MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 113

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When I went to the bathroom, Shen Chuchu heard the voice of a little girl outside, and then the two adults said a few words.

"This is your child, it's so cute."

"Yeah, I didn't have a home in the script for a month, and the child's father took her to see."

"Well, I have to be optimistic. The crew is not safe. There are so many fans who come to watch. There are things that are not pure and can make trouble."

"Ah? This shouldn't be, so many people can watch the accident."

I only listened to the voice that was a bit old: "Why can't you, you don't know, Zhao Jian's daughter was lost in the crew..."

"What do you say? It turned out to be this reason, but I heard that it was aborted."

"I heard that after being lost, I was given another..."

"Scorpio! It's terrible. I have to look at my child. I can't let her dad bring her next time. Thank you, Du Jie!"

"You're welcome, I remind you a few words. But don't talk outside, this is not easy for Zhao Jian and his wife. It is difficult for Lin Yuan to have a daughter, and he can't be pregnant in the back. Hey, good. a child."

When I came out from the bathroom, Shen Chuchu looked at the sky and breathed out a deep breath.

Her mood was somewhat depressed when she thought about what she had just heard.

Zhao Jian’s attitude towards her can also find reasons.

It happened that she had uncovered other people’s scars. It was really immoral.

The reason why Zhao Jian does not let his wife be alone with her is because of this reason. I am afraid that she will mention the sadness of their husband and wife again.

Back to the filming scene, Shen Chuchu looked at the couple sitting and talking. One by one, the heart on their heads was confirmed again.

Born? nonexistent.

The marriage system of both husband and wife clearly stated that the child is 15 years old this year, and it is not gray. This shows that their children are still alive today!

Confirmed this, Shen Chu Chu went a few steps forward. Soon, she stopped again. She suddenly thought that although she knew that her child was still alive, she did not know where the child was.

If you rush to tell them, will it give them hope and let them despair?

Because Shen Chuchu's movements are somewhat weird, at the same time, the woman's Linyuan sensitively found someone staring at her. She looked back and found that the other person seemed to be staring at them in this direction.

Soon, she found that the other party did not know what it was like, and turned her direction.

Lin Yuan looked at the back of Shen Chuchu and whispered: "Is there any problem with that Chu Chu? How do I feel that you don't like the actress very much, but I remember that you had a good evaluation of her before, is it a person? Product..."

Zhao Jian looked at his wife and said: "No, she is very good, and I don't like her. Just as an actor, it is better to be cautious, so as not to leave a message to the reporter."

Lin Yuan looked at Zhao Jian with a strange look. She thought that maybe she was too sensitive, and she always felt that there was a secret between her husband and Shen Chuchu.

Shen Chuchu returned to the hotel directly after taking the scene with a lot of thoughts. She hesitated for a long time and dialed a phone call.

"Husband, can you help me check one thing?"

Han Xingyan heard the seriousness in Shen Chu's words, and his expression was also serious. He said, "Well, don't worry, say slowly."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Chuchu felt that the big stone in his heart was lighter.

Two days later, things were sorted out. There were many doubts in the incident of child trafficking in that year. There is not enough evidence to prove this about the death of Zhao Xinxin, who was judged by the police.

The disappearance of Zhao Xinxin went where it was, but it has not been found yet.

Shen Chuchu feels that this matter can tell Zhao Jian and his wife. More people can check and find their loved ones faster.

However, before telling, she felt that she still had to listen to her opinion.

In the morning, after Shen Chuchu finished a scene, she saw that Zhao Jian had not finished the film at this time. His wife sat alone, so it was the past.

Zhao Jian doesn't want to talk to her now, and she still has something to guard against her. She might as well ask Zhao Jian's wife.

"Hello, I am Shen Chuchu."

Lin Yuan saw the shadow in front of him and looked up. Seeing Chu Chuchu, smiled and said: "Hello."

Shen Chuchu looked at Zhao Jian, who was not far from filming. He said: "Jian Ge’s acting skills are good and serious. It is really a pleasure to watch him filming."

Lin Yuan noticed that Shen Chuchu should have something to say to her, so she followed her topic: "Yes, he has always been very good. However, you are not bad. At a young age, acting is also remarkable. ”

"Thank you for your praise." Shen Chuchu said modestly. "Today's drama is a bit difficult. His sister in the play was kidnapped. But it was saved."

Lin Yuan said: "Yes, justice will still defeat evil."

"However, if this warehouse exploded before everyone came, then, as a relative, would you rather believe that the sister was not taken away by the bad guys, or accept the fact that his sister died?" Shen Chuchu asked.

Lin Yuan looked at the strange and strange, and did not quite understand what she meant.

"Xunzi, if it is you, how do you choose?"

Lin Yuan seemed to think of something unpleasant, she frowned, and did not speak for a while.

"If it were me, I would rather believe that she is still alive." For a moment, Lin Yuan opened the door. "Just, if the facts are conclusive, people still accept the reality. Otherwise, they will always live in the illusion of non-existence. It will be more painful."

The sadness of Lin Yuan’s body can’t be hidden. After Shen Chuchu’s deep breath, he said: “Xunzi, Jian Ge seems to rest in the afternoon. At three o'clock, I want to invite you and Jiange to have a coffee. Just near the hotel. Time coffee."

Lin Yuan looked at the expression of Shen Chuchu's solemnity, and subconsciously replied: "Good."

"I hope that you and your brother can come over, because I have something important to tell you."

Lin Guan’s face was not very good until he returned to the hotel after lunch.

Zhao Jian frowned, and some worriedly asked: "Ayuan, what happened to you? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said: "No."

"When I was filming today, I saw you sitting and chatting with Shen Chuchu. It was her..." Zhao Jian paused and said, "Is she talking to you?"

"Jian Ge, why are you so afraid of getting along with me, what is the reason?" Lin Yuan asked out his doubts.

Zhao Jian’s rare silence.

Lin Yuan closed his eyes and asked: "Is it because she mentioned... Xinxin?"

Zhao Jian’s sharp eyes looked over and said quickly: “Why, did she mention it to you? This actress, really! I went to ask her, why is it so ignorant!”

Said, Zhao Jian wants to go out.

Lin Yuan grabbed him and said: "Jian Ge, I think things are not what you think."

Zhao Jian asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"I think, I think, the little girl seems to know something." Lin Yuan did not know how to describe that feeling. She always felt that... there seemed to be a surprise waiting for her, and Shen Chu’s words made her think about it unconsciously.

Just, she is not sure. If it is not, then not everyone is disappointed.

"Do you know what?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said: "Yes. She asked us to go to the coffee at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Zhao Jian took a deep look at his wife. Many words could not be said at the end of his mouth. Finally, he said a word: "Okay."

When Zhao Jian and Lin Yuan arrived at the coffee shop, Shen Chuchu had arrived.

After the three people finished the coffee, Shen Chuchu opened the door to the mountain: "Jian Ge, I know that you may have misunderstood me recently. I want to clarify today."

"Actually, I have learned some skills from my family since I was a child."

Lin Yuan was surprised: "Will you look at the face?"

Shen Chuchu nodded and said: "Yes."

"Which side?"

"Look at the marriage." Shen Chuchu paused, said, "and children."

As soon as this was said, Zhao Jian accidentally touched the coffee cup on the table and sprinkled some coffee.

Shen Chuchu looked down at the coffee stains on the table and said: "So, when I mentioned your daughter some time ago, I didn't know that your daughter was not there when I was young. But because, look at your face, you have a ten Daughter five years old."

Lin Yuan heard this, tears flowed out and whispered: "Yes, if the daughter is still alive, this year is exactly fifteen years old."

Zhao Jian closed his eyes and touched his wife's back. He turned to look at Shen Chuzuo: "If Miss Shen invited us to say this thing today, then you apologize that our couple received it, if nothing else. Things, we will leave first."

Said, Zhao Jian helped his wife and wanted to leave.

"If a child's child has already passed away, his face is no child. However, you have a face, so I can see it."

Lin Yuan pushed her husband away, lowered her head, held the table, and looked at Shen Chuchu with horror. "What do you say?"

"Yes, nephew, your daughter is still alive."

Lin Yuan listened to the news, and the emotions reached their apex at once. She grinned and refused to cry.

Zhao Jian listened to this statement and also had great fluctuations in his heart. However, he was more calm and said: "Are you sure? After all, it is feudal superstition. There is no basis."

Shen Chuchu heard this, opened his bag on one side, took out a kit and handed it to Zhao Jian.

"This is how I found someone to adjust the file of the year. You can sit down and take a look."

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