MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 272 Fanwaiqi finalizes the love drama (comment a lot)...

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Extra Seven:

[That is, when I went to the playground today, when I was playing the torrent, there were two super handsome little brothers sitting next to me. The little brother next to me looked very similar to Qingqing, and I told him that he was very similar to Lin Luoqing, He said that it was the first time someone said that he looked like a star, he was very happy and thanked me. 】 The student replied.

[Fuck! This can't be really clear, can it? ! This playground where the sisters also go? 】

【Um. 】The more I thought about it, the more I thought it was possible,【And when I was playing, the two of them had already played once. I asked them how they could keep playing and whether they had a VIP. He said he didn’t but his friend had a super VIP. Now it seems His friend is Mr. Ji. As Mr. Ji, it is indeed possible to have one. 】

【"Hold"! Is it really Qingqing? 】

[It must be Qingqing, it's another playground, it's the same two men together, and it's a super VIP, you can't bump into so much! 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooery 】

【Focus on it, friends! Did you see, if this is Lin Luoqing, Lin Luoqing has already said that they are friends, just friends! 】

【Ah this...】

[Oh my god, come out soon, the blogger, is he really talking about friends? 】

[It's a friend. 】Sheng replied,【But I said later that they are both handsome and compatible, and my little brother thanked me very much~ I was so happy with the naked eye, my eyes were curled up, super cute! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

【Did you hear that? A friend is just a polite way of saying, the real one is actually a boyfriend, otherwise you won't be happy to hear others say that they are a good match! Could this **** be a couple? ! 】

【Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow 】

[Hahaha is Qingqing so cute? Others would be happy if they matched him. 】

[We Qingqing are so cute! 】

[Blogger talk more, talk more! 】

Sheng thought for a while and replied: [Actually, there is nothing more to say, but Qingqing is very obedient, sweet and cute. I went alone. I talked to him after getting on the boat, and he didn't ignore me. Instead, he answered every question with a very good temper, with a very gentle tone, and would even say thank you to me. He is super nice. Hahahaha and Qingqing is the same as me, he can yell when playing torrents, and when I'm ready to leave after playing, he also said goodbye to me, wishing me a good time, he is really a good man. 】

[I'm so envious, I also seem to meet Qingqing by chance, woo woo woo. 】

[What kind of sweet bean is this, how can someone be so gentle, no wonder so many people in the circle like him. 】

[The blogger is so happy, didn't the blogger take pictures of the two of them? 】

【No la. 】Student replied: 【Rapid Water is a water sport, so I didn't take out my phone all the time. Later, I found that the two of them were wearing masks in their ponchos and hats, so I didn't have the intention to take pictures of them. 】

【"Fuck", you're still wearing a mask! It must be clear! 】

[The former Jiugongge blogger also said that after the two of them ate ice cream and drank water sweetly, they took new masks and left. 】

[One more thing is right, I unilaterally declare that the blogger met today must be Qingqing! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Idol drama stills are nothing more than that! 】

[Where is where? I'm going! 】

[Ah, ah, there is another kissing picture, my God, this is too sweet! 】

[Chinese New Year is Chinese New Year! Exciting CP fans celebrate the Chinese New Year today! 】

[Hahahaha, as expected, as long as you get the cp right, Valentine's Day will be celebrated every day! 】

[I hope they can go out to play every holiday in the future! 】

[Yes. 】

The blogger who posted the picture of Lin Luoqing and Jiyu Xiaoyue kissing under the moon is a simple little brother who doesn't follow stars and only likes photography.

He went to the playground today just to shoot the theme of Qixi Festival, so he took a lot of couples in the playground.

Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao were also photographed accidentally.

At that time, he was leaving to get ready for his home, and he took some pictures of the night scenes of the playground, that is, when he was taking pictures of the night scenes, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao came into the picture by accident.

A handsome young boy stood by the tree, behind him was a huge ferris wheel with flashing lights, he looked at his lover on his back, his lover turned his head playfully and kissed him.

In fact, he couldn't see the faces and expressions of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao clearly, but he just felt that the atmosphere they presented was very beautiful, and their friendship seemed to shroud them along the moonlight.

It was the photographer who took this picture, and when he was at home, he picked it up and posted it on Weibo along with eight other couples he had taken, and named it Qixi Encounter.

After a while, this group of pictures was forwarded, and sharp-eyed cp fans saw them and immediately recognized them.

[The picture in the middle is so difficult, isn't it Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao? 】

[This is also recognizable, the face is almost invisible. 】

[Familiar fans can recognize them from their backs, and their clothes are one black and one white, especially the black one, where you can see part of the print, which is the couple outfit Ji Yuxiao is wearing today. 】

[Fuck, it really is! 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[So sweet, so sweet, this couple is really sweet! 】

[Day to night, kisses under the sun to kisses under the moonlight, the love period is nothing more than this! 】

[Sure enough, the official announcement is for a better relationship, woo woo, mom, the cp I ate is too sweet! 】

[This photo is so beautiful, I can feel the love between the two of them through the photo, it's so beautiful. 】

[Thank you blogger, blogger is a good person. 】

[Hahaha I really feel that cp fans are celebrating the new year. The candy here has not been eaten yet, and there is new candy over there. Every candy is different. It's really cool! 】

[Wooooow, I wish I could have this kind of candy every day. 】

【Who said no? So have you seen it? Go and invite them both! Hurry up! 】

[Yes! 】

It didn't take long for Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao to be popularly searched by fans and bloggers they met by chance.

The Weibo square is full of sweets, what is a good-looking couple, this is a good-looking couple!

It's obviously not an idol drama, but every picture is like a still from an idol drama, it's so eye-catching.

Lin Luoqing watched, a little dumbfounded. Fortunately, he always felt that he was too small to be secretly photographed, but he was secretly photographed by two people one after another. Fortunately, he came early, otherwise he might not be able to come now.

He leaned on Ji Yuxiao, saying it was dangerous.

Ji Yuxiao also felt that it was too risky, and he had to be more cautious next time, otherwise it would be too easy to be recognized by fans.

"Do you still want to record variety shows?" Lin Luoqing looked up at him, "Wu Yuan asked me just now, we are now public, do you want to be on a variety show? He said that there are many variety shows and he is now contacting him."

"Ah." Ji Yuxiao didn't hesitate at all.

After recording him, he can still express himself well, and Lin Luoqing's pure fans can be more secure, and maybe he can attract some more CP fans.

"Want to record it?" Ji Yuxiao asked.

In fact, Lin Luoqing didn't have any choice whether he wanted to record or not. His job was acting. Variety shows were optional in his opinion. Since Ji Yuxiao wanted to record, he could do it too. Anyway, he just happened to have a schedule.

"Let's record it then. It just so happens that I haven't taken any dramas recently, so I have time."


Ji Yuxiao agreed, and Lin Luoqing replied to Wu Yuan, saying that he could try.

Wu Yuan quickly sent the compressed package he had sorted out to his mailbox, "Then you can choose slowly."

Lin Luoqing opened the mailbox, downloaded the compressed package, and saw folders one after another in it, densely packed, and arranged in a series.

Are there so many romances in the market now?

Good guy, let's play the 101 draft here!

"so much?!"

"Did you think the eight I mentioned were just for fun?" Wu Yuan sighed, "I have already filtered out the unreliable, low-profile, and uninteresting ones, and the remaining eight are recordings. The time is different, the focus is different, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. I have already ordered the shots according to the degree of recommendation, so choose carefully."

Lin Luoqing was curious about each point. Sure enough, as Wu Yuan said, the recording times were different, the emphasis was different, and the types were also seriously different.

There is a simple type of going to the countryside, a luxurious domestic and foreign travel type, a romantic and dynamic type, and a few-party combat type that is more suitable for competitions and confrontations. There are also several kinds of hybrids, which strive to learn from others' strong points.

Really roll up roll up and see who wins.

Wu Yuan had already summed up the pros and cons and word-of-mouth for him, and Lin Luoqing did some research on his own, and finally decided on a program called "Let's Fall in Love Together".

Relatively speaking, Wu Yuan is also more inclined to this program, the reason is very simple, the most famous, give the most, and he is very sincere.

"Then go talk to him." Lin Luoqing said, "Remember to tell the program crew that bad editing is not allowed."

"Let's go, he promised me a long time ago, and when the director of the program group contacted me before, he said that he watched the two live broadcasts with Mr. Ji and thought the effect was very good, so he planned to adopt the "Bright Sunday" as well. If we use a combination of live broadcasting, recording and broadcasting, it is even more impossible to cut badly."

"." Lin Luoqing calmed down a little.

"Then I'll go talk to them."


It didn't take long for a marketing account on Weibo to break the news: [A certain romance series is going to explode this year, and the hottest couple CP has been invited, and the sponsors have begun to invest more. 】

Someone in the forum also broke the news: [The second half of the year is quite popular, but the king of the drama has almost been born. After all, the hottest couple CP has been invited, and the popularity will definitely be overwhelming. 】

Netizens asked curiously: [Which romance show? And who is the hottest couple cp recently? 】

[I don't know about love, but if it's a couple cp, isn't the hottest couple recently, Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao? 】

[? ? ? Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao! This is impossible! Lin Luo has been on a variety show for so long since his debut. He obviously doesn't like variety shows very much. 】

【I also think it shouldn't be the two of them. 】

[But isn't the hottest couple cp recently the two of them? 】

[Could it be someone else? Didn’t there be two other couples announced recently? 】

[Can you talk about "the most"? Don't know what "most" means? 】

[It doesn't necessarily have to be the latest official announcement. It is also possible that the previous official announcement is also very popular recently. 】

[But isn't the most popular thing recently? After all, is there anyone more popular than them recently? 】

Netizen: ...This is really not the case!

[I think it might really be Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao. When they appeared on "Bright Sunday" before, the response was very good, and Lin Luoqing played it very well. I had a date on Qixi Festival, maybe this time it was a love affair at public expense. 】

[I also think it's possible. When recording "Bright Sunday", Ji Yuxiao kept rubbing candy secretly. Now that it's officially announced, he must want to give candy openly. 】

[Although, Ji Yuxiao is also called Dark Rubbing Candy? ? ? ? He is obviously very aboveboard [cover face]]

[Hahahahahahahaha, anyway, if it's the two of them, then I'll watch it, I'm really looking forward to the two of them going to the show! 】

[Me too, please, it must be the two of them! 】

[No matter which romance, as long as they are invited, I will be a loyal VIP! 】

[Yes. 】

Within two days, a new marketing account sent out new news: [Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao are about to record the latest season of "Let's Fall in Love Together". 】

Everyone: [! 】

【I do not believe! Unless let me see it now! 】

[Is "Let's Fall in Love Together" so awesome? He actually invited Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao directly. 】

【"Hold"! So the pair of CP that broke the news before is really exciting, my God, is my wish finally coming true? 】

[I have already sent a private message to "Let's Fall in Love Together", whether it is true or not, I hope it will become true in the end_]

[Very well, I will also send a private message right now. 】

[What about other romances? Roll it up! Don't you want the heat? 】

Other romances: ...Thank you for the invitation, I really want it, but they didn't agree, eh.

The director of the "Let's Fall in Love Together" program group is sending a thank you WeChat to Wu Yuan, once again assuring that the program group is full of respect and love for the two teachers Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao, and will never make bad cuts. Not only that, but also try their best to dig They're more flashy.

After all, that's Ji's Group, they don't want the weather to be cold, don't fall in love together, let's go bankrupt together.

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