MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 96

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Shen Chuchu just wanted to turn over this page. After hearing this sentence, the action in his hand stopped. She looked up at Han Xingyan sitting next to her and blinked.

"Why do you suddenly want to know?"

Han Xingyan touched Shen Chuchu's hair and took her shoulders. She took a deep breath of her hair and said: "I don't want to know, just confirm if you really said this. ""

Shen Chuchu held the arm of Han Xingyan and asked, "What have I said, what have I said before?"

Han Xingyan thought for a moment, with a deep meaning: "Hey, if you really know, I am very happy. At least we are together, indicating that we have a right?"

Han Xingyan thought that since the girlfriend knows who his future wife is, he is still with him. So, does this mean that the girlfriend is his future wife?

After listening to this explanation, Shen Chuchu laughed and said: "Yes, right, you are right." Then he looked at Han Xingyan and said: "No matter what you say, I don't. I will tell you. Because this is a secret."

Han Xingyan was stunned by this eye. He bowed his head and covered the seductive lips, and his tongue stretched out. In the mood of confusion, Shen Chuchu pointed to the bedroom.

Han Xingyan took her to the bed in the bedroom.

This night, for some people, is another pleasant evening. Shen Chuchu felt that this happy mixed with pain, Han Xingyan did not know where to learn from, and recently a lot of tricks.

If she had not practiced a dance for a while and had learned some martial arts moves, she felt that she was really unable to stand up.

At the end of the day, she was really tired and couldn't open her eyes. She didn't even know when Han Xingyan went to bathe her and wear pajamas. Until she woke up and looked at the scratches on the muscles of the other white flowers, she remembered how crazy she was last night.

"Wake up?" A **** and hoarse voice was uploaded overhead.

Shen Chuchu heard this voice but his face was red, and he said with a sullen voice: "Well."

"Would you like to sleep again?"

"What time is it?" Shen Chuchu felt that it should not be early, but it was not sure what time it was.

"9:50." Han Xingyan said, "Let's sleep for a while, then I will cook for a while."

Shen Chuchu’s doubt: "Don’t you go to work?"

Han Xingyan smiled and said: "Chu Chu, today is the weekend."

Shen Chuchu said: "Oh, forget it."

When Han Xingyan wanted to get up, Shen Chuchu looked at the muscles of Han Xingyan and thought about the touch of last night. He couldn’t help but reach out and touched it.

As a result, if you don't touch it, the muscles under your hands will become harder.

Han Xingyan saw this and did not rush to get up. He sent himself forward and asked, "I am satisfied?"

Shen Chuchu felt the body change of Han Xingyan. He listened to Han Xingyan’s dangerous voice and immediately covered his head with a quilt. The nervous way: "Satisfied with satisfaction, you can get up soon. I am hungry."

Han Xingyan gently rip the quilt on the head of Shen Chuchu, and asked: "Hungry?"

Shen Chuchu began to pretend to be pitiful. "Well, hungry, hungry. You can cook well."

Han Xingyan shook his head helplessly, kissed his cheek and said: "Good. See how I clean you up at night."

Said, just got up. Shen Chuchu was a little scared and took a picture of his chest. He thought that the man was a wolf in the morning and he was still a hungry wolf.

It’s already twelve o'clock after dinner.

There are still two days to go to the audition. This script has been known by Shen Chuchu for many times. And when it was okay, he also played against Wang Qian.

Han Xingyan said: "Isn't that you can't choose? Why do you still have to work like this?" He looked at his girlfriend's hard work and it was really a bit of a distress.

Shen Chuchu shook his head and said: "Whether you can choose, you have to give the director a good impression. The opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. What if the director has a suitable role for me?" ”

Han Xingyan nodded and said: "Well. Our family is the best."

After listening to it, Shen Chuchu kissed the cheek of Han Xingyan and said, "Well, thank you. But, please trouble me to give me another show today."

This is Han Xingyan’s most recent sinful thing. He heard Shen Chuchu say this and his face changed.

Shen Chuchu knows that Han Xingyan does not like to do this thing, but at this time there is no suitable person around, she continues to plead: "Well, is it good?"

Han Xingyan bowed his head and glanced at the script. He said, "Is the content on this script all played again?"

Shen Chuchu nodded and said: "Yeah."

Han Xingyan happily promised to come down and said: "Okay."

The previous content was tortured by Han Xingyan. He played it one by one, and finally, it was the last scene.

As a result, I heard Shen Chuchu said: "Call, I feel that it is okay this time, better than the last time."

Han Xingyan asked in confusion: "Well? End?"

Shen Chuchu ridiculed the road: "Why, is the total meaning of Han still unfinished?"

Han Xingyan licked his lips and pointed to a road: "There is not a scene behind, how can it not be played?"

Shen Chuchu looked at Han Xingyan’s gaze and saw the phrase “They both fell on the sofa, lingering overnight” and their faces were red and red. Holding the script and playing Han Xingyan, said: "Han, what are you thinking about in your mind. There will be no such scene when auditioning."

Han Xingyan licked his lips and looked at Shen Chuchu with a burning look. He said: "Chu Chu, you have to be dedicated."

As he said, the more he got closer to Shen Chuchu, the two people were tired on the sofa for a while.

The satisfied Han Xingyan said: "This scene does not appear in the audition. In the future, such a scene cannot appear in the film."

Shen Chuchu thought, Zhou Dao is not shooting three / level / film, certainly can not shoot this limited level of the picture.

Two days later, Shen Chuchu took Wang Qian to the location of the audition.

Fortunately, the location of the audition is in the Imperial Capital, so it is not used to go back.

After that, a few actresses have come to the audience. Everyone looked at each other and greeted each other with a faint sigh.

Then, Chu Chuchu found the problem inside. It seems that the actors are big and small, and some female stars are even smaller than her. They are students at the School of Film. And some female stars are already thirty or forty years old.

And the people they were assigned to were all auditioning the heroine.

Shen Chuchu suddenly had a conjecture in her heart, but it was not yet final, so she was not sure.

Soon, there was one thing that verified the conjecture in Shen Chuchu’s heart. Because someone came over to group them, the younger wave was assigned to group A, and the older wave was assigned to group B.

Looking at the female stars in Group A, Shen Chuchu suddenly felt that she did not seem to be hopeless.

The female stars in Group B are basically domestic first-line or internationally famous superstars. The actors in their group A are mostly very young. However, although there are some young children, there are also some child stars. Strength should not be underestimated.

Soon, the audition began. A group of a total of 5 people, Shen Chuchu pumped to the 4th.

Group A will be auditioned first, and group A and other groups will be auditioned after the end. Although the director arranged this way, none of the big cafés at the scene had any opinions.

After an hour, I finally got to Chu Chu.

After entering, there were four people sitting inside, except that she was seen on TV in the middle of the week, and no one else knew it.

After fixing the gods, Shen Chuchu began to introduce himself. Then, he began to act according to the scene specified by the director.

"You come to the mood when you meet someone who is in love, and then play the mood of a boyfriend who is in love."

Shen Chuchu thought that the director would directly examine the contents of the script when auditioning. I did not expect such basic skills. After ten seconds of preparation, Shen Chuchu began to perform.

When you see someone who is in love, the heart is like a deer slamming, jumping straight, and also concealing the fluctuations in your heart, not letting others see it. To be honest, this performance is a bit difficult for Shen Chuchu. She has never secretly loved someone, only by her own imagination.

The second act is relatively simple, and Shen Chuchu directly substituted into Han Xingyan, naturally acting like a flowing nature.

Zhou did not say anything after watching it, nodded, and then let her play a content on the script.

This scene is a story that happened between the female host and her first boyfriend in college. Upon hearing the director's request, Shen Chuchu made a certain point. This drama probably requires two people to play the role of the female lord. The key point is that after the accident, it should be placed in the society. Their group A should be the female host of the young.

In this way, Shen Chuchu relaxed instead. This scene also performed smoothly.

Until the end of Shen Chuchu's performance, the director still did not say anything.

Shen Chuchu smiled and bowed to the judges, then went out.

The next step is to go back and wait for the news. To be honest, when she first entered the audition room, she still felt some hope. But after seeing Zhou’s expression, she felt that hope was not too big.

Although this result may be somewhat unpleasant, it is a bit more experience. Now she has more than 70 points in her acting skills, and the rest may be that her image is not very consistent.

Thinking of this, Shen Chu Chu left with Wang Qian.

After sitting in the nanny car, Shen Chuchu saw that the parking lot seemed to have a familiar actress, she was pulling with a strange man. The man even bowed his head and kissed the actress. Shen Chuchu was thinking about whether or not to help, and found that the actress hugged the man's neck. Then the two people quickly released, but only ten seconds before and after.

Wang Qian and Shen Chuchu face each other, Shen Chuchu only found his voice for a long time, said: "Do not talk after going out, just do not see."

Wang Qianmuran nodded and said: "Well, I won't talk about it, and even if I say it, I don't necessarily believe it."

Shen Chuchu thought, indeed. After all, the actress has her husband and children.

Read The Duke's Passion