MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 179 170. The collapse of the building and its solution

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"The curse can be solved."

"Back?" Sirius looked at Sylvia who was taking off his robe.

"I'm hungry!" Sylvia turned sharply to look at him, or rather, at the restaurant behind him.

"Can you still be so hungry? Eh! Don't run so fast! How can it be the same as if you haven't eaten in 20 years!" Sirius, a sideways dodging Sylvia who was sprinting towards the restaurant, "Order of the Phoenix Still in a meeting."

Just as he finished speaking, Sylvia silently moved her hand away from the doorknob.

"Why aren't you in the meeting?" Sylvia looked at her uncle.

"I was about to go out." Sirius pointed to the door, "Harry will go directly to the Burrow later, I will stop by to see him after I finish my business."


Sylvia closed her eyes heavily and rubbed her temples.

Where is Harry's development?

"Hey! How are you?" Sirius stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.

"Where are you from?" Sylvia opened her eyes in a trance, "It's over, I feel like my mind can't think after my energy is taken away by training!"

"The death eaters causing the Brockdale Bridge to collapse has caused a lot of trouble for the Auror Department? And the weird hurricanes in the west and the unspoken murders." Sirius Seeing her irritated look, she sighed and cared.

"Yeah... Newcomers like Leo and I are starting to take over simple jobs. Although I can't go out to perform tasks, it is still necessary to do some logistical work." Sylvia wrinkled Still thinking about her question, frowning, "The Ministry of Magic is also in a mess. Most of the staff from the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures at Seid are sent to Somerset. They suspect that the hurricane caused the hurricane. Dead Apostles and Giants."

"Almost there, I have to go." Sirius said and turned to leave, "Dumbledore will pick up Harry after the meeting."

"Yes! Take Harry!" Sylvia slapped her forehead, "Yes, yes, it's time to take Harry over!"

"Ron and Hermione are both in the Burrow, and he's not alone in sending Harry there. Headquarters is busy every day." Sirius asked, "Not much. Seeing you running here, should you go to Fred's place if you don't go home?"

"I have something to do with Dumbledore, I'll wait for him here." Sylvia said, beckoning to call Kreacher for a jam toast.

"Is it the Amdo thing?" Sirius snorted.

"Mother told you?" Sylvia looked at him.

"You girl is quite capable, you can win Narcissa." Sirius said and turned to leave, "Don't blame her for discussing it with me, this is really not a trivial matter."

"It's also my mother's credit, I drew Draco." Sylvia waved her hand and said goodbye to her uncle.

"Although I don't think we need their Malfoy eyeliner...but you did a great job, Searle. Go and tell Dumbledore what you did for us." Sirius disappeared the moment the door opened and closed.

In fact, Sylvia is not afraid of Malfoy's reversal. According to their state of being aggressive and keeping themselves safe, maybe they don't have a good grasp of the key point, and they will defect directly. Although Sylvia just took advantage of this.

She thought of this and took a bite of toast.

"Are you still hungry, miss? Kreacher can make more delicious snacks." Kreacher rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Kreacher, how is the relationship between my mother and Narcissa?" Sylvia asked her mother to talk to Narcissa, just because Andromeda must would be a better choice. And this Second Miss Black did get things done directly.

"The three girls were very good when they were young." Kreacher recalled, "Kreacher remembers that they used to come here before they went to Hogwarts, and the host liked the three girls very much. Until Much later, I heard that Miss Andromeda and Miss Narcissa had a big fight and were fired shortly after."

"Before she got kicked out, mother and Narcissa had a fight?" Sylvia blinked.

"I think Miss Narcissa wants to persuade Miss Andromeda to stay. Yeah, how can you leave the noble Black's house? Miss Bellatrix just dismissed her, but …”

"But Narcissa still wants to save." Sylvia continued. As she guessed, Narcissa values ​​family and clan differently.

"In the end, Miss Narcissa's persuasion failed." Kreacher said.

"They must have been beautiful when they were young, right? Three sisters?" Sylvia tutted viciously in her heart when she thought of Bella.

At this moment, the door opened, and the members of the Order of the Phoenix left the restaurant for the meeting one after another.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Sylvia rushed into the dining room and stopped the old man in a black travel cloak, who looked like he was about to travel far, "I have something to talk to. you say."

"Oh, are you waiting for me? Searle." Dumbledore was still chatting with Snape who came out with him, and suddenly stopped talking. And Snape just showed contempt, as if expecting Sylvia to make some ridiculous demands.

"Yes, I think...Professor, your hand..." Sylvia noticed Dumbledore's dry and charred hand, and took a breath, "This is …”

He has solved the Marvolo ring.

"Oh, don't worry about it..." Dumbledore raised his unrecognizable hand and turned it around.

"It's a curse." Sylvia looked straight at Dumbledore, "It will slowly consume your body until you...die."

Dumbledore just watched him quietly, while Snape looked the girl up and down.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded.

"But there will be a solution!" Sylvia said immediately.

"At the moment, with my efforts and Severus' efforts, we have not been able to find a way. However, listen to me about Syr." Dumbledore seemed to be afraid of her emotional, " Do you believe me right? Don't tell anyone about this, understand?"

"I have a way! But maybe..." Sylvia gritted her teeth, "I mean it's not unsolvable! It's just that it may be necessary..."

The right natural magic stone!

Sylvia never had a chance to find such a thing.

"Speak up, Miss Tonks." Snape raised his eyebrows.

"You must know, Draco will be ordered to kill you." Sylvia ignored the sarcasm in Snape's tone, and just looked at Dumbledore seriously.

"You know this?" Dumbledore looked surprised.

"He is your student, you must not let him suffer the pain of killing, right?" Sylvia continued.

"Yes." Dumbledore softened his voice.

"I want to ask you to protect Draco. That's what I want to say." Sylvia lowered her voice, "In exchange, he can be the eyeliner of the Order of the Phoenix."

"Is this a deal you made with him?" Snape's nose made an arrogant sound, as if making fun of the girl's self-righteousness.

"As you said, I know this and will not let it go. I am like you, Searle, and I don't want him to be in a desperate situation." Dumbledore patted the west. Severus' shoulders, "But are you sure you want Draco to take this risk? I have full confidence in Severus' abilities."

"I won't just win Draco, but Malfoy." Sylvia pulled Dumbledore's robe, "My mother successfully persuaded Narcissa Malfoy!"

"What did you say?" Snape finally showed his shock, "How much do you think you know about Malfoy? Arrogant..." He swallowed the interrupted The latter half is sarcastic.

"Of course! Mom told me that they are unbreakable! They can't say that they are allied with us anyway!" Sylvia said hurriedly, "We don't need to give them here either. Any intelligence! Just keep them safe!"

"We will have one more piece of information?" Snape's sallow face contorted, "We're taking one more risk now!"

"Don't worry, Severus." Dumbledore frowned slightly, "Speak slowly, Syl." His aura sank, which made Severus Sylvia was a little nervous.

"I know the Malfoys are easy to defect. Lucius's ability to disassociate himself immediately after Voldemort's fall shows that he is really shrewd." Sylvia said after clearing her mind, " But it also shows that what the family really cares about is Malfoy himself. Following the Dark Lord can bring them glory, and now that Lucius is in prison, the Dark Lord wants young Master Malfoy to complete a task that is simply impossible. There is an olive branch that we have thrown, why not choose it?"

"Okay." Dumbledore breathed a long breath, "but I might prefer you to speak to me first."

"The incident happened suddenly! Draco took a lot of effort to sneak out to meet me." Sylvia explained, "He kept giving me eyeliner last year, and I thought It would be completely different if Malfoy was with us."

"Narcissa is desperate," Snape said with vision. "How long do you think Azkaban can keep Lucius in custody?"

"Lucius won't be Voldemort's right-hand man again even if he comes out." Sylvia said, "They need to make a contribution to turn over among the Death Eaters."

"And obviously this is Draco's chance to turn around." Snape's tone became stronger, "I don't know what that little Malfoy said in front of you. But I Knowing that he is not dissatisfied at all, and cherishes this opportunity. You are counted by him!"

"Yes, I know." Sylvia did not flinch as Snape expected, "I wonder if he was acting on both sides. He took over killing Dumbledore The mission, on the one hand, is close to the Order of the Phoenix. Whoever wins, he will survive."

"That's why you promised him?" Dumbledore smiled kindly. "You just wanted to help him?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded, "But we have nothing to lose in this matter! Even if he can escape, he can't bite back!"

"Don't worry. He won't be punished for failing the mission." Dumbledore said, tidying up his robes and preparing to go out.

"He didn't want to kill you!" Sylvia didn't know why she added this suddenly, perhaps because of Snape's distrustful gaze, "Trust me! He doesn't have the guts! No matter how bad he is, he has no such heart!"

"I said, Syr, you don't have to worry." Dumbledore showed a reassuring smile, "Thank you very much for telling me this, you did a good job this time. "

"Because of this?" Sylvia yanked Dumbledore's sleeve, "because you would have died?"

"Shh, Syl..." Dumbledore looked a little regretful, but then laughed again, "You're more knowledgeable than I thought, girl. I don't care. You shouldn't have known that my end is coming."

"You won't!" Sylvia said excitedly, "I used to read a lot of books about curses in the summer vacation! If we can find a natural magic stone through tempering and spelling You can slowly dispel the curse! Teach you to know Nicole Lemay! You must have seen the natural magic stone!"

"Natural Philosopher's Stone?" Dumbledore laughed, "That's not possible, Syl. When he talked to me before, he said that he has never been in his life. I've only seen a few pieces, and I'm afraid I can't find them until now."

"Is that so?" Sylvia said absentmindedly.

But she has no other choice.

Are all previous efforts in vain?

"I'll pick up Harry." Dumbledore patted Sylvia on the shoulder, "Go back and rest. I remember your Auror office is now open."

"Okay." Sylvia nodded reluctantly, watching Dumbledore walk towards the darkness outside the door.

She rubbed her arms up and down, always feeling that the wind was a bit strong when they left.

Or maybe not the wind?

Sylvia turned her head slightly and looked at the wall with the delicate wallpaper. Since she learned a lot of crooked ways with Norman, she seems to be more sensitive to traces of magic.

How does it feel like more than two people just passed by.

Is it really useless?

Sylvia opened her eyes and turned around, not holding Fred who should be lying here. She got up and rubbed her eyes, and found that the red-haired boy was not kicked under the bed by her.

Notes from her previous research on curses were scattered on the ground, including newspapers and her work records that people disappeared every day.

Sylvia rubbed her head, feeling very sorry that Fred, who came back from studying tricks yesterday, accompanied him to watch the curse for a long time. Yes, she didn't hold back, she told Fred. Of course, how could she hide it from Fred?

"Don't be sad, we have to trust Dumbledore, don't we?" Fred comforted her like this yesterday, "That little Malfoy will have a good time when he has a chance to walk the right way, He must be glad he didn't dare to humiliate you more than before. Well, he should be more glad that you have such a good heart."

"I'm not worried about Malfoy." Sylvia said, "If I knew Dumbledore was running out of life, how could I have the heart to help Malfoy?"

"But you don't know, don't you?" Fred touched her head, "Dumbledore will definitely find a way! He won't just watch himself die, will he?"

He will.

And I don't know.

So Sylvia suffers even more.

"It's not that I didn't think about reading more books! But be a prefect in the fifth grade! Exams! Said, "I don't have time at all! All these things are coming and going, and I don't have a chance to catch my breath."

"You've done a great job, my Bunny." Fred hurriedly put his arms around her, "only if Dumbledore couldn't do it. You know what his Skill and knowledge...right? You know that's not an easy thing to do."

Yeah... If it wasn't really impossible, how could Dumbledore count his own death?

Sylvia climbed down from the next floor after washing up, and knocked on Dora's door when passing by Dora's room. The two sisters were both in low spirits because of the high-intensity work, and it was easy to fall asleep, so they needed to remind each other. What's more, her sister is getting more and more depressed because of her emotional affairs, and she has to be persuaded by Sylvia to try to put away her gradually gray hair and find a way to make herself look more energetic.

"I don't care what's going on with you, don't make yourself like that. You should be as polished as ever! Let him be the uncomfortable one."

Sylvia said so, and Dora readily accepted.

"Are you awake? You can sleep a little longer."

Sylvia saw Fred as soon as she came downstairs.

"You won't tell me, are you making breakfast?" Sylvia first glanced at Andromeda and Ted who were drinking coffee in the living room, and then at the table beside the dining table. Fred, "I can't believe an apron will be on you one day."

"I gotta do something for my dear Bunny and my mom, dad and sister," Fred said graciously, waving his wand and directing several plates full of food from the kitchen Come out, "I know you all prefer Muggle food."

"Fred woke up early." Andromeda helped with a smile on her face.

"When will you cook?" Sylvia squeezed a slice of toast and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Learn secretly." Fred said and walked to the living room, greeting his father-in-law and mother-in-law for breakfast.

"Not bad." Sylvia nodded unexpectedly, and when she picked up another piece of bacon, she heard the doorbell.

After Andromeda and Ted sat down, Sylvia heard Fred go to open the door.

"Is it the milkman? I remember we said no." Sylvia asked casually.

"This is the situation now." Ted nodded, "It's better for Muggles to approach us less."

Why haven't you come back for so long?


Finally, the girl heard the call to her, wiped her hands, and came to the hallway in front of the house.


After she saw the person coming outside the door, she stood still and blended into the quiet atmosphere.

"Look who's here." Unexpectedly, Fred's briskness broke the inexplicable stillness.

"Long time no see-"

The guest who came from afar just took his hand out of Fred's hand and stretched it out in Sylvia's direction. He still had a good-looking smile on his thin face, and the more profound peach blossom eyes still had the same gleam of stars in the past.

"Miss Tonks."

The author has something to say:

The man, he's back!

Surprise surprise! family! Are you happy! Wuhu! !

Dumbledore, Sirius, Snape, and the twins knew about this Malfoy refuge. Eh does it make it a little more? Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha sorry! Just let them know! As if there was no way! But it's actually a request from Draco, so don't be too nervous.

And here Searle is telling Fred Dumbledore something that may be coming to an end.

The key now is to save Dumbledore!

Opening a new dungeon friends!

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