MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 499 'God's Alibi'

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"It's time for Nobu to practice too." Jin's fighting talent is so high, it can be seen at a glance that Nobu has been affected by Xiaoyapf's breath, and his strength is not 80% of the usual, otherwise he would not It will make the opponent so proud.

"It should be fine in a short time." Kate is worthy of being Jin's number one disciple, and this opinion is the same.

Fortunately, Pang Mu followed Xiaojie and the others to find trouble with the division leaders. Otherwise, seeing his teacher in such a mess, Pang Mu, who is a teacher-loving madman, didn't know what he would do.

"Don't you guys dislike fighting? As long as you put down your weapons, we will forget the past. Of course, we will not be able to eat humans in the future, otherwise there will be punishment. In the future, you can have whatever kind of life you want. Isn't that bad?"

Haga stood among a group of people and ants, waving a furry meat claw, and his hairy face was full of righteousness, appearing very impassioned, like the head of a pyramid scheme giving a speech.

Just looking at Haga's ruthless performance, he knows that even if it breaks away from the Chimera Ant World, it is still very promising. Being a salesman is simply a handy little ass.

When the people present heard what Haga said, they all nodded in unison, expressing that all this was true, but the behavior of the ants present was very complicated.

Originally, because the strengths of the two sides were similar, there had been a stalemate all the time. Even if there were casualties, they were all on the ordinary soldier ants and army commanders, but the division commanders were not injured.

There were only a few division heads present, that is, pandas, rhinos, mice, etc., who were not very powerful in attack, and they didn't like fighting very much, and they were not carnivorous animals. The division heads were immediately attracted by Haga's words. up.

In fact, Haga was lucky. Among the surviving division commanders present, he was a purely carnivorous animal. If Lu Xiaoou hadn't confirmed that this guy had indeed been completely reformed, he would have been rebuilt long ago.

It is also a smart one. Seeing the attributes of the division leaders present, it knows that it is very lucky. In order to survive and a better life in the future, Haga simply "dedicated himself to death" and wished to contribute his life's strength.

Among a group of herbivores and omnivores, it should not be too conspicuous. If there is no contribution, I will be embarrassed to do my best to protect my own life in the future.

Therefore, cherishing life and working hard to 'multilevel marketing' is the kingly way!

What Haga said was the actual situation, and after spending a few days with Lu Xiaoou and the others, he was contaminated with a lot of human nature, and he has a little more understanding of life in human society, and his words are well-founded, which is even more added. Somewhat convincing.

The situation here is very good, but Nobu is very dangerous there.


Nobu fell heavily on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was a little weak. Compared with his image ten minutes ago, he was much more embarrassed.

The already worn-out suit is now basically a beggar's suit, with blood mottled on it, it looks very scary.

Owlyapf's claws might as well be more narrow than Nephibit's. Although they look more like human fingers, their sharpness must not be underestimated, as evidenced by the marks on Nobu's body.

"Hehehe, I'm really sorry, I shot too hard, next time I'll shoot lighter, otherwise it won't be new." Xiaoyapf had an excited expression on his face.

It seemed that the whole ant was excited, and the wings behind it seemed to feel the excitement of the owner, trembling frequently, making Owlyapf look like a fallen angel.

Nobu didn't have the strength to speak, he had already done his best, and it would be difficult for someone in charge of logistics to participate in the battle. Lu Xiaoou originally meant to bring Nobu with him just in case, maybe he was needed of special abilities.

Who knew that during the time he was preparing something, Nobu went to the battlefield and was abused into a dog.

"It seems to be impossible, get ready, we will start the war later." Chairman Nitero looked at Nobu, who was standing up and tottering, and knew that he had reached his limit.

Even if Lu Xiaoou didn't come back, the president couldn't wait any longer, otherwise someone would really die.

"Yes." Jin and the others knew how powerful they were, and their eyesight was also very strong. Naturally, they could see that the president made this decision out of necessity.

Nobu looked gentle, but there was still a bit of madness in his bones. Although he was usually very calm, he became persistent at this time.

Condensed with 'Qi' in his hands, as long as he can stand up again, Nobu intends to fight to the end. He must wait until Lu Xiaoou comes back before he can start the plan to destroy the king, because the feeling that the king gives him is too oppressive, so for him Only Lu Xiaoou would have more expectations.

After all, he never lies.

Nobu's speed was not fast. Even if he knew that he might attack, Owlyapf would immediately flap his wings and fly into the air to avoid the blow, just like the countless times before, but he still charged forward firmly, with a still speed. Faster.

Compared with Nobu's firm persistence, Xiaoyapf played with Nobu like a "cat and mouse".

It waited until the wind blown by Nobu's fist hit its face, and then it shook its wings to avoid Its speed is its pride, and the movement of its wings is comparable to the speed of light.

Every time it avoids Nobu's attack in this posture, and then takes advantage of the chaos to return a blow. The wounds on Nobu's body are accumulated in such a small way. If the king is still hungry, it probably won't even fight back. Too heavy, after all, it is not easy to find a toy that suits your heart.

However, there was a problem with the tricks that were originally tried and tested. Just as he was shaking his wings and wanted to fly, there was a strong force behind him without warning. It lunged forward, as if it was going for Nobu's fist.

Although Nobu didn't know what happened, his smart and calm mind judged the method that was most beneficial to him at this time, and silently increased the amount of 'Qi' on his fist, almost concentrating all the 'Qi' on the This fist is on, who knows if there will be such a good opportunity next time, if you don't hit it, you don't hit it.


Nobu's fist hit Xiaoyapf's body heavily, sending it flying far away. This was the fist that he concentrated almost all of his willpower to give up defense, and its power can be imagined.


A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Owlyapov's mouth. This was the first time he was injured since the start of the war, but he didn't care, and turned his head behind him.

The force just now came from behind, but at this moment, the situation behind him was calm, without any violation.

"It's really interesting." Wang leaned on the chair, with a smile on his face, and glanced at Xiaoyapov's back with some interest, as if there was something there.

Still nothing there.

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