MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 936 first battle

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On the side of the Xinghai team, after the expensive equipment, it is inevitable to show off a wave of other benefits.

This includes the creation of mecha units from tertiary alloys, even armored vehicles, and powerful logistical units, etc.,

Especially after hearing that the goal is to build a complete mecha master, the eyes of all the students will shine.

This means that as long as you join the Thunder Legion, you can get a mech.

And it's still a mecha made of tertiary alloys. This is already half a rare mecha!

Not only these hard equipment, but also the cultivation resources have not fallen in the slightest.

This includes discounts on medicinal pills, as well as special Thunder Point settlement methods.

The combination of the two can directly reduce the training cost of these members of the Thunder Legion by more than half.

With this kind of welfare, even an ordinary soldier, as long as he dares to fight and work hard, the cultivation resources he can finally obtain will not be much worse than that of the third-class students of Donghai Academy.

As for the students of the Xinghai Squad, not to mention, they are strong and powerful, the more meritorious they make, the better the benefits they get.

At this time, let alone ordinary students, even Jian Hua, a mentor, has an urge to join the Thunder Legion.

No way, the other party's welfare is really good.

"Such good benefits should be subsidized with your own money! But in this case, aren't you afraid that one day it won't work?" Jian Hua asked Lin Xinghai directly after eavesdropping.

"Don't worry, I can make ends meet." Lin Xinghai said with a slight smile.

In fact, he was not wrong. Although he gave a large amount of resources, many of them were only one-time investments, such as various equipment.

And compared to other combat divisions, Thunder Legion is actually very economical.

The first is the cost of treatment. With today's technology, almost any injury can be repaired, but these all require gene repair fluid.

And the price of this thing has always been high, a bottle costs at least 3,000 Huaxia coins, and an average wounded person in a battle consumes about 0.3 bottles.

In other words, it costs about 1,000 Huaxia coins.

If there are few wounded, it is nothing, but if there are many wounded, the consumption will be terrifying.

For example, the ace division fighting here, 10,000 people are pulled out, and after a day of fighting, there are 5,000 wounded. That is a very normal thing.

That is to say, after a battle, they will spend 5 million to treat the wounded.

This kind of treatment cost is very terrifying, but the Thunder Legion can completely save it. Even if there is a need to be reborn from a severed limb, Liu Miaomiao will not solve it with a single ability.

In addition to equipment maintenance costs, they can basically save.

Because the Thunder Legion's personal combat power is too high, the equipment damage is quite rare. After a battle, only a dozen pieces of equipment are repaired.

This maintenance cost is only 1% of other troops at most.

And these savings can be put into the team's training resources.

In addition, a lot of Thunder Points were spent in the "training room", and there was an application for Lin Xinghai to help break through, which directly completed the internal digestion.

The last and most important point is that the soldiers of the Thunder Legion killed enough fish zombies, and the benefits for the collective were huge enough.

Combining these, the entire Thunder Legion is running very well. After all the expenses, it is easy to make a net profit of one or two hundred million Huaxia coins every day.

At least at this time, the balance of Thunder Legion's book has exceeded 6 billion Chinese coins.

This didn't even count the mutant zombies that Lin Xinghai killed alone. If this was included, it would be even more terrifying.

Although Jian Hua did not understand how Lin Xinghai achieved the so-called balance of payments, he did not continue to ask at this time.

Because the team has already passed through the B area, it is about to reach the front line of the A area.

At this time, the rest of the students in the first class were gone, and they were a little nervous to continue chatting.

Lin Xinghai also began to give orders, and the Thunder Legion completed the battle formation quite efficiently.

As for the students in the first class, they were all incorporated into each combat team.

A 10-person combat team is divided into two students in one class, and 30 combat teams are composed of people, and all the students are digested.

Moreover, these students are in the blood energy realm, so there is no need to worry about them holding back.

But even with someone to protect them, the students in the first class still had a nervous, even panicked look on their faces when they came to the front line.

No way, the density of zombies in Area A is not at the same level as the following areas.

At first glance, the sky is covered with fish zombies, and the scene that is pressed down like a mountain and a sea can make anyone's scalp numb.

Since the battlefield in the water is three-dimensional, there must be at least three combat divisions fighting together on a front.

These three combat divisions are responsible for the upper, middle and lower areas respectively.

Lin Xinghai chose to fight in the lower area near the bottom of the river.

Among the upper, middle and lower areas, the lower area is the most dangerous.

Because there are warships on the river, and there is even a sky fortress suspended in the sky, from time to time a round of artillery shells will be blasted into the Yangtze River.

In this case, the closer you are to the river, the safer it will be, because you can be taken care of by the river at any time.

And all kinds of shells shot from top to bottom, it is actually very difficult to blast to the bottom of the sea hundreds of meters.

This is not the reason for the It is simply because there are too many fish zombies here, and those shells will hit the fish zombies in the middle and be detonated.

Therefore, the lower areas are the most dangerous.

Lin Xinghai wanted to help the rest of the troops spread the pressure, and this was the best choice.

At the same time, choosing an area near the bottom of the river can also make it easier for Liu Miaomiao to use her thorn field to assist.

"Kill!" Lin Xinghai ordered in the communication channel.

Following the order, the Thunder Legion formation moved forward as a whole.

The combat division at the top had already learned of the news of reinforcements, and at this time, they all stepped aside in an orderly manner.

Take a break!

The ripper rifle fired first, and 8-centimeter-long arrow-shaped bullets flew out of the barrel.

At a distance of just a few meters, even if the fish zombies are extremely flexible in the water, there is no chance to react at all, and they are directly hit.

If it is on the ground, with the latest ripper rifle and armor-piercing bullets, two or three shots can kill a fish zombie.

Even some small fish zombies can be killed with a single shot.

However, the resistance in the water is too large, and after the bullet hits these fish zombies, it can only penetrate five or six centimeters of meat at most.

For fish zombies, this is only a minor injury.

Of course, on the battlefield, even minor injuries have a lot of impact on combat power.

At least the momentum of these fish zombies has been slowed down.

At this time, the soldiers in front of them all seized the opportunity, pulled out their weapons, and slashed towards the fish zombies in front of them.

Puff puff!

Weapons made of tertiary alloys are much better in water than firearms.

In particular, these weapons have sharp characteristics, and with one knife, the heads of these fish zombies can be cut in half.

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