MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 151 143. Compromise and Inappropriate

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"How do you know, I'm not thinking about other things?"

"Professor McGonagall...Professor Umbridge..."

When Sylvia walked into Professor McGonagall's office, she did not expect that there was another annoying pink figure inside.

"We happened to be talking about you, Miss Tonks." Professor McGonagall nodded and motioned her to walk over.

"Miss Tonks, almost all the professors have told me that you are an excellent student, just a little unruly," Umbridge said in her characteristic clipped voice.

"Miss Tonks' confinement is also over, right?" Professor McGonagall glanced at Sylvia's hand hidden in the cuff of her wide school robe, "If not, I think she has learned a lesson."

"Really?" Umbridge smiled and looked at Sylvia, "Have you memorized the sentence you copied?"

Sylvia did not speak.

"Miss Tonks, I think you understand what to do." Professor McGonagall gave Sylvia a meaningful look, as if to wink bluntly, "You are the president of the student council. , you know best what to do and what not to do. Professor Dumbledore said that he chose you for this position, and the most important thing is that you know when to do things. You have more important responsibilities, you know. "

"Dumbledore has entrusted you with a lot of responsibility, hasn't he?" There was a hint of disgust in Umbridge's eyes.

"Yes, Professor Umbridge." Sylvia shifted her gaze from Professor McGonagall to Umbridge, "I think I have a lot of skills, let me I can be forgiven again and again for defying the teacher all the time, so much so that Professor Dumbledore had to choose me as the head of the student. This can be verified by Professor Snape."

"Huh? So you think it's your ability to fight against the teacher?" Umbridge narrowed his eyes, "Do you really like to fight against the teacher, or does it mean someone? "

"You don't teach in the school, you don't know what kind of students there will be in the school." Professor McGonagall seemed very helpless, "Only she has never regarded Professor Binns as a person. A respected old teacher, she often speaks so madly that Professor Binns goes to Professor Dumbledore to sue. But Professor Binns also likes her the most."

Sylvia couldn't help laughing in her heart. Yeah yeah, she's the only one who thinks it's funny to tease the old-fashioned Professor Binns. It's really interesting to see how he almost died of anger but died a long time ago.

"So you want me to forgive you for being rude?" Umbridge covered her mouth with a smirk. "You seem to have a problem with my teaching methods, don't you?"

"You didn't forgive me, so I was punished." Sylvia said frankly, "I am often punished, but I can also guarantee that I will not miss my homework. I dare say that there is no class in the class. People read all the textbooks like I did." She added hurriedly at this point: "Oh, other grades don't count."

"So you can do what I want, right?" Umbridge tilted his head.

"Dumbledore hopes that you, as the student president, can help every professor—" Professor McGonagall said again, "help every classmate—"

"I understand." Sylvia gave a nice smile.

"Very well, you don't have to be locked up from today." Umbridge straightened the neckline of her cardigan, "Come with me, Miss Tonks, I have some work to do. your assistance."

"My pleasure, Professor Umbridge." Sylvia nodded to Professor McGonagall before leaving. It was a courtesy as a student, and a hint that she understood what Dumbledore was thinking.

"You think I don't know, what are you thinking about? What is Dumbledore thinking about?" Umbridge snorted as soon as he walked out of the office.

Sylvia followed her.

"You do have the ability to make the professors disagree to dismiss you, and you also have the ability to be a warrior and have a certain reputation in the magic world, even Rita Skeeter said that she and you have reached an agreement A certain agreement, the well water does not make the river water?" Umbridge's words were constantly mixed with sly laughter, "but your greatest skill is your status among the students, Sylvia, what a popular girl Ah. Even Slytherin has a prefect saying you have no problem being student council president."

Didn't Rita tell Umbridge about me? Sylvia was secretly glad that her pseudonym was not known by this fan. It's just that this guy didn't write any reports to slander me? She was a little surprised. It seems that the old saying is right, stay on the line as a person, and see you in the future. And this lady beetle has not been active in the media for a while, probably thinking of keeping a low profile and avoiding the limelight.

"I'm a smart man, Professor." Sylvia nodded slightly.

"Tell me?"

"I think, with your outstanding achievements in teaching, you should have a new and higher title soon?" Sylvia, if I remember correctly, this is her first Spoiler.

Umbridge laughed in surprise watching her.

"I don't care how smart you are or what calculations you have, but how do you know that I have no other calculations in mind?" Umbridge suddenly turned to look at her and stretched out The long-necked aggressive look seemed to be spitting on her face, "Sylvia Tonks, don't think you're so smart."

"At least I'm doing a smart thing now?" Sylvia grabbed Umbridge just in time when the changing stairs suddenly disappeared one step, "Be careful, Umbridge professor."

"You seem to know exactly where to stand?" After Umbridge stepped over the disappearing steps, he looked at Sylvia again.

"I know exactly where I should stand." Sylvia smiled back.

"Instead of dismissing you, it is better for you to be the head of the student who can be dispatched, so that you can better control Dumbledore's proud protege." Harry said this.

"Yeah? If you're not the head of the students, you can do whatever you want! It's a bigger trouble--why! Why hit me? Hermione." Ron was said so.

"She's right, she has her abacus. Professor Dumbledore is right, if you don't bear the humiliation and have a new student leader, then everyone's situation will only get worse." Hermione was so worried.

"I know."

Sylvia replied.

"The old woman obviously found a better way to torture you. She asked you to do this and that, called you by name in class, and praised you for answering the book. How many people do you know? Are you two-faced?" Fred was so angry.

"She also treated the two student leaders differently, showing that you were more up to the standard. Many people said that you were behind her back, especially at Hufflepuff. She seemed to Captures the reason that Gryffindor and Hufflepuff have always been closer." George was equally indignant.

"I know."

Sylvia replied again.

Being smart is exhausting.

She helps Umbridge with responsibilities every day, and skillfully escapes her questioning about the details of many students. It's business as usual, just more like a decent student council president.

As Percy mentioned in her letter, she needs to meet the standard, she can't get this opportunity and let it go.

Of course, this is also one of the few words in the letter that can be used, or one of the few words that you won't want to tear up after reading it.

And Umbridge also received her title of Senior Investigator.

So be honest, be honest…



Sylvia was taken aback by a sudden explosion of fireworks as soon as she entered the common room.

"Happy Birthday!"

With the cheers of Fred and George, the same text appeared in the explosion of fireworks. She looked up and saw that the curtains on the wall had changed to the words "Happy Birthday", and there were many balloons scattered on the ground, which seemed to be for everyone to step on.

Her roommates shouted Sylvia's name over and over again, and Kenneth played nice chords, adding a different atmosphere to the lounge.

"You're silent today just for this evening, right?" Sylvia immediately put down all the pressure and laughed heartily, "Is it too exaggerated?"

"Shh." Fred made a silent gesture, indicating the fireworks that were still emerging.

Sylvia did not notice that, in addition to all kinds of rhetoric, there are also ingenious firework designs. The other students were also completely attracted by this splendor, and even Hermione stopped the thought of trying to stop it and looked at Sylvia with a smile.

"Rejoice! Friends!"

"Cheers to our student leaders!"

Fred and George smuggled in a bunch of Butterbeer from nowhere.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone present raised their butter beer in laughter.

"Do you like it?" Fred stepped over the mess of balloons and came to his girl.

"I like it." Sylvia took his hand, "This time the surprise was very successful, Fred."

"Drink whatever you want! I'll treat you!" Fred shouted, and there was an immediate enthusiastic response.

"Today, students who buy Weasley Brothers tricks are half price!" George also cheered.

"You're running out of money at the trick shop again?" Sylvia said with a wry smile, "Save it if you can, prodigal."

"Isn't this earning it again?" Fred looked at George's crowded place with a particularly good mood, "Our canary biscuits and fat tongue toffees have always been very good. It's popular, and we're still improving it all the time."

"Then I wish Boss Weasley a prosperous business." Sylvia picked up a side of butter beer and handed a bottle to Fred.

"It's all in the light of my dear proprietress." Fred smiled and touched Sylvia's bottle with his own.

"I know you made it so grand because you wanted to make me happy." Sylvia took a small sip, took out her wand and restored the drapery, "But you know I always..."

"Low-key." Fred picked up the words quickly, as if he was afraid she would say other words, "I know you are always quiet. Of course, everyone is voluntary, They all think our head student deserves a party. I'm not pushing them."

"Fred paid them." Ginny sprang out of nowhere and said with a smirk.

"I don't! You damn..." Fred glared at Ginny through gritted teeth, "You're just trying to make trouble now."

"Okay, let me be honest." Ginny kept her smirk and touched the bottle with Sylvia, "Everyone knows what you're doing for us, of course. , those idiots who speak ill of you are not in the lounge. If they don't hide in the dormitory, not only will they lose face, but they will only be embarrassed."

"Why haven't these fireworks stopped?" Sylvia suddenly raised her head and frowned at the intensifying fireworks, "Fred, are you sure you're all right?"

"I..." Fred also seemed to notice that the situation was unexpected, "I designed them so that they would be scattered and then there would be new fireworks, but obviously, oh, Some, out of control..."

"I'm afraid this movement is not very good." Sylvia put down the bottle.

"It's okay, leave it to me." Fred took out his wand and pointed at the out-of-control fireworks.

"Ah! Look!" Ginny pointed to a drapery that was burning with the sparse sparks.

Sylvia felt that someone pressed the pause button, or the mute button, maybe it was just something she didn't care about other people's actions after she concentrated her energy. She waved her wand to control the fire, letting the flames gather in front of her according to the rules she wanted and run to a better home—the fireplace. At the same time, the portrait of the Fat Lady opened.

"What's the matter?" Umbridge shouted angrily from the doorway, "With such a loud noise, are you going to blow up the lounge?"

Sylvia looked at the fireplace, she didn't think Umbridge had come in when she heard movement outside the door.

"It's just a little mistake, Searle has fixed it." Ginny said briskly.


Sylvia knew that it was taboo to have someone say good things in front of Umbridge.

"Is this related to you? Tonks?" Umbridge looked at Sylvia, stepped forward and stepped on a balloon, but the sound was a burst of sound "Should I praise you for doing a good job?"

Many students couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's about me." Sylvia raised her eyebrows, "They're helping me celebrate my birthday."

"Your birthday? Are you sure it's your birthday?" Umbridge looked around. "You have a lot of friends, don't you? They all support you? On your side?"

"No." Sylvia controlled her breathing, "It's just…"

"It's just a birthday, Professor." Hermione answered tactfully, making Sylvia appear less flustered, "We didn't think..." But apparently she couldn't tell the crowd either. The word trouble, she also noticed that Umbridge probably thought they were all Sylvia's little forces. Going a step further, Dumbledore's little power.

"I don't understand, how can I not join in the fun? Besides, there are people who treat guests." Ron raised the bottle, "Is it?" There were a lot of responses from the lounge.

"Really?" Umbridge abruptly smashed a few balloons with weird sounds and came to Sylvia, "You know what I'm thinking, you better know you doing what."

"You think too much." Sylvia didn't know that she didn't regret being so straightforward. But it seemed that that sentence made Umbridge realize that the girl knew what she was thinking, and in a sense it raised the suspicion that the situation was real.

"Tonks, you'd better be honest with me." Umbridge's voice was filled with anger. "You're too young to bear the consequences."

"Hey!" Fred pulled Sylvia behind him and stood alone in front of Umbridge, "Who are you threatening?"

"You want Searle to bear the consequences?" George had already put away all his tricks and stood beside Fred, "Why? Because of her birthday?"

"We did all this." Fred gave a cold face.

"We will bear the consequences." George looked generous.

"It's you?" Umbridge laughed sharply. "What can you do?"

"It's ridiculous, we have nothing to be afraid of when we were punished from childhood to adulthood." Fred sneered.

"What else can you do? Fire us?"

"Shut up!"

Sylvia separated them from the two of them, rushed to the front and turned to face them: "You two idiots! Shut me up!"


Fred and George were about to say something when they found nothing to say, and they noticed that Sylvia had thrown a deadlock on them before turning around again.

"I don't think they are stupid, Tonks." Umbridge changed her voice again, "I'm very loyal to you, isn't it?."

"Of course they are stupid." Sylvia controlled her emotions and spoke again, "I'm here to tell you what happened just now, Professor Umbridge. The only mistake is theirs. The fireworks accidentally lit the drapery. The only mistake was that I, as a student leader, didn't stop the loss in time."

The loss that didn't stop in time was that I didn't expect you to come.

Umbridge twitched the corners of his mouth.

"The Gryffindor lounge has always been like this. It is not time to turn off the lights, and there is no rest that affects everyone. Even if there is a little trouble, it does not violate any of the rules. School rules." Sylvia said loudly, "Since this happened in the Gryffindor lounge, I will report it truthfully to Professor McGonagall, and the two of them will receive their punishment from Professor McGonagall."

"If I'm not mistaken, you say you're going to Dumbledore to get your punishment?" Umbridge narrowed his eyes.

"Unless the Senior Investigator has a deeper meaning than investigation." Sylvia knew that was true.

"I look forward to better performance from you." Umbridge smiled and walked out of the lounge with a twist.

The moment the frame was closed again, Sylvia threw her wand violently, and a shielding spell hit the fireplace. And almost at the same time she thought that Sirius was going to use the fire to make a secret call with Harry, and immediately dropped another spell.

"Fireplace?" Ginny stared at the burning flame and then at Sylvia, "She watches us with the fireplace?"

"When can I hear movement outside the lounge?" Sylvia snorted, and when she turned around, the twins had already unwrapped the spell for themselves.

"...I just can't get mad." Fred's chest heaved and he seemed to have swallowed a lot of swear words before he said this sentence, "I know we are asking for trouble."

"You added three layers of lock tongues to seal our throats?" George rubbed his neck, "It's too cruel! Searle!"

Sylvia did not speak, and the others went back to their dormitories one after another.

"Are you angry?" Fred said uncertainly.

"She might really fire you." Sylvia felt her heart was being stabbed hard when she said this. If her appearance changes the horoscope in this regard, she just wants to slap herself.

"So what?"

"You know we don't care about that either."


Sylvia's sudden increase in volume startled the twins.

"You know we can't see you being bullied. And that's what we're asking for," Fred said patiently.

"You've endured too much, Searle." George frowned, "You know our last year is more about market research, we don't want to read books for a long time."

"This semester has just started! It has to be next year!" Sylvia said excitedly, as if to vent the emotions she had just controlled.

Fred and George's eyes widened, Sylvia looked elsewhere, and more was actually dodging the twins' eyes.

Why am I spoiling again?

"I mean..." Sylvia didn't notice her frowning, "You also need to investigate and improve your tricks, don't you? It's not done yet, isn't it? Go, who are you going to experiment with for those unfinished tricks? Where can you find such cheap experimenters?"

Fred and George were still staring at her.

"And even if you want to leave, you have to leave gracefully!" Sylvia pursed her lips unwillingly, "How can you be kicked out by that old guy? And..."

George laughed silently, patted Fred on the shoulder, turned and walked towards the dormitory.

"Eh..." Sylvia hasn't rounded up the following words.

"I promise, I won't leave so soon, okay?" Fred said softly, extending his hand in front of Sylvia, "I promise."

Sylvia didn't take his hand, but rushed straight into his arms.

"You hate me?" Fred hugged Sylvia contentedly, his tone couldn't be better.

"You just pray that I will miss you." Sylvia snorted softly.

"I was nervous when I first brought up with you the idea that George and I might not finish school. But the thought that if you were going to get angry was a good result. So I went to find you with an uneasy mood."

"I'm not surprised, Fred. How many things do you guys do that are less crazy than dropping out?"

"I regret it now, I think I will accompany you through the last year, how?"

"It's not good, let's go." Sylvia raised her head from Fred's arms, "Why are you laughing?"

"You haven't said anything angry for a long time." Fred laughed until his shoulders were shaking.

"I didn't say anything angry." Sylvia showed an unbelievable expression, "You are being selfish, Fred."

"You really want me to go?"

"You hurry up."

"Then I'm leaving now?"

"I said it just now!" Sylvia glared at her round eyes, and it was estimated that some people believed it, "It must be next year!"

But soon, an enlarged freckled face took over her eyes. Someone took the opportunity to bite her lower lip and clasped the back of her head with her palm. And she closed her eyes.

The author has something to say:

According to the previous rules, this year’s birthday should roll over, right, but like I said before, rollover doesn’t mean it’s not sweet, right?

I know everyone wants to beat Umbridge, but I don't think it's that easy. This year is like the title of this volume.

I'm so sad, my family, I didn't have enough teaching funds, **** it, I just passed the third course, I've been doing this in September and October, I feel like my hard work is wasted.啊啊可恶啊啊啊啊今年也太难熬了考试又多课业又重七七八八零碎的事情也不少,希望2022对咱都好一点!

Hey, I really want to celebrate the New Year! Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0808:07:24~2021-12-1114:07:24~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy