MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 174 One hundred and sixty-five, a family and a family

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"See the parents."

"My dear lady, now we can go back to the Burrow for lunch." Fred took Sylvia's ring-wearing hand.

"Wh...Wait!" Sylvia suddenly grabbed Fred.

"Wait?" George looked unhappy, "I'm starving, buddy."

"Going to the Burrow?" Sylvia really flinched, "Didn't you move out? You left a small suite upstairs in the theatre, didn't you?"

"What? Shy?" Fred laughed, looking really happy.

"I, I, I just think..." Sylvia didn't know what she was nervous about, "No! I can't go! I'm not ready!"

"What else do you have to prepare?" Fred smiled and shook his head, "It's not your first time."

"You know the shit!" Sylvia threw away her hand unhappily, "I'm just not ready!"

"That's what you don't understand, Fred. I'll let you know first, you won't do it if you don't come, Seale." George laughed and disappeared with a bang. .

"Hey!" Sylvia tried to stop him but failed, she could only stare at Fred, "Look at your annoying brother!"

"He's your brother now," Fred reminded.

"I..." Sylvia crouched down and hugged herself depressed.

"What are you afraid of?" Fred squatted beside her, "Mom and Dad like you more than me! I feel like Mom was waiting for me to change your last name to Weasley just to get you be her daughter."

"I'm so nervous! When I think about..." Sylvia looked at the ring on her hand, "Dad is right, I'm really scared!"

"You regret marrying me?" Fred looked aggrieved.

"Of course not!" Sylvia looked even more aggrieved.

"Then you don't have to worry about anything." Fred stood up and extended his hand to her, "I'm here, what are you afraid of?"


Sylvia pursed her lips, and the moment Fred took her hand, her entourage suddenly appeared.


The Sylvia had just arrived at the Burrow, or had not even arrived at the Burrow, when they heard a scream.

"Oh my dear Syl." Molly took Sylvia who had just appeared in her arms, and when she released her, she pulled up the hand with the ring, " Oh I'm so happy! I've been waiting for this day!"

"I'm the first to let you have a daughter-in-law, isn't it? Mom?" Fred said proudly.

"Why buy such an ordinary ring?" Molly looked at her son unhappily, "Don't you brag to me about how good your business is?"

"I love this ring! Aunt Molly! Really!" Sylvia hurriedly explained, "Fred really cares!"

"Fred maintenance has begun." Bill laughed at the dinner table, and the other Weasleys laughed too.

"You laugh louder if you want Bunny to escape." Fred raised one eyebrow.

"Okay, let's sit down." Arthur said, pulling out a chair and beckoning his wife to sit down.

"Sylvia! Sit next to me!" Molly pulled Sylvia eagerly and made her sit between Ginny and herself, asking endlessly.

"Hey! Mom!" Fred looked surprised, "Would it be better for Bunny to sit with me?"

George took his brother and sat on the other side of the table: "I thought you'd figured it out, buddy."

"You can leave, Fred." Ginny giggled, covering her mouth.

Sylvia smiled relaxedly. The sound of the knife and fork, the cheerful laughter and the relaxed words made her completely relaxed, and even made her not understand why she was so nervous just now.

Now it looks like she's completely and naturally a part of the Weasleys, and she's already been.

"It's too fast! You guys are all engaged!" Ron was very emotional and looked at the others, "What? Do you all know that he wants to marry? Ginny, you know too ?"

"Accurately, I was the first to know." Ginny looked at Sylvia proudly, "I do a very good job of keeping secrets. I know you will take me as Proud, Searle."

"What's the use of notifying you in advance? Little Ronnie?" Fred twitched the corners of his mouth disapprovingly.

"It's all right, Ron." Sylvia smiled and said, "You and I are treated the same."

"Save me Merlin!" Fred wailed, "Don't say things like that!"

"Huh." Ron also frowned, "Are you sure this sentence doesn't make me more disgusting?"

"Alright, alright! I still have something to ask!" Molly obviously didn't want to be interrupted by the children, "Searle, are you planning to take the Auror exam?"

Sylvia hurriedly nodded before she could swallow the stew.

"Auror entrance exam-" Bill said with emotion, "We also had some Aurors after graduation. When your sister re-enters the job, no one can be qualified until now. ."

"But Bunny certainly can." Fred said with great certainty.

"The Auror office isn't stupid enough to not want Syr?" George looked really puzzled.

"Searle, you must be prepared." Mr. Arthur said sternly, "Whether you are going to be a new member of the Auror, or a new member of the Order of the Phoenix. You are worried at school. Everything will become something you do for yourself.”

"I understand." Sylvia swallowed the stew and tried to speak several times, but she couldn't speak, she nodded again, "I also know I have a lot more To learn. Of course, I am also looking forward to it.”

"Ted is really enviable." Mr. Arthur lightened the subject. "Having two Auror daughters."

"Hey don't you forget! Dad!" Fred raised his fork and nodded.

"You have two sons of the owner of the trick shop!" George quickly picked up the words.

Sylvia just watched them both in laughter, as usual. Some people can really be so bright and pure, from young children to starting a family and starting a business, they are all warm and enthusiastic.

Fred also looked at her with an undiminished smile. As always, as long as he has his girl in his eyes, it is difficult for him to put away his smile.

The ring on her finger seemed to be hot again.

"You two brats." Mrs. Molly smiled and gave them a complaining look, "Fred, put away your unreliable appearance, you are already engaged. ."

"It's so fast, isn't it?" Arthur said with emotion.

"Don't worry, I've made up my mind." Fred said in a good mood, "Our trick business is doing well, and George and I will be able to buy a set soon. The house. When the time comes, I will be a neighbor and open the middle wall directly." He said and winked at Sylvia, "Live in with my wife and seven children."

"Seven." Sylvia raised her eyebrows, "Everyone, what Fred wants is not children, but a Quidditch team."

"That's a great idea!" Fred exclaimed in surprise.

George leaned into his ear and whispered, "Searle didn't say that you should be replaced by a lady."

"It's hard for me to imagine Syr taking care of children like a mother." Ron also leaned over and whispered, "It's scary to think about it, isn't it? Don't let this happen, okay?"

"I think that because of the popularity of Siel and Fred, there may be more children." Ginny suggested, "Otherwise, everyone is vying to be godfather and godmother, how can it be enough?"

Sylvia opened her mouth and said nothing. She just wanted to play haha ​​and just go over like this, as long as everyone is happy. But she didn't expect these topics to continue.

"You don't have to worry about being an aunt, right?" Fred smiled and slapped Ginny in the air.

"What do you say? Sylvia?" Ginny looked at Sylvia.

"Mmmmmm." Sylvia simply gave a smile and nodded perfunctorily.

"Listen to me, Searle." Bill gestured to her with a smirk and gestured with his chin, "Don't get used to Fred. Just got engaged, see how proud he is. He is the least What you know is that you can take it as soon as you see it.”

"Which side are you from? Bill!" Fred Ha.

"Seriously." Bill showed a serious expression, "Sir, don't forget, you are Miss Auror."

"Don't worry, I can only bully him." Sylvia smiled and agreed, "Fred can't bear to go back to the Burrow to cry in the future, you have to help me persuade him. "

Sylvia just likes the atmosphere and the laughter that always comes after a stress-free conversation.

"Speaking of this, the Auror's assessment is very strict." Arthur instructed, "The usual training and work are also, and you can't relax for a moment."

"It's alright, Dad." Fred immediately picked up the conversation, "In addition to business hours, the trick shop also has time to research new products. The hard-working Miss Auror has me here."

"How did you come up with this?" Sylvia laughed.

"Dad meant that Syr had to hone himself to stay in the Auror office." Bill said with a smile.

"Oh. Is that something to worry about?" Fred raised one eyebrow.

"No need." Sylvia gave him an affirmative answer. Can't she endure hardship? Her heart is the blood of the hard-working Chinese people.

"Think about what you need to worry about!" Fred waved his hand dashingly, "Like..."

"Wedding?" Ginny looked at Sylvia, "I'm going to be a bridesmaid! Please! Syr!"

"Cough cough! Wait!" Sylvia didn't expect the situation to develop like this, "Is this turning point too blunt?"

Today's topic only seems to be centered on her.

"Oops, don't make Searle too nervous, Ginny," Molly said hastily, "but when it comes to weddings, I think I'll go get a new set of gowns! Arthur! You have to prepare one too."

"The best man can't be me?" George said and slapped Fred on the side.

"How about taking me?" said Ron cheerfully.

"The lawn in front of the Burrow is very suitable." Arthur said, "If we want to invite all our relatives, we need a large venue."

"Remember to have a dance!" Bill suggested. "I wouldn't mind a little more fun!"

"You all wait first!" Fred looked at Sylvia's dull expression and hurriedly said, "Why don't you ask..."

"Why don't you ask the bridegroom and bride?" Sylvia replied, much to Fred's surprise.

Of course she was as embarrassed as everyone expected. But it was everyone's imaginative words that opened the door to the girl's thoughts. Everything seems to be unstoppable, or she doesn't want to stop at all.

The scene called the wedding appeared in her mind more than once.

"Ginny will be my bridesmaid of course." Sylvia blinked, "I want other girls to be my bridesmaids too! I want to have the most beautiful bridesmaids in the world. If you don't do it for me, Fred, you can just wait." She cleared her throat, "My wedding must be lively, and all relatives and friends must be invited. There are no rules, There are no requirements, but everyone has to have fun." She rolled her big round eyes, as if the scene of the wedding had already appeared in front of her, "The food must be ready! I want to study a whole set of dishes! Aunt Molly, you Be sure to help me! Weddings have the freshest floral decorations, and a big list for Rebecca and Ryan! Ask Charlie if you can give me a fire dragon show... Anyway, fireworks can't be less, George, you have to give I'll do it. I also have to choose the music carefully, and I have to write the marriage vows myself..."

She spoke so earnestly and expectantly that everyone at the table looked at her. It seems that at this moment everyone has forgotten that this is the prefect, warrior, student leader and prospective Auror of Hogwarts, but the innocent and lively little girl.

Sylvia also noticed everyone's smile at the moment: "I mean it, everyone. The moment I promised Fred was definitely thoughtful." She said looking at Fred , "I'm serious. I will take seriously any ceremony and detail about becoming a family with you."

Fred also laughed, laughing more happily than any moment, laughing more than every one of his family members spoiled. He said a word to his girl silently between his mother saying something like "you're so sweet".

"I love you."

Sylvia certainly understood.

"It's your turn for dinner, isn't it?" Fred asked.

Although Sylvia felt that they had already discussed it. At least that's what her family looked like when she brought Fred home with her. And there is an extra set of cutlery on the table.

"Sire!" Sirius raised his glass beamingly, "And Fred!"

"To our Sirs and Fred!" Dora cheered.

"What are you doing so solemnly?" Sylvia smiled and raised her glass, but her eyes still fell on the food on the table.

"Why not?" Ted coughed. "My daughter is engaged, shouldn't it be celebrated?"

"But it's too much!" Sylvia blinked, "Is this the amount for six people?"

"It's cheap and good." Andromeda smiled and looked at her little daughter, "These are all your favorites."

"Really?" Fred looked over immediately, "I don't know why you eat other than potatoes... well, it looks like it's all potatoes."

"Thank you mom." Sylvia was trying to look like a clingy daughter at the moment.

"You should thank your dad." Andromeda covered her mouth and smiled, "Your dad made a lot of it himself."

"Really?" Sylvia's eyes lit up, and her elbow touched Fred, "You got my light, Fred."

Fred didn't say anything, just chatted with Sylvia's family seriously, raised his glasses to toast one by one, and speeded up his eating to express his gratitude.

"I knew that I could eat Daddy's food when I got married, so I personally proposed." Sylvia said deliberately.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ted couldn't help laughing at the laughing pair of young people, "With your virtue, how can I trust you to marry?"

"Then how did you agree?" Sylvia blinked, "Why didn't you embarrass Fred?"

Fred coughed as he choked on a mouthful of baked potatoes.

"How do you know not?" Sirius raised his eyebrows and twitched the corners of his mouth, "You don't know that day..."

"That day." Dora couldn't help but chuckle, but she quickly closed the smile, "Fred, you can remember it for a lifetime, right?"

"I, I...cough, cough." Fred was obviously a little embarrassed, his hands folded over his head, "Don't say it in front of Bunny, everyone, please."

"You won't be... crying and kneeling in the rain all night!" Sylvia shouted while covering her mouth.

"Cough cough cough!" Fred should be choking on saliva this time, "Cough cough cough cough! You! You... Are you helping me out? Darling?"

"Oh, no." Sylvia looked disappointed, but soon laughed with Fred.

The meal was also particularly cheerful. But Sylvia always felt that something was missing, or something was too much. Perhaps compared with the atmosphere at noon, she always felt that the joy at the moment was not so pure or so relaxing.

Sylvia is going to be a family with the Weasleys, and of course Fred is going to be a family with the Tonks.

"Let Sear know there's nothing wrong with Fred," Andromeda said softly, "It's still very helpful when a man promises what to do with the person he loves. Charm."

"Are you moved by what he said before agreeing? Mom?" Sylvia rolled her eyes, "He talks about those things in one way."

"You probably can't see him being so humble and polite." Andromeda shook his head, "I can only say, I can see that this is a man who can entrust his daughter ."

"Thank you, Aunt Andromeda." Fred seemed to be addressing Sylvia's mother like that for the first time. He didn't know why he was always called Mrs. Tonks, always with inexplicable respect.

"Really or not? Is it that good?" Sylvia gave Fred a disdainful glance, "My mother's words are very pertinent. Can this evaluation apply to you? "

"Why not?" Fred raised his eyebrows nonchalantly.

"What? You don't want to marry?" Ted asked, narrowing his eyes. "The whole meal was blaming me for marrying you off."

"No!" Sylvia snorted, "I just want you to stand on Fred's side and speak for him."

"Stinky girl! So many thoughts!" Dora frowned, smiling and shaking her head as if she couldn't stand it.

Fred smiled and took the hand of his beloved girl under the dining table.

"And I want to know if you are willing." Sylvia pursed her lips, "I don't want you to be stubborn thinking about your Searle, and I don't like to listen to persuasion. . I want to know that you really recognize us. Dad, you look like you regret it!"

"Fred, does she dare to be so good in your family?" Ted laughed, "Dare to remind me of regret?"

"Dare to remind your father to regret it?" Andromeda also smiled.

"I didn't expect to be so nervous today." Fred nodded jokingly, "Of course! Promise good things, no one can take them back!"

"I know you can't bear me." Sylvia showed a flattering look, "I can't bear you too! I just want the atmosphere to be better, so I'm talking so much here. And I'm not getting married yet. You all look preoccupied... Hey! Sirius!"

"Why?" Sirius didn't seem to notice that he was in a daze, he and Dora exchanged a look before speaking, "I was thinking that you are going to get married. "

"I have received your congratulations." Sylvia took out the keys of the sports car from her pocket and shook it, "Thank you."

"Oh roar, yeah yeah take it." Sirius waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Sirius and I are good buddies now." Fred raised his eyebrows proudly.

"Who do you think said good things in front of Ted?" Sirius snorted coldly.

My little niece pulled into the relationship, why not?"

"I didn't think so!" Sirius was amused by her.

"We've always liked Fred." Andromeda wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, "You know that."

"But if you want to marry your daughter, it will be different. Of course I know." Sylvia raised her chin.

"We didn't bully our son-in-law." Ted put his hands on his chest, "Can you rest assured?"

Sylvia just giggled.

At this moment, the fire of the fireplace surged high, and a familiar figure walked in.

"Remus!" Sylvia looked at the visitor in surprise.

"Hi Syl, Fred." Remus smiled softly, "I heard all about it, congratulations."

"You're late! You should come and have dinner with us!" Sylvia beckoned him to sit down, but he just smiled and waved.

"Yeah." Dora said, sounding emotionless, "It's a coincidence that you came, we just finished eating."

"Does the Order of the Phoenix have any mission?" Sylvia asked, "Sirius, do you know anything? Why don't you call Remus together?"

"That's not true." Remus hurriedly said, "Bigfoot invited me too, but I shied away."

"Why?" Sylvia asked.

"Don't ask him why." Dora's tone sounded heavier, "Why? I don't want to."

"Don't say that. This is your family's dinner, how inappropriate is it for me to come?" Remus frowned in embarrassment.

Dora stood up, muttered something stupid, then turned and walked upstairs.

"Let's go to the living room." Ted said hurriedly.

"I'm going to find her." Sylvia gave everyone a reassuring look and looked at Fred, and ran upstairs quickly after he nodded to her to go.

She also suddenly understood why the most active Sirius and Dora were so silent today.

"Dora! Open the door!"

Sylvia knocked on the door, but received no response.

"Oh, all right." Sylvia drew her wand, "Araho is open."

But nothing happened.

No? !

Sylvia stared.

I can't even open the door when I want to be an Auror?

She opened her mouth in astonishment, put her hand on the doorknob and pushed it, and the door opened.

Oh, no lock.

"Dora?" Sylvia walked into the dimly lit room.

Dora was sitting on the carpet, and the moonlight shone on her face through the floor-to-ceiling windows. It was hard not to guess who she was looking at the moon thinking at the moment.

"Isn't he just unhappy?" Dora looked back at her sister, "Is he really stupid or just pretending not to understand what I'm talking about?"

"Neither." Sylvia knelt down beside her and hugged her, "Remus is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor I've ever met. He's very smart and very Excellent and very understanding.”

"I invited him to come to our house to congratulate you and Fred together." Dora took a deep breath, "He said, you are all family, it is not appropriate for me to go." Seeing that Sylvia was about to speak, she immediately followed her own words, "I don't care if he pretends or doesn't understand, anyway, I understand what he means."

"I know it's a bit too much for a guy with a happy relationship like me to persuade you." Sylvia whispered, "But I still want to say, don't be sad, sister."

"No..." Dora shook her head, "I feel... a lot better when you stay by my side, really."

" already expressed that right?" Sylvia asked.

"We have countless opportunities to patrol together." Dora said with a pat on the forehead, "It's impossible for him not to understand what I mean... Well, I said it accurately, I like him. I like Remus."

"Do you believe me? I think Remus likes you too." Sylvia patted her on the back.

"He likes me." Dora raised her head, "but why is he so cowardly? I said I have the courage to face the full moon with him! I have made up my mind! But He doesn't accept it."

"Then give him a little more time, and give yourself a little more time." Sylvia said softly.

"I really love him, Searle." Dora wrapped her arms around her sister's waist and buried her head in her arms, "he's not an old and poor troublemaker . He's someone I love. I hope he understands."

"He'll understand."

Remus can be a coward at times, Sylvia knows that. It was the product of his humility and prudence over the years.

"What if he doesn't understand?"

"Then I'll call Sirius to wake him up."

The sisters finally smiled at each other.

"The expression on Sirius's face when he first learned about it." Dora was indeed thinking of something funny, and his expression was no longer so low, "But he didn't have a chance to express his opinion. That would be just right It was me and Remus who were at odds with each other, and he bumped into him, so we had to persuade both sides."

"Now that I'm graduating, he's in charge of Remus, and I'm in charge of you." Sylvia looked comprehensible.

"How did you find out? My mind?" Dora rolled her eyes, "I don't think I'm being obvious."

"Maybe because Remus is obvious."

"Oh! Come on! He really is...Sometimes I don't even know what he's thinking." Dora's laughter slowly turned into a wry smile, "I shouldn't have done this just now. run away?"

"Nothing wrong." Sylvia shrugged, "If you have a temper, don't let it go? This is our house! He will leave if he doesn't like it."

"I almost forgot that you have a bigger temper than me." Dora smiled and shook her head.

"No matter what, I'm on my sister's side." Sylvia snorted.

"...Searle." She took a long time to speak, "Do you think we're a good fit? Me and Remus?"

"Then see his performance." Sylvia looked reluctant.

"I'm asking you very seriously." Dora said softly.

Such a conversation seemed to rarely occur between the Tonks sisters, so for a while, Sylvia didn't know how to speak.

"We never looked down on each other. You like the weird sisters, and I like to stare at the Muggle actors. We've been fighting since we were kids." Sylvia laughed She looked at her sister, "but I'll accompany you to listen to the Weird Sisters, and you accompany me to the movies. We've always been like this, haven't we?" She said and threw herself into her sister's arms, "I'll always be on your side. , sister. As long as it's the brother-in-law you chose, whoever dares to say it's inappropriate, I'll beat him up until he changes his tune."

Dora smiled and rubbed Sylvia's head.


The author has something to say:

Meet the parents, it's the second day of the new year, everyone, I feel that this coincidence is like I planned it hahahaha!

I don't know what delicious food you ate and what fun you played during the New Year? I've watched a lot of movies under a blanket in front of the projector, hahahahaha!

The love between Dora and Remus, family, I solemnly tell everyone, I will let Seale intervene, and I will let them both lock me up!

This year's plot is really exciting, I can't stop giggling when I look at the draft box.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Say 41 bottles; Jie's Monkey King, 1 bottle of vinyl chloride;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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