late?"

Sylvia did not guess. If she had to think of the most suitable candidate to be the student leader, Percy would be number one, and Cedric would definitely be number two.

I am very fortunate that this time, he successfully entered the final year of Hogwarts and successfully wore that shining badge.

"I'm glad my partner is you." Cedricola went up the sliding door, sorted out his perfect smile and looked at all the prefects, "Don't be nervous, new prefects. First of all I want to Say no to stress in today's meeting, just relax."

"See? Just like us." Sylvia shrugged, "I value a friendly and convivial work atmosphere and peer relationships. Remember, we meet through prefect badges. When we get together, I think it's more important to be friends than to be colleagues."

And this year, it's especially important to be united.

She heard a clear disdain.

The voice came from Pansy's mouth. She said something, and although she couldn't hear it clearly, it was obvious from Draco's frown that it wasn't a good thing.

Some people just can't be friends at first sight. Sylvia wanted to make this girl understand that she was not the object of this polite remark at all. But she can only choose to put away all the yin and yang strange words in her mind.

"We chose to use a more lively method to communicate with people instead of rigid meetings and rules. But that doesn't mean we are undisciplined." Cedric glanced at Pansy , "Searle and I have both been prefects for two years, and we can repeat all the school rules and prefect obligations without doing any drafts. No matter what, as seniors, we need to be respected when we speak."

"If you are a prefect brought out by Percy, you will know." Sylvia shrugged, "If you don't raise your hand in a meeting, you will be warned and educated." She She put away the hippie smile and looked at everyone: "I know that everyone knows me after last year. I know that my easy-going personality is not good, but I hope you don't forget my toughness."

"Then let me briefly introduce the daily work that prefects need to do." Cedric said softly.

"I'll say one last thing. No matter how gentle and kind senior Seid you heard about, how maverick you heard about me. At work—" Sylvia deliberately said Pansy sat next to him, "Our professionalism and sense of responsibility are beyond doubt."

Cedric raised his chin at her with a smile, and explained the prefect's daily work with ease.

"It's pretty decent." Draco sneered in a low voice.

Are you rebellious?

Sylvia gave Draco a speechless look. This little young master gets angry when he knows what to do with me.

Why doesn't this guy play his cards according to common sense?

Am I not enough of a deterrent?

Sylvia now feels that her efforts to establish a friendly image with Draco have been a complete failure at this point. How on earth did he go from disgust to being far away to speechless and now like an old friend who can make fun of each other?

"...Speaking of punishment." Cedric said exactly here, "I think the prefect should be punished more severely if he made a mistake."

"I agree very much." Sylvia caught Cedric's gaze, "There are always people who rely on the prefect's reputation. You are welcome to report to each other, and there will be rewards for reporting. I will definitely punish this phenomenon severely." She hurriedly swallowed her words and replaced it with arrogance.

Alas, today is also a day to be amazed by my own cleverness.

"Similarly, as the president of the student union, if our work goes wrong, we will also take greater responsibility." Cedric said patiently, "If we violate the rules, we will Receive a punishment heavier than you. You can also watch over us."

Sylvia noticed Draco's schadenfreude expression.

What? Do you think I shot myself in the foot?

She wanted to tell him that because of Snape, what punishment did she not try? It has long been commonplace to copy sentences during lockdown.

"...Sir, do you have anything to add?" Cedric looked at Sylvia at the end of his speech.

"There is nothing missing." Sylvia had to admire Cedric's meticulousness, "If there is anything else, we will inform you at the regular meeting later."

"The first regular meeting of the semester is over here." Cedric nodded, "We need to arrange some prefects to patrol the carriage. I think the best way is to have the old The prefect brings the new prefect to get acquainted."

“Let me see who is the lucky kid today—” Sylvia rubbed her hands excitedly.

"I can take Hannah." Rebecca volunteered, and her sister also seemed very excited.

"Betty and Hannah patrol the upper half of the carriage, and we need two more to patrol the lower half." Cedric nodded and signaled that Sister Aibo could leave first.

"Shouldn't the student president take the lead?" Draco said in his sharp voice, "Will you just do nothing? It's so unfair, isn't it? Tonks Student President?"

Sylvia noticed that the old prefects of the same class were laughing, and when she saw Cedric couldn't help but chuckle, she became even more angry. Which of these guys doesn't know she never does a train patrol? Have you always liked to take the opportunity to travel at night?

"Sylvia?" Cedric definitely looked at Sylvia with the mentality of falling into trouble, and wrote on his face: You and Fred will be separated for more than a moment and a half .

"Okay." Sylvia looked generous, stood up and pointed to Draco, then quickly turned around and walked out, "Go patrol with me, Ma-er -Fu-Class-Long-"

Cedric definitely laughed again. The moment Sylvia stepped out of the prefect's carriage, she was absolutely certain. Now he can happily go to his Qiu, but I am going to patrol!

You should be thick-skinned just now, let him go!

"You should call me!" Sylvia didn't expect Hermione to catch up and say this, "You know I'd love to patrol with you!"

"It's so touching, Granger." Draco slowly stepped out of the carriage, gave Hermione a sidelong glance, and raised his head resolutely, "You don't have to be so scrambling. Express yourself. Tonks is the most partial to his own people."

"You understand?" Sylvia shoved Draco hard. If it weren't for this stinky boy, she would have been lying in a comfortable embrace by now.

But Sylvia didn't expect that Draco was pushed by her and staggered for several steps before he could stabilize.

"Are you kidding me?" Sylvia didn't expect that she would be touched by Draco in her lifetime, so she should be taking advantage of it, "Damn it, you are better than Waughlin Still weak?"

"I'll report to the professor how the new Head Girl treated the prefect." Draco pretended to cover his arm, "I'm going to report to Professor Snape."

"You report? Who do you report to? Say it again?" Della immediately shrank her neck in horror as Sylvia clenched her teeth and pulled out her wand.

"Deserved." Ron smiled happily on the side.

Sylvia didn't know for a moment whether this guy was laughing that Draco deserved to be pulled out on patrol and taught a lesson, or that she was tired of being with Fred and now deserved to be forced to separate.

"Go find Harry, he's probably boring." Sylvia suggested.

"Then let's go first." Hermione nodded as she passed Sylvia sideways.

"I'll help you greet Fred, he doesn't know he's boring." Ron said with a smirk, keeping up with Hermione.

"Boring!" Sylvia was referring to boring Ron. She stared at Ron's back, pointed her wand at his red head and shouted, "Fred can't kill you! Ronald!"

"When you fall in love, you become so stupid. Although he is not smart at all." Draco gave Sylvia a disgusting look.

"Patrol, young master." Sylvia took the lead.

"That's the first half of the carriage." Draco just rolled his eyes and said lightly, Sylvia silently turned around and walked in the opposite direction, "You're just joking, right? ?"

"I'm out of my mind, okay?" Sylvia wanted to say that sometimes people just do unexplainably stupid things.

"If it's not broken, why would you ask Weasley to be your boyfriend?" Draco sneered loudly.

"Are you looking for Malfoy as a boyfriend?" Sylvia also laughed loudly.

"Respect yourself, Tonks." Draco gave her a disgusting look, as if she was a pile of potion waste from her hands.

"Don't force me to kill you." Sylvia almost choked to death without breathing.

"You just said you were going to kill me? President of Searle?" Draco raised his voice deliberately. In front of them were several freshmen who had just entered the school.

"You, me, you...I'm just kidding!" Sylvia put on a smiling expression and jumped to his side, patted his shoulder cheerfully. When they passed the few freshmen, she sank her face: "You won, okay? Return to Searle? Why is your little dragon so scheming?"

"I don't understand, I thought it was true that you said that prefects are friends." Draco pretended to be surprised. He was satisfied that when he took one step, Sylvia had to take two steps to keep up.

"...let's stop talking from now on, okay?"

The author has something to say:

I need Harry to trust Searle more. At the beginning, Searle and the twins were set to be the same age, hoping that Harry would have a reliable senior.

Searle is definitely a great leader. She is still the impulsive one, but she has also grown a lot. I hope this year's story can make everyone feel that Seale is so handsome again!

The box flying down is from the original! And it smashed! Hahahahaha these two guys really owe a fight hahahaha!

The head of the male student is Seid! After saving him, of course, his role cannot be missed! And I was very upset at the time that I thought Cedric could be the leader of the male student, but he fell woo woo woo! How many friends have guessed it? !

In fact, what I don't understand the most is why Pansy is a prefect. I know that many people like her very much. If you have ideas, you can also communicate with me. I just think about this girl. It's flat and nasty from start to finish.

Here, I re-emphasize that the success of the transformation does not mean that I have whitewashed him. What is his character or what, it is just that his views and attitudes towards some things have changed. You can also look forward to how I will handle this role.


Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of fog cubs; 17 bottles of Shawna; 5 bottles of Fred's lyra; 2 bottles of Yuemijindu; vinyl chloride, 200334841 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion