MTL - I Am the Corpse King-Chapter 2011 long-lost adventure

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  Chapter 2011 The long-lost thrill


Chen Chaoyang also did not expect that the power contained in Su Sigui's stabbing sword would be so great. After spitting out a mouthful of **** foam, he quickly broke through the rocks on it, and got out from under the surface. Come out, and Su Sigui is standing in the distance, holding a sword in one hand and a knife in the other, looking at him quietly, his expression is so calm that one's heart trembles unconsciously!

   This time, he didn't dare to act rashly, but looked down at the bone knife in his hand, and then looked at the weapon in the opponent's hand.

   At the critical moment just now, he barely blocked the fatal blow with the bone knife in his hand.

Logically speaking, if Su Sigui hit her own bone knife with such a heavy force, the weapon in her hand should have been broken into several pieces, whether it was made of top-level H steel or from an eighth-order zombie Even active weapons can hardly withstand the power of a ninth-level powerhouse.

   But what is weird is that the weapon in Su Sigui's hand is not only not damaged at all, but on the other hand, there is an extremely obvious pit on his bone knife!

  He thought about it, but he didn't think for too long before he figured it out. The weapon in Su Sigui's hand is not easy!

Maybe he thought of something during the process, he looked at Su Sigui and sneered: "Hahahahaha... Li Henian is good to you, the living weapon from the corpse king is something that many people dream of, and he even gave you two! "

   "Let me important are you to him? Would he be sad if you died?"

His tone was full of sarcasm, but what I have to say is that his words seemed to really touch her heartstrings. After hearing the words, Su Sigui's expressionless face finally saw a frown, but At the same time, the killing intent in her eyes became even stronger!

   But even so, she did not choose to act immediately. Compared with others, Su Sigui is more accustomed to attacking later, and rarely chooses to strike first.

So, facing Chen Chaoyang's ridicule, she just tilted her head and mocked in the same way: "That guy who grew up eating nuclear waste seems to be nice to you, the knife in your hand is a bone in his body ?"


"Don't talk? Then I will take it as you admitting that he can give you his own bones. Your relationship with him is not ordinary, right? Or, your relationship has surpassed normal friendship? Let me think about it, Who are you... oh~ are you his male mother? Oh~ no...or...are you gay?"

   Compared with Chen Chaoyang, Su Sigui's words were obviously more insulting. Sure enough, when the other party heard it, his face darkened instantly, and the terrifying murderous aura spread out uncontrollably!

  For Chen Chaoyang, this is the first time he has been insulted by others after he has evolved to the sixth level. In the past, he had the most basic characteristics of a strong person, that is, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!

   It has been a long time since he met anyone who dared to disobey him, let alone insult him!

  He thought that his state of mind had reached the point where he was calm and could completely ignore those verbal injuries. It wasn't until now that he realized that his mind had become so fragile after being aloof for too long!

  Radiation Corpse King Liel?

  For this guy, Chen Chaoyang never thought that this corpse king was his friend, and he never felt that he was a person with friends, and he never had any good feelings for the radiation corpse king!

   Even, he hates each other very much!

   And this kind of disgust seems to be innate, but now, some people actually feel that they have that kind of relationship with each other?

  How could he bear it!

That's right, Su Sigui's words not only severely insulted him, but also made him feel an unprecedented sense of disgust, just like... the same as when he saw his mother in the pile of corpses in Pingnan Base, that disgusting feeling made him feel sick. He wished he could become a scavenger and wash away all the filth in this world!

  The coldness in his eyes became even stronger, he looked at Su Sigui firmly, and said with some madness: "You will pay the price!"

  But Su Sigui didn't care at all, instead he continued to add fuel to the fire and said, "Oh? Really, do you want me to say something again?"

   At this point, Chen Chaoyang didn't speak anymore, his hand was holding the bone knife tightly, the veins on the back of his hand bulged, and the air became more and more frozen! Su Sigui also secretly became vigilant.

About a few seconds later, Chen Chaoyang suddenly let out a roar, and several thick **** of flesh stretched out from his back. The fangs on the top were retracted and exposed, and while making a "hissing" sound, they also slammed towards Su. Sigui entangled in the past!

  While she had been on guard for a long time, she quickly made a move. With a flicker of her figure, she rushed into the ruins next to her, and those flesh **** followed closely behind her!

"Death!" he roared, and at this time, several flesh **** protruded from his back and slammed into another direction, smashing countless building ruins on the spot. They also combined with his movements fiercely, sweeping large areas of buildings into pieces!

   I don't know if I touched Su Sigui, but Chen Chaoyang couldn't control that much anymore. He controlled the flesh **** and began to recycle them, pulling all the ruins of the building in front of him!

  But soon he realized that he hadn't caught the other party, so he calmed down immediately!

   "No!" He felt bad, the flap of flesh on his back retracted a little faster, and at the same time hurriedly flew to the side!

   Before the flesh flap was fully retracted, a tentacle that didn't belong to him appeared in front of him, like an arrow that left the string, piercing towards his position with a "swish"!

  Chen Chaoyang reacted quickly enough to dodge ahead of time. The tentacle almost passed by his shoulder. Otherwise, at this moment, his heart would have burst!

   This feeling of surviving after a catastrophe makes him startled and angry. He hasn't experienced this thrilling feeling for a long time. When was the last time he experienced it? It's far away...

  All kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, his figure flipped several times in the air, and quickly adjusted his body shape, while the tentacles trying to attack him were also retracting at an extremely fast speed!

  His speed was very fast, the next moment he held the knife, the blade pointed upwards, and slashed fiercely! He wanted to split this tentacle in two, but before the blade touched it, a ferocious long sword of flesh and blood flew over from a distance! The blade tore through the air, drawing out a conspicuous white trail!

   Seeing this, Chen Chaoyang hurriedly retracted the knife, and the flesh petals on his back curled up together, forming a fleshy shield like a flower bud in front of him. Soon, the blade of the sword collided with the flesh shield formed by the flesh petals!

  Puff Chi~

   It was like a steel needle being inserted into a fresh apple, and there was a sound of something being torn apart. The next moment, he saw blood and flesh flying in front of Chen Chaoyang!

  The meat shield formed by his flesh flap failed to stop the flying long sword. The sword edge easily penetrated the flesh flap tissue, and ruthlessly pierced into the center of his chest!

   I got stuck again recently, please allow me to take a day off, and think about the next way of writing, sorry, sorry<(__)>



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion