MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 349 The moment that Moyu was looking for

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  Chapter 349 The moment Moyu was looking for

  Practice moves in battle and grow in battle.

   This is what Moyo is doing.

   Milo only fully understood Moyou's true intention of asking for a fight after seeing Moyou bounce the arrow with a knife.

  Learn now and sell now...?


  How could such a miraculous skill be learned on the spot just by looking at it?

  Milo didn't even know the principle, he just thought this technique was incredible.

   But the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

  The young boy in front of him really fumbled and used the kind of strange skills that Jin Fulishi showed just now in the battle.

  What a terrifying talent and ability...!

  Milo could clearly feel a chill running through his body, and began to doubt whether he could drag Moyu into **** together.

  But soon, Milo savagely extinguished the suspicion rising from his heart.

  No matter how terrifying talents and abilities Moyou possesses, he has been pushed to a corner and has no more choices.

  So there is no need to think about whether it can be done.

   What you have to do now is to burn out the fire of life and make the enemy regret it!

   "I... will never make you happy!"

  While Milo's heart was shaking, his killing intent became even more intense.

  Moyou didn't care about Milo's thoughts, he swung the black knife with all his attention, mobilized his skills with rather reluctant thoughts, and tried his best to bounce back the flying arrows.

   This may be the limit of what he can do at present.

   It is obviously impossible to reflect the attack on the enemy as accurately as Jin.

  Moyou tried a few times with all his might, but gave up decisively.

  The road is long, so don't be in a hurry.

  As long as you walk steadily, the scenery you want to see will eventually appear in front of you.

  Moyou's mood didn't fluctuate too much. After swinging the knife and flicking the arrow, he began to walk towards Milo step by step.

  The leader of the Elimo Thieves Group has already played enough value, and the battle can be ended next.

  Outside the battle circle.

  The battle situation at this moment falls in the eyes of others, that is, Moyou is gradually approaching Milo while swinging his sword calmly and flying many mind arrows in all directions.

   "What a terrible learning ability..."

  Hram looked at Moyou who was gradually gaining the initiative with surprise in his eyes.

Just now he also saw the operation of Jin's kick back to the air blade, and now he has seen the gradual changes in Moyou's resistance to the attack of the mind arrow, so he understands that Moyou has learned Jin's skills in the process of trying .

   And soon applied this skill to the battle.

   Not only the learning ability, but also the skill foundation and adaptability are also very good.

   Young people are formidable.

  Hram had such an evaluation in his heart.

  He, who has experienced many storms, can be so surprised, let alone Satz and Quinn next to him, who are already dumbfounded.

   Within the battle circle.

  Milo's offensive was not affected, but became stronger under the increasing killing intent.

  Ke Moyou has completely adapted to the attack mode of "Raging Waves Like Arrows". Under a steady rhythm, he can easily block many arrows of thought.

   "I really want to fight Franklin again..."

  Walking among the flying thoughts, Moyou suddenly thought of Franklin.

   he was thinking.

  If it was Franklin's machine gun, would he be able to deflect all the attacks like now?

   Thinking a little further, what if it is Zeno's dragon star group?

  Thinking of this, Moyou laughed inwardly.

  He realizes that his expectations for this skill are too high, but he has to admit that this skill can be very good against the release system.

  In addition, it has been verified that it can target the strengthening system very well...

  These two departments, which are best at striking ability, were included in the restraint list by Moyou.

   It may be too long to say that restraint, but it does have the capital to deal with it.

   It's just that they haven't had a formal confrontation with Nitero and Geno's level of masters, so it's hard to judge the future of these two coping capitals.

   "The current me is still far away."

   Moyou is well aware that he still has a long way to go.

   As far as the current level is concerned, if you want to confront masters of the level of Nitro and Geno, you basically have no resistance.

  Being able to think about these things during the battle also shows that Milo's offensive suppression against Moyu has dropped to the bottom.

  Of course Milo can also realize this from the changing battle situation.

  「The Shape of Sound·Nightmare」

   Without the slightest hesitation, Milo changed his moves amidst the passionate roar.

   No longer choose the range-based raging waves like arrows, but concentrate the power on one point, using sound as the carrier, imitating a gray war horse with a horned head and a mouth full of fangs, galloping through the air and rushing towards Moyou.

   Judging from the shape of this nightmare horse, it is no longer like a pure energy release attack method, but more like a beast that has initially shown its shape.

  If you are more inclined to the beast category, then you have to consider the possibility that this nightmare horse has the ability to change direction or track.

  But for Moyou, there is no need to consider and guard against the various potential threats brought by the nightmare horse in this fleeting battle.

the reason is-

  Moyou made a movement of slashing the sword horizontally at the Nightmare Horse that was rushing in the air, but at the moment when the black knife was about to touch the Nightmare Horse.

  「Shape Shifting」

  Moyou's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the menacing nightmare horse suddenly flew into the air.

at the same time.

  Moyu showed his figure at Milo's side, and immediately joined the movement of slashing with a horizontal knife, and at the same time stepped forward and passed Milo.

   Tap —

  The steps landed forward, and a circle of blurred ripples suddenly appeared on the ground.

  Among the ripples, a waterline that quickly crossed Milo's neck was vaguely reflected.

  It was a slash made by the black knife piercing the air and carrying the rain.

   Just cut a slit from Milo's neck that could quickly take away life force.

   This is the fundamental reason why Moyou doesn't need to take into account the potential threat of the Nightmare Horse.

  After all, he can use "Shape-shifting" to avoid risks at any time and counterattack.

  When Milo realized it, his eyes widened.

   And the blood spattered from the neck wound directly stained his vision red.

  His Nightmare Warhorse did indeed hide his back move, and the previous continuous arrow attack was to cover up the unexpected nature of Nightmare Warhorse's attack to a certain extent.

  How could he have imagined that Moyou would switch from practice moves to lore so simply, and then adopt the attack method of directly avoiding risks and giving him a fatal blow.


  Milo wanted to turn around and look at Moyu.

   But the moment he turned around, Moyou turned around and cut his head off with another knife, and then walked towards Jin without stopping.

  Milo's head rolled and flew into the air, unable to see Moyu, but he still had hearing function for the time being.

  So before his life passed away, he heard Moyou's words.

   "How could I be complacent because of that horrible name? If there is any happy thing worth mentioning in my deeds, then it must be the moment that sent you to hell."

  (end of this chapter)

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