MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 434 hurt speech

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It would be great if a group of crows flew by at this time. &1t;/

Of course, the reality is that there is no such a group of crows that fit the occasion, and the world is still a fiery red, everywhere is red, and people are not afraid of aesthetic fatigue. &1t;/

Lu Xiaoou guessed that after participating in this special training, he didn't want to see red or white at all for the time being, it was simply poisonous. &1t;/

But now Lu Xiaoou has no time to take care of these things. As Lu Xiaoou stays here longer and longer, the temperature of this world is also rising day by day. &1t;/

At the beginning, Lu Xiaoou didn't think it was too hot, but now he has started to sweat a little, and the time he stayed here was only less than a day. According to his strength, staying here for a week should probably be enough. The limit is reached. &1t;/

"Number 1, is there a time limit in this world?" Lu Xiaoou asked suddenly. &1t;/

Jumping directly from the weathered fruit to the time is a bit long. Although the platypus No. 1 did not pull the egg, its eyes flickered several times before connecting to Lu Xiaoou's track. &1t;/

"Master, no, as long as the trainee persists, he can stay forever." No. 1 said. &1t;/

"I just said so." Lu Xiaoou guessed it would be so. &1t;/

This place is different from the previous ice and snow land, as long as you find the passage and survive, in the world of fire, no one needs to find the passage, as long as you can complete the task, you can pass the level. &1t;/

There is an essential difference from the first level, so it is unreasonable to set a deadline, but people's tolerance limits are different, so it is very humane for people to choose. &1t;/

"Since none of these methods work, do people need to go down to fish in person?" Lu Xiaoou decisively pulled back his wandering thinking. The real question is how to fish. &1t;/

"Gudong, Gudong"&1t;/

At this moment, Lu Xiaoou noticed that the magma began to boil violently, which was different from the gentleness when the lightning fish appeared before, and now it was like the sea encountered a big storm. &1t;/

There was no longer the lukewarm and leisurely bubbling leisurely mood before, and a violent storm was staged directly, the bubbles became more and more turbulent, while the lightning fish fell silent. &1t;/

While the bubbles were tumbling, Lu Xiaoou also noticed that the height of the magma was slowly rising, although the speed was not very fast, of course this was relative to the current speed of the bubbles. &1t;/

But Lu Xiaoou still noticed this situation, "This is it?"&1t;/

Lu Xiaoou frowned and thought of a possibility. Since Platypus No. 1 has already said that the volcano will not erupt, then it will not, but now that the magma is rising, it proves that there are other reasons. &1t;/

The temperature inside the volcano is too high, causing the boiling point of the magma to rise continuously. After reaching a certain level, it will start to rise continuously. I hope there will be more space to dissipate heat. It’s like summer, especially when the weather is hot, many fish sleep. Jump out of the water from time to time to breathe fresh air, of course, there must be rules to follow. &1t;/

Lu Xiaoou felt that the current situation was quite similar to that of the fish. Although the lightning fish inside seemed to have disappeared, there was still a silver light flashing occasionally in the tip of his eyes, which proved that the lightning fish was still swimming on the surface of the magma. &1t;/

Against the continuously boiling magma, Lu Xiaoou started to observe and record. &1t;/

"Gudong, Gudong"&1t;/

The magma slowly rose with the continuous bubbles, and soon reached a certain height, and began to only bubble and no longer rise. At this time, the magma was only 50 centimeters away from the ground, although it was very close, but because it reached a certain height, the bubbles had already become smaller, and they couldn't threaten Lu Xiaoou who was squatting there at all. &1t;/

After two consecutive days of observation, Lu Xiaoou has come to a conclusion that every afternoon is the hottest time of the day, starting at two o'clock in the afternoon, the magma will start to rise, usually reaching the warning line, that is, When it is about 5o centimeters from the ground, it will stop, and the whole process will last about 1 hour. &1t;/

Then stay at the original height for about 2 hours before slowly receding, turning into the previous appearance, which is quite far from the crater. &1t;/

After reaching the conclusion, Lu Xiaoou felt that if he wanted to catch fish, he should do something during this period of time. Although the temperature of the magma was at its highest at this time, it was much better than jumping directly into the crater to catch fish . &1t;/

At least it won't turn into a pot of soup all at once. &1t;/

"Is it true that No. 1 will not be forcibly sent out no matter what happens?" Lu Xiaoou thought for a while and asked No. 1 a question. &1t;/

You must know that the arena system seems to be aimed at training people. If a trainer does something that threatens his own safety, he will definitely be forcibly stopped. &1t;/

When he came in, his training conditions had already been changed, but it was better to ask clearly, after all, there would be some problems with his method, he didn't want to be interrupted when victory was in sight, it would make him want to Killer. &1t;/

"No, the owner has already modified it before, unless the owner automatically leaves or dies." Platypus No. 1 said. &1t;/

"That's good." Lu Xiaoou looked at the magma that had started to bubble again and quietly waited for the time to come. &1t;/

When the magma stopped, Lu Xiaoou knew that he could start to act. &1t;/

Firstly, Nian was wrapped thickly around the right arm, from the shoulder to the tip of the finger, it was wrapped with a thick layer of Nian. Of course, this must not have done its best, because Lu Xiaoou didn't know how much Nian power could resist it. To live in the high temperature of magma, only a little experiment can be done. &1t;/

Some things cannot be rushed. &1t;/

"Hiss, hiss"&1t;/

After he was armed, Lu Xiaoou began to lie on the ground and stretch his hands into the magma. When he got close to the magma, the thoughts in his hands began to melt, and the closer he got, the faster it melted. &1t;/

Before I got close to the magma for the first time, the thought wrapped around my hand was completely melted, and the test failed. &1t;/

"It still hurts a bit, it seems that I need to try a little more." Lu Xiaoou shook his hands, looked at the big blisters on his hands that were scorched by the magma, and decided to try again. &1t;/

At the fourth attempt, Lu Xiaoou finally managed to put his hand into the magma, but the temperature of the magma was too high, and Lu Xiaoou couldn't switch in time. Although he mobilized his thoughts very quickly to protect his hand, But within a few seconds of that error, something went hiss"&1t;/

The skin on the right hand peeled off completely, revealing the red flesh. It looked glossy, but it was quite neat, but it really hurt. &1t;/

Lu Xiaoou couldn't help but think of the Three Character Classic in his heart to feel better about himself, but the experiment still needs to continue, otherwise Lightning Fish probably won't have his share. &1t;/

He didn't want to be a role model for his friends at all, he was the only one who died directly in the second level, and the reason for his death was that he was afraid of pain, which would damage his always aloof and brilliant image. &1t;/

. &1t;/

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