MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 367 first goal

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  Chapter 367 The first goal

  The excavation of Tumon Katan's tomb in Luluxi Kingdom allowed Satz to get acquainted with Moyou, who is extremely capable.

  But after the farewell, it has been many years since I saw each other.

  Until this hunter test, Satz received the notice of the appointment of the examiner from the Hunter Association, and learned that Moyou, who had disappeared for many years, would also serve as the examiner for this session.

   This made him quite happy.

  Although it was known in advance that Moyou would participate in the test as candidate No. 000, Satz was shocked when he saw the silicone mask of President Nitro on Moyou's face.

  President Nitero, does the old man know about this?

  Satz resisted the urge to ask, and nodded with great difficulty, as a response to Moyou's question.

  The silicone mask doesn’t even have eye holes and mouth holes, it’s a complete replica, isn’t it?

  Moyou looked at Satz's reaction and laughed a few times in satisfaction.

   It's just that the laughter became slightly weird under the cover of the extremely closed silicone mask.

   "Mr. Moyou, I heard that you have obtained the title of two stars."

  Satz resisted looking at the mask on Moyou's face, and mentioned the news he had heard in the near future.


  Moyou didn't hide it, and said: "But the hunter's license hasn't been renewed yet."

  The condition from one star to two stars is to personally bring out an apprentice of a one-star professional hunter.

  Men Qi got the one-star title two years ago. While becoming the youngest one-star gourmet hunter in history, he can directly promote Moyou, who is his master, to two-star.

  However, Moyou stayed in the ruins for almost two years, and he has not registered with the association for a long time.

   It wasn't until recently when he came out of the ruins that he registered for promotion with the assistance of Dou Mian.

  Because it was processed in a hurry, and it was the eve of the hunter test, so there was no time to renew the hunter license, and it was not announced.

  The star hunter's license is different from the ordinary license. On the back of the license, the X mark exclusive to the Hunter Association will be added. An X represents a star.

   "Your abilities are fully worthy of a two-star rating."

  Satz finally looked directly at the Nitro brand silicone mask and said with sincere emotion.

  Moyou just smiled when he heard the words.

  The venue was quiet for a while.

   Satz then turned his attention to Moyo's silicone mask.

   There is no eye hole reserved, and the field of vision will definitely be limited.

  But he has a feeling that Moyou can see things.

   "Satz, are you going to wait for candidates to come here?"

   Moyou suddenly pointed to the rectangular hole above the pipe and asked.

   I vaguely remember that Satz in the original book made his official debut at the beginning of the test. You can't change your mind just because of his presence, right?

   Satz showed hesitation.

  In fact, he really planned to stay here and wait for the candidates to arrive, so that he could chat with Moyou for a while in the limited time.

   But after looking at the silicone mask on Moyu's face, he finally decided to return to the standby position.

   "I'll show up after check-in time."

   He glanced at the hole above the pipe and said.

   Moyou nodded.

   After a while.

   Satz returned to the hole.

  Moyou looked and saw that the rectangular hole missing a stone brick returned to its original shape in a wave of thoughts.

   "Release type or materialization type..."

   Seeing Satz use his ability to restore the hole to its original state, Moyu secretly guessed.

  There is too little information, and it is impossible to guess why.

  Moyou took out the number plate, pinned it casually on his chest, and immediately jumped onto the pipe more than three meters above the ground, sat down and waited for the arrival of other candidates.

   After a while.

   No candidate has arrived here yet, but Dou Mian, who was holding a box of number plates, arrived first.

  His duty is to distribute number plates to the candidates present.


  Seeing the bean-faced man, Moyou, who was sitting on the pipe, raised his hand to say hello.


  Hearing the strange sound suddenly coming from a high place, the bean-faced man was slightly startled, followed the sound, and saw Netero's face appearing on the slightly dimly lit pipe.

   "President, why are you here?!"

  The bean-faced man suddenly opened his eyes wide in shock, his face full of disbelief.

   Moyou was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

  Listening to the strange voice, the bean-faced man realized that the other party was not the president, and saw the special number plate on Moyou's chest through the faint light.

  000, isn’t it Moyu!

   "Mr. Moyou, are you...???"

  The bean-faced man stared at the highly reductive Nitro silicone mask on Moyu's face, with unstoppable black lines and wrinkles appearing on his smooth forehead.

   Moyou restrained his laughter slowly, and asked very seriously: "How is it, you have a strong sense of presence?"

   "Yes, I think every test taker who arrives at the test site will give you an extra look."

  The wrinkles on the forehead of the bean-faced man deepened, and he finally understood what Moyou said before to attract the attention of candidates.

   But even if it is to give clues to the candidates, there is no need to infringe on the portrait rights of the president...

   "Mr. Moyo."

  The Dou Mian man hesitated for a moment, and asked, "May I ask you, have you consulted President Nitero for this?"

   "Little Douzi, guess how this mask came about?"

   Moyou asked back.

  The Dou Mian man was taken aback when he heard the words, and soon thought of a certain possibility.

  Could it be that Mr. Moyu went to Chairman Nitero for advice, and then Chairman Nitero not only agreed, but also enthusiastically offered to provide Mr. Moyu with a silicone mask? ? ?

  If it was someone else...

  The Dou Mian people think this kind of thing is outrageous.

  But if it’s Chairman Netero...

  Bean noodle man: "..."

   "Looks like you guessed it."

   A smile appeared on Moyou's face under the mask.

  The bean-faced man sighed deeply.

  One chairman is enough to mess around, now add Moyou.

  The bean-faced man was suddenly exhausted.

   Fortunately, he was used to this kind of thing, and quickly recovered, standing in the passageway waiting for the candidates to arrive.

  Because Moyou is currently an examinee, so he didn't talk to Doomian again.

after an hour.

  There was a whistling sound from the elevator room, and then the door opened, and a burly man in a white samurai uniform with a long knife hanging from his waist came out.

   "Is this the place?"

  The samurai man walked into the aisle and saw the bean-faced man at a glance. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the bean-faced man take out a number plate with the number 001 from the box.


  When the samurai man saw the number plate, he instantly understood that Dou Mian was the staff member in charge of the hunter test.

   "It seems that I was the first to arrive, and the difficulty of the hunter test is not very good."

   Taking over the number plate No. 001 from the bean face man, the samurai man looked a little proud.

   This was his first time participating in the hunter test, and he had already heard about the difficulty of the hunter test before signing up.

  But I didn't expect that as a newcomer, I could be the first candidate to find the test site.

   This made him feel that the difficulty of the hunter test was a bit misleading.

  The Dou Mian man heard what the samurai man said, and corrected him: "You are the second candidate to arrive."

"the second?"

  The samurai man just pinned the number plate on his chest, raised his eyebrows and looked at the bean-faced man.

  The bean-faced man didn't explain, but looked in the direction of Moyou.

  When the samurai man saw this, he followed the bean-faced man to look in that direction, and saw Moyu sitting on the pipe, and the number plate 000 on Moyu's chest.

   Still have number 000? ? ?

  The samurai man's face tensed, and his previous complacency disappeared.

   A few minutes later, the elevator room sent the candidates into the passage again.

   In less than fifteen minutes, more than a dozen candidates came to the passage.

  They observed the environment habitually, and soon noticed Moyou's existence.

"what's the situation?!"

   What attracted their attention was naturally the Netero mask on Moyu's face.

   Candidates who took the test, no matter they are old or new, basically know President Nitro, who is famous all over the world.

  With this level of cognition, they were shocked and soon realized that something was wrong.

   "It turned out to be a mask, this guy... is really arrogant."

  The light in the passage was weak, but it was enough for the candidates to see the violation of the silicone mask and Moyou's number plate.

   There are candidates who dare to wear the mask of the president of the Hunter Association to take the test...

  The candidates present kept looking at Moyou, feeling strange in their hearts.

   above the pipe.

  Moyou saw more and more candidates arriving at the passage, so he jumped off the pipe and leaned against the wall instead.

   Compared with the three-meter-high pipe, standing in a place with strong light will make him appear more eye-catching.

  The fact is also the same. Most of the candidates' attention is on Moyou, and the newly arrived candidates are the first to look at Moyou who is leaning against the wall.

  The presence of that Netero mask is too strong.

  As time passed, the up and down frequency of the elevator room became significantly faster, and more and more candidates came to the passage.

  Mo Youming leaned his back against the wall, folded his hands, and bowed his head in silence.

  Secretly, you can use the vision of the shadow clone to pay attention to every candidate who arrives at the passage.

   So far, Moyou has not seen a "familiar" candidate.

   At this moment, with a whistling sound, the door of the elevator room opened again.

  A man with a cropped cut, thick eyebrows, a big nose, and a khaki canvas bag on his waist walked out of the elevator room.

  The man who just arrived at the tunnel is Dongba who is known as the rookie killer.

  Moyuna's shadow hiding in the dark looked at Dongba immediately.

   Finally, an old acquaintance came.

   The corners of Moyou's mouth hooked slightly.

  Dongba didn't know that the "shadow" was not far away, so he walked quickly into the passage, and quickly scanned the other candidates present.

   "35, almost all veterans."

  Dongba's senior experience played a role at this moment, instantly distinguishing the identities of the candidates present.


  Then, he naturally saw Moyou wearing a Netero mask, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

   "A rookie or a veteran?"

  Because Moyou was wearing a mask, it was really difficult for Dongba to judge Moyou's identity for a while.

  He thought for a while, then glanced at the samurai man wearing the No. 1 plate, and saw that the other party was exuding an aura of intimacy.

  The only rookie candidate in the field is a samurai man, but he looks very difficult to mess with.

  Dongba resolutely gave up the idea of ​​contacting the warrior man, and turned to look at Moyou who was wearing a mask.

   It's hard to judge whether this guy is a veteran or a newcomer, but he doesn't feel dangerous. You can try to have a chat.

   Dongba thought in his heart.

  Compared to the arrogant samurai man, Moyu, who is pretending to be an ordinary person at this time, is indeed far inferior to the samurai man in terms of first impression.

  So Dongbana's judgment based on his rich experience is not a problem.

  This also shows that Moyou's current control over "Qi" has allowed him to disguise himself as an ordinary person almost perfectly.

  Through the vision provided by the shadow clone, Moyou saw Dongba walking towards him.

   "Are you eyeing me...then don't blame me for being rude."

   Moyou thought to himself.


  Dongba came to Moyou, greeted him very familiarly, and asked, "Is this your first time participating in the hunter test?"


  Moyou turned his head to look at Dongba, and asked naturally: "Is this your first time too?"

  Dongba's eyes moved slightly, he shook his head and said, "No, I have participated many times."

   As he spoke, he sighed and pretended to laugh at himself:

"The pass rate of the hunter test is very low. People like me always fall behind because of lack of ability. Maybe no matter how hard I try in my life, it will be difficult to get a professional license. I’m not reconciled, so I can only strive to sign up for the test every year.”

   "Then you must have a lot of test experience?"

  Moyou's masked face was facing Dongba, and the tone of his speech showed quite obvious interest.

  Dongba had a flash of light in the depths of his eyes, selectively ignoring the weird feeling brought by the mask, and laughed:

   "This may be the only thing I can be proud of. My name is Dongba. How about you?"

   "Il fans."

   "Oh, Il fans, if you have any questions, just ask me."

   "Okay, it really helped."

   Moyou said gratefully.

   "You don't have to be so alien, every time I see a new person, I think of my former self, alas..."

  Dongba pretended to sigh, clapped his hands suddenly, and said, "By the way, I brought a lot of drinks, Yiermi, do you want some?"

   After speaking, he took out a can of drink from the khaki canvas bag.

   "Thank you, then I'll be blunt."

  Moyou happily took the drink from Dongba.

  Dongba showed a kind smile, but in his heart he was laughing strangely.

  He added a strong laxative to the drink, and such a method, for him who is known as a rookie killer, can only be regarded as a child's play at best.

  Moyou opened the drink in front of Dongba and took a big sip.

  The corner of Dongba's mouth moved indistinctly.

   "Hey, I saw an acquaintance, I'm sorry, I'll go over there first to say hello, if you don't understand anything, you can come to me directly."

  He suddenly looked at the candidate who was far away, raised his hand and waved it.

  The examinee obviously knew Dongba, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, he raised his hand to greet Dongba.

  Moyou first glanced at the examinee who greeted Dongba, then nodded to Dongba and said, "Okay."

   "Then I'll go first."

  Dongba smiled, and walked towards the examinee with a relaxed and natural pace.

  Moyou looked at Dongba's back with calm eyes, and poured the drink casually.


   A little liquid fell on Moyo's shadow.

  The originally motionless shadow suddenly rippled like water waves, wrapped the falling drink, and immediately chased Dongba silently.

  In just a few breaths, a shadow wrapped in a laxative drink came behind Dongba.

   Afterwards, he actually merged directly into Dongba's shadow.

   After about a second.

   Moyou's shadow escaped from Dongba's shadow, but the wrapped drink disappeared.

   "Good luck, rookie killer."

   Moyou withdrew his shadow calmly.

  The specially controlled dose of laxatives should allow Dongba to barely persist until the second level.

  In the future, if Dongba is willing to hold on to participate in the second round, then...

   People will die.

   When the writing is smooth, it will be updated.



  (end of this chapter)

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