MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 464 human dog look

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It was messy everywhere, and it was obvious at a glance that it was left after a fierce battle. Such a dilapidated situation can make people imagine how cruel the battle was.

"What kind of place is this? It looks like a place where some kind of medicine is produced." Qi Ya didn't know what kind of place it was, but "I haven't eaten pork, and I haven't seen pigs running." This place is very similar to the layout of a pharmaceutical factory .

"It should be the dark side of NGL, the anesthetic factory." Kate said.

"It's the oral anesthetic that is currently popular in the streets and alleys. The D2 manufacturing plant should have a Bila tree field near here. It's called a nature reserve. It's not ridiculous." Kate doesn't have much affection for NGL. , The experience along the way is enough to make the upright Kate feel disgusted by the law of 'nature is above all' preached here.


"Indeed, but to be precise, this is not just an anesthetic factory, but also a place where guns are privately manufactured." Lu Xiaoou opened a wooden container randomly stacked beside him, revealing the real situation inside.

Inside the container are neatly stacked guns, which are exactly the same as the ones I saw outside, and it seems that they are indeed produced by the same factory.

"The actual situation should be that only the upper echelons of NGL know. The residents at the bottom are purely a group of people who resonate with the purpose of harmony with nature. It is impossible for everyone to know." Kurapika said.

"That should be the case." Kate nodded in agreement.

"Then it can be said that this is the underground core facility of NGL. Now that people go to the empty building, it means..." Qi Ya's unfinished words are getting lower and lower, which is an obvious fact.

"The dark side that represents NGL has been completely wiped out by Chimera ants. After all, it is impossible to deal with them by arming them with firearms alone. Next, we need to be careful, maybe there will be ants left here. " Lu Xiaoou said.

"What about the boss here?" Kurapika asked.

The boss should be an awesome existence, no matter what he has to have a separate camera.

"Either escaped or was eaten?" Kate was not sure.

"What does that mean?" Qi Ya asked.

"The current situation is very difficult anyway. After all, the dark people have blessed the chimera ants. If you think about it, you can see what will happen. The chimera ants that will appear next will definitely become stronger and stronger." Lu Xiaooudao.

"That's right, let's be more vigilant," Kate said.

"Wait, something is coming, everyone be careful." Lu Xiaoou felt the wave moving here.

Lu Xiaoou led everyone through a short cave and came to a wide hall. Except for some messy bloodstains, there was nothing left here, and it was empty and oozing.

"That's right, they are coming towards us from the cave in the middle." The ants here have already entered the range of Kate's circle, and he has also noticed it.

"There are caves on both the left and right sides." Lu Xiaoou pointed to the opposite wall with three caves, and the voice came from there.

"Xiao Ou's 'circle' is very wide, so he noticed the movement so quickly." Kate said.

In fact, Lu Xiaoou didn't feel it from the 'circle'. Of course, it can also be regarded as a 'circle', but ever since he got the space, Lu Xiaoou felt that the connection between himself and the hunter's space became closer and closer as his strength became stronger, as long as it was more than 60 meters away. He will immediately feel any fluctuations within the range, which is a little stronger than the radius of the 'circle' of the world's most powerful hunter.

Of course, Zeno's kind is a special case and is not counted.

"It's only 60 meters, it's not that wide." Lu Xiaoou waved his hand, directly acquiescing that it was caused by the operation of 'round'.

"How far is Kate's search radius?" Qi Ya was very curious about the radius of Kate's 'circle'.

After all, Lu Xiaoou has always been perverted. It would be a strange situation if he suddenly did not change his mind at this time. Therefore, even if he heard that the radius of Lu Xiaoou's "circle" only had a feeling that it was the same, the others were already used to it. .

It can be said that habit is really a terrible force.

"About 45 meters, not as good as Xiaoou." Kate said.

"45 meters? That's amazing." Kurapika had a certain understanding of Kate's strength.

"According to the physical condition and mental state, there will be a slight increase or decrease of two to three meters." Kate didn't feel anything, after all, with Lu Xiaoou in front of him, his performance would definitely not be so double-eyed.

But in the eyes of Kiya and Kurapika, this is already very powerful, Kate is still very young, of course get rid of that pervert Lu Xiaoou.

"Here we come!" Lu Xiaoou shouted in a low voice.


Kate and the others froze, and focused their attention on the three cave entrances opposite, and gradually some voices came out.

Soon there was a gleam of light in the dark cave entrance, which was white and very eye-catching compared with the darkness of the cave.


The white light over there looked up, and as the friction sound became stronger and stronger, it was discovered that the white light was two white human bodies.

Even the hair has been shaved off, leaving only a few newly grown fluff, completely naked, with a chain tied around the neck, on all fours, lying on the ground like a dog.

"woo woo woo"

Although it is regarded as the existence of a dog, it is indeed a living person, with tears streaming down his face, his face full of pain, and his facial expression is ferocious, which makes people feel distorted.

"It's too much!" Even Kurapika couldn't help shouting.

But everyone didn't After all, the real enemy hasn't appeared yet, so it's impossible for everyone to mess up.


"You guys are really noisy!" Along with the sound of chains came out something like a centaur with four hooves on the lower body and a human-like upper body. It was an ant at a glance.

"It's at the division head level." Lu Xiaoou said in a low voice.

'understood. "Qi Ya and the others responded in a low voice.

As soon as the four ants landed on the ground, they tightened the chains in their hands because of the noise of the two humans tied to them. Seeing the two humans sticking out their tongues, they unconsciously pulled the chains with both hands to rescue them. The way I breathe is very pleasant.

"Who are you?" But now the four ants on the ground are more interested in Lu Xiaoou and the others on the opposite side.

"How dare you break into my territory." The four ants that landed on the ground shook their red tails impatiently.

"Please, please save us!" One of the older humans who had already grown some white fluff looked at Lu Xiaoou and the others in tears and shouted for help.

The other human being was a little younger and hadn't recovered yet, but he still nodded his head reluctantly, as if he really wanted someone to help him.


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