MTL - I Am the Corpse King-Chapter 1989 as you wish

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  Human beings can't afford to lose this war, but in the decisive battle with zombies, using normal means to win is completely impossible, so they can only go sideways!

   Among them, the Divine Rain Project is the top priority! All mistakes can be tolerated, but the Divine Rain plan cannot!

  The air at the scene was solemn and solemn, every soldier was ready to die, but people also understood that once the battle started, they would be completely on the opposite side of Li Henian.

   But no one has a better way. If you want to win, you can only rely on the Divine Rain Project, but the Divine Rain Project requires time to prepare. Before the preparation is completed, there must be no accidents! They tried every means to delay the time. To win, they needed to pile up human lives!

  There are more and more eighth-order new humans coming from afar, and they are constantly preparing for the battle that may happen at any time.

   "All drivers have been notified that the No. 1 to 28 will arrive in ten minutes."

   "Then delay for ten minutes and stop Li Henian before the Divine Rain plan is ready!"

   "Are you really going to do this?"

   "The mayor's order... No matter what, if there is a fight later, get rid of the four silver armored corpses behind him as soon as possible."

   "Don't be negligent, the little guy surnamed Li is not simple, if it is really an eighth-order new human being, it is not enough for the mayor to take it seriously."

   "... When it really starts to fight, I will restrain the remaining person. The rest of them will find a way to deal with Hu Jichuzahei Yasai'o, stay vigilant, and try to avoid confrontation with him until the end line of Li He is clear."

   "Wait a minute, what if the rumor is true?"

   In a word, all the eighth-rank new humans in the distance suddenly fell silent. Once they made a wrong choice, they died in Yunxia base before seeing other corpse kings!

  They were already prepared to die bravely, so they died at the hands of a guy who should be a comrade-in-arms.

   "You mean that kind of rumor?"

   "Like the mayor, Li Henian is a ninth-level new human being."

   "Then we can only resign ourselves to fate..." Ye Changgong sighed, as if comforting, and said to the people next to him: "The mayor is not an impulsive person. No matter what the result is, I believe the mayor has his own grasp."

  The people around were silent again, they had no choice but to bet their lives on Su Sigui.

The voice of their conversation is not loud, about seven or eight hundred meters away from Tang Ye, almost one kilometer. They think Tang Ye can't hear this conversation, but unfortunately, their conversation has long been heard. It has been clearly caught in Tang Ye's ears.

   "Ten minutes..." He murmured, tilting his head back, and the four Chuzha brothers behind him immediately turned into corpses, and the tension on the scene was raised to another level!

   And such a tense atmosphere was not broken until Tang Ye opened his mouth. He asked the non-commissioned officer in front of him: "Does Su Sigui know that I will come?"

  The non-commissioned officer froze for a moment, shook his head, but did not answer directly.

"Mr. Li, please go back, the mayor won't see you." When he said this, the soldier wanted to laugh to himself, after all, he didn't reach out to hit the smiling face... But no matter what, he found that he was laughing at all He couldn't get up, the terrifying and oppressive aura around the other party left him with only fear in his heart, and the only thing he could do was to remain expressionless.

  He waited for Tang Ye to speak again, but the other party had already lost his patience. It was impossible for him to wait here for ten minutes. When he spoke again, there were only two cold words.

"Step aside."

   These two words seemed to be bursting with murderous aura, causing the non-commissioned officer in front of him to tremble, but in the end he still had a firm expression on his face, and said resolutely, "Excuse me, Mr. Li."

"Step aside!"

"…it is my responsibility."

"Step aside!"

   "Give up, Mr. Li."

   "I told you to move out of the way, one last time!"

   Tang Ye's extraordinarily strong attitude made the soldier silent for a few seconds.

   "What if I don't?"

   "Then die!"

There was no room for detours in Tang Ye's tone, the sergeant remained silent again, and seeing that the other party still did not respond, Tang Ye's patience had reached the limit, he stopped talking nonsense, and the terrifying power was released from his feet. Between them, dense cracks spread in all directions on the ground like spider webs!

   "Since you want to die, I will do as you wish!"

  In front of the non-commissioned officer in front of him, he raised his foot and stomped heavily on the ground. A more terrifying force swayed, and the ground fell apart in an instant! In front of the corpse king as in myths and legends, even though the soldiers behind were already prepared, they still failed to react. Before they could press the shooting button with their fingers, the ground was torn apart on the spot!

  The violent vibration made it impossible for a group of soldiers to stand firmly on the ground, and a large piece fell down like a domino! The formation was torn apart all of a sudden, and the sergeant in front of him reacted the fastest. Under extreme panic and tension, he subconsciously shot, but just as he made a move, a strong suffocation came from his neck the next second. feel!

  Then the feet were off the ground, and the sense of gravity seemed to disappear for a moment. I just felt like sitting on the "big pendulum" of the amusement park suddenly, and the world was turned upside down!

Everything happened so fast that he couldn't see what Tang Ye had done to him at all, and although everything that happened here was seen by a group of eighth-order new humans in the distance, they couldn't see clearly what Tang Ye had done. What, the non-commissioned officer was caught by Tang Ye and smashed to the ground the moment he shot, turning into a blood mist and dying on the spot!

  Everyone was a little dazed, but when they realized it, they all gasped. They didn't even have a chance to speak, and the formation was so chaotic!

  As Tang Ye suddenly violently killed people, the soldiers around who barely stabilized their figure also launched fierce shooting without saying a word, and the laser beams pouring from all directions drowned Tang Ye in an instant! The scorching heat melted everything, and no one could see Tang Ye's figure in the thick smoke.

do you died?


When the thick smoke billowed and floated into the sky, there was a loud noise, and the earth was shattered again by a terrifying force. The surrounding buildings that had already been turned into ruins lost connection with the ground, and were shaken high into the sky with a clatter. The soldiers were also in disarray. When facing an enemy that was so powerful that it was beyond imagination, how could they have the ability to resist?

  They were shaken high into the air along with the gravel, and their bodies could not bear the attack of the terrifying force, and they were instantly shattered, blood splashed, and a strong **** smell permeated the air!

  At the original location of Tang Ye, a huge deep pit has sunk down. Before the thick smoke cleared, his figure appeared. He ignored everything that happened around him and walked forward.

   A group of eighth-order new humans in the distance glanced at each other. With such a result, is it necessary for them to make a move?

   Such destruction has proved that Li Henian is also a ninth-order existence!

   They will only die if they go down!