MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 496 King and 'Catwoman' battle

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Even though Nephibit was coming menacingly, Jin's expression did not change. Instead, when the sharp fingertips were about to touch him, he turned slightly sideways, directly avoiding the blow it was determined to win, and then lifted up The foot kicked on its belly.


Nefebbit was kicked into the air by Jin. This kick took a lot of force, and it was not as casual as Jin's movements.


It was the first time Neferbit cried out in battle, from which one could imagine how powerful it was.

It was Nitro and the others who heard the sound of bones breaking better with their ears.

"Trash." Wang seemed to be irritated by the sound of bone shattering, and spoke disdainfully.

In such a short period of time since Wang Meilu Aim was born, whether it was killing the nosy Peggy or killing the turtle and ants to fill his stomach, he felt that those were too weak to even let him take a look. , Naturally, I don't care whether I am dead or alive.

But now Nifebit is considered a subordinate that Wang agrees with, and he thinks that his strength is not bad, but now it is just a punch, and in his opinion, the winner has already been decided, which is simply embarrassing for him.

It's like the treasure I fancy becomes a fake against the backdrop of the real one, the sour taste is simply extraordinary.

Although Wang didn't know what it felt like, he was just very upset.

Not only is the king's attitude not very good, but Xiaoyapf and Yubi are also a little gloating. Although they are all members of the guard directly under the king, their duty is to protect the king, but this is not the same as competing for favor in front of the king. They all hope that they are the most useful in front of the king. As long as the king's safety is guaranteed, they are also very happy to be able to attack the opponent's arrogance by the way.

Probably because there are a lot of human genes remaining, so even the ants know a little more about these intrigues.


After all, Nephibit is still very powerful, not to mention that he has used his nirvana, but he didn't expect Jin's movements to be clean and agile, so he got the point. Now that he has reacted, he will definitely not let it go.

With a loud shout, Nifebit followed the flying force and used the puppet's ability to press down on Jin with a thousand pieces of gold.


The air was squeezed by Neferbit and made an overwhelmed sound, which shows its strength, but this time Jin did not avoid it, and stood directly under it, as if he didn't know it had attacked.

However, the 'Qi' in the hand is constantly compressing and exhaling, forming a thin film of light. The color is not bright, and even a little dim, but the coercion is becoming more and more obvious.


The pressed heel and Jin's fist touched together, emitting a dazzling light, which burst out all of a sudden, and the dazzling light dazzled the eyes of the people present.

However, the strength of the people present was very good, and they quickly saw the situation on the field clearly.

Jin's legs had already been embedded in the ground due to the forceful resistance. Although it was not deep, it could be seen that Neferbit's strength was not small.

Nephibit was relatively miserable, lying halfway not far from Jin, with no damage to its upper body and looked pretty good, but one leg of its lower body was twisted unnaturally, and it was still shaking violently at this moment. I don't know if the pain is unbearable, but the other one is intact.

"Your strength is indeed good, but I will definitely kill you." Nephibite's eyes were bleeding red at this time, and his face was grim. He didn't know whether it was the pain or it was just like this.

As he said that, he ignored the leg problem at all, turned around, and walked towards Jin Gong from an incredible angle. It seemed that it took a long time, but in fact, it took only two or three seconds for people to see the scene clearly.

Because of the support of the demon puppeteer that Heiziwu wanted to summon, even though Nephibit was half-disabled, his speed was still not slow. His twisted body was weird, just like a real puppet, with its upper body twisted and its two sharp claws As a weapon, attack Jin from two directions respectively.

Jin didn't stay where he was this time, probably because he felt that the battle had been going on for more than ten minutes and it was time to end, so he immediately started to attack aggressively.

When Nefebit attacked, his body rushed out like a cannonball, his hands were shining brightly, and his feet were not slow.

"bang bang bang"

In an instant, one person and one ant handed over their hands, blocking the menacing claws with both hands. Jin suddenly touched the ground with one foot, and jumped into the air following the force of the block. At this time, everyone Only then did he see the dim light on his right foot.

I don't know how long the strength has been accumulated, but it was too late to say it, and before everyone had time to react, they kicked Nifebit's head. Obviously, Jin also knew where the Chimera Ant's death spot was.

"Be careful!" Among so many people and ants present, only Xiaoyapov, who can perceive the opponent's emotions through the air factor, was the first to the brain did not respond properly, the violent factor in the air was The first time gave it reaction time, but it was a pity that even a reminder was too late.

This is Jin, Jin with full combat experience, not a rookie like Xiaojie and the others, how could he give the opponent time to react.



With a violent explosion, Nefebit's head exploded like a watermelon under the action of Jin's kick.

Purple-blue blood splattered everywhere, and Jin's first reaction was to jump away from Nephibit immediately. He knew that the Chimera Ant's vitality was extremely strong, and even if it hit the fatal spot, it might come back.

This is the difference between a veteran and a rookie.

In the original plot, Xiaojie felt devastating remorse and self-loathing because of Kate's death. Facing the culprit who killed Kate, Nifebit, Xiaojie's heart can be imagined.

At the cost of all his potential and mental ability, he forced himself to grow up to the point where he could fight. After a few punches, Neferbit's head exploded and he lost his voice.

It's a pity that Nephibit's obsession with the king's loyalty is deeply rooted in the soul. As long as the soul is not destroyed, it will never die. If it wasn't for Qi Ya's rescue, it wouldn't be something that can be settled by throwing an arm.

It's like even now that he has no head, maybe Jin is a threat to Wang's safety, Nephibit turned himself into a puppet, and attacked Jin mechanically and quickly without pausing at all.

Read The Duke's Passion