MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 5 soul echoes

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  Chapter 5 Soul Echoes

  Moyu once overlooked the world from the perspective of readers.

   Now that he has crossed over to become a member of this world, he doesn’t have any feeling of being superior, and he doesn’t claim to have a thorough understanding of this world.

   In the end, because Mahjong is a thing…

   The so-called reader's perspective, at most, only allowed him to see part of the world map, let alone the wider unknown land outside the world map.

   Therefore, under the premise of staying behind closed doors, Moyou believes that it is necessary to have a deeper understanding of the world by reading a lot of books.

  Numao is one of the fantasy novels with the theme of "Soul" and "What the **** am I" that he has read in order to adjust his mood.

The content of    begins with a man who was struck and killed by a falling lightning while passing through a swamp.

  However, the thunder and the swamp reacted strangely, and a creature with the same body and quality as the deceased, and even the same soul, was copied on the spot.

   Starts the story with this "reboot" and asks a question—

   If the preservation of the soul gives a new beginning, am I still me?

  Moyu stood in front of the bookshelf and opened the book Numao.

   I just watched it some time ago, and I still have a relatively complete impression.

  The slender fingertips flicked through one of the pages, and immediately stopped in one place.


   Moyo stared at the one word he thought stood out between the lines.

  Shadow, the carrier of copying the soul…

   What if it is not a copy but a fusion?

   Moyou was thoughtful, then turned to look at his shadow, his thoughts moved slightly.

   Just recovered a little potential energy in the body, slowly flowing out of the sperm hole, and then merged into the shadow.


   With the injection of "Qi", Moyou's shadow first separated, and then slowly transformed into a three-dimensional shape, constructing a jet black shape with exactly the same volume as Moyou.

   "This is my ability to read, but it's just a prototype..."

   Moyou carefully looked at the unmoving, jet-black figure in front of him, like a dummy model, and said to himself:

   "The burden of using abilities has been significantly reduced, and the consumption of chi has also decreased."

When    used the ability for the first time, the shadow only showed a bubble shape, and the duration was 3 seconds, but it almost emptied the "qi" in Moyu's body.

   And this time, Moyu only consumed a small amount of "qi" to mimic a humanoid, and the duration was longer than 3 seconds.

   "Because the thinking of abilities is gradually clear, the abilities can be used more smoothly, and even the difficulty of 'constructing' has become lower."

  Moyu roughly understood the reason.

   This ability of mind linked to the shadow is only a prototype. After the "Qi" and "skills" are refined in the future, more ability effects can be further improved.

   But the premise is that his "memory capacity" can accommodate the developed ability effects.

  The more complex the mind ability, the more it will occupy the memory capacity.

   Generally speaking, a telepathic person just develops a mature telepathy ability, which will fill up all the memory space.

   However, there are also a small number of people who are naturally gifted with psychic abilities who can develop the second or even the third psychic ability without any burden.

   "Let's call it Soul Echo."

  Mo Youyou took a name for his ability, and planned to use the "Mizami-style" to test his class attribute after the basic skills were stabilized.

  Only after testing out the attributes, can you go on the right path to perfect your mind ability.

  「Soul Echo」

   "The family attribute has not been tested"

   "The first stage ability: use the shadow as the carrier of air to mimic."

   "The upper limit of the mimicry is unknown for the time being, and the upper limit can be expanded according to the constraints."

After    named the new ability, Moyu started to play with the shadow dummy.

   "Raise your left hand."

  Moyu first gave simple instructions to the shadow dummy based on the idea of ​​​​the operating system.

The sound of    fell, but the shadow dummy did not respond.

   "Hey, am I not an operating system? It's not right, even if the attribute is wrong, it's just a simple command, and it won't give any feedback."

  Moyu raised his hand to his chin.

   Then, he lowered the difficulty of the command and only let the shadow dummy move a finger.

   Yet the shadow dummy remained motionless.

   "Something's wrong."

  Moyu raised his eyebrows and began to think about the reason.


  Moyu looked at the shadow dummy with no breath at all, and smiled: "Although you have been separated from my body, we are still one in essence, so..."

   Having said that, Moyu closed his eyes and gave instructions to the shadow dummy in his consciousness.

next moment.

  The shadow dummy raised his left hand as he wished.

  Moyu then opened his eyes and looked at the shadow dummy who kept raising his hand, showing a satisfied expression.

  Because I am not skilled enough, and the amount of "Qi" is insufficient, I have to close my eyes to improve concentration.

   After the comprehensive ability and skills become proficient in the future, it will naturally not be so difficult.

  Moyu kept giving various instructions to the shadow dummy in his consciousness, just like a child who just got a toy, and he had a great time.

   About ten minutes passed.

   After playing too much, Moyu's eyes suddenly went black, and he fainted because he was exhausted.

The   shadow dummy collapsed and returned to normal.

  From Awakening to Ability Birth—

  This process takes less than twelve hours.

   If there are other people around, it is estimated that the word "special case" can only be used to describe Moyu.

   Time passes slowly.

  The sun rose from the east, dispelling the morning fog, emitting scorching temperatures, and then slowly setting in the west.

  When the last ray of light disappeared in the distance, night fell.

  Moyu also woke up at this time.

   "I'm so hungry."

   Moyu, who had just woken up, was tormented by the hunger from his belly.

   "Accidentally overplayed..."

  Moyu got up from the ground and put "Numao" back on the shelf.

   "Let's go to the kitchen and get something to eat first."

   Maybe it was because of excessive gas consumption. It was the first time that Moyu felt so hungry, so he groped to turn on the light in the dark room.


  The light that lights up fills the room.

  Moyu walked out of the room and looked up at the sky.

   The night sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was no moonlight.

  The surroundings are quiet, and the darkness in the distance seems to be a breathtaking giant mouth.

  Moyu turned on the lights in the hallway.

  The bright lights reflect the surroundings, giving people a sense of security.

  Moyu crossed the corridor and went straight to the kitchen.

  In the quiet and dark forest, there was an inexplicable sound of rapid breathing.

   A figure staggered and ran in the forest, with panic and fear in his eyes.

   Suddenly, the figure noticed the lights on the top of the mountain ahead.

   Like a drowning person seeing a piece of driftwood, a glimmer of hope flashed in the figure's eyes.

The new book has two chapters a day. Thanks for the 5000 reward for the Winged Demon's vest, thanks to Xiaoxianxian and the monk for the 5000 reward, thanks to the passion fruit juice for the 1500 reward, thanks to the poison appraiser for the 1500 reward, and DF Bing for the 666 reward. Reward, thank you for the 500 reward of pop, thank you for the 500 reward of Xie Wuming, thank you for the 500 reward of Shadow's mood 123, thank you for the wild cat and Pian Dang? Butterfly dance, reader 1305065414776717312, book friend 160728184555670's 100 reward.



   (end of this chapter)

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes