MTL - I Am God!-Chapter 614 : The Sealed Coffin of Ackermanmon, Lord of the Ghouls

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On the way to the main hall of the Temple of Truth, Osis has been thinking about the reasons why the sages are looking for themselves.

Sages rarely take the initiative to meet someone, and they meet formally in the temple, which sounds like they want to tell him something very important.

While meditating, the Clover who was walking in front suddenly turned around and asked Osis. "King Osis, what have you been doing lately?"

"Is there anything you want to do in the human world?"

Osis raised his head and said after a trance, "I've been thinking, if I can go back to the city of God's descent, I'm going to get back the Crown of Sheinsay."

The man was very shocked and asked, "Is it really possible?"

He thought for a while and then asked: "I remember, the crown of Siyin Sai should be in the Palace of Wisdom!"

The Palace of Wisdom here is not the one that belonged to King Laidlich, which had already collapsed in the time of King Laedlich in ancient times. The one built by the city.

The Heinsay crown here is also a crown made later, but it also has a very special meaning for the Sanye people.

Osis: "I don't know either, let's try it. Hasn't Lady An Li entered Anjo City and the Ice Temple?"

The man nodded: "Unfortunately, there is no more Heinsay."

Osis: "But some things are better taken back."

That person: "We can only do this. Looking at the past, we finally have something to think about, isn't it?"

The man smiled helplessly, but Osis couldn't.

After a while, they walked into the Temple of Truth.

Osis entered the temple alone, but he didn't see the shadow of the sage. His eyes searched for a while, and the voice came from the side.


Osis walked over there, went all the way to the innermost part, and saw a ritual altar.

The altar of flesh and blood, and an egg enshrined on it.

Osis didn't take a closer look, thinking it was the former three-leaf seed.

He saw the red-haired **** standing under the steps of the altar of flesh and blood, looking up at the top of the altar, so he went forward to salute, and Vivien asked him at this time.

"see it?"

Only at this moment did Osis follow Vivien's line of sight, and saw that the "Seed of Three Leaves" on the altar was a bit different.

"The seed of three leaves, how is it the same as before..."

Halfway through the speech, Osis' expression changed.

"No, that's not a three-leaf seed."

He couldn't help but took two steps forward, but then denied it again.

"No, no, no, it's Mitsuha."

"That is…"

Osis looked at Vivien, as if he wanted to know the answer from her mouth, with disbelief and anticipation in his eyes.

Vivien turned her head, looked at Osis and nodded, and gave the answer he was expecting. "It's the egg of the Clover."

Osis opened his mouth wide, and seemed to have a thousand words to say for a moment, but he didn't know which one to say.

He looked at the egg on the altar again, and seemed to feel that it was emitting a holy light.

After a while, he asked blankly. When he asked, his eyes were still attracted by the offerings on the altar, and his eyeballs remained motionless.

"How did you do it?"

"How could it be possible to recreate the Sanye man, the Sanye man was created by the Creator Insai."

Vivien said, "It's not about recreating, it's about retrieving."

"With the help of the power of the dominant god."

Vivien walked up and said as she walked.

"The mother of life has a special glass jar, which contains a world, which is used by the ruler to deduce and verify new species. One day outside is equal to one hundred thousand years inside."

"Breman entered the world in the vat, and spent more than a million years successfully finding the only one in countless attempts.

Chance. "

"The three leaf people who planted life, returned to their ancestors and became the three leaf people who planted wisdom."

Osis: "Over a million years, countless times?"

Vivien nodded: "Yes."

Vivien walked to the top, and she carefully stroked the three-leaf human egg. The ceremony of the altar of flesh and blood started, and soon the altar recreated a brand new egg. It is the most difficult to create something from scratch, but it is not difficult for Vivien to copy a ready-made one.

Vivien asked Osis to come up: "Take a look?"

Osis stepped up and took it: "No blood?"

Vivien nodded: "That's why I summoned you here. I remember that your body is still in the city of God's Descend. The fairy in the lake, the barter messenger, once said this, so it shouldn't be wrong."

Osis understood Vivien's thoughts: "Take out my divine blood and integrate it into this brand new three-leaf human egg, and a new three-leaf human will be born, and I will bring him back."

Vivien: "This is the most direct approach and the simplest."

"But besides that, you have another choice."

Vivien looked at Osis, and asked in a questioning tone.

"You can also choose to become the three-leaf people of the intelligent species again, and then follow An Li to a new future."

"One, a future that is different from the previous era."

Osis asked: "Has Breman found a way to change from beings to beings?"

Vivien nodded: "The only known way to change from a living species to a wise species is to deposit the power of the two through aberrations."

"Thereby depriving the power of life and depositing the power of wisdom in it."

"After Breman entered the world in the tank, a super-large distortion was born by chance, and it took hundreds of thousands of years to fully release its power."

"We don't need to create such a large aberration, we only need a small one, so the time for precipitation will be shortened."

Vivien had already figured out how to do it, but it also required determination.

"Find your former body, and then you will become one and become a deformed body."

"Manipulate it to gradually precipitate and split, and you can become a species of wisdom again."

"It's not without risks, and it will also take time."

Vivien handed the clover egg to Osis, and said to him.

"How to do it, you can figure it out yourself."

Osis looked at the three-leaf human egg in front of him, and suddenly felt another crossroads in his life reappeared in front of him.

It's like when he once stood in front of the Wisdom Palace to accept the coronation.

Taking over the clover's egg is like taking over a crown from a sage.


There is still more than that.

He felt that at this moment, he should laugh and take it with confidence, and then said that he would complete the task satisfactorily, and would accomplish such a brilliant thing, so that the Sanye people and Xiyin Sai could reappear in the world.

But I don't know why, but I can't say anything.

Maybe it's because he is no longer as confident and optimistic as he used to be. He knows how difficult the world is and how cruel the world is, and he is so vulnerable in front of all these. He raised his head and asked the sage in front of him.

"Master Sage, how can I become a person like you?"

"How can I face any difficulties like you without fear and do everything omnipotently."

"What exactly does it take to be called great like you?"

Osis felt that compared with the sage in front of him, he was really ashamed.

He said he wanted to be the greatest king, but he didn't do anything at all.

Osis lowered his head and sighed.

"Compared to you, I'm just a big talker."

Vivien: "I don't know."

Osis: "Huh?"

Vivien: "I don't know if I'm great, or even understand the concept of greatness."

"Sometimes I think about how many things I did wrong. I failed to protect Sheinsay, I destroyed the Seed of Clover project, and I failed to avenge Teacher Lan En."

"Just thinking about it makes me feel painful and uncomfortable."

"I'm not talented, I'm not smart, and I'm not of noble birth."

"Even sometimes I wonder why Teacher Lan En chose me."

"Whether it's Anli, Xiao, Asay or many people in the temple, I can't compare to them."

Vivien looked at Osis with anticipation and trust, just like that day in front of the Wisdom Palace.

"I just chose not to let go when everything was irreparable."

"I'm a not-so-intelligent person, a somewhat clumsy person."

"If that's what you mean by greatness, then greatness may be those clumsy and persistent people who choose to believe in impossible ideals and do things that everyone thinks is impossible."


"The so-called great people may be a group of ridiculous guys who talk about unrealistic dreams, making people feel naive, stupid, and crazy."

"It's just that they finally realized what they said."

Osis looked at the elder in front of him, just like when he saw her wearing a crown for himself when he was a teenager, he felt that she was like a **** on the altar.

At that time, he didn't know why, but now he seems to understand.

Perhaps the gods are like this, a group of existences chasing unrealistic dreams and never letting go.

Even before they became myths, they had already shown this characteristic.

He remembered many things from the past.

Osis was so excited that his chest trembled a little, and he let out a long breath.

At this time, he also imprinted Vivien's last words in his heart. "Osis!"

"No matter how ridiculous dreams and vows are, if you really give everything to do it, it will no longer be ridiculous."

"Great or not, it doesn't matter anymore."

Thunder Kingdom.

Osis came to this impoverished and backward swamp country in the past, but found that it has changed a lot.

There are windmills everywhere along the way, and the once criss-crossing rivers and wetlands have been completely divided and reclaimed, and have become fertile farmlands, where various crops are planted, mainly curly ball ferns, brown ball vines, netting Mainly rope rattan.

"Kang Kuang Kuang Kuang~"

The steam train passed through the high ridges far away from the farmland, heading for a distant city, and passing by a small town at the same time.

Osis sat in front of the window of the train and looked outside. When he stood up, he could see the bustling crowd in the town. The main means of transportation in the town were still vehicles pulled by pack animals, but the vehicles were no longer made of wood. It's all metal.

The ground is basically paved with bricks, and even the roads in the town have street lights, but there are not many.

People dressed in all kinds of clothes, and all professions could be seen just by looking at their clothes. The houses became more tidy, and even the poor could wear a set of well-tailored clothes, even if they looked shabby.

And to the city, stop time.

Looking along the street, the four-story buildings are beautifully built. In the distance, you can see the majestic temple and the bell tower tens of meters high.

Most of the people in the city were dressed as workers, and the crowds on the road were even denser. On the walls, you could faintly see colorful posters, which seemed to be the performance promotion of a certain theater.

Passers-by are in a hurry, holding printed newspapers and discussing the latest current events.

A group of guards lined up neatly across the street, shouting slogans, they were wearing new military uniforms, and the iron helmets on their heads were still painted red


For a moment, Osis felt as if he had passed away.

"The world has changed so much!"

The passengers on the side saw the appearance of Osis and thought he came from some small place.

So I asked him, "Where are you from?"

Osis said, "Suinhor."

The man said, "Suinhall, isn't that the richest place on the mainland?"

Osis said, "I've been to Thunder Kingdom before, but I didn't expect such a big change."

The man said: "It wasn't like this before, but since an apostle and agent named Gamemel came to the temple of the Lord of Happiness and Wishes, the Thunder Kingdom is completely different."

At this time, someone on the opposite side also participated in the topic: "It is said that this big man was born not long after the Thunder Kingdom was established, and has lived until now."

Osis knew Gamemel, the apostle of Oran, the lord of happiness and wishes, and the apostle who took the cup of desire as his body.

The man chattered and said, "A few days ago, the attendant of the **** of spells also came over. It is said that some kind of magic net is going to be established in the capital, but I have never heard of it."

Osis said: "The magic net is a system in which the **** of magic uses a special way to endow his divine power to all magicians and mortals. If there is a magic net, ordinary people can also use various extraordinary props. "

Everyone looked over immediately: "Really?"

Another said, "I seem to have heard of it."

The whole train became lively: "The Temple of Thunder does not agree, and I am trying to stop it."

Some people watched the excitement and said, "As long as the king and ministers can agree, there will be no problem. The righteous **** contract is signed by all the gods, and the Thunder Temple can't break the rules casually."

Through conversations with these people, Osis also found that more and more ordinary people have access to outside information and are literate. On the one hand, it is due to the establishment of a large number of colleges and the popularization of books and newspapers. On the other hand, it is also due to the gradual affluence of materials Get up, different from the past. Osis began to think.

If Master An Li's magic net is completely laid, then the world will really change completely.

Just as what Vivien and An Li said, the era of the astral world is really coming.


At present, only the gods and those apostle-level powers can really touch and look at the astral world. These things are still too far away from ordinary people.

Osis quietly observed the changes in the world, and he felt more and more different about Master Anli's thoughts and predictions. The moment he got off the train after arriving at the destination.

He couldn't help looking at the sky. At this time, the night had just fallen, and the stars could not be seen.

But Osis suddenly felt that the stars seemed to be closer to him. Port side.

"Journey to the Sky, join the Journey to the Sky."

"Want to experience the feeling of flying in the sky? Do you want to worship the stalwart of the gods up close?"

"Touch the sky and pay homage to the forbidden kingdom of God. The ship is about to leave, and now there are only ten places left."


As soon as Osis came to the edge of Thunder Swamp, he saw a steamboat docked at the edge of the swamp. Under the boarding ladder, a conductor in red clothes was shouting loudly.

The steamship looks very old, and the style is also very old. You can see the wheels on the outside, the vignette steam engine and the ritual array.

It looks rough and sophisticated, technological and mysterious.

It gives people an indescribable sense of contradiction.

It should be an obsolete style, so it became a sightseeing boat in Thunder Swamp.

It's scary to say that, in fact, these guys are just like the ferrymen in ancient times, they just took a boat around the edge of the swamp forbidden area.

Occasionally, if you are lucky, you will be able to float in the sky for a while when you encounter a wisp of God's Breath.

Osis paid the money and got a paper-printed receipt. This small item made him unable to bear it.

Let's take a closer look, because this bill also represents that civilization has entered to a certain extent.

The conductor asked him, "Where do you want to go?"

Osis said, "I want to see the lost kingdom."

It’s not uncommon for the conductor to see: “Another one came here because of Master Breman’s paintings, what a pity.”

Seeing that Osis didn't reply, the conductor continued.

"The Lost Kingdom has long since disappeared. Perhaps only a master like Bremen can be favored by the gods to reveal a corner. It is impossible for others."

"But it is also very good to experience a trip to the sky."

"But I still want to remind everyone, absolutely absolutely, you can't touch anything in the forbidden area."

"You must always remember that this is the kingdom of giant gods, the holiest and most dangerous place in the world."

Osis suddenly asked: "Where is Silverfish Island, can I go up?"

The conductor was very surprised: "You still know Yinyu Island, which is the holy place of the Thunder Temple. Of course, outsiders are not allowed to enter. Even if they look at it, they will be arrested."

Osis: "Why?"

Conductor: "That is the place where the witch enters and exits the kingdom of God and reincarnation. It is a holy place. Why do you still ask?"

Hearing this name, a fool would know that he couldn't enter!

What's the matter with this guy, knowing that Silver Fish Island doesn't even know its status.

Osis: "Since when did it become a holy place, and wasn't Silverfish Island used to be a place for fishermen to fish?"

The conductor felt that talking to the guy in front of him didn't match his thinking at all. When Silverfish Island became a fishing place, who would dare to fish in that place.

However, he felt that the guy in front of him was not simple, but he couldn't tell what was not simple. The boat sailed, and Osis booked a box on a sightseeing boat.

As soon as he entered, he took out the things he had prepared a long time ago, such as ritual props, sacrificial objects, and related objects. He began to arrange them according to the detailed process of communicating with the giant gods, and finally wrote the name of the sky giant god, and as the supplicant own name.

If it couldn't be done on Silverfish Island, then he could only do it when he reached the edge of the forbidden area.

While Osis was getting everything ready, the sightseeing boat went deeper into the swamp.

Passing through the vast lake, swamps and jungles gradually appeared in the distance, and a strange mirage was seen.

Finally, at the end of the sky, I saw a cloud mountain towering into the sky.

At this time, Osis also started the ceremony.

He saluted on the ground and chanted the name of God.

"Servant of the supreme ruler of life, the great sky giant, the **** of Lei Ze who controls the sky and thunder."

"Osis the clover, the line of Henir, the king of Sienza, prays to you."

"Sacrifice to the great giant god, pray to enter the city of gods descended from the ancient times..." As Osis's prayers were chanted over and over again, the light of the ceremony became more and more intense. And this time.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew up in the sky, and a large amount of smoke collapsed from the heights, spreading towards the vast and endless lake.

A consciousness fell from a height and connected with Osis who prayed to him.

for a moment.

Osis saw that the whole world went dark, and a huge eye appeared in the sky looking down at him.

Those eyes were devoid of emotion, revealing the charm of primitive mythology and ancient wildness. "Sky Giant!"

As soon as the words came out, Osis felt that his eyes went dark for a moment, and he couldn't see anything. When he came back to his senses.

He was already outside the ship, above the sea of ​​clouds.

He looked up.

At a glance, I saw a gap in Wanli Yunhai.

The moonlight shone down from a high place and fell on Osis, and following the light, he also saw the world behind the clouds.

City of Gods.

Osis looked at the city

, Just looking at it from a distance can recall some details. The roads in the city, the library in the city, and the palaces and temples that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Osis couldn't speak a word, but he couldn't wait to fly towards the sky, as if he was afraid of missing the door that was opened for him and it was about to close.

At this time, the boats and fishermen on the entire swamp became a sensation. The vision of Yunshan can be seen from many miles away, and the floating clouds and mist even lifted the ships into the sky, and the scene exposed by the gaps in the cracked clouds made people couldn't help but worship and madly call.

"Look, the clouds are opening."

"The lost country, the lost country!"

"Why did it open?"

"You haven't even opened it when the Witch Arrives, so why are you opening it at this time?"

On a sightseeing boat.

The conductor was stunned. He had lived here all his life and had never seen the so-called lost country.

"Really... Really!"

"Is that the lost kingdom, the kingdom of God?"

But at this time, he seemed to see a shadow heading towards the lost country by following the moonlight under the opened door.

And no matter how you look at that shadow, it seems to be similar to a certain passenger he just received. After Osis entered the city of God's Descend, the opened door was immediately closed.

He stood at the boundary of the city of sky and sea of ​​clouds, and walked towards the thick city walls and gates. He walked through the streets frozen in time and stepped through layers of stairs.

He walked through the ancient water canal, and even through the water canal, he could see the mysterious underground palace under the stratum.

Finally, he came to the palace.

And the moment he boarded the palace, Osis was stunned.


He saw a crown lying quietly beside the palace gate.

"what happened?"

"Why are you here?"

Who has ever been here but the Supreme God?


This crown was worn on the head of his own corpse, how could it appear here? Osis picked up the crown and saw that the jewels inlaid on the crown had disappeared, and suddenly had a very bad feeling.

He no longer had any thoughts of recalling the past, and went straight to the deepest core of the palace, where the sea of ​​sunflowers was planted in the past.


He pushed open a door and saw a strong wind blowing.

He went straight to the corridor, and then saw a sea of ​​red flowers swaying in the wind. Looking into the distance, you can see the center of the sea of ​​flowers, with a birdcage-like garden inlaid with special glass and rituals.

"Sunflower sea."

"It's all turned into a cup of blood mist."

He looked in the direction of the birdcage garden, and finally sensed his own coffin and corpse under the layers of seals.

At this time, Osis breathed a long sigh of relief.


At this time, he looked at the Crown of Sheinsay and the gemstones on it that had long been lost. I suddenly understood something, but I still couldn't believe it.


"The Barrow family?"

"How the **** did they get in here?"

The Dreamland Continent of the God of Creation.

The fairies in the lake, who are the barter messengers of the God of Creation, are gathering under the initial fantasy vine at this moment, and are counting the barter lists of those who have violated the regulations to store items in the barter messengers. to clean up.

"Well, this guy stored illegally, and he needs to pay compensation."

"And this column, this guy is overtime and needs to pay detention fees."

"And this and this."

"This guy dares not to pay the detention fee, warn him, if he doesn't pay, he will be fined and confiscated."

The fairies in the lake are very busy, because there are always some guys in the world who want to

To exploit the loopholes of the barter messengers, either use the name of barter to store things with them for free, or even want to use the power of the fairies in the lake to achieve a certain purpose.

The fairies of the lake are not will punish these guys every once in a while.

Suddenly, Hellna, the fairy of the lake, felt that her dream was connected with herself, and a message came at the same time.

"Who asked me to complete the barter?"


"How did it fail?"

Helna opened her barter dream, and immediately found the barter information.

[Barter: The Sealed Coffin of the Ghoul King Ackermanmon]

【quantity: 1】

[Origin: Osis sealed the "immortal" ghoul king Ackermanmon by means of sealing the myth. This coffin is Ackermanmon's sealed item. 】

[Cost: The slough of Osis, the King of Sienza]

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