MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 471 Current status of chimera ants

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It is inevitable that everyone will catch up on the old days when they meet, everyone knows each other, although Mo Laowu and Nobu are new faces, but as far as the powerful momentum is concerned, no one really can ignore it, and Jin He They also know each other, so they get along very well with each other.

When they finally saw the two dying human beings paralyzed in the corner of the cave hall, everyone suddenly paused in excitement and remembered their current situation.

"What's the situation now? How much information do we have on ants?" President Nitero asked after looking around.

At this moment, the eyes of almost everyone who came here first fell on Lu Xiaoou, even Kate was no exception.

The main reason is that Kate has to admire Lu Xiaoou's strength and methods in investigating the intelligence information of ants in the past few days. It's okay for him to fight, but it's a bit difficult for him to plan.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Lu Xiaoou, Xiaojie and Leo Li were the same, Jin and Mo Laowu thought it was interesting and they also focused on Lu Xiaoou, not to mention the Ni who looked at Lu Xiaoou from the beginning. President Tro.

"Cough, it's like this. In the past few days, we have basically figured out the basic situation of some ants in the nest." With so many gazes, Lu Xiaoou was also a bit Alexander, and he coughed lightly before getting to the point.

"According to the investigation, there are currently about 32 division heads, five of which have been eliminated, and about 27 remain, and each division head will probably have four to five army heads under his command, and each There will be about 10 to 15 combat soldier ants under the legion leader, and these are probably the force values ​​that should be in the nest so far."

"There are two points worth noting. One is that these division heads and legion heads have a lot of residual genes, especially excellent genes, so most of them are disobedient. Many of them are in a situation of no discipline. Like It is very beneficial for us to act without authorization, and on this basis, there are three more members of the Wang's direct guard that need to be paid attention to. So far, two should have been born, and their strength should not be underestimated." Lu Xiaoou concluded.

"Xiao Ou, didn't we only kill two division heads before? How come there are five now? You killed them yesterday?" Qi Ya was a little curious, mainly because only Lu Xiaoou acted alone yesterday. They acted together, without hands at all.

"Even if I encounter two teams that are alone, I want to reduce the base a little bit, and they will be wiped out immediately, and the other team will be started by Kate." Lu Xiaoou said.

"I also met a team that was alone." Kate glanced at Lu Xiaoou unexpectedly. To know this, he has not told others about it. I don't know how Lu Xiaoou knew.

Although curious, Kate didn't get to the bottom of it. Everyone has secrets, and it's not necessary to ask about everything, as long as you know that everyone is in the same camp.

"How many of them are on the order?" Qi Ya was thinking about how he would solve it if he encountered it.

Even if Kurapika didn't speak, he looked at Lu Xiaoou and Kate curiously, obviously wanting to know the answer.

"That is to say, there are not many about twenty. Among them, the number of legion commanders is five, which is very similar to the results of our investigation, which proves that the information is very accurate." Kate looked at Lu Xiaoou before opening her mouth.

"20?" Qi Ya twitched the corners of his mouth, and didn't want to speak. Having fought with ants, he didn't want to know the gap between him and those two perverts at all. He was really hit like a sieve.

"Are ants very powerful?" Xiaojie asked curiously.

He hadn't encountered ants before, but through the two dying people, he also knew that these chimera ants were not good stubble.

"It's my uncle who will definitely kill a lot." Leorie said confidently.

Kiya and Kurapika looked at each other without saying a word. Although they won the few battles with the Chimera ants easily, they knew that the ants were not weak at all.

"The strength of the division head and the legion head is basically on the same line. Some of them are very different, but they are not too weak. As for the strength of the division head, it is almost the same as Qi Ya's full strength, and some On the other hand, ants will have more advantages." Lu Xiaoou said.


Xiaojie and Leorio took a deep breath. They would not doubt Lu Xiaoou's words at all. They both knew the strength of Kiya and Kurapika. The strength of the four of them was actually on par. Among them, who is strong and who is weak depends on who plays well. This kind of metaphor gives everyone an intuitive understanding of the strength of ants.

Everyone became quiet all of a sudden, obviously not expecting that the situation of ants had developed to the present point.

"How about the strength of those directly under the guard?" President Netero stared straight at Lu Xiaooudao.

Apparently he sensed the cautiousness in Lu Xiaoou's words before, those division heads are not reliable and can always clean up, but the others are worrying.

"It's not as weak as you are now, the president. It's hard to predict the outcome of a match." Lu Xiaoou told the truth very frankly.

As soon as the words came out, Chairman Nitero didn't react at all, and the fiery Mo Laowu was the first to explode.

"It's impossible. The president is the strongest hunter in the world. You must have misread it." Mo Laowu had never seen Lu Xiaoou's strength.

Lu Xiaoou said before about the strength of the division heads, he reluctantly accepted that the ants have become so powerful, but now he actually said that the strength of President Nitero is not as strong as a member of the guards, that is simply a shame. , is tolerable or unbearable.

"Could it be that you read it wrong, or miscalculated?" Nobu didn't get angry, his tone was still gentle, but the meaning in his words was clear, and he didn't believe what Lu Xiaoou said.

"Xiaoou won't lie." Xiaojie stared at Mo Laowu and Nuobu angrily, very dissatisfied that they didn't believe Lu Xiaoou.

"That's right, what Xiaoou said must be the truth." Although he hasn't seen the strength of, Leori has deep trust in Lu Xiaoou.

"It's true." Kiya and Kurapika also nodded fiercely beside them, although they hadn't seen any members of the guards.

"This is very interesting, so is the king stronger?" President Nitro waved his hand to stop Mo Laowu and Nobu, and laughed naturally.

For the fact that Lu Xiaoou said, he didn't have much reaction, after all, he had already made all the preparations before coming here.

The strength of the Chimera Ant was beyond his expectation.

And Jin sat on the side with a thoughtful look, his understanding of various creatures was beyond Kate's, and he was obviously thinking of something at the moment.


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