MTL - I Am the Corpse King-Chapter 1974 disaster star

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  Chapter 1974 Calamity Star

  Sugiyama Shingo arrived in time and successfully kept the danger out. For a while, those eighth-level new humans around just wanted to lie on the ground and breathe air.

  Similarly, the moment this mecha appeared, the remaining two eighth-level radiations also stopped all movements at the same time.

How powerful is the strength of the Dead Road, although they have not personally experienced it, but at least they have some understanding. Their intelligence is almost the same as that of normal people. They understand that if there is such a mecha on the battlefield, even if their number doubles Three times may not be able to win the opponent!

   Is it about to fail? Is it over?

Do not!

not at all!

  The man in the giant machine, they must set him free! That is the core of the **** rain plan, they must be destroyed! Cut off all hope of mankind! Also eliminate everything that could threaten the horde!

  They have to!

   At any cost!

   Which includes your own life!

  The two radiant species were silent for a while, and when people were wondering what they were going to do, they suddenly heard a roar coming from their mouths, which was very dull.

And in the next second, countless tentacles suddenly began to shrink, and were completely stuffed back into their bodies by the two radiated species. Immediately afterwards, they saw bursts of red light glowing from their bodies, and their subcutaneous The organization is crystal clear, flashing and flashing, making people's heart beat faster unconsciously!

"this is…"

   "They're going to... nuke!"


  The dull growls of the two radiated species turned into simple and rude roars! They crossed their arms and bent their waists in pain. As the red light flashed faster and faster, people also reacted, and they all scattered towards the distance. According to calculations, the radiation species began to explode The forward shaking time is about 21 seconds. In such a short period of time, they have no ability to accurately pull out the evolution crystals in the bodies of the two radiated species, unless their hand speed is fast and they can rip out the evolution crystals in the two radiated species. When the self-healing ability can't catch up, chop it into pieces of meat!

  The non-commissioned officer in the distance also roared heart-piercingly. As soon as the huge mind-suppressing machine was fixed, the giant transport vehicle drove forward at full speed, trying to get out of the explosion range as much as possible.

  At this time, the Sky Continent began to climb upwards, and Hu Ji, who had just come to Tang Ye's side at the edge, asked, "Boss, do you want us to go down and help?"

  Hearing this, Tang Ye glanced at him, didn't say a word, only gave him a look, and the other party touched his nose feeling extremely embarrassed.

  Such a short time is not enough, it takes at least two or three seconds just to get to the scene.


   "No one else is in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?" Tang Ye said lightly, seemingly indifferent to the following matters.

"Uh..." Hu Ji became even more embarrassed, and stopped talking. He knew that his boss would see more things than himself. If he dared to say this, he should have seen other things. However, just put the two ends into a state of nuclear explosion Is the radiation species really good?

  That power is no joke!

   "Come on..." Chuza behind wanted to say something, but only said three words. In this magnificent city of shelter, the sun was born!

The dazzling light that seemed to blind people's eyes drowned everything in an instant, and the light emanating from the corpse king Kamutos in the south also lost its color at this moment. Tang Ye subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, and all Things seem to die away.

  He didn't hear any sound, but there was a "swish" at the beginning, and the world lost its sound. After he got used to it, two huge maroon mushroom clouds rolled up, and the shock wave flattened most of the Yunxia base!

  The giant Sky Continent began to shake violently, and the place invaded by the mushroom cloud was melted by the high temperature, and the molten iron dripped towards the ground.

  The people who were too close to the center of the explosion didn't even have time to change what they saw and thought, and they all vaporized in this instant!

"There...what's the matter?" On the other side, Shen and Zheng, who were in a panic, looked at the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance, and suddenly lost their minds. They were standing on the ground one second, and they were all embedded in the next second. In the wall!

The heat wave caused by    burned them beyond recognition!

  The group of eighth-order new humans led by Chi Biyi came from a distance, and the nuclear explosion exploded in front of his eyes. The impact force caused everyone to fight several times in mid-air, and then fell headlong into the ground.

  Wait until the light dissipated, where the two self-exploding irradiated species were, only an irregular deep pit was left! And the black dust flying all over the sky!

And the God-suppressing machine that was already loaded on the giant transport vehicle failed to escape the explosion range in the end. The parts scattered, the container in the middle was broken, and the fluorescent green liquid flowed out, revealing the white skin inside. The snow-like girl is so dazzling on the scorched land.

  As she opened her eyes, the air in this world became much heavier. Chi Biyi looked up, and was completely desperate when she found that the girl had woken up.

"No..." he shouted in a hoarse voice, but even though he survived by relying on the strong physical fitness of the eighth-order new human, this was a nuclear explosion after all, even if it was him, he felt the kind of intense body shattering pain!

   This scream seemed to have exhausted his last strength, and as soon as the words fell, he passed out.

  The girl who just opened her eyes looked blankly at the messy world in front of her, and finally pulled out an oilcloth from the nearby ruins, and put it on her body.

A figure emerged from the black sand not far away. It was the last remaining radiant species. At this moment, its whole body was scorched black, and half of its body was blown away. Because of the lack of activity in its body, its other The wound on its body has not healed for a long time, but even so, it still staggered and stumbled towards the girl.

  It opened its mouth, spoke hoarsely in Chinese that was not very fluent, and said to her: "Our king, I want to see you..."

   But the girl didn't pay attention to its words, and walked forward on her own.

  Seeing this, this radiant species pressed its hand on the opponent's shoulder, trying to stop her, but the moment its hand touched the girl's skin, gray and white quickly climbed up its scorched black skin!

  A strange feeling came, it seems... is the pain that living creatures fear most?

   It's so strange, this caused it to be a little dazed, and at this moment, it completely lost contact with this hand of its own, the hand was no longer its own, and it could no longer take it back!

  The girl's footsteps stopped, and she turned her head to glance at the corpse claw on her shoulder.

   "I'm a catastrophe. Those who try to get close to me have never had a good end, maybe... including zombies."

  (end of this chapter)