MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 938 Liu Miaomiao shot

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When the cold girl opened her mouth, the communication channel was silent for a moment.

They naturally knew who was speaking, but Liu Miaomiao was usually in charge of logistics, but now she suddenly said that she was coming to the main battlefield, but they couldn't react for a while.

Of course, after a brief silence, there was an applause in the communication channel.

"Liu Miaomiao, it would be great for you to come, which 'dead claw' are you planning to contain?" Qian Xingxiu was the first to react and immediately asked.

No one doubts Liu Miaomiao's strength, and even they believe that Liu Miaomiao has the strength to kill a third-level "dead claw" alone, and it is better to be willing to take the initiative now.

With one more top-level combat power, their pressure will be much less.

However, Liu Miaomiao's next sentence made everyone stunned again.

"I will contain all the mutant zombies, and you will be responsible for the main attack and make up for my flaws," said Liu Miaomiao.

The communication channel fell into a dead silence in an instant.

They didn't listen to Liu Miaomiao's words at all, they only heard the other party's words, "I will contain all the mutant zombies".

What are you kidding?

32 mutant zombies! Even if they are all first-level mutant zombies, it is impossible to do it!

Not to mention, there are 16 of them in it, which are comparable to the third-level mutant zombies in the shape of the body.

"Are you serious?" In the end, Yan Feijie took the lead in breaking the silence and asked.

Liu Miaomiao didn't answer. Facts speak louder than words, and the mutant zombies were approaching at this time, so she didn't have time to explain so much.

So, she went straight to it.

The breath of Liu Miaomiao burst out, and the breath of the body-shaping realm instantly attracted the shocked eyes of many people.

You must know that Liu Miaomiao is a freshman just like them!

Now that it's full of calculations, it's only about a semester, how did you break through to the shape of the body? This is incredible!

Of course, they had subconsciously excluded Lin Xinghai.

But this time, no one could answer their questions. And the next moment, something even more surprising happened.

With Liu Miaomiao as the center, thorns and vines with thick arms rose from the ground.

Where Liu Miaomiao stood at this time was basically in the middle of the Thunder Legion.

With the development of the field of thorns, the field range of thousands of meters directly covered most of the Thunder Legion.

This of course also includes those mutant zombies. Although no one has shrouded all 32 mutant zombies in it, there are also a full 28 mutant zombies.

What's more important is that the 16 third-level mutant zombies are all inside.

Therefore, before these mutant zombies rushed into the Thunder Legion's formation, they saw thick thorns entwining towards them.

Those first- and second-level mutant zombies didn't have much resistance at all, and they were entangled by these thorns.

Only those third-level mutant zombies can resist to a certain extent, but this refers to the case of dealing with a thorn.

With the second and third thorns entangled towards them, the fate of these mutant zombies is the same.

Of course, the field of thorns is not so unfavorable. The two third-level death claws and one three hunters have escaped the first round of thorns.

The former relies on his strong physique and sharp claws to cut off all the thorns that entangled Liu Miaomiao in a row.

As for the latter, it completely relies on agile speed to dodge.

Liu Miaomiao was not surprised by this, and if he exerted all his strength, more than a dozen thorns would be entangled, and he believed that he could restrain the opponent.

But there's no need for that, after all other people aren't dead either.

"Do it!" Liu Miaomiao's coquettish drink rang in the communication channel.

Until this time, the rest of the talents came back to their senses one after another. Although their hearts were shocked at this moment, the movements of their subordinates did not stop, and they were all rushing towards their nearest mutant zombies at the fastest speed.

Although they don't know how Liu Miaomiao did it, the consumption of such a wide range of control skills may be extremely huge. In this case, of course, they dare not have any delay.

Under the condition that these mutant zombies are all under control, these students can unleash the most powerful martial arts without hesitation, inflicting huge damage on mutant zombies.

Not only these members of the Xinghai Squad, but the rest of the Thunder Squad have also fought against mutant zombies during this period of time. Seeing such a good opportunity at this time, there is no reason not to do so, and they all pulled out their weapons to attack.

puff! puff! puff!

Even ordinary Thunder Legion soldiers do not have any powerful martial arts, but what they hold in their hands are weapons made of third-grade alloys!

It can also break defenses against mutant zombies of the third level.

Although the damage is not too big, but if more than a dozen people start together, the situation will be different.

In just a few seconds, a full 20 mutant zombies were killed.

The remaining ones are either uncontrolled or have particularly strong defenses, such as "giant arms" and "iron armored corpses".

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the battle is over.

At this time, the members of the Xinghai Squad are already quite abundant, and four or five people can besiege a mutant zombie together.

In their combat backpacks, they all carried modified power amplifiers.

One by one, the rare-level abilities with the power amplified by 20 times, the bombardment bombarded these mutant zombies, and they were quickly damaged, and the next step was to kill them one by one.

This originally threatening mutant zombie offensive was quietly disintegrated in less than a minute.

At this time, everyone was free, and looked at Liu Miaomiao with some shocked eyes.

"Sister-in-law, are you supernatural or martial arts? Why is your power so terrifying, in front of you, Qianxing Xiu is so weak!" The little fat man was the most curious and asked first.

The expression on Qian Xingxiu's face suddenly turned dark, but he didn't say anything. Although he felt that his starlight chain was able to control a single enemy better, but there were multiple targets, he was powerful. Not caught.

Not to mention, Liu Miaomiao did not control a few targets, but twenty or so, which was definitely beyond his reach.

And everyone can feel it when they get there. Those thorns seem to be more than simple to control. Where the mutant zombies are entangled, the body becomes dark, which is obviously a sign of poisoning.

The most important thing is that after a battle, they didn't feel how much the breath of Liu Miaomiao's body dropped.

Does this mean that such terrifying control skills are actually not very expensive?

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