MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 66

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Han Xingyan, who had been waiting in the airport parking lot, didn’t get off the plane when he started to make a phone call. After waiting for half an hour, I finally couldn't help but call the secretary of the king: "Check to see if Miss Shen’s plane is late."

However, a minute later, Secretary Wang called and said: "The boss, Miss Shen's plane is not late, has arrived on time one hour ago."

Han Xingyan frowned and hung up the phone. I wonder, is the phone running out of power? Thinking of this, Han Xingyan drove back to Liyuan Apartment. After arriving at the apartment, Han Xingyan glanced at the closed door, hesitated, or walked over. He tried to slam the doorbell.

After a long time no one responded, Han Xingyan stared at the door silently for a while, then opened his own door. Just entering the door, I saw the phone call from my cousin.

"Cousin, you and Qin Yingran have searched hot again. What kind of physique you are, it is simply a hot searcher. The public relations department has been working hard to work overtime to remove the hot search. Have you explained clearly with Chu Chu? Ah?" asked Zhang Tengwei.

Han Xingyan listened to his cousin with a calm face, and after listening to it, he hung up the phone. After sitting on the couch for five minutes, he got up and went across. After smashing the doorbell for five minutes, the door finally opened.

Shen Chuchu sleeps and looks at the handsome man in front of him.

Looking at the appearance of Shen Chuchu, the suffocation and sorrow of Han Xingyan’s heart disappeared. It turned out to be asleep, not deliberately not opening the door to him.

Shen Chuchu looked at Han Xingyan silently and did not say a word. Han Xingyan did not speak at the beginning, but when he saw Shen Chuchu bowing his head, he whispered, "Can I go in?"

Shen Chuchu hesitated a moment and leaned sideways.

At the moment when the door was just closed, Shen Chuchu felt that he had been turned around with a force, and the whole person was stuck on the door. When she didn't respond, there was a warm touch on her lips.

This familiar and unfamiliar touch is like a lead that ignites the restless cells on her body.

I thought that the other person would stop the lips like the last time. I didn't expect the lips to be bitten at the moment when she was stunned. She couldn't help but open her mouth and wanted to exclaim. Next, I was attacked by the other side.

More intense current than last time clicked on her. If it was 100v before, she felt that today is 1000v, no, even 10000v. With his eyes wide open, he looked at the man who was close to the distance, his vision blurred and his brain was blank. Even the legs are a bit sour and weak. Have to hold each other's waist to barely stand.

Her appearance made the man in front of her gradually gentle.

After the lips are separated, the two men hold together to calm the heart that beats each other.

"Do you know how worried I am, don't do this in the future. Even if I regenerate my anger, don't answer the phone. I heard no, huh?" Han Xingyan said while touching the hair of Shen Chuchu, she said in her ear.

Shen Chuchu felt that Han Xingyan was just giving her medicine. She could feel the hot ear on her left and the heart was crisp.

"Whoever let you tell others about the rumors~" When he said this sentence, Shen Chuchu did not think that he would one day be able to speak with people with such awkward voice. This is a breakthrough in her own understanding of herself.

"Well? Was it jealous?" With such recognition, Han Xingyan said with a pleasant mood. As for the voice of Shen Chuchu, he did not feel embarrassed at all, but felt sweet in his heart.

The heat of Shen Chuchu’s face just disappeared and the heat quickly rose again. He stumbled and said: “Who, who is jealous? You are not my, why should I listen to you, why? Eat your vinegar."

Han Xingyan listened to this, but his face was not so good. He asked with a slightly dangerous voice: "Who isn't me?"

Shen Chuchu wanted to retreat, and he only remembered that he was leaning on the door. He had to say guiltyly: "It was."

After that, Shen Chuchu suddenly felt that he was wronged. Someone who did this kind of boyfriend, when she was not at home, had a hot search with other women, and she did not explain it to her. He knows that as a star, she will definitely pay attention to it from time to time.

Han Xingyan saw that Shen Chuchu's face gradually changed, and his heart was tight. He said: "I thought we were at least a relationship between men and women. Is it just my wishful thinking?"

"Since it is my boyfriend, then why don't you explain to me the microblogging hot search in advance." Shen Chuchu looked at Han Xingyan's face and said something in his heart.

Han Xingyan listened to Shen Chuchu's questioning and licked his lips. He thought about it and said, "I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it in the future. I have never encountered such a thing before, so I care about it. And..."

After a pause, I looked at Shen Chuchu’s curious eyes and said, “And, there were no people who needed to explain before, so I didn’t do much to deal with it in many cases.”

After that, Han Xingyan took the phone and called the public relations manager in front of Shen Chuchu: "There will be such a thing in the future, let me know the first time. This time the matter must be cleaned up." ”

After hanging up the phone, looking at the appearance of Shen Chuchu, Han Xingyan said: "Isn't it mad?"

After listening to it, Shen Chuchu did not dare to look at Han Xingyan.

Han Xingyan touched her hair and asked: "So, Chu Chu, are you the default relationship between us?"

After hearing this sentence, Shen Chuchu finally took a serious look at Han Xingyan and bit his lip and asked: "I want to ask you one thing before answering this question."

Han Xingyan stunned and asked, "What is it?"

Shen Chuchu coveted, whispered and asked: "On that day, um, that is the first time we met at the hotel, what happened between us, we are not... are we kissing?"

Han Xingyan didn't think that Shen Chuchu's problem would be this. After picking up his eyebrows, he said, "Do you think of it?"

Shen Chuchu shook his head. I thought, isn’t Han Hanyan’s words the default? In other words, her first kiss has been gone since that day.

"Oh, I didn't think about it. Since you want to know what happened that day..." Han Xingyan did not continue to say. Shen Chuchu looked up curiously and looked at him. Then, Han Xingyan’s head was lowered again.

After a long tongue kiss, Han Xingyan said: "This is probably the case that day. So, Chu Chu, are you my girlfriend now?"

Shen Chuchu’s face was buried in Han’s chest and whispered: “It’s not a girlfriend who makes you kiss, fool.”

Moreover, Shen Chuchu has already figured out that since she can't see her marriage, she can play it freely. I like it together, maybe the other party is her future husband!

When Secretary Wang called over, Shen Chuchu went to the bathroom. Only Han Xingyan sat alone on the sofa in the living room with a smirk.

"Boss, the hot pot shop called over and said that there are so many people today. I ask if you can't go today, can you put the position..." Wang Secretary whispered softly when he spoke because he knew that the boss's mood was probably not Too good, so I dare not speak loudly, I am afraid to touch the nerves of the boss.

Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by the boss before he finished speaking.

"No. I am going to have dinner with Miss Shen soon."

Secretary Wang could feel the excitement of Han Xingyan at the moment through his mobile phone. His heart was clear, and he smiled and said: "Congratulations to the boss, I wish you a happy evening."

When Shen Chuchu grinded out from the bathroom, Han Xingyan just hung up the phone of Secretary Wang.

"Chu Chu, I asked Secretary Wang to book a seat at the last hot pot restaurant. Let's go eat together."

Shen Chuchu is squatting and wondering what to say. When he heard this, he immediately came to the spirit and said: "Really, well, I will clean up."

It was too early this morning. In order to get back today, she didn't have a rest at noon, so she slept after returning home. It was just hungry at the back of the chest.

Looking at the happy appearance of Shen Chuchu, Han Xingyan is also in a very good mood.

After Shen Chuchu packed up, he walked out of the bedroom, and Han Xingyan felt that his eyes were bright. I used to feel that Chu Chu was very beautiful, and after dressing up, I felt more beautiful. In particular, she still wears the bracelet he gave her.

Shen Chuchu saw Han Xingyan’s eyes pause on her bracelet, lifted her wrists and said, “What do you want to buy?”

Han Xingyan coughed uncomfortably, his ears were slightly red, and said: "If I don't say this, will you accept it?"

When he went out, Han Xingyan touched Shen Chuchu with his elbow inadvertently, and then pretended to have nothing to look straight ahead. Shen Chuchu looked at Han Xingyan's deliberate little gesture, and put his hand in the past with a slight shyness, holding Han Xingyan's arm. Han Xingyan felt the action of his girlfriend, and his mouth was sharp.

After opening the door and sitting in it, I didn't expect even more surprises.

Han Xingyan turned and took a rose from the back seat and said: "I don't know if you like it or not. If you don't like it, I will change it next time."

Looking at the big red rose, Shen Chuchu felt that his heart was jumping again and again. I thought, she didn't know what flower she liked the most, but she knew she must be very fond of red roses. Moreover, she believes that few women will not like big red roses.

When I came back from dinner at night, Shen Chuchu looked at Taobao’s photo of Han Xingyan’s photo again to calculate the marriage of the moonlight girl. This time, the mood was obviously different from the last time.

Read The Duke's Passion