MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 900 Mecha dispatched (Part 1)

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At position 113, Captain Sun looked at the corpse tide rolling in like a giant wave, especially in the corpse tide, those huge figures had a feeling of scalp tingling.

"Captain Sun, how will we fight later?" A soldier in the position swallowed and asked.

They have been fighting here for more than two days, and they have never seen a corpse tide of this scale. In front of a corpse tide of this size, this position is like a fragile sand castle that can be pushed down.

Captain Sun looked at the 5 heavy machine guns behind him. Yes, their number of heavy machine guns had increased from 3 to 5, but even so, he did not feel at all at ease.

He took a deep breath and said: "Later, the second and third groups are responsible for ordinary fish zombies, and the members of the first group will intercept those abyssal creatures with me later."

"Remember not to save on ammunition. Even high-energy bombs and purgatory bombs can be thrown directly as long as you feel the need."

"What we have to do is to kill as many fish zombies as possible in the shortest possible time."

Everyone else listened silently, but seeing that Captain Sun didn't continue talking, the soldier who started talking asked with some doubts, "What about those mutant zombies, Captain?"

This is the most important!

"That's not something we should consider." Captain Sun said.

In fact, what he said was only half of what he said. Why didn't they have to think about mutant zombies, because they couldn't deal with it at all.

If other people don't help them solve this problem, then this position cannot be defended at all.

Of course, there is no need to say these words, so as not to affect the morale.

Everyone else nodded, but the atmosphere was still somewhat silent.

At this moment, a soldier on the right exclaimed: "Look at position 114, they actually have mechas, and there are still two."

As he said these words, everyone turned their eyes to the past in unison, the expressions on their faces were surprised, but more of a surprise.

"It's really extravagant. There are actually two mechas in one position." Captain Sun said with some envy.

But soon he realized something. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to have a mecha guarding one position. If there are many, he will move to other positions.

But now the other party is actually in the same position, and they have placed two mechas, doesn't that mean...

Thinking of this, he immediately turned his head and looked to the other side. His gaze crossed the adjacent position 112 and looked towards position 111.

That is another reinforcement, the recovered position.

With his eyesight, he could vaguely see that there were actually two mechas on the battlefield.

"How many mechas are there in this team that is here to support?" Captain Sun had a look of surprise on his face that couldn't be concealed.

He remembered very clearly that on position 114, there was only a 10-person combat team with two mechas, which was the same configuration compared to other teams.

How many mechas will the opponent's combat division have?

At this time, Pang Lun on position 114 was giving orders one by one.

In the past hour, the tide of corpses had receded. In addition to resting, they were strengthening the position.

There is no problem with defending this corpse tide by themselves, but if they want to help the friendly army on this basis, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult.

"Xiao Gao, you drive the mecha to support position 113. Remember that if your perception is lower than 50%, you need to return immediately and replace you with other members."

This is another advantage of the Thunder Legion. Among the ordinary soldiers of the remaining combat divisions, there are not many members who break the three genetic locks. Under such circumstances, there is often only one driver in a team.

Under this circumstance, it is not necessary, the mecha does not dare to be dispatched at will, for fear that the driver's perception will be exhausted, and the mecha cannot be driven to fight at a critical moment.

But their Thunder Legion is different. All of them have broken the three genetic locks. Anyone can drive the mecha, it is just a matter of proficiency.

Pangren paused for a while, then looked at the other person, "Lao Liu, when you control the howitzer to carry out fire bombing, give priority to supporting Xiaogao's side."



The two who heard the order responded quickly.

The rest of the members also went to various places in the position under the arrangement of Pang Lun.

There are only 10 people in the team, and each person is critical and needs to be assigned tasks individually.

Chu Chu Chu!

When the corpse horde approached 300 meters from the defense line, the sound of intensive artillery fire rang out.

This time, it was not just the Thunder Corps that used shells to wash the ground. All the combat divisions stationed in the A5 defense area were reorganized by Tang Ze, who was sitting at the headquarters, as early as an hour during the break.

Not only did the reserve members go to the front line, but even the weapons and ammunition originally reserved in the warehouse were all pulled to the front line.

After all, everyone knows that it will definitely be a tough battle, and it will be a big battle. Under such circumstances, there is absolutely no room for reservations.

Moreover, as long as they win, they can gain more breathing time for them, so it is naturally impossible to save various material supplies.

In this case, the artillery battalions behind the position can now be said to have sufficient ammunition, and the firepower is no less than that of the Thunder Legion.

After this round of bombing, one-fifth of the originally dense corpse tide was directly killed, and more people were injured, which has reached more than half.

The momentum of the corpse tide was immediately eased.

"Call me!" Here at position 113, Captain Sun saw this scene, his spirits lifted, and he roared and ordered.

Chu Chu Chu!

The five heavy machine guns in the position poured out firepower without hesitation.

The dense bullet rain directly formed a barrage, shrouding the corpse tide in the distance.

If these are human zombies, under such repeated attacks, it is estimated that they would have fallen in pieces.

But fish zombies are really much stronger than human zombies in terms of defense and vitality.

These fish zombies, especially those turtle zombies, crocodile zombies and cancer zombies, are really not capable of defense. Some of them have been seriously injured by, but they can also withstand the ferocious firepower of heavy machine guns , dash forward a lot.

Although he was killed in the end, a large part of the firepower has been attracted in the process.

If it wasn't for the first time, these corpses had been baptized by a round of artillery shells. With the assistance of these extremely powerful zombies, it might really be possible to rush into the position in one breath.

But now that the corpse tide has loosened, the risk factor is naturally not that big.

Moreover, Captain Sun, who is in charge of the command, can also be regarded as having rich combat experience. After discovering this scene, he immediately ordered the machine gunners to continue shooting the corpse tide.

The rest of the people were all put on armor-piercing bombs to shoot these fish zombies with powerful defenses. When necessary, even high-energy bombs would be thrown out without hesitation.

Under such circumstances, they quickly stabilized the situation and successfully survived the first wave of the corpse tide.

Read The Duke's Passion