MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 210 199. Letters and Potters

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"I'm waiting for you to come home."

"I'm sorry to hear that Ted has left." Dumbledore said heavily, patting Sylvia on the shoulder.

"I can't find him." Sylvia lowered her head and sat absentmindedly.

She was a little emotional. It was not easy for Voldemort to find Harry when he thought that the whole of England was so big. Now it is found that it is even more difficult for her to find her father's whereabouts.

She revisited many places she had been to as a child, looking forward to her father's escape and choosing to settle in those places full of memories. She never thought to return to her hometown with such a mission and mood. Not only heavy, but also washed away the joy of the past.

Ted is gone.

Despite repeated instructions, the father left, for the safety of his wife, daughter and grandson. Leave a letter and leave.

That's all.

Despite preparations, reminders, and conversations, Sylvia failed to stop him.

Another time to do nothing.

Dumbledore took a deep breath.

"Are you feeling better?" Sylvia asked.

"Much better." Dumbledore replied in a brisk tone, "It's just that he's old and has no energy."

It's not nothing at all.

Sylvia didn't expect Dumbledore to recover so slowly, and Norman said he needed more rest. Like an ordinary old man, the old principal went to bed early and got up early, but he didn't have the strength to stand up and walk. Aberforth often came to talk to him, and he often fell asleep while listening.

"I believe you will return to the way you were before." Sylvia looked at Dumbledore and seemed to get a little comfort, "Harry and the others are looking for Horcruxes." She readjusted In a good mood, he said, "I sent a message to Draco and asked if they had anything from Lestrange."

"You think Lestrange will keep some Horcruxes?" Dumbledore looked at her.

"I think she may not know what it is, but as long as the mysterious person asks her to do it, she will protect it with all her might." Sylvia snapped her fingers, "Little Barty is dead , Lucius has lost many times, and Peter Pettigrew is not an eye-catching character... In short, the person around him who can trust and explain the Horcrux is most likely Bellatrix Lestrange."

"What do you think is the chance of success for Malfoy to find out?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"Not much." Sylvia shook her head, "Malfoy can't protect himself now. So I haven't contacted Draco for a long time, just..."

It's just that I can't wait to kill that noseless bald man.

"Then how dare you contact me now?" Dumbledore asked casually.

"He's at school now," Sylvia replied, "You know the Death Eaters have taken over Hogwarts, and he'll be a lot easier at school than at home."

"I don't know if anyone has told you." Dumbledore squinted slightly, "You always make many unexpected decisions, but you are really I thought about it before and after." He smiled, "You seem to be using your cleverness to hide a lot of great things."

That's because I've read the original.

Sylvia blinked and pretended not to answer. Although it is indeed difficult to answer.

"Peter Pettigrew, Department of Mysteries, help Draco..." The old man rubbed his temples tiredly, "You seem to bet a lot, and you're lucky."

"Aren't you also gambling?" Sylvia asked rhetorically, "You even bet that Harry can do everything smoothly after you die."

"Have you ever wondered? Why did it take me so long to let him know about Mystery and Horcrux?" Dumbledore asked, "And why did I end up with the task of finding Horcruxes? to him?"

"Because he's the boy who survived. He and You-Know-Who will eventually have a fight."

"Not only that, Searle. Not only because of those prophecies." Dumbledore slowed his voice, "Harry, one of the Horcruxes too."

Sylvia glared at him, like she never knew about it. But she was astonished that Dumbledore told her this.

"If I told you. I raised this child to kill him, what do you think of me?" Dumbledore stared at Sylvia, expecting an answer.

"What can I think of you?" Sylvia was a little breathless, "You're a...for everyone, for peace, for the magic world, even your own life can be counted. What can I think of you?" She took a deep breath. "I'm an Auror, Mr. Headmaster. The moment I chose this profession, I was ready to sacrifice one day. And in this world? Always? Can't wait for the mysterious person to figure out and surrender?"

Dumbledore just blinked, and the girl in front of him immediately picked up the words.

"You won't let him die, though," Sylvia said confidently.

"It's like this." Dumbledore looked at her, "You've been so sure as you are now, sure that what you believe must be right."

"I don't dare to say anything else, but I am quite sure of this." Sylvia raised her chin slightly.

"How do you know?" Dumbledore was curious like a three-year-old child.

, can't you?" She said very calmly, "Isn't it? You are waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for Harry to sacrifice. You can't just do it yourself by planning so much, right?"

"Hope it goes as well as you said." Dumbledore smiled, looking to the side table.

Sylvia also turned her attention: "Ah."

It is letter paper and quill.

"Who are you going to write to?" Sylvia was stunned and asked.

"You seem to have guessed it?" Dumbledore smiled, "It's nothing. I just looked at what Rita Skeeter wrote, and saw my old handwriting, and suddenly there was something idea."

"If you want to write to Grindelwald, Leonie can help."


"Leonie Andres." Sylvia said quickly, "Student of Durmstrang, Miss Auror, member of the Order of the Phoenix, my good sister. Her parents are saints of Grindelwald, and they seem to be trying to persuade Grindelwald to get out of prison to retire."

Dumbledore thought for a while, then nodded: "It's almost there. It's been so long, right?"

He seemed to be asking Grindelwald, as well as himself.

"I can talk to him," he said finally.

"I'll bring it to you when I get a reply." Sylvia nodded repeatedly.

"No." Dumbledore pouted, "I plan to leave the address of the Hog's Head Bar."

"Your brother's bar?" Sylvia blinked.

"Let his letter fall into Aberforth's hands rather than let him die." Dumbledore laughed happily.

"Then so—" Sylvia rolled her eyes, "What does he want to say, he can only come out to find you in person?"

Dumbledore laughed cheerfully: "My escape this time has really made me rethink a lot of things. When everything is settled, I think...everything will be settled. ."

"Yes. Whatever it is." Sylvia knew what he meant before and after, and gave him a promise, "That day will come soon."

The night has been darker than ever. Fortunately, Merlin also lit up some stars, so those who get lost should not forget the way forward.

Sylvia went back to the cubicle upstairs in the trick room, where the twins and their good brother Lee were in the living room. There are various broadcasting equipment in front of them, and Li is plausibly clarifying some false rumors to the people on the other end of the broadcast to avoid unnecessary panic.

"...You won't die immediately if you see Voldemort..." Li said, glanced at the list handed over by Sylvia, and skillfully took over the following broadcast, "Now I will announce the latest news for everyone. List of missing persons..."

Sylvia didn't say a word, and stared into the distance indifferently.

This secret station called Potter Watch Station was established by her good brothers to report Harry Potter and the members of the Order of the Phoenix to inspire everyone to maintain confidence in the battle , and inspired everyone to help their Muggle neighbors with simple spells.

Fred took Sylvia's hand gently and made her sit beside him.

"Is everything okay?" Fred asked softly.

"No big deal." Sylvia replied.

George handed over a copy of the Daily Prophet, which read: "Severus Snape, senior potions teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was appointed today as Headmaster, this decision is the most important of several personnel changes at this ancient school. The former Muggle Studies teacher has resigned and will be replaced by Alecto Caro, her brother Amycus will be the black magician Defense class teacher."

"...According to credible information, it is speculated that the former professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts has been killed..." Li Zhengbo reported here.

"I quite like her class." George also sat beside Sylvia.

Sylvia certainly remembered that the professor was killed by Voldemort and eaten by Nagini.

"Ginny's letter has arrived," said Fred. "She sent us another copy on purpose to let Mom know that the Death Eaters who cursed the students at Hogwarts must be Go crazy."

"Although she'll know sooner or later." George shrugged, "She's fortunate enough that Ron didn't go back to school. They'd better hide away, or they must be Death Eaters. A thorn in the eye."

Li turned around, and after Sylvia nodded understandingly, he said into the microphone: "Next, I have today's guests..."

Sylvia got up, pulled an armchair and sat in front of the microphone, putting on the headset: "Hello, everyone in the audience, my code name is...Old Rabbit."

She decided to use rabbit as her code name almost without thinking, although people who knew her could recognize her timbre.

"I want to say that both the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors are currently fighting on the front lines against the Death Eaters, so please don't lose confidence. I can guarantee that we have an absolutely big chance of winning." After taking a deep breath, Sylvia said, "But the most important thing is to protect yourself and your family. Especially the children at Hogwarts, please be sure to..." She gritted her teeth, "be careful with your words and deeds. "

Li did not speak, and patted Sylvia on the shoulder.

"If necessary, seek help from old professors in time, and be sure to tell your dean." Sylvia shook her head subconsciously, "If a classmate is injured, please help him or her. There's a little elf in the school named Coco who can help you with the word to the professors and Madam Pomfrey, but please be kind to him."

"Allow me to say something." Li snapped his fingers, "If there are brave brothers and sisters who help at a critical moment, everyone remember to protect our warriors."

"I know it looks like there's nothing we can do now." Sylvia continued, "I also know that many people are fleeing..." She sniffed, "Please , take care, and please... message your family as much as possible to ensure your safety... and..."

She wiped her face hard: "We ... everyone ... are waiting for you to go home."

Li took Sylvia's shoulders, hugged her comfortably, then took the microphone and started the concluding remarks.

Sylvia got up and sat back between Fred and George. The two of them leaned over slightly so that their arms could be pressed together.

“…the code for the next radio station is, Phoenix, at nine o’clock in the evening next Saturday…”

In order to avoid the Death Eaters, Potter Watch Station adopts irregular updates, and a password will be provided at the end of each time. The next time you listen, just tap the radio with your wand and say the code.

"Come on guys." Li turned around and gave a thumbs up.

The three of them also raised their thumbs.

"Have you seen Leo today?" Li said, putting on his coat.

Sylvia nodded and stood up: "We are basically acting together now, you can rest assured."

"Come here, buddy." Li smiled and gave Sylvia a hug, "You need a lot of rest."

"Thank you, it's very kind." After Sylvia let go of her good buddy, she bumped his fists.

"Oh yes, that Rebecca's flower shop." Li seemed to suddenly remember something, "The business is good. When they come back, it will be more than enough to open a branch."

"Die your light." Sylvia smiled, "When they come back, I will let them draw fifty percent of your salary."

"You just ask them to authorize me to open a family in Hogsmeade." Li smiled and hugged his two good buddies separately, "Let's go."

"Walk slowly." Fred and George waved.

As soon as Li left, the cubicle became too quiet. This reminded Sylvia of their Gryffindor lounge. Every time she went back to the dormitory and wanted to fall asleep, she was full of only those noisy sounds, and she was at a loss after a moment of silence.

"It's late." George looked at the clock.

"Fortunately, I don't have to go to work on time now." Sylvia said with an air of ease.

"I don't know if you remember." Fred also looked at the time, "Your birthday."

"It's just past zero." George flicked his tongue and made a ticking sound.

"I remember." Sylvia looked at Fred, "But who is in the mood for a birthday now? What does it mean to be a year older?"

"It means Merlin owes you a wish." Fred raised his eyebrows.

George smiled, waved his hand, and got up to go back to his room. As his door closed, the lights in the living room went out.

"What?" Sylvia raised her head subconsciously.

A bright yellow flame appeared in front of her, and the moving flames flickered in her eyes, igniting Fred's eyes.

"Make a wish, Bunny," Fred said softly, "remember to say it."

"This is an ordinary candle, right?" Sylvia confirmed after checking it repeatedly, "It doesn't work to say it, Fred."

"No, this is Fred's candle, do you know what it means?" Fred asked with a smile.

"Means it has different rules?" Sylvia chuckled softly.

"Means Fred will help you achieve, no matter what." Fred said, taking hers with his free hand, "Bunny, with me, I Uncle Ted will be found."

Of course he knew what his girl was most worried about.

And his girl knew very well that she would never want Fred to risk her own life to find her father.

Sylvia averted her eyes sharply, and soon looked at him again. She drew her hand out, and both gripped Fred's hand holding the candle. The flames were still beating with the rhythm of the heart, and the two figures were reflected on the white wall, slowly approaching and overlapping.

"Okay." Sylvia stared straight into Fred's eyes, "You said you would make it happen, right?"

"Of course." Fred nodded solemnly.

"I want you by my side forever," Sylvia said.

"Hey, Bunny..." Fred laughed, "I didn't mean the wish..."

"Fred Weasley." Sylvia took a deep breath, "I want you forever and ever! Always by my side!"

"Of course I'll always be by your side." Fred seemed to have explained this many times, but without the slightest irritation, he was more than happy to say these nice things, "That doesn't count, do you think one other."

"I want this." Sylvia increased the strength of her hand, "I want this! I want this!" She said stubbornly and willfully, without giving Frey Taking the chance to speak again, De blew out the candle and threw himself into his arms.

Sylvia was never without fear, nor without despair. But it was the phrase "don't be afraid, I'm here" that allowed her to wipe her tears and raise her head again in the face of every desperate situation.

their day and night.

The author has something to say:

Searle's wish, Fred will come true, he never breaks his promise to her.

Potter's Lookout is also a great spot, I had a blast for them when I was reading the original. Lee should do it! He is so fitting! The code names of their radio stations all start with R. I deliberately searched for the English version, and the Chinese version is called "Lao What". Just like Li's code name is Lao Jiang "River", it just so happens that it can be used in Searle. Use Rabbit directly, save me from thinking hahahaha

Speaking of which, I always update every Wednesday and Saturday, and ask everyone which two days do you prefer if you update twice a week

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Cheesecake with 5 bottles of milkshake;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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