MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 195 185. Scrapbooks and Memories

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"Junior to adult."


“…are you sick?”

Hoddle's voice came from behind the smoke, without looking at the uninvited Sylvia. The scene at the moment is exactly the same as the Astronomical Tower a few years ago.

"I'm here to see you, aren't you welcome?" Sylvia said, opening the window wider, "Sirius is very comfortable here, right?"

"..." Hoddle didn't respond, grabbing a notebook and quickly flipping through it.

"Not going well?" Sylvia sat cross-legged beside Hoddle.

"Hmm." Hoddle responded briefly.

on steak.

"I'll eat it hot with magic."

"Where is that the same as just finished?"

"I'm busy—"

"Too busy to eat?"

"I said I was **** busy!"

He was so irritable that after raising the volume, he couldn't control his tut and ruffled his beautiful hair.

"Can you be busier than me?" Sylvia didn't seem to feel his outburst.

"Sirius asked you to come? He's wider than my dad." Hoddle's chest heaved, he rubbed his head again, and turned his face to the side just in time to see the alarm clock on the wall , "It's so late! How did you come?"

"Really? It's very late, right?" Sylvia sneered, "I just finished my work, just came to Sirius to be quiet and quiet."

She was annoying too. I just tried to wake up the Philosopher's Stone with Norman at 410 Knockturn Alley, but corresponding to the content given in the book, I always felt that something was missing.

After all, no one does experiments.

Norman was so relieved.

"What? Your fiancé is not satisfactory?" Hoddle sneered.

"It's so satisfying that I have to take a breath every now and then." Sylvia raised her eyebrows, "No matter where I go home, let me…"

"I understand." Hoddle nodded. "Worry is too heavy, no matter who it is. I am relieved after sending my family abroad."

Sylvia looked at him and laughed suddenly.

"What are you laughing at?" He twitched the corners of his mouth.

"When I looked at this cauldron, I suddenly thought--the trip you said to leave then came back for me?" Sylvia smiled proudly.

"I'm different, I can only think of your unsightly potion when I look at this cauldron." Hoddle sneered.

"I'm just so happy, you've done so much for the Order of the Phoenix." Sylvia pointed to the bottles on the ground.

"Who are you? The head of the Order of the Phoenix? It's not up to you to say that, Miss Tonks." Hoddle lowered his head and continued to look at his dense handwriting.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Does this mean I'm counting on your help?"

They looked at each other, and Hoddle laughed first.

"Aren't you just making a portable potion supply pack?" Sylvia said and picked up a bottle, "I can be your guinea pig."

"You think this is Weasley's trick?" Hoddle snapped back the small bottle from her hand, "Don't make trouble."

"I'm serious." Sylvia said sternly, "How do you judge how well you are doing? Don't you try it yourself? Or let Sirius try it? Let go of you and let go of yourself. That old man."

"Can you hurry up, won't you go to work tomorrow?" Hoddle showed a look of disgust.

"I said, you give me those packages, and I will share them with my Auror colleagues." Sylvia grabbed his wrist and made him look at himself again.

"You want to annihilate the Aurors?" Hoddle laughed at himself.

"You know what I mean." Sylvia let go, "I'll bring this up at the next Order of the Phoenix meeting. And of course I'll find some Auror friends I can trust. ."

"Okay." Hoddle nodded after thinking for a while, "I'll give it to you when I'm done."

"Okay! Then how about I help you warm up a meal? Mr. Waughlin?" Sylvia said graciously.

"You go quickly." Hoddle waved his hand impatiently.

"I'm going to ask Kreacher to make you a cake! Explosive sugar!"

"You go back."

"I can help!"

"Would you like to mix the potion for me?"

"Okay-what! No!" Sylvia suddenly jumped up and took a few steps back, "How dare you ask me to do this? You're crazy!"

"When did you make a mistake while I was watching?" Hoddle said casually, rubbing his eyes with his slender knuckles, "Did you forget the time for tuition? "

"I, I, I don't want to remember! I don't remember!" Sylvia no longer wanted to remember the fear of being dominated by potions, "I'm allergic to cauldrons!"

"I'll throw the cauldron in your face if you don't leave."


Sylvia has had time to see Hoddle, and it is true that she has been a little more leisurely recently. Although it was also to come up with the idea of ​​experimenting with his finished potions, but since she lost her fieldwork, she could go back to her own business after finishing her training early—

"You did this on purpose, right?" Sylvia looked at the mountains of documents on the table and turned her head back to Andy.

Fuck! I shouldn't be too happy too soon!

"Yes, yes, I did it on purpose, I deliberately let the Death Eaters go around and make you have so many files to file." Andy pulled out a smile.

"You can't give me so much work to make me work overtime after I've worked hard to meet today's training target! If you come one step later, I'll be off work!" Sylvia shouted frantically .

"Then I was called back by a notice and asked me why I didn't say that you were gone earlier." Andy looked very clear, "Go work, do it sooner. Go back early."

"What about you? Are you leaving?" Sylvia grabbed him, "Can we share weal and woe? Are we not on one side?"

"You still remember!" Andy snorted, "Why didn't Scrimgeour compliment you on your progress without giving me credit?"

"He wants the whole Ministry of Magic to know that he reuses me now." Sylvia pursed her lips quietly, "It's not very good for me."

Pretty loud."

"He's trying to tie me up and bind me to the Ministry of Magic." Sylvia nodded noncommittally, "I've told him, I have no way of knowing what Dumbledore has. such a plan."

"But know that you, Sylvia, have great value in themselves." Andy patted her on the shoulder, "I can at least assure you that Scrimgeour is a good leader. If you work hard, you might be able to get back on track earlier than me."

"I'm not in a hurry, when can I resume my field work?"

"Forget it."

"It's not because of you?"

"It's not because of you!"

Andy raised his voice and emphasized, and Sylvia stopped talking.

"Isn't the punishment long enough?" Sylvia muttered.

"If you have time to complain, you might as well finish it and go back quickly." Andy raised one eyebrow.

"How come you can still hear such words?" Sylvia dejectedly began to process the documents at hand.

"What did you say?"

"I said you really look like my dad."

"If only you were my daughter-" Unexpectedly, Andy also connected, "I can discipline you logically."

"Merlin, do you have any consideration for discipline me?" Sylvia asked in disbelief, "My father didn't discipline me like that!"

How does this sentence seem familiar?

"I can't finish—"

"It's so annoying! Can you go!"

Perhaps this is one thing falling into another, right?

Sylvia seldom complained about work like this, and seldom did this while doing the task of filing, while greeting the eighteenth generations of the ancestors of the troubled Death Eaters one by one.

It's just the twins' birthdays today.

When Sylvia returned to the trick shop, all the shops that were bustling were closed, only the loft suite was lit. She apparated cursingly into their living room.




The three of them spoke at the same time when they met, Sylvia at the door and the twins sitting on the carpet also looked tired.

"Happy birthday, boys." Sylvia took off her robe and threw it on the sofa. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"Bunny, we were just waiting for you—" Fred said, turning around.

"We've unpacked your gift." George held up the scrapbook open in front of them. "We saw you on the table."

"Oh, you have already opened." Sylvia smiled gently, sat between them, and leaned obediently against Fred's arms.

"Maybe we broke something, I think it would be better if we watched it together." Fred said and handed something to Sylvia.

It's a photo frame with Fred and Sylvia in fourth grade.

"The one that Colin took?" Sylvia took the frame closer and smiled heartily.

"Fred searched for a long time to find it, and I don't know where he left it." George raised his hand to make a small report.

"I didn't litter! I remember I took it with me when I moved!" Fred scratched the back of his head, "Just been busy and forgot to put it out. Then Bunny When you come back, you don't have to look at the photos and miss her."

"Excuse, Fred, something so important—"

"Bunny forgot about it as soon as he finished filming."

"Dare to say that now? Searle, look at him."

Sylvia ignored the brothers' gags and couldn't take her eyes off the two young children in the photo.

"Look at this Fred." Sylvia pointed at the photo and pursed her lips, "Hold me, I don't know, I thought she was trying to strangle me."

"What's that!" George took out the scrapbook and flipped it over quickly, "This, this, and this! Fred looks like he's stuck on you! I'm too , why didn't you notice the two of you were so close at the time?"

"Your brother has taken advantage of me since he was a child. You don't even know how to block me. How about being good buddies to each other?" Sylvia happily flipped the clip art to the end Front, "Hey! Look! It's first grade! Let's go bungee jumping!"

"Look at your two braids." Fred said with a smile on his head, "How cute, like a bunny, but you don't braid like that anymore."


"Thank you for writing so much." George flipped through the pages without hesitation.

"Hey! I like this!" Sylvia slapped it with a quick slap, stopping George from continuing to turn the page, "World Cup."

"Look at your nympho," Fred said in disbelief. "You almost got Aidan Lynch's name on your face."

"You two—" Sylvia looked back at Fred and George with a tactical look, and then sighed regretfully, "How handsome at that time."

"What do you mean?"

“Not handsome now?”

"Have we not been handsome?"

"That's funny."

I haven't heard the two of them singing for a long time.

"Boys, you have to be old." Sylvia smiled and shook her head, "I was sixteen at that time! Was I pretty then? Prom?"

"I dare say the whole school is envious of me." Fred raised his head, "including your girls."

"Yeah, it's beautiful, look at you now." George suddenly pointed at Sylvia.

"What nonsense are you talking about? George?" Fred frowned.

"I'm going to say, Sylvia, your face is not as good as a year." George put his hand down, but still stared at Sylvia with some seriousness, "and more and more I don't like to laugh anymore."

Sylvia just lowered her head and smiled without saying a word.


Fred was silent for a while, only to hug his girl tighter: "Nothing, Bunny, you're still as beautiful."

"I admit that being an Auror was a cool thing to envision, and it certainly won't be as emaciated as it is now because of the endless work. But..." She raised her head with a gentle smile, "Who can be a child forever, who can always live such an enviable life..." She said, flipping through the scrapbook and sniffing.

Fred and George bowed their heads at the same time.

"You can!" Sylvia said and put on the shoulders of the two of them, "This world really sucks! This kind of idiot can't live a day. Yes! But you can keep doing what you love in this **** life, and share your precious happiness generously with everyone!" She said, raising her chin again, "Fred, George, you two He's the most **** awesome person in the world!"


They both laughed and took Sylvia's shoulders, as they liked to do when they were young.

"That's what I think, and it never changes in my heart." Sylvia said, closing the scrapbook, "That's why I can't write anything. After this gift, I have so much to tell you."

"I see, you still have a lot of blank space." George said.

"These are for you."

"Leave us?"

"That's right." Sylvia nodded, "These photos, these events, are next to what I wrote. How about you? With you, this gift is complete."

Fred and George smiled at each other.

"When you guys are done writing, I can organize the gifts for next year." Sylvia broke free of their arms and stretched.

"Next year?" They both asked in unison.

""A Praise for Pollux and Pollux - A Biography of the Boss of Weasley's Tricks"." Sylvia nodded, "I just complimented for a long time is not nonsense. I'm really going to write a book for you guys."

The two of them were silent for a while, then suddenly shouted.

"That's what you told us!"

"You should keep it a secret!"

"No surprises then!"

"While we were having fun!"

Sylvia just smiled, showing a happy smile at the exaggerated appearance of the two of them.

"Because I want to write, I definitely need to interview the two of them frequently. Mr. Weasleys." She explained with a smile, "I need your active cooperation."

"We've done too much." Fred raised his head.

"That's right! How can I finish it!" George echoed.

"Is that not written?"


Sylvia giggled.

"Write, write, of course." She tried to control her smile.

"Don't forget to include you," said Fred.

"Hey! You're not just Fred's girlfriend to us." George nodded.

"Don't worry, I wish the whole world knew we were bound." Sylvia raised her eyebrows, "You know I've always pursued this."

“So do we!” Fred and George said.

"So—" Sylvia took their hands, "The three of us are indispensable, do you understand?"

Fred and George's expressions sank, and the hippie smiling faces just now were put away.

"Sure, Bunny."

"We've always been one."

"The three of us, no matter what happens, no one can leave anyone else, understand?"

The worries in Sylvia's eyes were seen by the twins. They both looked at each other and looked at her again.

"Say it—"

"Don't be rude—"

"Leave no one behind!"

The author has something to say:

Xiao Huo's potion workshop is open to the family, and the strongest support is going to be launched! Everyone, bring the potion with you to save your life!

Polus and Pollux are a pair of twin stars in the sky.

"Praise for Pollux and Pollux - Biography of the Boss of Weasley's Tricks", I won't write it, let Seale write it, she will write it (forcing the truth), in fact, after thinking about it carefully Her foray into print media is also good.

This is also a chapter of memories, mainly to send out the previous scrapbook. I seem to have a lot of memories to kill, mainly long-form ones. I love memories myself, but I don’t have them anymore. Don’t think I’m annoying.

Everyone will witness, the three of them agreed, and no one will leave anyone behind.

I have been reflecting recently, do you think my length is too long and my writing is too long-winded?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of cheesecake with milkshake; 5 bottles of yaya; 2 bottles of Crab Crab Boss;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion