MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 41

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After hearing the word of one million, Shen Chuchu quickly explained: "That is to repay your former kindness."

Han Xingyan looked at Shen Chuchu and said: "So you don't owe me anything."

Looking at Han Xingyan's slightly smiling look, Shen Chuchu slightly reddened his face and bowed his embarrassed words: "Unfortunately, if I bought a house, there would be no more than one million and I will return it to you." If you hit a 20% discount, say To be honest, the money saved in this way is more than one million, and she seems to owe more and more.

Han Xingyan was really laughing out this time, saying: "If Miss Shen gave me a million this time, Lin did not want to be dizzy. He did not make so much money in selling the house, but instead let I am a middleman earning a million."

Looking at the appearance of Shen Chu and Chu, Han Xingyan said: "Miss Shen is the one who wants me to be unjust."

Shen Chuchu said with some urgency: "Han, I don't mean this."

Han Xingyan looked at Shen Chuchu’s anxious look and said, “Well, I know.”

After listening to it, listening to the vibration of the mobile phone inside the clothes, Han Xingyan lifted his wrist and looked at the watch. He said, "Miss Shen, I still have something to do. I will go first. I will let Secretary Wang contact you when I have specific things."

Shen Chuchu still wanted to say something more, but seeing Han Xingyan so busy, he had to say: "Well, thank you Han."

Han Xingyan nodded and turned and left.

After arriving at the company, Secretary Wang quickly greeted him and reported his work with Han Xingyan. After that, Secretary Wang felt that his boss seemed to be a little different today. Although the face is still like that, he can still see something different from the inside. The boss seems to be in a good mood today?

After Wang’s secretary went out, Han Xingyan made a phone call.

The phone just connected, Han Xingyan did not say anything, the other party said to Barabara: "Hey, what a good day today, we have a lot of time to call me, I am not the sun here. Going out to the west?"

"I want a set of houses in the Liyuan apartment, 20% off."

As soon as the other party heard this, he said incredulously: "Twenty percent?? No, I didn't give you a set. Don't you dislike it?"

"Take a 20% discount on the contract, and I will call you the rest."

When the words came out, the other party was not only unbelievable, and even began to fry: "Han Xingyan, your uncle, whoever you are not able to make these two money, are you deliberately burying me?"

"No, the point is, who is going to buy a house?"

Han Xingyan did not answer this question, but said: "If you agree, this matter will be settled."

"I want to let me agree, OK, you tell me who is going to buy it. I will give it to you." The other said.

Han Xingyan was silent and said: "A friend."

"What kind of friend? Do I know?"

Han Xingyan paused and thought about it. He replied: "Now I don't know, I may know later."

Han Xingyan has said this, the other party is not curious, and said: "Hey, I am still gossip, it is such an answer, it is really boring. If you do, who should know your business partners. I promise you, and you don't have to make up the difference. I can afford it for a little money. Besides, your friend is my friend."

Han Xingyan had not planned to give the other party the money. After all, sometimes it would hurt the relationship if the friends were too clear. However, after listening to the last sentence, he decided to pay the money.

"No. I will do it in the next few days. I will let the secretary contact you."

The other party listened to this and was stunned. "Han Xingyan, you are really... you can do it."

After hanging up the phone, Han Xingyan called the secretary of the king and told him to follow up on this matter.

After Shen Chuchu returned home, he only did one thing, that is, he took out all his money and calculated it, and then calculated the money to be paid for the down payment. Finally, she found that she could probably have the money on hand! Next, she was waiting for Wang Secretary to contact her.

Unexpectedly, there was something in the company the next day.

In the company's bathroom, Shen Chuchu heard someone say that Guo Xin International's film was going to be simmered. When he saw Chen Xili in the afternoon, he asked. As a result, Chen Xili’s face was also somewhat dignified. “There is something wrong with this.”

“Is it a malicious competition and is it blocked?”

Chen Xili shook her head and frowned and said: "That's not that there are really few people who dare to work with our company in China. They can't compete. It's Guo Xin himself who didn't want to shoot."

Chen Xili is also annoying. Guo Xin is not easy to have such a good resource. This is not only a good event for Guo Xin, but also a happy event for the company. When she met Guo Xin a few days ago, she was very keen on the matter. The result was that last night, she suddenly said that she did not want to shoot. This made everyone somewhat unprepared. It will be officially signed in a few days!

Where do they go to find someone who is similar to Guo Xin, and they must be satisfied with the big director. If such a good resource is handed over to another company, their company will not be reconciled. Now, the company's top management is taking turns to persuade Guo Xin, let her consider again, do not make such a rash decision.

Shen Chuchu listened to Chen Xili's explanation and was a bit strange. She remembered that when she saw Guo Xin, she mentioned that she would go abroad to shoot a new drama, which is obviously a yearning. Is there anything wrong with this?

Out of Chen Xili's office, Shen Chuchu is ready to take the elevator. As a result, when the elevator stopped at this level, it stood just the one who had just discussed.

Shen Chuchu made a move and said: "New sister."

Guo Xin smiled and said: "I am not coming up soon."


After Shen Chuchu entered, the elevator door slowly closed. I used Guo Guang’s eyes to quietly look at Guo Xin’s eyes. She did not see the decadence or sadness in her imagination.

Guo Xin saw the complicated eyes of Shen Chuchu looking at her. He smiled and said: "Do you know that Changxuan missed an opportunity in one year? The original Xiaojin people should be the usual guide, just in the late shooting. Sun Sister is sick. The regular guide rushed back from abroad, and went to the hospital to accompany Sun Sister to perform surgery. When Sun’s sister was discharged, the film was filmed. Finally, the film’s general director Changed to someone else's name. That year, the director won the prize."

Shen Chuchu was really the first time I heard about such a thing. She looked at Guo Xin with a sly look. One is for this matter, and the other is for Guo Xin to say the reason for this passage.

"After the event, everyone was not worthy of the guidance. I had asked privately whether I had regretted it at the time. As a result, there was no regretful expression on the face of the regular guide, but it was fortunate to say, ' Fortunately, I was back at the time, otherwise the most important thing might have to be lost."

Looking at the elevator to the first floor, Guo Xin put on the sunglasses and said: "So, sometimes outsiders think that your choice is too stupid. But your heart knows what is most important to you."

Looking at Guo Xin's back from the back of the back, Shen Chu Chu thought.

A few days later, Secretary Wang called Shen Chuchu to go through the real estate procedures. Shen Chuchu took the leave with the company on the same day, brought his own documents, and all the family, excited to the sales office.

Fortunately, Chu Chuchu brought his own bank card with only 20,000 pieces, or else it would be really embarrassing. After all the formalities have been completed, all the names of the signatures have been signed, and the smile on Shen Chu’s face can’t stop. Although she is now poor enough to have a thousand dollars left, she has a house! Money can be earned again! She is handling mortgages that have been paid off for 20 years. Although she still has tens of thousands of dollars a month, this is not much pressure for her.

After walking out of the door, Shen Chuchu felt that the flowers were redder, the grass was greener, and even the imperial days of the emperor seemed beautiful at this time. She turned to look at Secretary Wang and smiled and said: "Secretary Wang, do you want me to have a meal? It is really troublesome for you today."

When Secretary Wang heard this, he immediately said, "Thank you Miss Shen, I haven't done anything. It's all the boss's account. If you want to thank you, thank you to our boss." Joking, where can he dare to talk to the boss? Suspected that his girlfriend is eating, is he too long for his life?

Shen Chuchu pondered and meditated, said: "Hey, thank you Han. Right, do you know the taste of Han?"

Secretary Wang smiled and said: "Our boss is not very picky about the food, but he prefers a clean and quiet place."

Shen Chuchu asked in amazement: "Is it so simple, does he have nowhere to go?"

Secretary Wang shook his head and said: "No, our boss generally does not like to eat outside. Unless there is entertainment. If not, he likes to eat at home."

Shen Chuchu nodded and said: "Oh, this way, thank you Secretary Wang."

Secretary Wang said: "You're welcome, if you need to go through some formalities, I will contact you when I arrive."

"OK, all right."

After finishing the matter here, Secretary Wang returned to the company and went to the office to report to Han Hanyan today. After finishing the story, Secretary Wang added another sentence: "Miss Shen seems to want to invite you to dinner, but she does not seem to have much money."

Han Xingyan’s pen in his hand nodded and said, “Well, I know. You should go out first.”

"Okay, boss."