MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 440 queen's trail

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The sky by the sea is different from the land, and the sunrise is also different, as if walking out of the water.

The originally gray sky slowly turned gray and white, and then became a little golden, just like knocking over a pot of paint. The dull curtain was painted with bright colors. The colors suddenly come alive.

The sea and the sky were in the same color, as if they were cut apart abruptly, a golden dot came out of the water, gradually enlarged, and finally became the shape of the sun, and the light spread out all at once, and it was dawn.

"chirp chirp chirp"

Following the warm sunshine, the seagulls flew up from an unknown rocky island, flew to a bright place, and started a day's life trajectory.

The salty sea breeze blowing on people's faces is obviously gentle, but it always has sharp edges and corners, which not only makes people feel the enthusiasm of the sea, but also initially feels its existence.

"Where should we start looking?" Qi Ya asked.

I came to the southern coastline early in the morning. The endless sea, the empty beach, and the jungles piled up next to it, one side is closely arranged, and the other side is sparse and open, forming a sharp contrast.

However, no matter how open the environment is, Qi Ya doesn't have a clue in his heart. In such a big place, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the information is not accurate. How to find it?

Of course, everything is difficult at the beginning, this is the first time I encountered such a situation, not to mention Kira, even Kurapika, who has always been calm and determined, was a little at a loss.

The main reason is that they don't know what this new species looks like, what its habits are, and what kind of growth environment it likes, which brings great inconvenience to the search.

"Isn't it better to spread out and search for one place by one person?" Kurapika fumbled to make a suggestion.

"This method is fine. Remember to look for places where animals gather together, or places where animals live." Lu Xiaoou said.

According to his speculation, the chimera ant queen was either injured here, or came here due to an injury. No matter which one, she needs to supplement food, and the queen's appetite is obviously not small. The general hunting method should It can't satisfy her, and most of them will appear in some animal's lair or the like.

"Understood." Kiya and Kurapika agreed, turned around and chose a direction to start searching.

Lu Xiaoou himself also chose a direction at random. As for Xiaoshuang, Lu Xiaoou exiled him to that jungle before, and hoped that he could help, maybe he was lucky enough to bump into the queen directly .

Although the probability is very small, it is better than nothing. Of course, Lu Xiaoou is ready for a long-term war of resistance. After all, the queen can't just wait for him to find it. He plans to stay here in a short time. of.

With the viciousness of the chimera ant, if she appeared, Lu Xiaoou would have found her trace, and the inexplicable queen couldn't possibly want to cover up her whereabouts, so Lu Xiaoou is more concerned about this point. sure.

The fine white sand still feels a little soft under the feet, except for the occasional shells or small fish that were washed up on the coast, Lu Xiaoou has not found anything useful so far.

Today was probably Lu Xiaoou's lucky day. Before he had gone far, Lu Xiaoou found a section of animal bones on the beach.

Originally, the beach is white, and occasionally different colors are some tiny sea creatures. The white bones are not easy to be found, but who made Lu Xiaoou so lucky that he kicked it up together with some sand .

It was exposed to the air all at once, and if Lu Xiaoou's eyesight noticed all of this, then he should wash his eyes.

"This is?" Lu Xiaoou's eyes froze, his right hand was in the shape of a claw, and he quickly stretched out, grabbing a fingernail-sized bone from the raised sand in front of him.

The bone was obviously not complete, one side seemed to be torn from some part along the joint, and the other side had a very irregular tooth mark, which should have been directly bitten off by some kind of sharp teeth.

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Xiaoou to conclude that this has something to do with the Queen based on just one tooth mark. After all, there are many giant monsters or sea beasts that are carnivores in the ocean, not to mention the vast land.

But what caught Lu Xiaoou's attention was that there was a very unique smell of pheromone left on this small piece of bone, very similar to that of Chimera ants.

Although the current Queen is a mutated species of Chimera Ant, she is still a Chimera Ant in essence, so some things cannot be changed.

The breath left on this bone is very similar to that left by Chimera ants. According to the size of the tooth marks, Lu Xiaoou is 70% sure that the queen has appeared.

Judging from the strong smell, the queen should have been active here recently, and it will not exceed three days.

Half-bent down, Lu Xiaoou's eyes swept directly towards this piece of beach like lightning. Since the Queen used to eat here, there would not be only one fragment left behind. After all, her table manners should not be very good, otherwise, how could there be so many left behind? Trash.

These things can be regarded as helping Lu Xiaoou, but it does not prevent him from complaining about the queen's dining etiquette.

Sure enough, not far away, Lu Xiaoou found four bone fragments of different sizes one after another, all of which had more or less the same pheromone smell, and of course some had no tooth marks on them~www But it can't hide the smell.

Lu Xiaoou put away the extremely fast bone fragments and expanded the search area. He wanted to determine the Queen's range of activities and trajectory so that he could continue the subsequent arrest operation.

Probably because it was used up, Lu Xiaoou didn't find any more bones, but in a direction close to the jungle, he found some very unusual traces of dragging, very similar to the random sweeping of the tail.

In the eyes of Lu Xiaoou, who was looking for the queen, this was an important clue. It should be the mark that the queen's tail accidentally swept on the ground when she was eating.

I don't know if it's because the queen's strength is too strong or her size is too large. Although it was just swept inadvertently, the marks left behind are deep and fresh, either yesterday or today.

According to the current time calculation, this should be left when the queen came out to look for food yesterday, but I don't know if she will come out to look for food today.

And from the remaining traces, Lu Xiaoou couldn't deduce whether the queen was injured or not, or what her strength was.

"Let's call them back first." Lu Xiaoou thought for a while and decided to call Qiya and Kurapika back for a discussion.

Although he is very confident in himself, Lu Xiaoou never fights uncertain battles, and is used to planning his actions in advance, after all, "a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength".

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