MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 458 empty village

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"Understood." Xiao Shuang originally wanted to rely on Lu Xiaoou to show off his supernatural power, but now he was cut off by the director with a click before he appeared on the stage, and he was also desperate.

But he didn't dare not listen to Lu Xiaoou's words. Although he hadn't seen Lu Xiaoou's methods at all, he just had a feeling in his bones that he must not provoke Lu Xiaoou, otherwise the consequences would not be what he wanted. saw.

It has to be said that the beast's intuition is quite keen.

Although Xiaoshuang agreed to Lu Xiaoou, he didn't plan to be idle. He planned to be a behind-the-scenes hero while seeing if there was a small ant colony.

At worst, there is still Lu Xiaoou who can ask for help, this time Xiaoshuang intends to make a big deal.

"Some ants have already learned to use firearms, and now it's getting more and more difficult." Lu Xiaoou didn't know that Xiaoshuang was playing tricks. After seeing him leave, he carefully observed the position of the firearms just now, and came to such a conclusion.

Although Lu Xiaoou guessed right, he wasn't very happy about it. Even if he had been mentally prepared for such a **** scene, it was still a bit difficult for him to adapt.

This is not a cat or a dog, but a living person. As the leader of all primates, human beings seem to have never been so humble, like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, lying on the chopping board in vain, without a trace The room for resistance makes people both angry and sad.

"What? Do ants know so much?" Qi Ya took a closer look and had to admit that Lu Xiaoou's speculation was completely true.

"It should be because of the remaining human genes." Kurapika said.

"After feeding and mating, useful genes will be left behind. The evil in the dark and the endless appetite will make things very troublesome. We have to find the queen's lair as soon as possible." Kate also had a serious expression on her face.

"According to the current situation, the underground rulers here have become the queen's food. If the queen gives birth to chimera ants with their genes, what a terrible combination of ngl and chimera ants should we have?" Prepare in advance." Lu Xiaoou said.

"The journey will not be peaceful, we should be careful." Kurapika said.

"What is certain now is that the inland area of ​​ngl must have been suppressed by chimera ants. From these clues, we can judge that the queen is already preparing to give birth to an heir. What we have to do now is to see if we can Get close to the lair before the queen gives birth to an heir." Lu Xiaoou said as he jumped forward and quickly walked through the woods.

"Let's go faster too." Kate followed closely behind Xiaoou on the road at a very fast speed.

Kiya and Kurapika also followed behind without saying a word and accelerated their speed. The tragic scene at the scene made them dare not stay longer.

Digging a hole before and disposing of Pengsi's body was considered a fate of getting to know each other, but now the most important thing for them is to rush to the queen's lair, otherwise this biological crisis will definitely escalate.

And when Lu Xiaoou and the others were heading towards the queen's lair, the queen gradually began to grow because of the king in her belly, and her food intake was getting bigger and bigger. Originally, she needed to consume 70 human beings every day, but now it has risen to 150 of them.

Although there are many ants at the division commander level, plus the army commanders, troops, etc. under him, it is not difficult to catch them.

However, although the queen devoured all kinds of species, the main diet was still human beings, so a lot of human genes remained more or less.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention the coexistence of various natural enemies, so the heads of the various divisions have careful thoughts and start to compare silently. In addition, the guards directly under the king who restrained them have not yet awakened, which is even more nourishing. With this kind of atmosphere, all of a sudden, there was constant friction between division commanders and ordinary soldiers and ants.

And as the queen's appetite grew stronger, the human beings who had the ability to read before were also mentioned on the table. The division leaders all took it as their duty to catch those with the ability to read. As for who will enjoy it, it's hard to say Yes, every ant has its own thoughts, and of course the heart of being loyal to the queen will not change.

As a result of the increasingly serious individualized characteristics, the battle between the division heads is still fierce, and the guards directly under Wang are also speeding up their awakening.

Everything is slowly changing in an orderly manner.

After running around all night, Lu Xiaoou and the others finally arrived at a small village on a sunny morning, but there was no trace of living people here.

It's obviously warm and bright sunshine, but when it shines on the messy village, people can't feel any warmth, but a bone-chilling cold.

"Be careful." Lu Xiaoou seemed to feel the breath of ants, which was relatively strong, and he might meet some division commander.

"There's no one here." Qi Ya took a look around, the house was dilapidated, there were blood stains and clothes left, but nothing.

"It seems that this village was also ransacked by ants to become like this." Kurapika said with a sullen face.

"There is a stench coming from there, let's go see if there is any clue." Lu Xiaoou suddenly moved his nose, and smelled a smell similar to a corpse.

"Then let's go and have a look." Kate looked at Lu Xiaoou, referring to the path leading into another dense forest. It was dark in the distance, and she didn't know what the situation was.

"It does come from there, it smells like blood." Qi Ya was still very sensitive about this.

A few people didn't go far before they saw a stable that wasn't too small. There was nothing but a large amount of blood, not even a single horse.

The bloodstains meandered along the path all the way to the depths of the woods, not knowing what was waiting there.

Several people glanced at each other, followed the direction of the bloodstains and walked towards the woods with alert expressions.

After walking for about ten minutes, no one encountered anything, but this made everyone more vigilant.

The light and shadow flickered, and soon several people came to an open space, where there were three trees like dead But the most shocking thing was that each tree had a tree hanging on it. A complete horse carcass was skewered there like a kebab.

"It stinks." Qi Ya couldn't bear the stench coming from his nostrils at all, it was really too smelly, definitely not a fresh death.

"Why does it look like you're stockpiling food?" Kurapika muttered.

Using a whole tree as a bracket and directly stringing a whole horse is not as simple as a barbecue.

"Oh?" Qi Ya was not in a hurry to cover his nose when he heard this. No wonder he thought it was very weird before. It turns out that the problem lies here. It is indeed very similar to the way some animals store food.


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