MTL - I am the Father of the Villain-Chapter 275 Extra ten sweets eating sugar + confession (a lot of bullet screens)...

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Extra Ten:

However, at this time, the staff of the program team made a voice call and stopped him, "Don't say this, Mr. Lin, I will also ask questions when the program is recorded, so don't say this, let's keep it for the show."

Lin Luoqing heard this, so she had no choice but to tell the netizens about it.

The netizen burst into tears instantly in the barrage: [Why is it still like this, now we have to wait again! 】

[Program group, you are so appetizing! ! You are so good! 】

【"Fuck", now I have to watch the show, as expected of your show team! 】

[I'm angry, the program team, I advise you to release it as soon as possible! 】

【At once! Don't "force" me to kneel down and beg you! 】

"It's okay," Ji Yuxiao reassured him, "Anyway, the recording will start soon, it will only take two days."

Lin Luo nodded, "Yes, so you will know soon."

【Grass, Qingqing, I'm curious about your sweet smile! 】

[Hahaha Qingqing must have done a lot of romantic things by saying so. 】

[Blind guessing is sure that Mr. Ji is chasing Qingqing, am I right? 】

[I also guess that Mr. Ji is chasing Qingqing, Mr. Ji, please tell me, please tell me this? ! 】

"Indeed I chased him." Ji Yuxiao said with a smile, "You guessed pretty well."

[Hahahaha, I can tell by the attitude of the two of you. 】

【Yes, if Qingqing is chasing after him, Qingqing should be shy or something, but he is not shy at all, and he still smiles so sweetly, then you must be the one chasing him. 】

[And I feel that Mr. Ji, you are very active towards Qingqing [cover your face]]

【Yes, for a long time, Mr. Ji took the initiative to forget that he was still a boss. 】

[How did you chase it? How did you catch up? I want to hear the details. 】

"Is this still chasing like this? Of course I hit a straight ball directly." Ji Yuxiao replied.

[How to hit the straight ball? 】

[Straight ball, worthy of you! 】

[I said I need details, details, details, I want to listen to details! 】

[Just, when did you start chasing and when did you catch up? I'm so curious! 】

【Come on, Mr. Ji, I think you look like you really want to say it, so why bother yourself [狗头]]

[That's right, everyone is on their own, so there's no need to be so extravagant. 】

[Hold your face and listen obediently. 】

Ji Yuxiao watched, and was about to talk to him, when Lin Luoqing said helplessly: "This program group has said it, but it won't say it."


[What do you say? 】

[Don't say this at all, the program team, I'm angry again! 】

[Good guy, the program team, you are too appetizing. 】

[It's too picky, don't say this, don't say that, the program team, you treat me like an outsider too much! 】

[Understood, this kind of public concern must be included in the program, so I will listen to it when the program is broadcast. 】

[Qingqing, you are too obedient, you don't say anything if the program team says it, you are too cooperative. 】

[No wonder the cooperators boast that Qingqing is not only good at business, but also has a good attitude, which is simply responsive. 】

[Then Qingqing, when are you going to get married? 】

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ?

No, it's too early for you to start caring about this issue!

Lin Luoqing stood up, "I'll go get a glass of water."

Watching him stand up and walk out of the camera, Ji Yuxiao couldn't help laughing.

Netizens also laughed and said: [Why did Qingqing just leave? Are you shy? 】

[Hahahaha, he was not shy when his face was yellow just now, but now he is shy, and he is pure and innocent. 】

[My cub won't be in first love! ! Oh, it's too sweet! 】

[My God, such a pure love is very likely to be first love! 】

[If it's first love, then this will double the sweetness! 】

[Wooooow, so cute, so cute, so cute, today is also a day of envying Mr. Ji. 】

[So Mr. Ji, have you thought about when you will get married? 】

【Ah, Mr. Ji, I don't believe you have no idea. 】

Of course Ji Yuxiao had an idea, but he didn't want to share it with the netizens in front of him, so he smiled and said, "Keep it secret~"

[Keep secret, Mr. Ji, you treat me too much as an outsider! 】

【Yes, I can't wait for you to marry Qing Qingyuan! You tell me to keep it a secret! 】

[Mr. Ji, come on, propose early, get engaged early, and embrace the beauty early. 】

[Ji Shao and Lin Meiren did not get engaged successfully, Mr. Ji, you must succeed. 】

[That's right, Boss Ji rushed to the duck! 】

Looking at the barrage of emotions, Ji Yuxiao couldn't help laughing, feeling that he had a lot to worry about.

Lin Luoqing took a glass of water for himself, and also a glass for Ji Yuxiao along the way, before slowly sitting back in his seat.

He looked at the speech on the bullet screen, good guy, this has reached the stage of urging marriage, he is worthy of it.

He was watching, but he was suddenly amused by a bullet screen. The water instantly choked his throat, and he coughed uncontrollably.

Ji Yuxiao turned around and patted his back, "Why are you still choking?"

He said, took out a piece of paper, wiped his mouth for him, Lin Luoqing took it, held it in his hand, coughed for a long time, and finally stopped.

Seeing that his face was flushed from coughing, Ji Yuxiao raised his hand to touch his head, and asked him, "Do you want me to bring you some hot water."

"No need." Lin Luoqing refused, "I'm fine, I just didn't pay attention and choked on it."

Only then did Ji Yuxiao put his hand on his head, and only scratched his face lightly when he retracted it.

Lin Luo was used to his intimacy early in the morning, so he didn't care, and took another sip of water.

The CP fan who was watching the live broadcast couldn't help shouting excitedly: [Ahhhhh, slapping the back, touching the head to kill, and shaving the face, so sweet, so sweet, are you always this sweet when you're together? I am so moved! 】

【Keep it well, keep it going, don’t stop. 】

[Yes, just pretend that I don't exist, you two continue! 】

[Come here, quickly bring me my insulin, I ate too much sugar today! 】

【Hehehe, I won't say anything, I'll just quietly watch you send candy. 】

[Wow, woof, woof, kswl, kswl. 】

[This series of actions is too natural and smooth, I feel that Mr. Ji has done it thousands of times. 】

【Qingqing showed no surprise the whole time, but she got used to it. 】

[Mr. Ji, your good meeting! Why are you so teasing! 】

[And I feel so sullen, it's too suicidal! 】

[You deserve to have a boyfriend, Mr. Ji, it's too unreasonable for you to have no boyfriend anymore! 】

[Thank you, my hypoglycemia has been cured, thank you Mr. Ji. 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh 】

[Thinking about it is very sweet, tears of envy flowed from his mouth again. 】

["Let's Fall in Love Together" I order you to broadcast it now! Now! 】

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing looked at the time silently, it was very good, not only "Let's Fall in Love Together" could not be broadcast now, but also his and Ji Yuxiao's live broadcast was almost up.

"It's the last minute. Let's make an advertisement for "Let's Fall in Love". Everyone is welcome to open the seal video the day after tomorrow and watch the exciting content. All the romantic couples you want will be in "Let's Fall in Love", the day after tomorrow~" Lin Luoqing smiled and blinked I rolled my eyes.

The bullet screen was shocked and said: [Why is this over, I don't agree! ! 】

[Qingqing, don't go, let's talk again! 】

【K is so sweet, so clear and beautiful. 】

[People kiss on the spot in several live broadcasts, why don't you kiss, kiss, give me a kiss on the head. 】

[I am willing to renew, I will chat for another half an hour! 】

[Yes, I can rush, money is not a problem. 】

"It's better to take your money well." Lin Luoqing said with a smile, "The day after tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he went to turn off the computer's live broadcast.

The fans wailed instantly, Ji Yuxiao waved at him, and Lin Luoqing had already closed the live broadcast room and quit the seal video.

Ji Yuxiao put his arms around him, "It's finally over."

He leaned over and kissed Lin Luoqing's face, "Your pure fan was here just now, I was too embarrassed to kiss you in front of her, for fear that those little sisters would be sad, but now it's finally okay."

After speaking, I kissed again.

Lin Luoqing: ...

Lin Luoqing silently covered her face.

Ji Yuxiao was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Lin Luoqing picked up the phone, and it showed that he and the staff of the "Let's Fall in Love Together" program team were still in the stage of voice communication.

Ji Yuxiao: This...

"I'll hang up first." Lin Luoqing said to the staff over there.

The staff caught off guard and ate a mouthful of candy, and quickly said, "Okay, okay, Mr. Lin, you have worked hard."

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

"So Ji Yuxiao was kissing Lin Luoqing just now?" the colleague sitting beside him asked curiously.

"Probably." The staff thought about what happened just now, "It's the first time I know someone will consider the feelings of the other party's fans, and will be afraid that the other party's pure fans will be sad, so they restrain themselves from kissing in front of the fans. , Ji Yuxiao still cares about and likes Lin Luoqing a lot."

"I think so too." Colleagues echoed, "It's fine for most men to feel good on their own, who cares about their significant other. Ji Yuxiao obviously loves the house because he likes Lin Luoqing, and he doesn't want him to lose the fans who have accompanied him all the way. That's why it's like that."

"'Fuck', so sweet! This is simply sweeter than direct kissing!"

"That's true!" The colleague said with emotion.

Before, she only thought that this pair was good-looking, but she didn't expect it to be so sweet. No wonder he has so many CP fans. She thought so, and silently searched the CP fan groups of Lin Luoqing and Ji Yuxiao on the Internet, and quietly added them. go in.

In this way, she can happily eat sugar with everyone in the future, yay!

It took Ji Yuxiao a few seconds to get rid of the fact that he was overheard by others, and he took a sip of water helplessly.

Lin Luoqing looked at his unbelievable expression, and laughed, "Tsk tsk, thanks to Mr. Ji being so thoughtful, he actually showed his secrets in front of others, alas."

Ji Yuxiao turned to look at him, "Who am I for?"

"For me and for me." Lin Luoqing accepted it.

"It's good to know." Ji Yuxiao put down the water glass, "Let's go, let's eat."

Lin Luoqing stood up, but just as he closed his eyes on Ji Yuxiao's face and before he picked up his phone, Ji Yuxiao suddenly attacked him and quickly kissed him on the face.

Lin Luoqing:? ? ?

"It's been exposed anyway, so it's better to follow my heart." Ji Yuxiao said proudly.

Lin Luoqing looked at the smug look on his face, and couldn't help laughing, feeling that he was a little childish like this.

He stretched out his hand and pushed Ji Yuxiao, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, he went out with him and walked to Lin Fei's room.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu were very good. Ji Yuxiao and Lin Luoqing stayed in Lin Fei's bedroom during the half-hour live broadcast and did not disturb him.

Lin Luoqing pushed away and said to him, "It's time to eat."

Lin Fei put down the book, and Ji Leyu also sat up from Lin Fei's bed, put down the tablet in his hand, and asked him, "Dad, are you done?"

"En." Lin Luo nodded.


Ji Leyu got out of bed, put on her slippers, and walked in front of him.

Lin Fei also stood up and went downstairs to have dinner with him.

After dinner, Lin Luoqing remembered the decision he had made before the broadcast started—he wanted to confess to Ji Yuxiao the reason why he wanted to marry him in the first place.

However, it was easy to think, but he still didn't know where to insert this question.

Lin Luoqing thought about it all night, until the two of them were about to fall asleep after taking a shower, but he still hadn't found a suitable topic to insert.

But if it drags on, who knows when it will be dragged on again.

Lin Luoqing sat on the bed, thinking hard about how to speak.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Ji Yuxiao saw that he was not in a hurry to lie down after taking a shower, but was sitting on his back, as if he was thinking about something, and asked concerned, "What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Lin Luoqing slowly raised her eyes to look at him.

Ji Yuxiao's face was as gentle and tolerant as ever, it seemed that he would believe and accept everything he said, and would continue to love him without hesitation.

Ji Yuxiao looked at his eyes and asked doubtfully, "Do you want to tell me?"

"Yes." Lin Luoqing's voice was low.

Now Ji Yuxiao wasn't sleepy anymore, he sat up, put his arms around Lin Luoqing, and asked curiously, "What?"

Lin Luoqing puffed her cheeks and grabbed the bed sheet with her hands.

He was silent for a while, and finally said what he wanted to say, "There is one thing that I haven't told you."


Lin Luoqing turned to look at him, feeling slightly worried.

As far as Lin Fei is concerned, he is still young and his worldview is not yet mature, so he can accept the unscientific thing that he comes from another world.

But Ji Yuxiao is different, he has sufficient scientific cognition and materialism spirit, will he accept such a metaphysical thing?

"What I said is not so easy to accept, it is more fantasy, but you must believe me, I did not lie to you, yes."

Now Ji Yuxiao became curious, "Tell me."

"I'm not from this world."

Ji Yuxiao:? ? ? ?

Ji Yuxiao glanced at him, and suddenly began to turn over her pillow and quilt.

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ?

"What are you doing here?"

"Look for a voice recorder or something."

Lin Luoqing:? ? ? ?

"What are you doing here?" He asked puzzledly.

"Isn't this a temporary task given to you by the program team?" Ji Yuxiao said.

He felt that he had seen through the little trick of the program group. He must have not noticed that Lin Luoqing did not hang up on the voice call before. He kissed him and said that it gave the program group inspiration, so the program group asked Lin Luoqing to temporarily add this one. Tricky material.

Lin Luoqing's thoughtful look just now must be because he didn't know what to do and didn't want to do it, so he showed that look.

Ji Yuxiao stretched out his hand to hold Lin Luoqing's hand, and said affectionately: "Don't worry baby, no matter which world you are from, I only like you."

It doesn't matter if you are a Trisolaran!

How about it, now you can't finish the program material ahead of time, so go to bed? !

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