MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 12 Wright ecstasy

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   Chapter 12 Wright Ecstasy

  Wright is a professional bounty hunter who is ambitious and utilitarian. Once he has determined his pursuit target, he will try his best to complete the hunt.

   After eyeing the notorious Ian, he collected various intelligence information and tracked it all the way.

   In this process, the hunter license provided him a lot of convenience.

   For example, the call to the police that Monica made when she was fleeing in the forest eventually turned into actual and effective information, pointing out the specific direction for Wright.

   So, Wright took over the task of dispatching from the police.

  Although it is possible to ask the police for assistance, the police can send a large number of police forces to act as cannon fodder to attract and quickly locate Ian.

   But Wright wasn't that crazy.

   In front of a qualified person with the ability to read, let alone ordinary people, even Qi Qi, who has not yet learned to "recite", has to obediently turn around and run away.

  Wright just directly thought that if the police were dispatched together, it would be equivalent to pushing the police into the fire pit by himself.

   He was reluctant to do such a thing, so he only asked the police to draw a cordon around the scenic spot and come alone.

The reason why    is delayed until now is because he took some time to grasp the situation of this scenic spot.

   Terrain, environment.

   and the dilapidated monastery on the mountain and a father and son living in the monastery.

   He has already understood all this information.

   So when he followed the smell of blood and came outside the temple, his initial judgment was that the poor father and son in the temple had been brutally murdered.

   So he used "Absolute" to hide his breath and quietly entered the temple to investigate the situation.

   In the end, Ian's body was seen in the atrium.

   In addition to being surprised, he was acutely aware that he had been discovered.

   "There are masters."

   This was Wright’s judgment at the time, and he immediately thought of the middle-aged monk who lived in the monastery in the information, but he never expected—

   The one who killed Ian's telepathy was not the "father" in the temple he thought, but the "son".

   Even so, he still concluded that the boy in front of him was a master.

   After all, how can someone who can kill Ian and perceive his "absolute" be so weak.

   So after seeing Moyou's clumsy "entanglement", Wright subconsciously thought that Moyou was hiding his clumsiness.

   This made him a little helpless.

   His hunting target is Ian.

  Since the target is dead, then he must have no motivation or reason to fight Moyu, and he is not full to support...

   Showing sincerity is to let Moyu understand that he is not an enemy, but a bounty hunter whose job is to hunt down criminals.

   In the end, Moyou didn't buy it.

   Immediately afterwards, Wright realized that he had guessed wrong again.

"how is this possible!?"

   A novice minder who only knows "Tangling" at the beginning, but kills a minder who is proficient in the four fundamentals and has developed "mind"?

  Only those with the ability to read can understand, this kind of thing is a fantasy...

   So how did this young man do it! ?

   Wright, who was shocked by this, suddenly developed a strong curiosity.

   He wanted to know every detail of how Moyu killed Ian.

   Also at this moment—

  Moyu moved, picked up his hunter license as fast as he could, and immediately threw himself towards the ceiling in front of Wright.


  Wright's expression changed, he jumped into the air without hesitation, and caught the hunter's license.

   What a joke!

   In a sense, the hunter's license is more important than his life.

   After seeing Wright's move to protect the hunter's license, Moyu narrowed his eyes slightly, clenched the knife he usually used to sharpen pencils, and rushed straight to Wright who was in the air.

  Before you start—

  Moyu had two options in advance.

  If Wright didn't respond to the hunter's license he threw out, he'd jump through the window and escape.

   On the contrary, Moyu will try to attack sexually.

   That's what he's doing now.

   Sprint, stop!

   Moyu stabbed the knife between Wright's arms.


   The corners of Wright's eyes jumped wildly when he saw that Moyou wanted to stab his own skin swallow with a knife.

  The tightly closed sperm hole suddenly opened, releasing a lot of qi, and then wrapped tightly around any corner of the body.

   This is the "hard" of advanced applied skills.


  Moyu resolutely retreated.

   And Wright, who was enveloped in the power of condensed mind power, landed steadily, and did not show any intention to attack.

   Even if Moyou was going to stab him with a knife just now, he just defended and didn't fight back.

  Wright's behavior finally convinced Moyu that the other party was not malicious.

no way…

   In the face of an opponent who could use his "Ken" so quickly, he didn't even have a chance to struggle.

   "I believe it, you are indeed a professional hunter."

  Moyu threw away the knife and showed a well-behaved appearance.

  Wright looked at Moyu in silence, the corners of his eyes still beating.

  Good guy, is he really good guy! !

  Wright took a deep breath, a forced smile slowly appeared on his face, and said, "I believe it too, you really only know how to pester..."

  Through the brief confrontation just now, Moyo could see that Wright was indeed not malicious, and Wright also saw from the attacking technique of stabbing his **** with the knife that Moyo really only entangled.


How on earth did   Moyu kill Ian?

  Wright was not only curious, but also a little hot in his heart.

   Anyway, this teenager is definitely a potential terrifying genius!

   If you can accept him, you will be guaranteed to hit the "two stars" in the future! !

  Thinking of this, Wright was ecstatic, and he didn't care about what Moyu wanted to stab his **** with a knife just now.

   "Re-introduce yourself."

  Wright suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, put away his hunter license, and said sternly:

   "I'm Wright Bulwer, a professional bounty hunter, currently hunting for Ian Archer, the man outside whose neck you broke."


  Moyu nodded.

  Wright looked at Moyu, as if waiting for Moyu to follow.

   However, Moyu fell silent after responding.

   The two looked at each other, and Monica, who was huddled in the corner of the bed, looked confused.

  One second, two seconds, three seconds…

   The room became especially quiet.


  Slowly, a question mark appeared on Wright's head, and the voice was almost squeezed out of his teeth: "Aren't you going to say something?"


   Moyou groaned, then raised his index finger and said calmly, "I have a question to ask you."

   "Yes, but before asking, did you forget something? Like introduce yourself first?"

  Wright stared straight at Moyu.

The information collected before    came, including the names of Moyu and Hawke.

   But Wright believes that in this case, it is a necessary step to report to each other.

   Because he wanted to make a deal with Moyu.

"my question is…"

  Moyo ignored Wright's reminder and threw the question directly: "Since you have already confirmed the death of Ian Archer, why bother to complicate the situation?"


  Wright looked at Moyu silently, and sighed after a while: "You are so unpleasant. How should I put it, it's a lot of trouble to explain this question, it's just... um, I want to make a deal with you."

   Hunters are graded.

  From low to high, they are amateur hunters, professional hunters, one-star hunters, two-star hunters, and three-star hunters.

  You can officially become a professional hunter only if you get a license from the Hunter Association.

After    becomes a professional hunter, you can increase the star level through "merit".

   In the Hunter Association, stars represent status, power, and honor.

   Therefore, increasing the star level is also one of the lifelong pursuits of most professional hunters.

  Wright is one of them.

  As a professional bounty hunter, the natural way to improve your performance is to hunt down criminals.

   And Wright is currently hitting a star, which is also his motivation to propose a trade to Moyo.


  Moyou raised his eyebrows slightly, surprised by Wright's words, and asked, "What do you want to trade with me?"

   "I need to capture Ian Archer's exploits, for which I am willing to pay you 5 million rennies. Of course, Ian Archer's bounty is also yours in full, how about that?"

  Wright frankly stated his needs.

   In order to get the merit of Ian, he has been tracking it for more than half a month, and now is the critical moment to hit one star, he really doesn't want to give up like this.

   So he could only shamelessly use a "deal" to get the "merit" for killing Ian from Moyu.

   Hearing Wright's transaction content, Moyu's eyes gradually turned strange as he looked at Wright.

   is willing to pay 5 million yuan to buy the merit of killing Ian, which shows that Wright has a high level of demand for this merit.

  Collette can directly take Ian's body with the advantage of strength, and then declare that Ian is the one who killed him, so that he can take the merits without spending a penny.

  If you are ruthless, you can even kill him and Monica here, making this a secret that no one knows about.

   But Wright did not.

This guy-

   is a "good guy".

   Moyu was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly asked, "Wright, are you an Enhancer?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

  Wright readily admitted.

   The condition for promotion from one star to two stars is to train a one-star professional hunter in person.

   He has already regarded Moyou as the key to the second star in the future, and naturally he will not hide anything from Moyou.

   If it wasn't for fear of Mo You's disgust, he really wanted to directly put forward the idea of ​​accepting Mo You as a disciple.


  Moyu shook his head and said calmly: "Let's talk about the deal, I have no objection to the ownership of Ian Archer's 20 million Ringni bounty. As for merit, I have different requirements."


  Wright's eyes flickered slightly.

   I deliberately didn't mention the amount of Ian's bounty just now, just so that Moyu could readily agree to the transaction content of 5 million rennies in exchange for merit.

   But I didn't expect Moyu to know the exact amount of Ian's bounty...

"Tell me."

  Wright looked at Moyu.

Moyou raised three fingers and said slowly: "I have three requirements, first, 5 million is too little, double it, second, be my sparring partner for ten days, third, owe me A favor."

   Three demands were made in one breath, and Moyou didn't blushed or panted.

   Of course, he didn't expect Wright to agree to these three demands just by virtue of Ian's incidental achievements. What he really wanted was to make Wright his sparring partner.

   As for the first 5 million doubling request and the third request to owe favors, they were just to make it easier for Wright to agree to the second sparring request.

   "Your three requests..."

  Wright looked serious, but he was already screaming in ecstasy.

  The ten-day sparring period! !

   is like dozing off and sending pillows.

   He had already fantasized about showing the teaching ability that Moyou admired during the ten-day sparring process, and then Moyou took the initiative to ask him to accept his apprentices.

  Moyu looked at Wright calmly, and while waiting for a response, he was ready to eliminate the other two requests.


   I saw Wright solemnly said: "It's very reasonable, I agree."

  From hearing the request to agreeing, there was no hesitation in the whole process.


  Moyu was stunned for a moment.

   Isn't this script developing right?

   In the new week, ask for recommended tickets, monthly tickets! ! Hmm, that, that... This chapter is two-in-one... I haven't written it for a long time and there is no outline, the efficiency is too bad, try to improve it later, and then set a stable update time, but at present, the more melancholy is the addition of the leader. ... tears.



   (end of this chapter)

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts