MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 325 Shock the audience

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   One orthodox hundred-style Avalokitesvara technique shocked everyone.

  The originally tense and fierce battle in the arena was suddenly affected by the presence of the Hundred-style Avalokitesvara, which ushered in a brief stagnation.

   This can also be said to be the card of Nitro's trick.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mo You urged Kang Zai to leave here quickly, so as not to affect his escape route later.

  Kang Jae obeyed Moyu's words, turned around and left quickly.

   And Xiba also took advantage of the power brought by Moyou's one-hundred-style Avalokitesvara·One Palm move, so as to get rid of the entanglement from Kuroro and leave here quickly.

   It's just that he left in a different direction from Kang Jae.

  With the withdrawal of Kangzai and Shiba, only Moyu and Hisoka were left to face the Phantom Brigade.

  Moyu is very grateful to Hisoka for jumping out to help him block his face at a critical moment, but at this time, he has no time to consider Hisoka's existence.

   "The remaining 'Qi' is only enough to use 'Apparatus' once."

  Moyou looked at Wo Jin calmly, thinking in his heart: "But I can't just leave like this, at least I have to buy some time for Zaikang, and I have to send a signal to Bi Siji."

  In order to ensure Kang-jae’s smooth exit from the battle, Mo You could not directly use Apparition to leave when Kang-jae had just left.

   No matter what, we must buy enough time for Kang Jae to retreat.

   Even a minute is fine.

   But the problem is that his current potential strength is only enough for one transfer, how to deal with Wojin's anger and the eyes of other members of the Phantom Troupe is a difficult problem.

   "Use the aftertaste of the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara to frighten them, or..."

   While Moyou was thinking about it, he saw Wo Jin who got up from the ground and was staring straight at Nobunaga's horrific corpse.

   On that rough face, Moyou could clearly see the expressions of anger and self-blame.

  Failed to fulfill their due duties in battle, resulting in the tragic death of comrades fighting side by side under the enemy's attack.

   This made Wojin blame himself and anger.

   Blame himself for failing Nobunaga's trust in him, angry at his own incompetence.

  Wo Jin's brows were furious with emotion, and he bit his mouth full of blood.

  Afterwards, he slowly turned his face and looked at the instigator Moyou.

  The furious eyes were full of murderous intent, wishing to make Moyou cramp.

  Wojin is not the only one who has this mood.

  The other members of the Phantom Troupe present also wanted to kill Moyou.

   If eyes can kill, then Moyou must have died countless times by now.

   Kurolo allowed Shiba to evacuate calmly.

   More precisely,

  When Baishi Guanyin shot, his attention was inevitably distracted, and then he completely lost the possibility of keeping Xiba.

  Because Nobunaga died tragically under the slap of Baishi Guanyin, Kuroro's center of gravity was taken away from Shiba and concentrated on Moyu instead.

  Xiaker, Funks, Nobunaga...

  The companion who accompanied him since he was a child, the core member of the brigade at the beginning of its establishment, just like that...died at the hands of Moyou.

   This is the first time that a member of the Phantom Brigade has died ten years after its establishment, and it is also the first time that the brigade has suffered such a huge and tragic loss.

   Kuroro's eyelids were covered with shadows, and his abyss-like dark eyes looked at Moyou, as if he was going to drag Moyou into the bottomless darkness.

  He didn't integrate anger and murderous intent into his aura like Wo Jin did, and he possessed a kind of calmness without any anger at all.

  If you want to use scenes to describe his emotions at the moment.


  It must be a stagnant water so dark that you can't see any waves and ripples. You can feel a palpitating dead silence just by looking at it.

  Facing the substantial murderous intent and anger from the Phantom Troupe, Moyou remained unmoved, with his eyelids lowered, recalling the wonderful feeling he had just used "Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara·One Palm".

  For him, the most important thing is not to experience the strength, speed, and moves at that time...

   It's momentum.

  An invincible momentum that seems to be able to squeeze the surrounding air in an instant.

  Moyou raised his eyes suddenly.

   After the hundred-style Avalokitesvara dissipated, many golden light spots floated around Moyou's body like the first snow, and an aura slowly seeped out from his body, and immediately changed from slow to fast, from weak to strong.

   Driven by this aura, the aura on Moyou's body was suddenly like boiling steam, and the many golden light spots falling down were suddenly pushed to the surroundings by an invisible aura.

  「all done」

  Moyou's eyes seemed to be entangled with a golden-red luster, and he calmly met the eyes of everyone in the Phantom Brigade.

  He just stood there quietly, exuding a sense of oppression mixed with strong killing intent.

  The golden light spots falling from the sky one after another moved away from his body as if they were consciously avoiding danger.

  As Moyou integrated the aura he experienced when he used "Hundred Styles of Guanyin · One Palm" into the aura of "All Exhaustion"...

   Such a scene fell into the eyes of everyone in the Phantom Brigade, and in a trance, they could see a huge and vague unknown phantom standing behind Moyou.

  So that the oppressive figure of Baishi Guanyin involuntarily appeared in the minds of everyone in the Phantom Troupe.

  He's gaining momentum!

  He is planning to kill!

  He will shoot again!

   Right here, never die!

  Feeling Moyou's passionate momentum and ready fighting spirit, everyone in the Phantom Brigade reacted with a hint of vigilance.

  They stared at Moyou intently, and they also slowly gained momentum quietly, waiting for the battle to start.

  The two sides just looked at each other across the air, and the air was filled with a chilling momentum.

   Must kill him!

   Everyone in the Phantom Brigade had the same idea, and at the same time made preparations to meet Moyou.

   What needs to be paid attention to is the Nian Beast that is too fast to react.

   Just as everyone in the Phantom Brigade was affected by Moyu's killing intent, Hisoka did not stop attacking Mianying.

  Because Ku Luoluo and others focused their attention on Moyou, who was more threatening and more present, the face was isolated and helpless.

  As Hisoka's offensive became stronger, Mianying finally sensed the crisis between life and death.

   "If this continues...I will die!"

  Mianying felt a strong sense of crisis, and he had the idea of ​​asking his companions for help.


  A sudden long knife killed his thoughts of calling for help.

   That was Nobunaga's puppet's long knife, which was glued by "flexible love" at some point, and the other end was glued to the back of the shadow.


  The long knife flew in the air while shrinking and pierced through the body of the shadow.

  The suddenly attacked face suddenly screamed.

   And this scream made the tense momentum in the arena soar to a high point in an instant.

  Wojin and others are about to attack Moyou upon hearing the sound.

  But the moment they made a move, they saw that Moyou suddenly restrained all his momentum and the killing intent that seemed to be here forever.

"See you."

  Moyou waved his hands casually, and his figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

   Kuroro, who was ready to go, stood on the spot in a daze.

   An unspeakable emotion was rampaging in their chests.

   Immediately after—

  As Kangzai, Shiba, and Moyu left the field one after another, Kuroro and the others turned to look at Hisoka with unspeakable emotions.


   Hisoka hadn't had time to appreciate the thrill of the killing face, but he slowly tightened his face under the pressure of the eyes of everyone in the brigade.

  Why am I the only one left all of a sudden? ? ?

  It’s gone today, I want to sleep more.

  Tomorrow, we will make a wave, aiming at 4D, with a minimum guarantee of 8000.