MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 208 197. Fear and Escape

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"The stars do not speak."

"Sylvia, I want to talk to you about something." This morning, Ted stopped Sylvia who had just come out of the kitchen.

"What's the matter, Dad?" Sylvia looked through the window at the Death Eaters who were constantly watching the house.

"I've been denying Muggle registration, but you know it's not a long-term solution." Ted patted the sofa beside him and motioned for Sylvia to sit down, "One day the Ministry of Magic will If you come to the door, it will bring a lot of trouble to our family. I can't let them take the opportunity to find a way to implicate you."

Yes, even if Umbridge dies, someone will do the job. And now it looks like they're doing pretty well.

Sylvia didn't sit down: "You didn't tell your mother and sister, did you?"

She knew Ted would leave home because of this.

Ted shook his head: "Listen, Searle, I think..."

"You won't drag anyone down, Dad." Sylvia rubbed her temples, "You can just stay home."

"You two are still working in the Ministry, and sooner or later they will find you back to the Ministry to mention this! Then you will be covering up the so-called 'suspect'!"

"No, Dad." Sylvia was extremely calm, and seemed indifferent, "I will think of a way, and I can definitely get out. But you absolutely!" She added With a tone of voice, "You must not go out! You also can't do Muggle registration!"

"Your sister is pregnant," Ted said anxiously. "She needs an environment, not every day because I'm afraid of someone breaking in here!"

"Listen to me." Sylvia rubbed her temples again and looked at him again, "With me here, I will make sure everything goes well! Okay? You don't have to worry! You Believe me! Believe in the Order of the Phoenix!"

Ted wanted to say something, but he took it back when he saw his daughter's tired expression. Another reason is that the fireplace was on fire at this time.

"Are you back?"

Sylvia poured herself coffee while looking at Remus, who might have come from afar.

"You understand?"

Seeing that he did not say anything, Sylvia asked again.

"Hmm." Remus nodded, "Where's your sister?"

Sylvia did not answer, but pointed to the direction upstairs.

Ted was right, the exhaustion his little daughter showed was not without reason.

Sylvia gave her father a reassuring smile, handed him a cup of coffee, and looked at Remus' back.

Okay, just figure it out.

When she thinks of last night, she is very irritable.

Sylvia's exhaustion, of course, is not without reason.

First of all, she didn't expect to see Dora and Remus arguing again.

When the pregnancy test showed that Dora was indeed pregnant, everyone cheered, except for the moon face.

Save me! Merlin!

Why is the same scene happening again?

Sylvia remembers Remus going to the trio, offering to join them and help them. As a result, he was scolded by Harry.

"My father died to protect my mother and me, do you think he will tell you to abandon your child and go on an adventure with us?"

That's what Harry said at the time.

That was the place that touched Sylvia.

Sylvia was also very grateful that her parents had taken a rest early and did not hear these conversations, otherwise they would have added to her troubles.

At that time, Fred patted Sylvia on the back soothingly. Such a scene is also quite funny, as if this girl is the biggest victim here. He also made a silent action when Sirius cast his eyes for help.

Fred is doing it for Sirius, after all, Sylvia seems to be the most angry one. And if there is anyone who dares to say that he understands Sylvia's mind, there is no other choice except Fred.

In fact, a quarrel is not a quarrel. More embarrassing atmosphere created by the complex emotions of the two people.

"I shouldn't have married you at all, because of me, you have become an outcast! Now you want to bring such trouble to your children?"

That's probably what Remus said.

And what Sirius keeps repeating is the words "nonsense".

"You have never been a burden! You have never been to me or my child! Neither will you!"

This is probably what Dora said.

Remus left. Sirius followed.

Go for a walk, give him time to think for himself.

Fred rubbed Sylvia's head, left the Tonks' house thoughtfully and returned to the attic of the trick shop, leaving the two quiet sisters behind.

Too quiet.

But Sylvia is also incapable of breaking the deadlock. She could feel Remus' pressure and sensitivity, as well as Dora's depression and puzzlement. Of course, there are downs of their own.

Especially in such an uncertain and troubled world, there are so many things to consider.

It was Dora who spoke first: "Next, I will slowly let go of work. After all, I am pregnant, so I will use my vacation."

"You can stay at home." Sylvia said, "It's all cumbersome **** right now, just let me do your stuff."

Another silence.

"Ciel, when are you and Fred going to get married?" Dora asked abruptly, both the question and the tone were too abrupt.

"..." Sylvia was silent for a while, "We don't have this plan yet."

"You've been engaged for so long, haven't you?" Dora recalled.

"Although we haven't talked, I think we both think we shouldn't have a wedding now." Sylvia whispered, "My wedding to Fred must be 100% happy. , can't be mixed with fear. And you saw Bill's wedding like that..."

"Yes." Dora nodded, "You won't have a simple little wedding, it must be very grand."

"But I'm especially afraid..." Sylvia frowned, her tone became more serious, "He said something and we'll get married when it settles down. It's like..."


Sylvia didn’t finish her sentence, Dora understood it completely. It's not the first time they've talked about it, and it's not the first time they've been weighed down by the topic. My sister looked up at the blank ceiling without saying a word.

"Sister." Sylvia seems to have rarely called her sister Dora, "You never thought we would sit and chat like this, right?"

Dora looked at her.

"Since the Ministry of Magic sent out those stupid wanted lists." Sylvia lowered her eyes, "You've been strengthening our shields every day."

"Ah." Dora smiled bitterly, "Really? How can we be so heartless and cautious?"

"Dad doesn't seem to be in good shape, and so does Mum." Sylvia said worriedly, "Have you ever felt that Muggle-born wizards have been accused of inexplicable theft of magic? After that, mother's words became less and less?"

"It's fine." Dora said solemnly, "No one can break into our house again."

"Of course." Sylvia said sadly.

"No one can hurt us." Dora's hand touched her lower abdomen, her eyes were so determined, the loss just now was swept away, "No one can hurt my family."

Sylvia got up and put her hand on her sister's hand: "I'm here, Dora, no one."

"Okay, you go to Fred." Dora patted Sylvia's head.

"You drive me away!" Sylvia looked very hurt.

"Crazy." Dora smiled, "You're not going to stay with me, are you? Get out of here."

Sylvia jerked to her feet and dropped a kiss on Dora's cheek, and an Apparition left.

As soon as I got back to the booth of the trick room, I saw Fred and George sitting on the sofa in the living room. Originally, it was a trick processing factory for the two of them, and you could always smell a strange smell when you entered the door. But at the moment they were sitting beside some neatly stacked big boxes, each with a newspaper.

Merlin. How could the world actually make them both start reading the Daily Prophet? This scene is a little funny.

"Are you back?" Fred was obviously surprised, and moved his position so that his girl could sit beside him.

Sylvia just walked up to them and sat on the floor, a relaxed posture that always reminded her of her childhood days together. She looked up at the page of the newspaper facing her, clearly marked with an exclusive excerpt—an upcoming biography of Dumbledore, by Rita Skeeter.

Fred noticed her gaze, glanced over the newspaper, and suddenly realized: "I didn't expect to see a photo of the Dumbledore family?"

"Ah." Sylvia nodded in agreement, "Professor Dumbledore was a Gryffindor flower when he was young, right?"

"You said..." George sullenly said, "The Ministry of Magic is under the control of You-Know-Who, what about Hogwarts?"

Fred and Sylvia looked at him at the same time, also silent.

"Dumbledore is gone, who will protect the school?" George frowned tightly, "The Death Eaters will definitely intervene in the school, Professor McGonagall..."

"Fortunately, there is Professor McGonagall." Sylvia said calmly, "Otherwise it would be worse."

"And D.A." Fred whispered, "Ginny still goes to school, and we talked about what Death Eaters might do to Hogwarts students. D.A is here. A year will regroup to protect myself and the school.”

"Ginny still has to go to school." George showed more worry, "Mom has been crying a lot these days because of these things."

“How is your sister?” Fred asked.

"I don't think it's a big problem, Remus needs time." Sylvia looked at him, "How about Uncle Arthur? I rarely see him since I rarely go to the ministry. ."

They chatted like this, as if everything could be talked about in such an understatement, and it was really a real concern.

"I saw Percy not long ago." Sylvia wanted to start a new topic.

"I met Penello not long ago." Fred said more unexpected news.

"Percy girlfriend?" Sylvia blinked, "Merlin, I haven't seen her in a long time."

"Ex-girlfriend." George pursed his lips, "Come to our trick shop and ask about Percy."

"We said he was no longer part of our family." Fred snorted.

"Looking at her, it seems that Percy will not have a good time." George shrugged.

"He doesn't look very good." Sylvia recalled the last time she met Percy.

"Hey! We still met our old captain!" Fred turned the topic to the happy side, "He's a good mix in their alliance! Although there's nothing right now It's game."

"Oliver?" Sylvia laughed involuntarily.

"Hey! The wood saw Fred's ring and knew which girl it was with!" George was as happy as he had eaten tons of euphoria, "and Fred said—"

"I said guess." Fred also laughed.

"Then he guessed it right." George patted Sylvia's shoulder hard, "Ouch! You even saw what happened to him!"

"It's nice to see old friends." Sylvia smiled and pushed George, "Especially now."

She remembered the sentence she said to Reynolds, "In troubled times, it's like saying goodbye to death".


At this moment, something smashed on the window of the cubicle, and the three of them looked over vigilantly at the same time, and drew their wands.


A louder sound smashed open on the window.

"I'll see." Fred stretched out his hand to block Sylvia who was about to come forward, and came to the window alone.

"What's the situation?" George asked, seeing the puzzled look on his brother's face.

"Someone's hurt." Fred frowned.

Sylvia quickly came to Fred and saw a large figure through the window. The man seemed to have seen Sylvia and pulled down his hood, the girl instantly widened her eyes and covered her mouth.

Sylvia hurriedly stepped forward to help the visitor, after all, he was not small: "What's wrong with you? Reynolds?"

I really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

"He's a centaur?" George brought a box full of Hoddle potions products. "What's the matter? Have the Death Eaters attacked the Forbidden Forest?"

Reynolds waved his hand with difficulty.

"It's complicated." Sylvia picked out a bottle of hemostatic potion and handed it to Fred, "He's a half-breed, he can't stay on either side, he used to be in Hogmore De got to know me when he was doing fortune-telling. We are friends, and he helped me with the Department of Mysteries."

"You are being targeted by Death Eaters?" Fred helped Reynolds with the wound, "Aren't you good at divination? How did you get hurt like this?"

"Why are you still in England?" Sylvia frowned.

"It's hard to say." The wound on Reynolds' body gradually healed, and he regained a little spirit, "Our divination can't see a very accurate point, but I see England..." He let out a long sigh He took another bottle of potion handed over by George in one breath, "I plan to go back to the Forbidden Forest. You know that centaurs basically have no chance of winning in front of wizards."

"Caught?" Sylvia sighed.

"It took a long time to save my life." Reynolds shook his head, "Forgive me for being uninvited, Sylvia, I'm really desperate."

"Don't say that." Sylvia sighed calmly, "You rest here, I'll take you back to the Forbidden Forest."

"Thank you." Reynolds said, showing a smile to the two male masters of the trick room, and his expression suddenly stiffened when he looked at Fred.

In the few seconds of silence, one of the tight strings in Sylvia's heart broke.

"Why are you looking at him?" Sylvia looked at Reynolds, her tone was extremely blunt, it seemed that the enthusiastic girl who had saved lives just now was strangled by her.

"Bunny?" Fred seemed to be frightened when he saw Sylvia's empty eyes that seemed to swallow all hope.

"Why are you looking at him? Reynolds?" Sylvia grabbed Reynolds' neckline sharply, her tone becoming more and more fierce, "What did you see?"

"I..." Reynolds retracted his gaze, met Sylvia's eyes, and the whole person trembled unconsciously.

"You didn't!" Sylvia shrieked suddenly, "You didn't see! You didn't see! You didn't see anything!" Her nose let out a whimper, "Don't look at him!"

"You...he..." Reynolds was frightened by the girl in front of him. He never thought that Sylvia Tonks, who was always kind to others, would have such a gaffe.

"Shut up!" Sylvia heard that her voice was broken, and the broken voice rushed to her Tianling cover with her deepest fear, "Don't say! Don't say anything! You don't I know! I didn't ask!"

"Sill, calm down, he didn't say anything!" George said hurriedly, and there were real worries and fears in this panic.

"Bunny, let go." Fred put his arms around Sylvia from behind, whispering soothingly in her ear, pulling her hand back, "It's alright, what's the matter None, Mr. Reynolds, he..."

Fred was also stunned, when would he call someone Mr. He didn't want to admit that he also felt the pain of being dominated by fear at that moment. He seems to be crazy, he just wants to hug his girl hard at the moment, he doesn't dare to think about it any more.

"I didn't..." Reynolds gasped, he seemed to know that talking was useless, and he seemed to know that no amount of denial and consolation could change some thoughts already deep in Sylvia's mind The fact that the roots are sprouting. So he shut up.

"You bullshit! You bullshit!" Sylvia yelled unreasonably, even though Reynolds clearly didn't say anything. But under Fred's persuasion, she slowly released her hand and covered her head.

"It's okay..." Fred showed an ugly smile, "Bunny, you are too sensitive, I'll be angry if you think about it any more."

"And what the centaurs see is not going to be an accurate prediction." George looked at Reynolds, visibly relieved after he nodded, "I think we do have a bad fight. Bar?"

"Stop talking..." Fred hugged Sylvia tightly, looked at his brother and shook his head, "Don't talk about it for now."

George nodded and stood up and patted Reynolds on the shoulder: "Come with me, Reynolds. You can spend the night in our studio."

"I'll take you back tomorrow." Fred said hurriedly and watched them both leave.

Sylvia covered her ears, maintaining such an ineffective and childish gesture from the moment she just returned to Fred's arms. She stared blankly at the blank wall in front of her, not knowing what she wanted to see there.

After a while, Fred spoke again: "Bunny, you are tired, rest."


Sylvia raised her finger to the wall.

Fred looked over in a bit of astonishment.

"The wedding photos we will take in the future will be hung here." Sylvia is inseparable.

"Bunny..." Fred looked even more worried.

"This is going to be full of pictures." Sylvia stared, "Fred, I want to be full of pictures, I, you, George, I don't care..."

"Okay," Fred promised.

"I don't care." Sylvia grabbed Fred's fine dragon leather jacket tightly, she didn't even dare to say "don't care" anything.

"Okay." Fred agreed again.

"I don't care." Sylvia buried her face in Fred's arms, "Fred, I don't care, I don't care, I will..."

"Okay, okay." Fred lowered his eyes, hugged Sylvia, and went back to the room.

The author has something to say:

Well, I don't seem to know what to say.

I finished this chapter by sitting in silence for a while. When I think about how many people would have sacrificed in the ending, it's like a stick in my throat.

I can't accept Fred's death for so long. Fate is unfair, to take away such a bright young man, it is still from George's side. I am willing to write countless fanfiction articles, and I am willing to create countless parallel universes to keep him alive. Maybe I can feel better. That's one of the motivations for me to start writing Searle.

Remus also escaped and sought Harry. That part is still fresh in my memory. Anyway, I also wrote a lot about him and Dora. I won't go into details this time around.

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Fred's lyra; cheesecake with milkshake, 10 bottles of Wenling Thirteen Years; 1 bottle of Xiao Xiaolu and Qingwu Jue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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