MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 2 second

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Chapter two:

Lin Luoqing: You don't have to!

However, he thought so, but he dared not say so.

"I believe in you 1 Lin Luoqing nodded firmly, "With your conditions, the engine must be big, powerful and good. I believe in you, so you don't need to open the box to inspect the goods at all 1

Believe it or not is not important, it is important to drive or not!

He didn't want to get in the car as soon as he came up, the speed of the car was too fast!

Hearing what he said, Ji Yuxiao raised his eyebrows slightly, "Really? At this time, you will trust me again."

"I have always believed in you 1 Lin Luoqing held his hand with a sincere look, "I will always believe in you. "

Ji Yuxiao: ... pretend, pretend again!

"Even if I'm a cripple?"

"You are weak and strong 1

"Toilet wants to eat swan meat?"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Luoqing refused to admit it, "It's clearly my humble toad who wants to eat your noble swan meat."


Lin Luoqing: ...Do you have to say all the cruel words of the original owner just now? !

"It's me, it's me who is shameless." Lin Luoqing said helplessly.

Ji Yuxiao remained calm, "Skinless and shameless?"

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing could only say with tears in her eyes, "It's me too."

"Even if you don't have a mirror, should you **** and reflect on yourself?"

"It's me, it's me, it's me, it's all about me, it's all about my humble, affectionate, irrepressible, unattainable and loyal love for you 1

"Every day, under such torture of conscience, under such self-reflection, I continue my feelings for you, and maintain this unending secret love with sadness and pain, brother, it is really difficult for me 1

After Lin Luoqing finished speaking, she lowered her head silently, with a look of uncontrollable sadness.

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Ji Yuxiao felt that the so-called turning black and white and distorting the facts was nothing more than that. This is really an acting addiction, the actor!

"It's so touching." Ji Yuxiao sighed, "I am also moved by such a secret love, since you like me so much, then I have nothing to hesitate, you go to the next room to take a bath , you go first, I'll be over in a while."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? No, what's the matter with taking a shower? !

Ji Yuxiao looked at the doubt in his eyes, and smiled slightly, "Naturally, it's to check our compatibility, didn't I just say that?"


You really check!

Play for real!

Lin Luoqing looked at him, unable to move his legs.

"Unwilling?" Ji Yuxiao asked him, "I thought that you, who are so humble, who are so affectionate, and who are so determined, can't wait."

Lin Luoqing: ...

"Or what you just said was a lie to me?"

"Of course it's not 1 Lin Luoqing made a quick decision, isn't it just a bath, he's going now!

"I just didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, bro, I'm so happy 1

He said, shook Ji Yuxiao's hand firmly, pretended to be excited and walked towards the door.

Isn't it just a **** scene, he took over this scene!

Good actors are never afraid of any challenge!

The same goes for bed scenes!

Ji Yuxiao watched him go out excitedly, secretly thought, no, no one can really act this far, right? Does he really want to drive with himself? Picture what? As he is now, he has to move the car himself!

Does he not dislike bicycles?

This is too much humiliation!

Ji Yuxiao was thinking about it when he heard a knock on the door. Then, the door opened, and Lin Luoqing poked his head in from the outside.

"Well, brother, can you lend me your pajamas? I didn't bring any clothes, so I can't just wear nothing after taking a shower."

Ji Yuxiao: ...You are really **** planning to play bicycle with me!

Ji Yuxiao pressed the center of his eyebrows with a headache, and the phone on the table rang in due course.

He quickly picked up the phone, and hung up the phone after saying "hmm" twice.

"You go back first." Ji Yuxiao said calmly, "I have something to do here, so I have to go out temporarily."

Lin Luoqing almost didn't cheer, but there was a bit of pity on his face.

"Now? Can't it be later?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...So you really want to drive with me? bike?

Even if you are here as an undercover agent, your professionalism is amazing!

"next time."

"When is the next day, tomorrow?" Lin Luoqing continued to maintain his personality, "Will we meet tomorrow?"

Ji Yuxiao: ...

"You said you were a star before, right?"


"Then you must be a good actor."

"It's okay." Lin Luoqing said modestly, "I haven't won the prize yet."


With his acting skills and professional dedication, the best actor will be in his pocket sooner or later.

"So you can go back now."

"Then we'll see you tomorrow." Lin Luoqing said with a smile.

"Let's talk."

"It must be." Lin Luoqing insisted, "I'm still waiting to marry you. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ji Yuxiao pretending to be shy, and silently closed the door.

Ji Yuxiao couldn't help but leaned back on the chair again, and began to calmly think about what Lin Luoqing was doing.

And Lin Luoqing felt relieved, and walked out of Ji's house quickly.

He walked too fast, so he didn't see a four or five-year-old child coming out of the door not far after he left.

The child is very beautiful, his skin is as white as snow, and he is quite indistinguishable from male and female. He leaned on the railing with his feet on his feet, looked at the door that was just closed, his beautiful phoenix eyes blinked lightly, and he looked puzzled Tilted his head, so this uncle likes his uncle?

Although the words at the beginning were not pleasant, but judging from the later development, he seems to like his uncle.

Will that uncle marry him?

He was thinking about it, but he heard a movement from the study not far away - it was Ji Yuxiao who was about to come out, so he quickly lightened his steps and ran towards his room.

"I'll go out for a while." Ji Yuxiao knocked on the door, opened the door of his little nephew's room, sat in a wheelchair and said to him without going in.

Ji Leyu raised his head, showing his pretty and tender face, and nodded obediently, "Okay."

"Sister-in-law Zhang will make dinner for you, so you don't have to wait for me to eat."


"I'm leaving."

Ji Leyu waved at him, "Dad, come back early."

"it is good."

Ji Yuxiao turned the direction of the wheelchair and controlled the wheelchair to move forward.

Ji Leyu looked at him and unconsciously put down his pen.

He lay down on the table, not knowing what he was thinking, and slowly closed his eyes.

Lin Luoqing left Ji Yuxiao's house, and the phone rang.

He took it out and saw that there were three words "broker" written on it.

Lin Luoqing picked it up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? Lin Luoqing, you really don't want to make this movie, do you? You don't even go to the audition! I thought you were just talking about it, but now it seems that you really don't like this male number three Ah 1

Lin Luoqing:? ? ?

"Male number three?"

What's wrong with the male number three, don't treat the supporting role as an actor!

As a conscientious and good actor—as he advertised himself, Lin Luoqing immediately replied, "I'll be there right away, but can you give me the address again?"

The manager looked helplessly at the sky: [If you still can't do it this time, I will never help you take on the show again in the future?

Lin Luoqing comforted him and said: [Don't worry, Brother Li, I will definitely audition well and complete the task well. 】

Brother Li didn't believe him. He was not full of confidence before the audition, and he didn't return empty-handed after the audition. If he didn't have a face, he would have given up on Lin Luoqing a long time ago. His heart was higher than the sky, so he didn't look at it Do you have the strength to show the young master's profile every day, and don't see if you are the young master!

The agent re-sent the email he had sent him before, then ignored him and went on to other things.

Lin Luoqing took a taxi according to the address, and it didn't take long to arrive at the audition hotel.

Brother Li didn't come, and he just called Lin Luoqing just because he was reminded by the staff why Lin Luoqing hadn't arrived yet.

Lin Luoqing didn't blame him either. For an 18th-line artist like the original owner, it is impossible for him to be accompanied by a manager who will do everything for him. So Li Ge is not here, which is simply too normal.

He asked the staff of the crew, learned about the current audition situation, and left his contact information for the staff, planning to find a secluded place and rehearse in advance.

Lin Luoqing got out of the meeting room and went up the stairs, only to find that the design of this hotel is very characteristic. The parking lot is on the top floor, and therefore, this floor is quiet and silent.

Isn't it suitable for him to rehearse? !

Lin Luoqing coughed, took out her mobile phone, looked at the lines on it, and started her performance.

Sitting in the car, Ji Yuxiao raised his hand to look at his watch, planning to get out of the car after an hour.

"Aren't you going to get out of the car, master?" the driver asked him.

"No rush, let them wait." Ji Yuxiao said softly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sad male voice from outside the open car window, "Why?! Why did you leave me 1

Immediately afterwards, the voice changed, and instantly turned into misery and pathos, "I don't think about it either, it's just Brother Lu, we...we have no future."

"How come? Xiaowei, you know that I love you, and you love me too, don't you?"

"But I'm your real sister! Bro! I'm the long-lost sister you've been looking for 1

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Looking at the familiar face not far away, Ji Yuxiao deeply felt that this script must not pass the review.

However, the other party is still immersed in this **** brother-sister relationship, constantly switching roles, playing both the elder brother and the younger sister, sometimes crazy, sometimes miserable, Ji Yuxiao lowered the window again unknowingly, with great interest admiring.

Lin Luoqing was very involved in acting, and he even divided into three different performance forms in one scene.

It's just that Ji Yuxiao became sleepier the more he watched, and his eyelids became heavier. He looked at Lin Luoqing who was not far away, who was switching roles as if cutting watermelons, slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep leaning on the car seat.

When Ji Yuxiao opened his eyes again, an hour had passed, the driver woke him up and asked him, "Master, do you want to get off?"

Ji Yuxiao sat on the back seat in a daze, and after a while, he said, "Did I just fall asleep?"

The driver nodded, "Yes, master."

Ji Yuxiao was silent for a long time, he silently raised his eyelashes, and looked towards the place where Lin Luoqing was standing not far away.

He actually fell asleep?

It's really rare, since that accident, he hasn't fallen asleep again.

He went to a doctor and a psychiatrist, but nothing worked. Every day, no matter how tired and sleepy he was, he couldn't fall asleep.

He seemed to be trapped in that accident, at the moment when his brother and sister-in-law died, but just now, he fell asleep.

This is really amazing, so amazing that it is a bit rare.

At this moment, Ji Yuxiao felt that everything else didn't matter, what was Lin Luoqing doing? Is there anyone else behind him? It doesn't matter what purpose he has.

If he can make himself fall asleep peacefully, then he can not care about the others so much.

People can do more things only when they are alive, and it is impossible for a person who cannot sleep normally for a long time to live healthy.

He still has a lot of things to do, and Ji Leyu has to take care of him, so he doesn't plan to leave so early.

Thinking so, Ji Yuxiao found Lin Luoqing's cell phone number and sent him a text message.

[Congratulations, you can see me tomorrow. 】

Lin Luoqing had just finished going to the bathroom when she saw such a text message and couldn't help but shook her head, tsk, man, your name is Zi Lian!

Look at you proudly, as if it were my honor to meet you.

However, he quickly put on an excited look and replied: 【Really? Great, I'm so happy?

【Then you have more fun. ] Ji Yuxiao quickly replied with a new message.

Lin Luoqing: [For example? 】

【For example, I am willing to fulfill your wish and give you a chance to make your dream come true. I promise to marry you. 】

Lin Luoqing was overjoyed, and quickly sent him several kisses with facial expressions, directly added his WeChat, and said excitedly: [Brother, you are so kind, I knew I didn't love the wrong person [kiss][kiss] [kiss]]

Ji Yuxiao: ...

Looking at his enthusiastic response, Ji Yuxiao felt that he had superb acting skills and excellent professional ability. At this time, he did not forget his secret love character. He was really an excellent actor, and his salary was not in vain!

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