MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 930 Jian Hua's troubles

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As Zuo Wenyao spoke, all the tutors walked forward with a dignified expression.

Usually, the freshmen of them go to the F area, so your risk factor is lower, and today even they have to go to the D area, which means that the battle situation on the front line has become more intense.

Naturally, the one at the forefront was Jian Hua, the head teacher of the first class.

It stands to reason that he has the highest status among all the mentors, and he should also be the one with the greatest responsibility. At times like this, he should be the first to stand up and take on the most arduous tasks.

But at this time, Jian Hua only felt a pain in his mouth.

No matter which grade it is in, the first class is the strongest, especially among the students in the freshman year, but the problem is that Lin Xinghai took the entire Xinghai team away.

In the Xinghai team, the number of students in the first class accounted for 45 people.

That is to say, there are only half of the students left in the class that is still here, and the remaining half are still selected.

Under such circumstances, it would be surprising if the overall strength of the first class was strong. After all, the rest of the classes were full of 100 students.

In fact, it was the same. After a month of fighting, Jian Hua already had a clearer understanding of the strength of the current class.

The whole freshman year was the largest class, with 30 classes, but now their class is not even in the top 10.

Although everyone knows what caused it, but every time this happens, the depressed mood in Jian Hua's heart is unavoidable.

"You guys, go to Defense Point No. 11!" Zuo Wenyao said.

Because of Lin Xinghai, he still took care of the first team. According to the current personnel and combat power system of the first team, the task of the No. 11 defense point was neither light nor heavy, and it was just right for them.

"Okay!" Jian Hua glanced at it, the projected defense map was already the best choice, and he naturally couldn't refuse.

"Dean Zuo, our second class, apply to go to defense point No. 1." Jian Hua just nodded his head, and Mi Bin, the tutor beside him, said quickly.

"Dean Zuo, our third class can also go to defense point No. 1." Another tutor named Zhao Wenhan also said quickly.

In addition, there were several other class instructors who also spoke quickly.

You must know that the numbers of these defense points are arranged according to the danger level. In other words, defense point No. 1 can be said to be the most dangerous place.

But again, this is where the most merits are obtained.

These tutors work so hard because the excellent classes that are assessed once a month will be selected in two days.

Among the 30 classes, a total of 5 outstanding classes will be selected.

However, although there is a gap in resources for the excellent classes from 2nd to 5th, the gap is not too big.

However, the resource gap between No. 1 and No. 2 is twice as large.

Of course, everyone knows that the reason why there are so many resources for the first place is entirely because they are prepared for the special students of the first class.

In the past, the rest of the classes had no intention of competing for the first place at all, and it was impossible for them to compete to win.

But this month is clearly an exception.

From the very beginning, the first class has lost the qualification to compete, and the next few classes, in this case, are of course all working hard to compete for the first place.

Listening to the arguments of the other tutors, Jian Hua showed a wry smile and returned to the class.

He turned on the Wangzai computer in his hand, projected the defense map, and said, "The task we are assigned today is to go to the No. 11 defense point to assist in defense, and check our equipment. If there is a problem at a critical moment, you may need to your lives."

When the students in the class heard it, they all nodded, but their emotions were not high.

"Being assigned to such a back position again, we should go to the No. 1 defense point." A student whispered.

"We don't have enough people. Are we going to court death? I feel that the No. 11 defense point is suitable for us. The pressure is just right, and we can gain a lot of military points in one day." Someone immediately retorted.

"So what if it's suitable? We are the first class! How about your sense of honor! You didn't see Zhang Tianxun's face in the second class two days ago. Those who didn't know it thought they were the first class!" Students, said a little indignantly.

"You don't have to be angry with them. They know how strong our team is."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that, let alone freshman students, even if you look at the juniors and seniors, if any class dares to say that our class is stable, they will take advantage of our special students' absence to have a good time. That's it." The man immediately comforted.

"That's right, but it's just unpleasant! I don't know what the school thinks. It only calculated the records of our class in the Yangtze River Theater. We should count the records of all theaters."

"I heard that the Thunder Corps formed by Lin Xinghai is now famous in the Pearl River Delta theater. It is said that the mutant zombies they killed were not one thousand but eight hundred." The man said with a sigh.

These words were recognized by most people, but some people's faces became more and more ugly when they heard the name Lin Xinghai.

It's not that they have any opinion on Lin Xinghai, but they simply feel that the other party is not doing this completely disregarding their interests.

But no matter how dissatisfied they were, they just kept it in their hearts and didn't dare to say it out loud.

There is no way, Lin Xinghai's reputation has been completely spread, as long as someone with a slightly normal mind, it is impossible to offend Lin Xinghai because of this trivial matter.

Jian Hua, of course, heard the conversation among the students. He frowned, and finally he made up his mind.

"It seems that if you have time, you still need to contact that kid. Even if he doesn't come back, he will send me a few special-class students back to the town."

At this time, Lin Xinghai certainly didn't know what happened in Donghai Academy.

But at this time, he was not idle either. From the military branch, he had already obtained detailed information on the Yangtze River Theater, and it is indeed not optimistic now.

"Everyone said that when we go to the Yangtze River Theater, which part of the defense line is better to support first?" Lin Xinghai asked.

Although the scale of the Yangtze River Theater is not comparable to that of the Pearl River Delta Theater, it is definitely not small.

Starting from both sides of the strait, to the battleship group spanning the entire Yangtze River, large and small were divided into hundreds of defense lines.

And now there are more than 40 lines of defense that need reinforcements. It is no exaggeration to say that if this situation continues, the collapse of the entire theater will only happen sooner or later.

Of course, Lin Xinghai knew that the military would definitely not allow such a thing to happen, and troops would definitely be dispatched at the critical moment, but in that case, the rest of the war zone would be stretched thin.

"Boss, you can make up your mind! But I have a small suggestion. After returning to the East China Sea Base, can we go back to the academy first?"

"I don't mean anything else, I just miss the teachers and classmates in our class." The little fat man said with a smile.

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