MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 50

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Shen Chuchu’s first reaction was not to shock the news of Han Xingyan and Qin Yingran, but to say that good confidentiality measures are good? ? Isn't this a lot of stars living here? In this case, there is no privacy at all! She spent so much money to buy the house here.

Then she said what Chen Xili had said, let her keep a low profile, and don't appear in public with Han. Then I was happy to worry that the paparazzi would have taken photos of her with Han Xingyan. When she thought about it, she began to pick it up. Even the news that Han Hyun-yan and Qin Yingran may have been together has been taken care of.

After thinking for half an hour, she still called Chen Xili and said this.

"You actually bought the house in that community?" Chen Xili said with amazement. After she finished, she felt that this was her own problem. "I also blame me. I have been busy with Guo Xin before, forgetting this thing." Don't worry, I will call you first, even if it is really photographed, don't worry, as long as you don't respond."

I have to say that Chen Xili's tone of tone makes Shen Chuchu very reassuring. After hanging up the phone, Shen Chuchu took another look at the Weibo. This time, when she went to see it again, the mood was different.

Although reason tells her that this news should probably be fake. However, there is still some feeling in my heart that I can't tell the truth. She clearly remembers that when Han saw the eyes of Qin Yingran, the eyes were very strange. How suddenly they were together? Or, it was because she was there, so two people avoided it? When I think about this possibility, the feeling of Shen Chuchu is even worse.

This is not to say that she likes Han, so he is not happy to see that he likes others. Or how much she hates Qin Yingran, seeing that she is always with Han, the general of the Diamond King, and her heart is awkward. However, the feeling of sorrow deposited on the chest is a little uncomfortable.

It feels like, um, I am being used as a monkey.

After brushing Weibo for a while, Shen Chuchu sighed deeply and then shut down and went to sleep.

The next morning, when Shen Chuchu opened the door and waited for the elevator, he found that the opposite door was also opened. It was a bit cold today, and Han Xingyan wore a black trench coat with a suit of almost the same color. It looks like a wide shoulder and a long leg. Shen Chuchu is still thinking about it. Although it is very good to wear it, the suit inside will not have wrinkles. If you have a turtleneck sweater, it may look younger and more handsome.

Han Xingyan noticed Shen Chuchu’s gaze, subconsciously reached out and sorted out his clothes, and coughed and said: “Miss Shen is good.”

Shen Chuchu heard this slightly magnetic voice, and returned to the gods. He pulled his mouth and said: "Han is always early." After that, he no longer looks at Han Xingyan, but turns his head and stares at the elevator floor. look in.

Han Xingyan frowned and wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

Finally, the elevator came. Shen Chuchu took the lead in early, and Han Xingyan followed.

After pressing a layer, Shen Chuchu then stepped back a little. Han Xingyan glanced at her and pressed the negative layer, standing next to Shen Chuchu.

As the elevator descended, gradually, some floors in the middle began to appear. People who can live here are not rich and expensive, and many people know Han Xingyan. However, they are not too hot, and they will not say anything after saying a word.

Han Xingyan looked at so many people but felt a little annoyed. He turned his head and looked at Shen Chuchu, who was the same as himself. At this time, Shen Chuchu wore sunglasses and could not see the expression on his face as if he was thinking about what the problem was. It seems that she is not the same as her usual.

After waiting for the first floor, Shen Chuchu walked out of the elevator. This time, I didn't know whether it was intentional or forgotten. She did not greet Han Xingyan and left.

Han Xingyan looked puzzled at the back of Shen Chuchu, and some did not understand where the problem lies. Walking in the parking lot, he is still thinking about this issue. At this time, his cell phone rang.

"Son, let me tell my mother, is the female star who gave you the card, is Qin Yingran?" The excited voice of Han mother came out from the microphone.

Han Xingyan heard the name and frowned. Qin Yingran? Who is that?

"Mom, the news from where you heard, I have never seen the female star."

Unexpectedly, the Korean mother was not dispelled with enthusiasm at all, but excitedly said: "Son, you don't have to be nervous, you don't have to lie to your mother. If you want to fall in love, just talk. Just this female celebrity is too much, your father. Not very satisfied. But it doesn't matter, my mother supports you."

Han Xingyan opened the car door and sat in the car, pinching his eyebrows and said: "Mom, I really don't know the female star you said."

"How can you send her home without knowing you? Have you already lived with her?"

"Cohabitation?" Han Xingyan suddenly felt that things seemed to be not quite right when he listened to his mother. When did he send the female star home? No, yesterday... I thought about it here, Han Xingyan suddenly understood.

Han mother affirmed: "Yes, cohabitation. You didn't watch gossip news, you and she both made headlines. This is the first time that my mother saw you with the female star. The usual fake news is not the same. Have you dealt with it early?"

Han Xingyan sighed and said: "Mom, that's a fake. I did send her a ride yesterday, but we are not a relationship between men and women. As for why I am still on the headline, I am not currently Too clear."

Han mother heard that her son had sent Qin Yingran a trip, but it was even more practical. His son liked this female star. Her own son, she knows, from a young age, she was a little weird, and she hated the things that others touched him and used him. Especially strangers. It was better when I was a child. After growing up, this quirk is more and more obvious. Sometimes she touches her son, and her son will subconsciously avoid it.

Therefore, a son with such a quirk will actually let a female star go to his car. It seems that there will be something between the two people!

Thinking of this, Han said with a warm heart: "Well, my mother knows. Well, you can hurry, my mother will not bother you."

Han Xingyan looked at the phone that was hung up and shook his head helplessly. Why didn't he believe it? Although the words are right to believe him, do not believe those gossip, but how to listen in the tone is how to be happy.

However, he and Qin Yingran actually went to the hot search? Thinking of this, he opened Weibo. I saw the first of Weibo's "Qin Yingran Night Club Han Zong", and went in and looked at the contents inside. Han Xingyan's face was cold and he put down his mobile phone. Calmly started the car and came to the company. After getting off the bus, Han Xingyan looked at the secretary Wang who was waiting to be on the side and said: "First, Weibo is hot and searched. Second, let the public relations department go to the conference room to meet."

Secretary Wang listened to Han Xingyan’s voice a few degrees colder than the weather outside, and he was tight. It seems that someone is going to be unlucky.

"And, let's change the seat of the car I drove today."

"Okay, boss."


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After arriving at the company, Shen Chuchu went to find Chen Xili.

Chen Xili saw Shen Chuchu and said: "I asked about it yesterday. There should be no photos about you in the hands of the paparazzi. This happened a bit strange. It is said that the privacy measures of your community should be done very well. Xiaoyan’s leak should not be. Therefore, there should be only two possibilities for this matter. One possibility may be that someone in your community accidentally photographed it yesterday.”

Shen Chuchu shook her head, she always felt that this is not the possibility.

After a pause, Chen Xili went on to say: "There is still a possibility, that is, Qin Yingran himself is speculating. Such things can be regarded as commonplace. The popularity of celebrities, enhance their own style. For the single diamond king There is nothing to lose in the fifth, but it is all good for Qin Yingran."

After listening to this explanation, Shen Chuchu looked at Chen Xili.

Chen Xili shook her head helplessly and said: "You have to know that not everyone is like you, afraid that others will take photos of you and Han. Everyone wants to tell the world and come to marry him. Know. Han’s reputation outside is very good. There is nothing to gossip about. The personal appearance conditions don’t lose the male model. So, with such a person, the gossip will let you put you and Han in the same position. In comparison, there is no harm to the female star in terms of benefits."

Shen Chuchu licked his lips and said: "I can't really fake it. It can't be fake. It's more useful to pass on more scandals. It's better to take a few more good works."

Chen Xili added with a smile: "You are right. Of course, it does not rule out that Han is really with Qin Yingran. However, you are more familiar with Han, this kind of thing should not ask me, you should ask you ""

Shen Chuchu listened for a while. Although she was introduced by Han in the beginning, when they talked about the relationship, they were really not familiar with each other. Such an anecdote, how could she ask him. Thinking of this, Shen Chuchu's mood is even worse, and an inexplicable emotion spreads in my heart.

"Right, "The World" will start propaganda. Although you don't have a lot of plays, you can follow the two stations. Just before you go to "Spring and Warm"."

Shen Chuchu heard that "The World" was about to start, and her eyes brightened up instantly. This is her first show on the screen. She is still very excited. She finally has a formal work that can be presented to everyone.


"The specific itinerary will be sent to you for a while. The promotion of the movie is hard, but it is worth it."

"Well, I know, Sister Chen."

In the same city, the Han Group, the atmosphere is not the same as the happiness here. Someone there is experiencing storms.

Read The Duke's Passion