MTL - I Am A Matchmaker on Taobao-Chapter 98

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Until Han Xingyan returned home, Shen Chuchu did not withdraw from the excitement of the afternoon.

"What's the matter, is there any good news for going to the company today?" Han Xingyan asked for the hair of Shen Chuchu.

Shen Chuchu took a kiss with his sister and said: "I was chosen by Zhou."

Han Xingyan smiled and said: "Well, our family is very good, it was normal to be chosen."

Shen Chuchu said with excitement: "It’s Zhou’s guide, that person is Zhou Gui. And it’s not a supporting role, it’s the protagonist!”

Han Xingyan was surprised to hear this. The previous audition of Shen Chuchu was told to him. When he tried it, he was not the protagonist of the test. Now it has become the protagonist?

"I heard that it is a double female master." Shen Chuchu answered the doubts for Han Xingyan.

Han Xingyan smiled and said: "Well, congratulations, Chu Chu."

"Thank you."


Soon, the contract was signed. Next, be prepared to take a set of makeup photos. Moreover, it is necessary to prepare suitable costumes for Shen Chuchu and Chen Yi.

On the day of filming the makeup photo, Shen Chuchu saw Chen Yi, who was full of smiles, saying: "I am very good."

Chen Yi smiled full of deep meaning: "Hello."

Shen Chuchu felt that Chen Yi’s attitude towards her was a bit strange, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen her or offended her.

Part of the makeup photo, Shen Chuchu alone, part of Chen Yi's separate photo, but more time is a photo of two people together. In order to form a stark contrast, the clothes style of the two people and the makeup of the whole person are very different.

In the gap between the shootings, Chen Yi said with emotion: "Hey, it’s like being a ten-year-old is a century old. It’s not good to be old."

Shen Chuchu said: "No, my sister is still so young and beautiful."

"It’s not too beautiful to be younger than you."

After taking a break, I continued to shoot. At the moment of the filming, the two men hugged. Shen Chuchu heard Chen Yi whispering in her ear: "It was your nanny car in the parking lot that day?"

After Shen Chuchu listened, the whole person was stunned.

Chen Yi is like a singular person, saying: "The little girl is working hard, I am optimistic about you." Then she left with a smile.

Next, the crew began to advertise on the Internet.

Love and Marriage Movie V: After a lapse of ten years, Zhou Dao once again filmed art films. Love is beautiful, it is desirable, and it is full of hope. Marriage is a reality, it is a dazzling, it is a retreat. How should we face love and marriage? Let these two beautiful actresses tell you. @陈仪@沈楚楚 [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]

This official announcement caused a small fluctuation.

"Wow! It’s so good, it’s so good, it’s working with Zhou’s guide, and sprinkling flowers and flowers [happy]”

"I look forward to Zhou's work, I believe it will not be disappointing, I hope to be released earlier [托腮]"

"Chen Yi's acting didn't have to be said, but who is the actor behind, I haven't heard it, can you shoot it? [suspicious]"

"Shen Chuchu can actually shoot Zhou's works? This resource is really against the sky, to say that no one is helping her behind, I don't believe it. Maybe the previous news is true. [Shut up]"

Someone replied immediately after this comment.

"What broke the news, why don't I know? [Question]"

"I don't believe what is being fostered. I don't believe it. She is a newcomer to the media. It is normal to get such resources, and I think her acting is still online, at least better than those traffic." ”

"Agree with the upstairs, the newcomers to the media, what kind of resources are not, have you forgotten the newcomers who have been more aggressive in the past, but the star has not been taken up."

Shen Chuchu read these comments is also very embarrassing.

Chen Xili comforted: "Don't care about the comments on the Internet. I don't care about the previous anecdote. Your best bet is to take a good movie, as long as you come to the show and get the award. Later, netizens will mention who you are with. You will not say that you are in possession. On the contrary, they will say that you are in love."

These principles are also well understood, but things really involve themselves, and it will inevitably turn to bend.

Although there are still two or three months from the start of the new show, Chen Xili did not receive too many notices for Shen Chuchu at this time. It’s useful to shoot this movie more than any more announcements.

Their media is indeed like the netizens said, there is no shortage of resources. Each actor has a different positioning. Therefore, they will not arbitrarily arrange some shoddy dramas for the actors, nor will they give the actors too many small advertisements that are very profitable but have no effect on the development of the actors. They are always on the high-end route, the quality route.

Three months later, the film "Love and Marriage" was about to start shooting.

This play is also very interesting.

Shen Chuchu is the young version of An Ru, but it is not a pure young version. She is the An Ru, who is full of illusions about love in all periods and full of hope. And Chen Yi is playing the role of An Ru, a marriage problem, and the future of the future.

If it is described from a literary point of view, it is a romantic style and a realism style.

Therefore, when they are filming, they will have the same scenes and blending places.

To be honest, when Shen Chuchu saw the complete script for the first time, there was a very confusing feeling. This kind of cross-over scene, she thinks that if the average director came to shoot, she would doubt the final result.

However, this person is a guide, so everything seems so reasonable.

Although Shen Chuchu did not know how Zhou Zhi finally arranged the plot in the end, Shen Chuchu believed that Zhou can handle it well.

The first scene was filmed at the entrance of S University. Because the actors are all in order, the words of this scene are not only to be filmed here, but Chen Yi will also shoot in the same scene.

This drama is different for Shen Chuchu, and the pressure on her body is very large. These pressures come from the online and the expectations of the fans. On the one hand, they are cultivated by the company, and on the other hand, the most important thing is from themselves.

Such a good opportunity, she also wants to take good care of it. Grasping this opportunity, maybe she will have a flying capital.

However, Shen Chuchu, who was still quite satisfied with his own shooting, after seeing Chen Yi’s shooting, the whole heart calmed down. Every time Chen Yi’s frowns, every subtle movement is like a textbook. Add more, then reduce the feeling of less.

She sat there quietly and motionless, watching Chen Yi filming without blinking.

Chen Yi has already played, and Shen Chuchu is still pondering some of her details.

"What do you want to stay, little girl." Chen Yi’s voice called Shen Chuchu back.

Shen Chuchu looked at Chen Yi in front of her eyes and said seriously: "Yi sister, you are acting very well."

Chen Yi blinked her eyes and her chin lifted slightly, indicating that she was looking at the director. "It’s really good to play well. You wait, maybe the director is not satisfied with the scene, but I have to shoot again."

Shen Chuchu asked in confusion: "Why, the director just didn't call the card." She was called twice, and Chen Yi was obviously very smooth this time.

Chen Yi said: "We are very good at this week. And, the week-oriented is the flow of feeling, has its own standards. I also worked with him before, so I can touch a little. Hey, it hasn't been for a long time. I have cooperated with Zhou, and I have not entered that state."

Shen Chuchu was surprised to say what he wanted to say. The result was that a staff member came over to Chen Yi.

"Chen Yi, Zhou Dao called you a trip."

Chen Yi shrugged at Shen Chuchu, a pair of long-awaited appearance, said: "Look, I will know."

Shen Chuchu sent Chen Yi to the side of Zhou, and several people gathered in front of the camera and did not know what to say. After a while, the director informed the crew to make up the makeup for Chen Yi, and the scene was just taken again.

This time, Shen Chuchu saw it more seriously. Then she found out that Chen Yi’s action seemed to be less “standard”, but it felt like something more, and it seemed to feel more.

Soon, Chen Yi was finished. After the filming, she did not return to the place of rest, and went straight to find the guide. I saw Zhou Xing smiled and nodded, and the two talked a few more words. Then Chen Yicai walked back briskly.

Shen Chuchu saw that Chen Yi’s so good scene was asked to re-shoot. She began to worry that she would just ask for rework when she just shot.

Chen Yi said: "It should not be for the time being, but it will not be easy to say in the future."

Looking at the appearance of Shen Chuchu's face, Chen Yi smiled and continued: "Zhou is more refined, it is possible that you will improve his performance behind, and he will ask you to take a photo of the front. Or when the filming is over, he is If you are not satisfied when you watch the film, you will call you back to retake the film."

Shen Chuchu took a few plays, and for the first time met such a serious director. However, she thought that Zhou has never had a bad show in her hands, and she is very respectful to Zhou.

“Well, Zhou is a serious and responsible director.”

Chen Yi heard Shen Chuchu's evaluation of Zhou Dao and laughed out. After laughing for a while, said: "It makes sense. I used to pick up the laurels after a movie by Zhou. This time I want to make another award. So, little girl, we are very lucky. Ok, work hard."

Shen Chuchu nodded after listening to it.

However, looking at the singularly swaying Chen Yi, Shen Chu can not see that she had just finished the first marriage. To be honest, when Chen Yi filmed, she saw the pink heart on her head quite surprised.

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