MTL - I Am God!-Chapter 533 : Monsters 1 and Floating City

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under the altar of life.

Yin raised his head and looked at the Earth Witch: "Who are you?"

Earth Witch: "I am the Earth Witch Meter."

Yin stared at the body of the Earth Witch, and she also noticed the abnormal state of Meter's body just now: "Why is your body..."

The Earth Witch said, "This is not my real body, Silver."

"When the life species reaches the third level, it can condense its own life template."

"At the fourth level, you can get the law of life from the gods, which is also the power of Ruhe Yin."

"My life template is a tree, the place where I bury my roots, where I can condense a brand new body at any time."

"This is the ability possessed by the fourth level. When you become a real witch, you will also have it."

"And I arrived here before you came here, and I was the first witch to come here."

The earth witch didn't say that she brought back the eye of Luhe's mark.

Since then, the birth of a witch seed has been much simpler.

As long as it reaches the threshold above the ground, it can be directly transformed into a life seed and a god-like form.

Yin did not ask this question again, but asked: "You said, God is not there?"

The earth witch Meter approached from under the altar a little bit, approaching Yin.

"It's the Death Star giant who isn't here."

"The seven Ruhe gods make up this continent, the back garden of the ruler of life."

"They are transformed into the boundless sky, the vast land, the endless desert, the ocean and the river, as well as the volcanoes and jungle vegetation in the center of the earth."

"On the ground, you can also see a part of the giant god's power manifested, which is the forbidden area of ​​death."

"And the Death Star Giant God belongs to the night and the stars, and is also one of the seven forbidden places of death, the Starry Night Mountain Range."

"He is special. He is destined to be the star in the sky, the Lord of the stars who pierces the night sky and the darkness."

Silver: "Where can I find the Death Star giant."

Earth Witch: "I don't know either. The Death Star giant left a long time ago. I heard that the last place he appeared was in the Land of Light."

"I only know that a certain Sky Envoy from the Winged Clan witnessed with his own eyes that the Starry Night Mountain Range turned into a real star. The God of Witch Doctor from the Kingdom of the Creator God appeared in the Starry Night Mountain Range to help and witness him going to the distant outer space. Star World."


"No one knows where he has gone, no one knows where he is now."

"If there is anyone who can know where the Death Star giant is, it may only be the God of Witch Doctor from the God of Creation Kingdom!"

Silver: "God of witch doctor?"

She had never heard of this god.

The earth witch Meter repeated: "They are myths that follow the supreme gods, and they are also one of the oldest gods."

"If you want to know where the Death Star giants have gone, only they can tell you."

"And what they are best at is healing and restoration. If you want to save the people in Astrology City, only they can do it."

The earth witch Meter can know everything that happened on this island, she is the eye of the giant god.

However, this kind of knowledge does not mean that she can receive all the information from the mainland all the time, but that she can explore every corner of Ruhe Giant Island anytime and anywhere, and even look back at some past pictures.

Therefore, she was able to know Yin's name and what happened to Yin and the Starlight Penance Society before.

Yin understood something: "I see."

After finishing speaking, she turned around without saying a word, and was about to leave to find the witch doctor god.

But the earth witch stopped her: "Wait a minute."

"The astrologers of the Starlight Ascetic Order brought you here, not to let you leave just by looking at it."

Yin turned around and said, "I still have to do it."

what? "

The Earth Witch also turned around, looking at the tall altar of life behind her, her expression changed slightly.

"On the earth, no matter whether animals or plants are inseparable from the sun, they need the power of the sun to thrive."

"And this altar is the sun in another sense for all life species. Unless you can directly receive the gift of the master of life and the seven Ruhe giant gods, this is the place where the power of life species grows the fastest."

The earth witch asked Yin to step forward and get closer.

Silver did as well, and walked directly to her side.

The two stood side by side, looking up at the aberrant eye from above.


"At the third level, the life species will undergo a very important change."

"The Altar of Life will help you complete this transformation."

"It's not easy for you to come here, and you have proved yourself."

"Only when the body arrives here and directly connects with the Altar of Life, can it receive the power of the Altar of Life."

"If you don't seize this opportunity, it will be difficult next time."

The Earth Witch seemed very optimistic about Yin becoming the Witch of the Stars, so she said a few more words.

"It's useless for you to be anxious about some things. You can stay here for a while, break through the third level, and then directly accumulate enough strength to break through the fourth level."

"In this way, when you see the death star giant **** recognized, you can directly become a witch."

"In this world, only with power can you do what you want to do and protect the existence you want to protect."

The eyes of Luhe's seal pick out the witch seeds, which will be directly transformed into life seeds.

The next step is to accumulate strength and the approval of the giant god.

If other witch seeds come here, they can immediately meet the giant god, and if they are recognized, they can become a real witch.

But only the Death Star is different.

The Death Star is no longer on the giant island of Luhe, but has gone to the depths of the starry sky.

However, this does not mean that Yin's trip was in vain. The importance of the life altar to the life species is beyond doubt, and the seeds that have not yet become witches will receive the greatest gift here.

Just after the earth witch finished speaking, a change occurred on the altar of life.


The beads on the altar emitted a strong light, illuminating the entire capital of life and family.

The Earth Witch is just a clone here, only feeling a warmth enveloping her, raised her head involuntarily, and closed her eyes.

But Yin, who was standing under the altar of life, clearly felt that his body was undergoing strong changes under the light.

All her cells began to split crazily, a strange power squeezed into every strand of her blood, modifying and even changing her power.

She felt as if she was "older" a lot, and her body was more mature.

If she is irradiated a few more times, she may enter the cycle of reincarnation just like the Son of Ten Thousand Snakes before.

In this way, Yin found a corner under the life altar and lay down. It didn't take long to see layers of black rough grid crystals covering her body, turning her into a statue.

But when Yin turned into a statue, one of her eyes was emitting a slight light.

The Sealed Eye of Naruhe saved Yin's information, and then returned the information when Yin completed her reincarnation.


An underground world covered with fluorescent giant vines.

The son of the sky giant **** who played the role of the cloud layer, changed positions many times back and forth.

The statue under the altar is constantly changing, sometimes turning into a huge stone, sometimes turning into a statue.

this day.

The boulder under the altar of life shook violently.

"Boom boom boom

Boom! "

The stone swayed from side to side, and then slowly broke apart.

From inside, a naked woman stepped out.

Yin felt his body and found that he was completely different from before.

Because her body has been transformed many times, it is no longer the previous body. Now she not only has her own life template, but also has accumulated powerful strength.

From the spine behind Yin suddenly extended one after another that looked like tails and elongated starfish feet.

one by one.

Finally, the dense "tails" bent over and wrapped around Yin, entangled and overlapped together.

When Yin stood up again, she had already turned into a graceful colossus seventy or eighty meters high.

The colossus looked a bit like a stone material, dark and rustic.

But zoom in.

It is all briquette-like holes, like the surface of echinoderms.

And the head, which looks like a helmet, is also inlaid with a starfish-shaped thing.

"Buzz buzz!"

When Yin raised her hand, a star floated beside her, spinning around her and making a sound similar to the sound that the Son of the Death Star had when she appeared.

Silver urges the starlight to go far away, and the huge force pulls everything around it towards where the starlight is.

After simply trying his own strength, Yin unlocked the power of the life template.

The huge body of the colossus shrank back directly, retracting it into Yin's spine, and she regained the appearance of a god.

The Earth Witch appeared again at this time: "Where are you going?"

Silver told her, "Go to the witch doctor god."

Earth Witch: "Do you know how to find the God of Witch Doctor?"

Silver: "I'm going to see where the Death Star giant and the witch doctor **** last appeared."

Earth Witch: "There is a land of light, on the other side of the world, do you know how far it is?"

Silver shook his head.

She doesn't know how far it is, but she knows that no matter how far she will go.

Earth Witch Meter couldn't help showing a wry smile, the Star Witch in front of her was a completely different existence from her.

She couldn't help asking Yin: "You haven't lived in Astrology City for long, it's not your hometown, you don't even know why you became a witch, why you became a witch."


"You want to do this for them, and you are so persistent?"

Yin looked at the Earth Witch: "Because I don't have anything."

The Earth Witch froze for a moment: "?"

This answer seemed to be inconsistent with her previous question.

Yin was still talking, his tone was like a programmed robot.

Yin always makes people feel that her rhythm is out of tune when she speaks, because she is a withdrawn person who is out of tune with him.

"It rained heavily, I have nothing left, and I was walking on the road alone."

"I'm dying."

"The rain stopped, and I saw a big city."

"I went in to find something to eat, but the people in the city didn't drive me away, they even told me."

There was a gleam of light in Gin's eyes, and he said.

"No one will dare to bully you in the future."

"I can eat enough every day."

Yin paused for a long time: "In the end, that city is gone."

She looked into Miter's eyes and told him, "I hate rain, and I hate monsters."

for a moment.

Earth Witch Myrtle vaguely understood Yin's feeling.

Meter didn't ask any more, but pointed to the other direction of the altar and told Yin.

"In the city of Demon Abyss in the endless sand sea, there is a portal that can lead directly to the light

The land where the gods and his apostles may help you, you can try it. "

"Going northeast from here, you can see the spawn of the desert giant."

"Follow them, and you will reach the endless sand sea directly."

When Yin left, Earth Witch Myrtle looked at her back and said.

"Before you become a real witch, there is only so much I can help you with."

"be careful."

"You haven't become a real witch yet, and have been recognized by the giant god."

"Now there are many people who want to get the eye of Ruhe's mark on you, the legacy of the Starlight Penance Order and the gift of the giant god."

Silver asked why, and the Earth Witch told her.

"It is said that the witch doctor gods went to the sky and swore an oath because they were embarking on another path belonging to the true gods. They prayed for another way to become the true gods from the supreme god."

"Now all the gods are ready to move, want to go to the outer space, and compete for the opportunity to become a true god."

"The pumice stone and the gravity stone are the core and key things to establish the kingdom of heaven."

Silver asked the Earth Witch, "Do all the gods want to go to heaven?"

"Even the evil gods of the abyss, that's why they destroyed the city of astrology?"

This is the first time Yin knows the reason for the destruction of Astrology City.

The Earth Witch nodded, but she told Yin.

"However, it is not a bad thing for the gods to leave the world and go to the sky."

"Gods shouldn't live on the earth, with mortals."

"Gods and mortals get too close, and it's a disaster."

She said very seriously.

"The gods should be where the gods should be."

Yin didn't say anything more, she just said thank you to the Earth Witch, and then left without looking back.

Go straight along the east of the capital of the dependents.

There, Silver saw the Sons of Titan who, like the Sons of Earth, took on the form of worms.

But the color is completely different. The strength does not have the thickness and darkness of the earth, but instead has the lightness and agility of sand and wind.

Their movements were much faster than the Sons of the Earth, and they disappeared in front of Yin in the blink of an eye, climbing towards the upper floor.


Yin quickly chased after them, leaping up and covering the gully on their skin.

Just like that, he grabbed the opponent's body, as if he was riding a huge vehicle to the next stop - the endless sand sea.

It is difficult for her to communicate or even order the son of the giant god, and she does not have that authority.

But if you know the destination of the other party, it will be different.


Endless sea of ​​sand.

Demon Abyss King City.

This is a city of gods, and it is also the only ancient city that can be directly seen from the outside world.

It was built by the giant Ruhe desert worm. It once belonged to the second generation of wise king Jesser, but now it has become the royal city of the demon clan.

It is also about to become a kingdom in the sky that rushes to the outside of the world and to the star realm.

In the palace of the demon clan.

The Demon Queen came out of the gloom, and the metal doll walked to the gate of the palace, when it crossed the line between light and shadow.

Her body suddenly transformed, from a puppet to a god-like form.

The outline of the eyebrows and eyes looks somewhat similar to that of Elena, the God of Demon Spirits.

Outside, the Demon King and Ray are waiting for her.

After the Demon King went forward and said a few words, Lei Cai and the Demon Queen nodded.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty the Queen."

"You have finally become an apostle."

Although Lei has become an apostle, he still maintains the habit of being a priest.

very respectful.

However, it seemed that the Demon Queen who became an apostle did not feel much joy.

"Innate talent is not enough. The goddess gave me strength many times before I crossed this threshold."

"There is no way to compare with Lei, who directly became an apostle."

It is really rare to be born with apostolic talent.

However, with the changes of the times, the number of apostles who were once cherished has gradually increased, and there are many apostles walking in the world under the sect of each god.

Some are naturally gifted, and some are created by the gifts of the gods to those favored by the gods.

It's just that there are still only a few who can be selected as God's Chosen. Gods can also be said to be cautious when selecting members and followers of the gods.

Lei said: "Ms. Elena and the Kingdom of Heaven need all of us to create together. Her Majesty the Queen can make a breakthrough at this time. I think the teacher will be very happy."

Demon Queen: "I also hope to be able to contribute to the establishment of the kingdom of heaven."

She looked at Lei and said, "After all, we can't always watch. Lady Elena and Lei are going forward for us."

Ray laughed, and the three of them walked outside together.

Following the light to a high place, the three of them looked into the distance together.

At this moment, it can be seen that the entire Demon Abyss King City outside is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Originally, the Moyuan King City was directly chiseled by giant gods, and it was a whole colossus in itself, rather than the scattered objects assembled like building blocks like ordinary buildings.

From a certain level, it is suitable for transformation into a kingdom of God.

And now.

Every corner of the entire Demon Abyss King City was engraved with a ritual array.

All the key positions of the core have been modified and replaced, and magic tools have been used.

"Hurry up, we need to draw a ritual array here." A large number of demons on the city wall are drawing a ritual array. When they are drawing a ritual array, they are still driving their own magic equipment; it is a kind of worm-like The magic equipment, adsorbed on the wall, can create a qualified ritual pattern when walking over it.

"Come on, be careful." There is a heavy object hanging under the magic airship in the sky, pull it out from the ground little by little, and there is also a magic airship on the other side to transport the materials from a high place and place them on the platform above.

"And here, there is a place reserved for magic equipment." The spider-shaped magic equipment waved its spider legs and climbed along the wall to a high place. Each spider leg can also be transformed into claws, hooks, chisels, hammers, etc. They are carrying out the overall repair and transformation work. Many original building shapes are still preserved, but they have to be replaced with magic tools and embedded on them.

"This place is divided into the queen's section, and the queen's Vientiane magic equipment will be placed here. Please be careful, don't be careless!" Some metal puppet monsters ran past and saw someone playing with magic equipment, and they immediately shouted. shouted.

The entire Moyuan King City is like a large construction site, and all the demon spirits are busy with work.

This battle seems to be to transform the entire Moyuan King City into a magic tool.

This is no longer a magical equipment of the level of the Vientiane magic equipment, but a magic equipment of the mythical level.

The Vientiane magic tool is based on the fourth-order demon spirits, with multiple demon spirits, inlaid with multiple props, and connected with the whole by ritual array patterns.

And the structure of this mythical magic equipment is even more terrifying and complicated.

It is centered on the mythical props, the Pyramid of Demon Spirits, divided into multiple Vientiane magic equipment, and fused together with more magic equipment and thousands of demon spirits.

In the end, the realm of the Kingdom of God merged with it, creating a behemoth.

It has to be said that the Demon Spirit Clan has a talent that other powerful people do not have in creating such super-large extraordinary items.

All the gods are building their own kingdoms in the sky, but the progress of the demon family is the fastest.

Looking at the Demon King City, which has been gradually remodeled after many years, the Demon King, Demon Queen and Lei's eyes showed anticipation.

"Our kingdom in heaven."

"Magic Floating Void City!"

"I really want to see how it flies to the sky one day earlier."

The three of them watched for a while, and then came to the Pyramid of Demon Spirits.

In the Temple of Insai.

Elena, the **** of demon spirits, was looking at a projection floating in mid-air.

That is the blueprint of the Demon Floating Void City. The projection alone has a length, width and height of tens of meters, and the design of the details makes one's scalp tingle.

This was not designed by Elena alone, it was gradually perfected after Elena, Lei and a large number of demons under construction continuously raised questions and opinions.

After seeing the three of them approaching, Elena turned around.

As soon as she waved her hand, she saw a box floating in front of the Demon Queen.

"This is a gift from me."

The Demon Queen put it away carefully, her face didn't fluctuate, but she couldn't hide her joyful eyes.

"Master Elena, thank you for your gift."

The two came from the same family, and they were both crisp and quick people.

A short conversation and gift giving ended the celebration of being promoted to apostle.

Elena, the **** of demon spirits, pointed to the unfinished part on the blueprint, and then continued.

"God Iva has sent people. Hundreds of alchemists will arrive at Demon Abyss King City to help us complete the next construction plan of the floating city."

"To complete our plan, we need to refine a large amount of materials and manufacture magical props."

"If they come, it can be said that they will help us a lot."

The Demon King asked: "I heard that the God of Desire and Alchemy also wants to turn the Miracle Sky Garden into a real sky garden, and it has already started."

This meant that at this moment, why did the God of Desire and Alchemy still send someone to help them? They couldn't do it themselves.

Elena said to the three of them: "Although He sent people to help, on the one hand, he wanted to see how the floating city of our demon clan was built, so that he could build His sky garden."

"On the other hand, they are refining materials, and there are too many people making props. On the contrary, it is transportation and construction and transformation, which greatly slowed down the plan of Sky Garden."

Once Elena said this, the three of them understood.

Elena immediately arranged the task: "The three of you will make arrangements next, and also send some demons over there to help them complete the trivial matters of transportation and construction."

This can be regarded as reciprocity, and it is beneficial to both parties, so the three immediately agreed.

Elena looked at the blueprint and erased the refining materials and props.

In this case, the basic main body work is almost done.

Now, we are waiting for the transformation of the entire Moyuan King City to be completed, and for another more critical thing.

At this time, Lei said something like this: "The main body of the floating city is completed, and then we need a larger gravity stone, and a larger floating stone."

"at last."

"It is also necessary to master the method of manipulating the two forces of gravity and buoyancy."

Simple gravity stones and pumice stones can't create the heavenly kingdom they want.

Only when the power of the two is combined into one is the core power that creates the kingdom of heaven.

However, the world has not yet found a way to refine the Heavenly Stone, and most people have never even heard of the name Heavenly Stone.

Demon King: "The Starlight Penance Society has been destroyed directly, and the Salvation Society is also in fierce competition now. It is said that they are nurturing their destined son, and I don't know what is going on."

Queen of Demons: "I have seen Lei's gravity stone and floating stone, and tried many times, but these two forces completely interact with each other or even oppose each other, and cannot be controlled."

All three of them looked worried, and even Lei, who was always optimistic, didn't know what to do.

Elena, the **** of demon spirits, was not in a hurry, she looked back at the three of them.

"What's the rush?"

"The Creator has opened the door to the outer space for us, then fate has already doomed everything to appear naturally."

"All we have to do is prepare and welcome the next era."


Endless sea of ​​sand.

Some inconspicuous corner.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the world of boundless yellow sand, several dome mobile magic vehicles lined up, loaded with heavy cargo.

However, these giant egg shell mobile magic vehicles are different from the monsters' giant egg mobile stores that are occasionally seen on the mainland.

If those monster mobile stores run on the plains all year round, they will be equipped with wheels.

If it is a demon spirit who has traveled mountains and mountains all year round, and has a lot of money.

Generally, it will be equipped with mechanical feet and stabilizing devices. It can not only run on the mountain, but also climb over the city wall, parkour in the city, and hang upside down on the rock wall, and run as you want.

This kind looks handsome and powerful, especially once conflicts and battles occur, its combat ability is very strong.

The only downside is that it's expensive.

Of course, there is still some pride, just wave your hand, load the two modes together, and run as you want.

And these giant egg mobile magic vehicles are equipped with crawlers, and they run very fast in the desert.

The mobile magic vehicle was running, and suddenly slowed down slowly. It seemed that something went wrong.

"No, no, no, my power is exhausted, so I have to replace it with you." It turned out that it was the demon spirit driving the magic vehicle inside. The power was exhausted and he couldn't run anymore. Although the magic equipment itself had some energy storage, it took a long time It is not enough to consume, and most of the time needs the power of the demon family itself.

"You're too weak, you just ran away for a while, I'll come." Another demon looked at the demon in the driver's seat with contempt, pushed him aside and sat on it.

"Today there are too many things, too heavy." The demon said unconvinced.

"Kang, bang, bang." Soon, the convoy of mobile magic equipment started to accelerate again, heading towards the Moyuan King City.

However, what I didn't expect was that there was a loud noise on the way.


I only saw a phenomenon like a fountain suddenly appearing in the sand sea not far away.

However, it is not water that is sprayed out, but sand.

The sand spouted tens of meters high, which was quite spectacular.

The demon spirits driving the magic equipment stopped immediately and looked at the situation in the distance.

"what is that?"

"what happened?"

In the boundless dark and narrow area, the silver quickly passed through the sand layer, and finally squeezed out from the sand.

Soon, she emerges from a narrow space into a vast expanse of world.

The long-lost sun fell from the sky and shone on her.

"Human?" A flame demon looked into the distance and saw Yin's shadow.

"It's not a human, look more clearly, it's in the shape of a god." There are no kite monsters in the convoy, all are clay pot monsters and flame monsters, and the leader is an ancient metal puppet monster, in order to see more clearly I could only climb onto the roof of the dome mobile magic vehicle.

"Good guy, where did the apostle come from?" The demons were indeed startled when they saw a god-like figure erupting from the sand, but after a closer look, they found that it was definitely not a god, so it could only be an apostle.

"How did an apostle emerge from the sand?" Although the demon clan respected the apostles, they did not regard them as gods like ordinary mortals.

They just watched and didn't lean over.

Yin supported the yellow sand and slowly stood up.

Suddenly appearing under the sun, she was not used to it, and was stunned for a long time.

Looking at the boundless yellow sand sea of ​​sand, she knew that she had traveled underground with the descendant of the desert giant for several months, and finally came to

The destination is the endless sand sea.

Look around.

She saw a strange object in the distance, a group of even more strange intelligent creatures standing on a dome-like vehicle, looking at her curiously.

Yin stepped forward, stood under the dome mobile magic vehicle and asked them.

"Do you know where the Demon King City is?"

The demons looked at each other.

This guy asks the demon clan if they know where the Demon Abyss King City It's like asking someone if you remember the location of your home.

They don't know if this guy really doesn't know, or is just pretending to be stupid.

The leader demon and his companion looked at each other, and then asked Yin: "Do you want a ride?"

Yin looked at the carts of these strange creatures, although he was a little surprised that their carts were so big and there were no pack animals to pull them.

But it can be felt that this should be something similar to props, with extraordinary fluctuations on it.


Listening to the other party's answer, they not only know about Moyuan King City, but they still want to go there.

So Yin sat on it and entered the dome full of goods.

The convoy started quickly and headed towards Moyuan King City in a shaky state.

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