MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 308 Moyou shot (monthly ticket plus update)

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  Hex's security personnel were basically wiped out.

  The guests who came to participate in the exchange meeting, and even the necromancer Arisel were fleeing towards the gate of the courtyard.

  Bi Siji, Xiao Di, and Men Qi are also among them.

   On the way to the gate of the courtyard, they saw Kangzai and the others who turned around and returned to the Snow Palace from the right.

  Kang Jae also noticed Bi Siji and the others, but it was his duty to protect Eredine personally, so he couldn't run over to ask about the situation.

  The president is here, so why run away?

   Kang Jae thought so at the time.

   Among the Phantom Troupe who came out of the Snow Palace, Shelaev, Maqi, and Feitan chased Bisji and the others.

  As for Mianying, Wojin, Finks, and Franklin, they played against Moyou on the flat ground outside the gate of Xuegong.

  The rest of the members of the Phantom Troupe, including Kuroro, collected the antique treasures in the various exhibition cabinets in the hall.

   At the moment.

  Kangzai, Eredin, and Harvey, who passed by Bi Siji and the others, came to the edge of the battle circle and saw the mighty Avalokitesvara from a distance, and sincerely lamented the weight of the legend.

   It’s just that they don’t know—

  This Netero is actually a puppet created by the enemy with abilities.

  A series of accidents and oolongs made them stride into the tiankeng without knowing it.

   Moyou couldn't help raising his brows when he noticed the arrival of Kang Zai and the others.

   Didn't run well, why did you suddenly turn around and come back?


  Because of the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara.

  Moyou had a quick mind and understood what was going on in an instant.

   Apparently Zaikang saw the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara, and then mistakenly thought it was Nitro coming, thus creating the illusion that "the overall situation is settled".

  From this point of view, Zaikang cannot be completely blamed...

  If it were him who didn't know, there is a high probability that he would do the same.

   After all, Nitero is a strong friend who can make people feel at ease instantly.

   "Zai Kang, that's not Nitro, but the ability of the Phantom Troupe."

   Moyou glanced at Kang Jae who was hundreds of meters away, and reminded him loudly.


  When Kang Jae heard this, he immediately showed an expression of "you're just kidding me".

   "Do you really think I'm stupid?"

   Annoyed by the title Zaikang, he yelled back at Moyou.

  In this world, there may be the ability to use "nen" to imitate Nitro's appearance.

  But how could it even copy the ability of "Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara"?

  Just now he saw with his own eyes the giant golden Guanyin standing on the grass, majestic as usual.

   And if it's really the enemy's ability, then what's the matter with Baishi Guanyin backhanding the three members of the Phantom Brigade?

  How could it be fake!

   can never be fake!

  You bastard, I won't believe anything else!

  Kang Jae was very angry, so he turned his head and said something to Eredin, and then strode towards Nitro.

   "President, why are you here..."

  Kang Jae waved hello to Netero from a distance.

  When Moyou saw this scene, a few black lines suddenly fell from his forehead.

   "Zai Kang, he is really not Nitro."

   "What nonsense are you talking about? He's not the president, so I'm really not a slaughterer... ah bah bah."

  Kang Jae glared at Moyou again with some annoyance.

   Seeing Kang Jae's reticence, Mo You stopped trying to persuade him.

  I want to convince a strengthening department who recognizes something in a short time.

forget it.

  After the counterfeit Netero snatched Fiona's eyes, the speed of Baishi Guanyin has improved a lot, but it is still far behind the real one.

  Nevertheless, this level of counterfeit attack still made Wojin and Finks unable to react.

   From this, we can see how terrifying the real Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara of Nitro is.

  Now it is faster to let Kang Zai take a slap and directly experience what is evil in the world.

  Franklin and Finks, who were slapped flying earlier, could not rush back immediately, but Wo Jin, who was slapped on the ground like a fly, got up from where he was.

  His body was unharmed.

   After all, it is just a counterfeit produced by ability, so even if the speed of Baishi Guanyin is extremely fast, in terms of attack power, it can't even hurt Wojin at all.

"What's the meaning?"

  Wo Jin was not interested in dolls, and directly ignored Nitro, who had slapped him on the ground just now, and turned to look at the figure coldly.

   "Your actions conflict with my order to capture alive, that's all."

  Shadow spread his hands, and said in an indifferent tone: "How about it, isn't my most powerful and representative collection not bad?"


  Wo Jin was too lazy to talk, and focused on Moyou again.

   Although he was amazed by the speed of Baishi Guanyin's moves, but the lethality is not enough, it's just superficial.

  The Netero puppet still obeyed the order of the shadow, and headed towards Moyu.

   At this moment, Kang Jae came over.


  He looked at the Netero doll with a smile on his face.

   Next second.

  The golden palm was firmly imprinted on Kang Jae's smiling face.


  The moment he hit the palm, only the structure of question marks remained in Kang Jae's head.

   Immediately, his body flew out, hitting Eredin and Harvey like a cannonball.

   This sudden change directly stunned Eredin and Harvey.

what happened?

  Who can come and tell them what's going on?

   After slapping Fei Kangzai with one palm, the Nitero puppet immediately received Guanyin, and walked towards Moyou relaxed and freehand.

   "Thank you, your slap is more useful than a long explanation, it can make Zaikang understand what's going on in an instant."

  Moyu looked at Nitro who was approaching gradually, stretched out his right hand forward, and materialized a black knife in his hand.

   "Hey, thank you verbally, it's better to have a fight with the old man."

  Nitero pointed his eyes at Moyu.

   "No problem, I'll satisfy you."

  Moyou's eyes were fixed, and he took the lead in the attack, shooting at Nitro like an arrow from the string.

  Nitero looked at Moyou kindly, and his hands moved slowly and quickly.

   "Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara · One Palm"

  The golden palm hit Moyou like a rainbow piercing the sun.


   This slap that Wo Jin Kangzai and the others couldn't react to was easily dodged by Moyou.

  The next moment.

   Moyu's swift and windy figure brought out a smear of black lingering streamer, and then slashed across the neck of the Netero doll.


  The head of the Netero doll flew into the sky.

  The huge golden Guanyin disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   "It's just a counterfeit."

  Moyou put down the knife with a calm face.


  Kangjae got up from the ground.

  Wo Jin ready to do it.

  Franklin and Finks standing in front of the hole in the wall.

   Eredine and Harvey are a little confused.

  All saw this extremely visually shocking scene, or were shocked, or surprised, or looked dull.

  The figure who personally created the Netero doll showed an expression of disbelief, and his eyes trembled like an earthquake.

"how can that be…!"

  Mianying couldn't believe what he saw.

  Although the puppet made by hand can only display part of the strength of the deity.

   But the ability of the golden Guanyin...

   But suppressed Wo Jin and others with a very strong posture.

   And his ability can control seven or eight dolls at one time, but in order to maximize the ability of the Nitero dolls, he only pours "Nian" on the Nitero dolls.

  How could such a configuration be defeated by a knife!

  Mianying couldn't accept this fact for a while.

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