MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 8 read more

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Just in case, it is really a prophet, not only Xiaojie, but also Leo Li admires it. Just in case, the four words seem simple, but it is really difficult to do it.

It's just that Leorio has another question: "Why don't you let us sit even though there is a boat?"

"There is a big difference in the ordinance required for one person to take a boat and three people to take a boat. I just realized that I don't have enough money."

Lu Xiaoou would not tell Leorie that he wanted to restore the wonderful leap of the plot, and he made himself believe this reason.

Leorio was at a loss for words, and when it came to Jini, he was at a loss for words.

"That's right, Xiao Ou doesn't have many nuns anymore. Before, Xiao Ou helped Leorie pay you five fish, a total of 2,000 nuns." Xiaojie said.

"Did you really pay?" Leo Li looked at Lu Xiaoou.

Lu Xiaoou repeated a mantra: "The world is difficult, help if you can."

"Innocent brat." Although Leorio said this, his tone of speaking had obviously changed.

The voice of the three people communicating was not low, so people nearby heard it too.

Kurapika, who was sitting on the deck, couldn't help but look up at Lu Xiaoou. He had no choice but to have a miserable experience, and he had never seen a good person like Lu Xiaoou who was out of vulgar taste.

"It seems that it is impossible to be dull until the end of this year." The red-nosed captain looked at Lu Xiaoou, Xiaojie and others.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

When a large group of people got together, there must have been a lot of people picking quarrels and provoking troubles, but after the captain of the red nose forcefully suppressed and drove one off the ship, everyone settled down, at least on the surface.

Xiaojie has been fishing since he got on the boat.

"Xiao Ou, let me catch you a rare flying fish, which is rare even on Whale Island." Xiaojie said excitedly.

"Okay, I'll wait." Lu Xiaoou replied.

He was thinking about how many nuns he could sell this flying fish. After all, he thought that he would face the perverted Hisoka in the hunter exam, and Ilmi, who was controlled by his younger brother. If he didn't prepare, he didn't know how he would die.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Xiaoou was planning to play big, and the funds needed were not small.

When the wind blows, we have to work hard to survive.

"Hooked." Xiaojie cheered.

With the action of Xiaojie pulling the fishing rod, the prey finally surfaced, with a pair of wings, and the slender body of the flying fish was exposed.

"Xiao Ou, look quickly, it's really a flying fish." Xiaojie cheered.

"Quick, pull up." Lu Xiaoou said.

"Look at mine." Xiaojie said.

Xiaojie's actions here attracted the attention of many people on board, including the red-nosed captain.

"That's not bad, boy, to catch such a big fish, and it's still a rare flying fish that can take the bait." The red-nosed captain said.

"It's really rare." Xiaojie said and handed the fish to Lu Xiaoou: "For you."

Lu Xiaoou took the fish, it was a strange looking fish.

"Oh Gull Oh Gull Oh Gull"

Many seagulls were flying around the Poseidon at low altitude, crying sadly, as if they were talking about something.

"Xiaojie, is this a seagull?" Lu Xiaoou couldn't help asking when thinking of the original plot.

"It's reminding us to be careful, a storm is coming." Xiaojie took a deep breath of the humid air.

"How is it possible? It's clear that the weather is calm now, Xiaojie, can you still understand the birdsong?" Leo insisted.

"It's just a little bit, and the air smells very salty, and the wind is warm." Xiaojie said.

"Then you can teach me in the future." Leorio looked very interested.

"Boy, are you from Whale Island? Who is your father?" The red-nosed captain had a guess in his mind, so he asked.

"Yes. He is a hunter. Although I have only seen his pictures, I respect him very much." Xiaojie replied.

Hearing Xiaojie's answer and looking at the somewhat similar outlines, the captain of the red-nosed man has already been identified.

"Xiaojie, how long will it take for the storm to arrive?" Lu Xiaoou asked.

"About two hours later." Xiaojie estimated.


A flash of lightning pierced the sky, and a spot of purple light unexpectedly appeared on the main mast of the Poseidon, causing everyone who saw it to feel a little terrified.

"It's the fire of Santo Airu." The red-nosed captain frowned.

As this sentence fell, it seemed as if some mechanism had been opened.

The dark night sky was constantly pierced by bright lightning, the strong wind began to blow, and the calm sea began to respond to the passionate call of the sky and began to move.

"Hoo hoo!"

As the wind and waves gradually increased, the Poseidon swayed from side to side, and people standing on it even swayed from side to side, almost rolling around on the ground due to concentration.

Lu Xiaoou stood on the deck, because he couldn't use his mind ability, his physical fitness was a little worse than Xiaojie's, and he was already a little unstable.

"The fire of Santo Ail, according to legend, anyone who sees the fire of Santo Ail will die in the sea." Suddenly there was an exclamation.

In a word, it was like dropping a bomb in calm water.

Although the people who came to take the hunter exam on the Poseidon are still somewhat capable, but the fire of Santo Airu is really too famous.

In addition, the Poseidon was shaking up and down in the big waves, which made people even more flustered.

Panic is contagious, and they lose their composure for a while, forming a vicious circle. UU Reading, including Leori and Kurapika, all became serious, and the morale of the army was shaken.

"People still need to read more." Lu Xiaoou suddenly said loudly, suppressing the voices on the deck, and naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"The so-called fire of Santo Airu is just a coronal discharge phenomenon, because the strong electric field of the thunder in the sky causes the ionization of the air in the field. Because the very large potential difference in the surrounding environment exceeds the dielectric breakdown value of the air, Make the air also conduct electricity, and emit strong light during the conduction process." Lu Xiaoou said professionally and seriously.

In the end, I concluded: "To put it simply, it is a natural phenomenon like thunder and lightning. Then any legends are nonsense, and I don't know what there is to be afraid of."

As soon as the words fell, 99.9% of the scene was surrounded, and the remaining 0.1% was Xiaojie. He was not surrounded, he just thought that Lu Xiaoou was amazing.

Corona discharge phenomenon?

Air ionization?

Dielectric breakdown value?

and many more.

What are these tm, the people present feel that they don't understand at all.

But there is only one thing, that must be understood, the fire of Sandu Ailu is just a natural phenomenon and does not represent anything else.

There was also a mocking tone of 'you haven't read the book', which made the people present feel very bad, and they all glared at Lu Xiaoou. However, it was precisely because of this emotion that the panic atmosphere on the scene disappeared in an instant.

Don't panic anymore, but the turbulent waves are real, so the violent shaking of the Poseidon has not stopped. Since before, many people on the deck have been thrown off the ship.

It is really difficult for Lu Xiaoou to stand firm without relying on his mental ability.