MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 70

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Chen Shenggang saw that Shen Chuchu had been staring at Wang Ge for a while, and some doubts asked: "Chu Chu, do you know Wang Ge?"

Shen Chuchu looked at Chen Shenggang with some entanglement and didn't want to tell him. After all, this is a matter for others, and, maybe, Miss Cai knows the marital status of this man. Since the two people are already planning to get married, they are sure to know the bottom. Perhaps this man is preparing to divorce his ex-wife.

After a thousand turns, Shen Chuchu said: "Nothing, just watching Wang brother some familiar. But he turned his face and found the wrong person."

Chen Shenggang looked at Shen Chuchu and said: "Also, there are quite a few people in this world."

Shen Chuchu took the lead and said: "Well, yes."

Next, the two people sat silently, one playing the game, one side watching the script while the gods are too imaginary. Although Shen Chuchu said that he ignored the situation of Cai Jie and the Wang Ge, but still want to open the marriage system of these two people to see. However, her system just upgraded from this morning and is still in an upgrade state. In addition to seeing the heart above others, nothing else can be seen.

After a while, Miss Cai returned to the place of rest, and Wang Ge left the studio. Looking at Cai's ruddy face, Shen Chuchu feels that love is too great. Before, she also thought that Cai Jie was a more serious and stereotyped woman. When I look at it, there is still a stereotype. Where is the seriousness, it is clearly a sunny person.

Chen Shenggang tweeted a few words: "Wang brother came to see you. It is really love, envy."

The smile of Cai Jie’s mouth couldn’t stop. He said: “All of them are old, and there is still no love and no love, not a young one like you.”

Chen Shenggang raised his eyebrows and said: "Cai Jie, you said this, you are old. You can't be ten years old, all of your peers."

After the two people said a few more words, Shen Chuchu and Chen Shenggang went to film again.

By the time of the evening, Shen Chuchu’s marriage system can finally be used, otherwise she will lose faith in Weibo and Taobao. After calculating the customer's marriage, after chatting with Han Xingyan a few words, Shen Chuchu went to sleep. When I got up the next morning, I felt that my back was sore.

Fortunately, there is no fight in the morning, Shen Chuchu can take a break. Unexpectedly, when she was waiting for her play, Wang Qian handed her a box and said that it was sent by Han Xingyan.

Shen Chuchu looked at the box in his hand and thought, didn't listen to him saying that he would send something to her. What can it be inside? After disassembling, it was found to be a pill bottle for treating bruises. There is also a manual that explains how to use it. Although the things are small, Shen Chuchu feels very intimate. This is more touching than eating a big meal or sending a red rose. Because intimate.

When he went back at noon, Shen Chuchu massaged himself according to the instructions above. Although the hot after the massage, did not feel a relaxed feeling. But when I was filming in the afternoon, it felt like it was not so painful. I don't know if it is a psychological effect, or whether the effect of the drug works.

When the rest was in the middle, Shen Chuchu once again saw Cai Jie. This time, she opened Cai's marriage system. When she saw that there were two marriage systems in Cai Jie, she raised her eyebrows. It turns out that Cai has already been married once. If she says this, she should know that the thing of the king is right.

However, the second marriage of Cai Jie is not this year but after two years, the object is not Wang Ge. Shen Chuchu frowned, although her marriage system will change under the influence of man-made, but she is not sure whether her sister's marriage will change if she does not intervene. In other words, she is not sure whether Cai Jie and Wang Ge will eventually come together under natural development.

Because she has not seen Wang Ge's marriage system, everything is not sure.

Soon, the opportunity came.

At the end of the work, Wang Ge came to pick up Cai sister. Wang Ge came over and greeted them. Shen Chuchu looked at the man dressed in a white shirt and felt that the label "Slag Man" should not be attached to him. As she turned to the king, she took the opportunity to look at his marriage system.

The above actually shows only a marriage! In other words, Wang Ge did not divorce his wife at all, nor did he intend to divorce his wife. So, what is Miss Cai like?

With a heavy heart, just wanting to quit the marriage system of Wang Ge, Shen Chuchu suddenly found that there is more content inside.

[With or without children: one child (3 years old)]

Can she see if she has children in her marriage system? This is something that has never happened before. It seems that this is the change brought about by this system upgrade. This is a really amazing change.

When Wang Ge and Cai Jie left together, Shen Chuchu looked at their back and watched quietly for a while.

"Boss, are we going to go back?" asked Wang Qian tempted.

Shen Chuchu sighed long and said: "Well, let's go."

Just after the nanny car, Shen Chuchu received a phone call from Han Xingyan.

"Chu, have you gone back from the studio?"

Shen Chuchu smiled and said: "Well, just arrived at the hotel. Are you still working overtime at the company?"

There seems to be someone talking in Han Xingyan. It seems to be a woman’s voice. Shen Chuchu asks: "Are you outside?"

Han Xingyan glanced at the passing person who cleaned the room and smiled and said: "Well."

Fortunately, there are signals in the elevator, so even if you enter the elevator, the two people can continue to talk.

Shen Chuchu snorted and asked curiously: "Go out to eat?"

Han Xingyan said something in an unknown way: "No. I haven't eaten dinner yet."

Shen Chuchu heard this sentence wrinkled, it has been more than nine o'clock and has not eaten dinner. And still outside. Also, I don't know if it is her illusion. She always thinks that Han Xingyan has no snacks.

After leaving the elevator, I walked a few steps to the corridor. She just wanted to ask where the other party was. As a result, she found that there was a familiar person at the door of her room.

Shen Chuchu’s surprise walked quickly and said softly: “How come you, don’t you still tell me in the afternoon?”

Han Xingyan touched his girlfriend's hair and nodded. "Well, the afternoon is indeed a meeting. It will come when the meeting is over."

Shen Chuchu heard this, and the smile on his face could not stop. She just wanted to hug Han Hanyan. The result was interrupted by Wang Qian.

"Boss, be careful with reporters."

Wang Qian originally thought that this light bulb was not very bright, but when she finished this sentence, when the two people around her looked at her, she felt that her wattage seemed too high. She shrank her neck and whispered: "I heard that some paparazzi can use the drone to photograph the corridor here."

Although this hotel is home to some of the stars who came to film, the security measures are very good, but they can't stop some paparazzi who can use high-tech means. Such a thing, Wang Qian, said at the studio to listen to other star assistants.

Really, I am afraid that there is culture in the rogue.

When Shen Chuchu heard this, the first reaction was to look around in the guilty conscience. See no one, and said: "What you said makes sense, let's go in."

Han Xingyan didn't react much in the whole process. However, he saw Shen Chuchu's nervous appearance and said: "Don't be afraid, it will not be transmitted if it is photographed."

Shen Chuchu opened the door with a room card and said: "Be careful."

Wang Qian saw Shen Chuchu and Han Xingyan went in, saying: "Boss, I will go back first, there is something to call me. There will be a morning play tomorrow morning, and I will play at 7 o'clock. Don't be late." He also carefully glanced at Han Xingyan, and then quickly left after receiving the instructions from Shen Chuchu.

"...good." Shen Chuchu said.

After closing the door, there were only two people in the quiet room, Shen Chuchu and Han Xingyan. Shen Chuchu had an inexplicable sense of tension. She didn't think about what to say to Han Xingyan, she was hugged from behind.

"Chu Chu, I miss you." Han Xingyan's voice was introduced into the eardrum from Shen Chuchu's external auditory canal, and then directly to the heart. "I finally understood the old man's sentence, and I didn't see it every other day."

I didn't think that the two people who separated last time had their own things to do. However, since Shen Chuchu came to the field to film, Han Xingyan’s feelings of missing and the slightest feelings of sorrow were like wild grass after the spring rain, and rose wildly.

Shen Chuchu heard this, and the heart beat again and again uncontrollably. She was discovered, and she could not think about it as long as she met Han Xingyan.

"You, think about me?" Han Xingyan looked at his girlfriend's red ears, shy look, whispered.

Shen Chuchu bit his lip and nodded silently: "Well."

Han Xingyan couldn't help but kiss her hair, then turned her body and kissed her forehead.

"How is it so easy to blush? Is this the same when shooting with a male celebrity?" After this sentence was spoken, Han Xingyan discovered that he had no sensation in his tone. I also feel that this sentence is a bit overwhelming.

Shen Chuchu listened to this and also stunned. She looked up at Han Xingyan with a confession on her face. After thinking for a few seconds, she glared at his neck and said, "How come, I don't like them. If I have been blushing, it is not very unprofessional, and the director is not going to replace my heroine."

Said, she learned the appearance of Han Xingyan, kissed his cheek and said: "Because this person is you. And, you still say me, your ears are red. Hehe."

When this sentence came out, Shen Chuchu felt that the hand on the waist had a tightening trend. Before she had reacted, her lips were swept over by the man in front of her eyes. Like a punishment, I bite a few times, then opened her teeth, and the tip of her tongue slipped into her mouth.

The whole room began to heat up.